Page 68 - TheGoldBug1938-39
P. 68
PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. co UG I From the By Hank ' ILetter to the Editor i Th. WATCHBIRD HERMITAGE I would like to say a ,.w thing' By Alvin Newton about chapel conduct. The conduct of chapel services is disgraceful. There's a lot to be said. the students at the Sunday evening Spring is a season that usually Even "Let's go walk backcampus in our ~~u~~~s O~~m!~':;: ~~ssse~':;:~hJ:;creeps up on an unsuspecting world. Official student newspaper of Western Maryland College, published on Thurs- however, when some stu- ~:~;.ye~~li!fS~~~~d:Onj;~Pt;;e:~;~~ day, semi-monthly during October, November, February, March, April, May, ~\~:::e:!ra~:e~~; ~:es~:·~.s~,~v~:.;~~~:~ important; and monthly during September, December, and January, by the students of d Western Maryland College, Westminster, Maryland. Entered as second-class said. And so, dear reader, the little ~:;t~h:O~S;:~:~!IYa~~I~e~:o;a~~:/~~~ f~~;~'w!r: l':~~n~lh~!acl~~~i~e:~~: matter at the Westminster Post Office, under the Act of March 3, 1879. seniors with light hearts, a towel, and hibit bad manners and lack of self- alreadj .. appeared on college campuses SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $1.50 A YEAR ~ box of lilac talcum powder traipeied control. The conduct of the students and in another month the rest of ctv- r.~a~;~ang;~eenC:l~~~s°c:~;u~es~re:: in chapel is conduct unbefitting col- ilization will catch up. ~s7oc'''''ed~''''e.:_'e~e's's theytook off their "shcesies" and leg;o~l~~a~;d n~:~~:~~ of the congre- Th, Term Pap" ~ lUl' \JJIl OCUI f""l' "stockiea" and flitted about upon the green. ~~t!~n:h~i~l:y~~; ~o:~~ P:~~d~o~:': Here is a supposedly true incident EDITