Page 72 - TheGoldBug1938-39
P. 72
PAGE 1WO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. GOl '- IN RETROSPECT BY"HelU"YHolljes -------_j Louise Jameson's hair was The time has now arrived for the and straight as a new bristle-yes short that Mrs. Stover, the dean of women at time, used to check up on the sir, annual rejuvenation of that irksome whereabouts of the girls every Sun- Official student newspaper of Western Maryland College, published on Thurs- 'remark: "Well, only-more days of she was one homely lookin' creature day, semi-monthl? during October, November, February, March, April, May, ("that's puttin' it mild") her fresh- day. If they weren't in the Lounge school." Everyone caught making or their rooms, they had to account ~:st~ro~tkII:r:I~~~gC~~~;:~~v;~t~f~:~~~rM:;y~a;~~U~~te~rd t~: ::~o~:-~~a~! this comment should be taken out and man year. That was the year Trader for themselves. Said Mrs. Stover matter at the Westminster Post Office, under the Act of March 3, 1879. shot down like dogs. If you respond played fiendish rhythms on hiS'drums. one evening after hearing many such SUBSCRIPTIONPRICE $1.50 A YEAR to this irksome remark No.1, irksome Now Louise has forsaken her "brist- accounts, les" for curls and a crown, while Don remark No. 2 will follow-"\Vell, has put- the drums aside for a micro- "If everyone was in the summer- 1937 Member 1938 what are you guing to do this sum- scope and test tube. Even that bunch house who said she was, they must People do try so hard to he mer?" ~socia!ed CoUeeia!ePress pleasant. of green freshmen who entered West- have been sitting six deep." The best way to deal with irksome ern Maryland in the fall of 1935 are Coeds of the class of '39 had im- r-eady for diplomas. remaz-ks Nos. 1 and 2 is to completely plicit faith in the Ouija board. But EDITORIAL STAFF ignore them. Then the persors will There were thirty-five footballers that didn't always save them from ~~!~ci;,_t:1~i!o;;:::~·· " .... PAUL BURTIS~,~~~NA~~RI~.oM~~~~~, ::~ probably think you are deaf and and there was no "cut" system-back the eagle eye of Miss Shreiner, the lIfana.ging Editor .. . ALVIN NEWTON, '40 dumb and go away to worry his cnmpus was taboo-s-and the arch was assistant dean of women at that time. News Editor. ,_ RUTH MANSBERGER, '41 room-mate. on the Hill. John Holmes Potter The first time Al Dunstan called Sports Editor . . ··············v·· HAROLDSOLOMON,'41 Poetry spoke on snakes, and a fond pet en- for Jane Lankford, Kay Souder, Lou- Asllistant SportlJ Editors .. . RUTH FIELD,'40; ·WILLIA~IROBINSON,'41 III a moment of weakness we twined itself' from about his midsec- ise Jameson, Helen Frey, and Kitty Copy EditO'l"" . ~ ..~~RI:~~~;U:~o:r~~: :!~clipped the following dash of doggerel tion and peered at the class from un- Foltz treked downstairs to peek Assistant Copy Editors.. ~ ..KATHERINEKLlER,'40; KATHERlNEBERRY,'40 from the Forest Park Press: der his shirt-front-"Mountaineer" through the curtains at the new beau. ::.:~ffta~~i~o;o~TEdi·i;;;,:~···· HENRYTRIESLER,'41 "Go to Eathar," she said Edmond didn't gas nearly so much in Who should come along behind them those days; he was too busy gaining but Miss Shreiner. They all ran and ~;a;~;:.Editors .. .. ~~~·.::~IfuE~~~~~~~~E~~~~;~~::::HM~Ct';::: :!~ That her- father was dead, "Counterclockwise", Kay Souder was They were more cautious after that: BUSINESS STAFF And she knew that I knew I so embarrassed because she went to the showers were leaking and Miss Business II1anagC1' . MARY·LOi.iI"S"E·ASBU"RY;--;4i;EJD~tE~r.i~~~~',::6 the wrong table (seating lists there' Shreiner caught them anyway. Circulation Managers .. ~:h:~e a~~~v ht~!~a~ l:~~w were) that she stayed away from col- Les en/ants, Messrs. Brust and what she meant when she said: lege food fora week. Stoner, arc products of their environ- "Go to father." ment. They were comparatively Intercepted Letter "Chunky" Billy Thomas had a quiet lads until that night. On that To the Hermitage, Ford. Thomas, OIeair,· Dickson, night they were summoned to their Dear Sir: Fagan, and Hansen had to steal Editorials The letter which appeared in your sb.: chickens for fraternity initia- door by the raps delivered against it by "Pip" McWilliams, a mere pawn last column does not wony me in the tion. They did and piled in Western Maryland Will least. T didn't even read it. Besides "Chunky's" Ford. But "Chunky" in the hands of three mighty grid- iron magnates: McPherson, Lassahn, it was very silly. stalled it--and . the' birds were i~ef~~YI~;:~O~:~cli~~~o~~th~ec\~~~~~~~~.of the brightest satellite in May I remind you that people who cackling. The others ran around and Reith. And when they opened up in came the flood-thirty gallons of the corner. The pajama-clad have graced ?ur campus with t.h.elrpresen~O!~llfg~hf:~~h~;: ~~~ !~:~e~~ g~:~th~~uss~o~~ou~~:;leth\:~: owner saw Tommy and asked him Western Maryland's finest water roll- fident. of their !earnmg and. ability: perhaps a few will continue to toss waterbags on fellow students. if he had seen anyone thieving ing in upon them from the depths of substitute leaning for learning. I Sincerely, THB WATCHBlRD. chickens. Mr. Thomas replied he a galvanized trash can. Do you won- There· ar~ a lot. of things t,hat might be said to a graduating I P.S. We are sorry that you only had had not. The owner helped him der they have "water on the brain"? class. We might tritely say we re sorry to see you go and we wish 10 cents for a haircut. get the car started downhill and Oh, boy, was Col. Harrison sore about you success in every venture, or we might say it was nice having I Box 151 bade him goodnight. "Chunky" that water! It went all over his of- you. Somebodydidn't like what was said went around the comer and pick- fice-thirty gallons of destruction- But congratulations 'are now in order-and may the Gold Bug in this column about Horace Heidt, ed up the boys. Horner had gone blueprints, filing cards, correspon- be, the first to congratulate those who have successfully completed the leader of those marvelous "Musi- home for that week-end, so they dence-all wet. 111 fact, water sports their four years on the "Hill"-four years of fine associations and cal Knights". And so he wrote a put the chickens in his room were in high favor among most of the local male gentry. worthwhile activity. very interesting letter to the unsus- until Monday. Horner was an- found that out. Dean Miller . ~not.her year has passed and another group is leaving us, tak- pecting Watchbird. ! Quoting from gry on Monday morning. mg WIth ~t parts of W. M. C.... knowledge, friendships, memories, page two: Fleming was the self appointed re- May 29, 1936. This was a yes-takmg parts but leaving in their stead those intangible things "In the first place, why don't you former of McKinstry Hall. He set rare night. A party consisting that ma~e them a worthy part of their Alma Mater forever. ~:~hI~~:a~:r~e;~~u~~~~~~ t~: ::~:~~ out to teach his roommate a lesson of Carl Meyers, George Grief, George Parker, John Holmes Pot- place, brother, you ~ally shouldn't go about card playing. But the roomie ter, AI Ford, "Pip" McWilliams, cleaned him: (But where did Fleming Jim Stoner, and Bill Bryson, with ~l~::~~y,c~~~~:e ~nusi~:n~or~~or:r~~ learn to play cards in the first The Pan-Hellenic Dance- yourself. To illustrate: you seem to place?) You may think that you Bryson driving, started out for Frederick by way of New Wind- held oT}-May 13 was a failure in the opinion of most of the persons recommend Larry Flinton's Deep Put- have seen some funny looking coif- sor. When day dawned they had fures, but did you see the one Joe attendmg. The Gold Bug does not assume the responsibility for pl~ and Kay Kyt'er's Three Little Uvanni bore in '35~ Splotchy and run out of gas twice, plastered a this statement, it is simply recording the almost unanimous opinion Fwhes. These records fait'ly reek ragged was his topknot. Someone filling station with rotten eggs, of those who attended the dance. In reply to further questioning, (stink) of commercialism. No one in and had taken part in a torch- most of these persons blamed the orchestra for the failure of the the know could approve such tripe." told him his ears stuck out too far, light parade about the campus.. so he taped 'em down with three inch dance. Others commented on the decorations, the poor condition ~ 1Ve had heard a rumor that there surgeon's tape and wore a hat in Stoner had to wake up a fafmer of the floor, and the refreshments as contributing to the flop. was one lost ball who liked Little Sir class. with his trumpet before they The success of a dance is usually directly dependent upon the Echo, but this is the first time anyone could get gas to come home. orchestra which furnishes the music. At Western Maryland Col- openly insulted De&p Plt7-ple. Brother, The Hill was really cold in '35. Gosh, "Josh" Bowen couldn't get lege orchestras have rarely descended to the level of this most re- why don't you get psysho-analysed? Snow covered the campus frOm Xmas any sleep that year. (Maybe that's cent band, but at best, they have never been more than mediocre. The letter, which was very good read- to spring vacation. Below zero by~ why he's always catching up now.) Very few persons have previously ever heard of the bands which ing really, discloses the following· tip twenty-two degrees it was one night. ... Charlie Baer roused th~ frosh for swing Week's "P.S. fans: Next for play for Western Maryland dance;;. Other colleges in the state Everybody in McKinstry got back Sunday school each Sabbath day. have sign.ed Glen Miller, Larry Clinton, Kay Kyser, and Artie Hit-The Souse Pot Polka, recorded One morning Charlie was aided by Shaw durmg the past year. The success of these dances has been by Filbert Twitch and his Rhythm fifty-cents on his room deposit that s~veral whom he had already awoken., widely acclaimed. Drips." Dog House year. Blll East was a particularly lazy Public opinion at Western Maryland College is .demanding a Uncle 1ValteJ~8 Dog House, radio For his fraternity initiation specimen that morning until they new deal in dance bands. Several proposals have already been program appearing on Tuesday threw his bed out'n the window. heard on the campus by which bigger and better dances can be nights, is going to give a special pro- Joe Drugash had to keep the Carolyn Timmons and Carolyn held at least three times a year. The Gold Bug is not officially gram for college students next Tues- campus in darkness four nights. Pickett had incessant arguments. Sel- sponsoring any of these plans. It is merely giving an opportunity day evening, May 30. The program He was dashing all over the cam- dom did a day pass that one of them for constructive suggestions to be made. promises to give directions for both pus throwing switches off as fast didn't lock out the other. And re- It has been suggested that each student be assessed the sum getting in and gettillg out of the Dog as the night watchman would member the night Winnie Harwood of five dollars for an annual dance fee. This would provide a House. Since Tuesday will be the turn them on. He wasn't suc- got stuck under the bed at the spread fund of more than twenty-five hundred dollars, which would be di- first day that many Western Mary_ cessful until the last night and for Ginny Spates? And when Anne vided three ways for the three formal dances of the year. This landers will spend in the family man- and Mary Oleair locked Miss Shriner amount of money, plus the gate receipts, would enable the signing sion, some advice on this particular only then with the aid of his in the closet? When the laundry was of much better orchestras and the presentation of superior dances. subject might prove 'beneficial. henchman. They succeeded by in Owings Rail basement, the Ter- OFF THE IJ.!\MPUS removing all bulbs. rors beat the Terps, 12-0, and the soc- Matrimony cer team was state champion? Only 18. students out of the one Buck Barkdoll went after some Tell The Students How- thousand enrolled at Omaha Univer- CALENDAR brethren's laundry one Wednesday. sity signed up for the University's good they are; nobody likes to have his errors flaunted before new course in marriage. The course On the way back he tried to play ball him. Print stings if it gets too close to the skin. More than that, costs two dollars. For two dollars yon May with the bundle and dropped every- people will keep on reading the paper if they find articles about can buy a marriage licellse and learll 25-Senior Dinner at Dr. Hollo- thing into a mud puddle. themselves in it. Who is an editorial writer to judge the actions by experience. Fo)·dham Ram. way's. of his fellowmen with columns of words? Why doesn't an editor- After a survey of 200 campuses, it 26---Home Economics Fashion Does anyone remember these ialist write nice things about the students? If he wants to com- was found that $371,616 have been Show, 4;00, McDaniel words spoken by two male pass- plain or be critical why doesn't ·he comment about some of the spent by college men and women on Lounge. ers-by? things around the school that need improvement? phonograph recordings since the open- 27-Senior Farewell and Lan- 1st: "Did yoU get a date?" . The Gold Bug would like to adopt an editorial policy of the ing of the school year. tern Chain. 2nd: "No, I'm gonna Lux my type suggested above. "Seek and ye shall find" proves to be true Horses June undies!" again. If editorialists want to criticize their fellows and their sur- Just a little advice: man is born, roundings, there is unlimited material from many sources for them. grows up, kicks the bucket, is buried, I-Dress rehearsal for Senior And remember that crush Charles Likewise, if they wish to give everyone a pat on the back, there is turns to dust. Grass grows from play, Alumni Hall. Wallace had on Mary Clemson, and ample fodder to be found. A college paper's first duty is to serve dust, horses eat grass. MORAL-- 2-Colilmencement Play, 8 :00 Mary with a date waiting list. Never kick a horse; ~'ou might injure second duty is to present to the college community constructive I a relative. CoU6ge QlWdro..ngle. 3-Alumni Day. he went there every week_end. (It's P. M., Alumni Hall. the college community with a well written chronicle of the impor- "Death" Dooley liked home so well It's tant and interesting events connected with the community. -Ma.nhattan comment on problems of interest to those people for whom the AN ESSAY 4-Baccalaureate Service, 10:30 n different reason now, named Bel- A. M., Alumni Rail. paper is designed. Seek truth and you will find truth. Whether Apple Polishing 5-Commencement, 10:30 A. va). Schaeffer was general stooge this truth be complimentary or derogatory, regardless of the writ- "Apple polishing is an important M., Alumni Hall. for upperclassmen, but he stuck to his {lr,it must be printed if the paper is to serve, I (Cont. on Page 4, Col. 2) books.
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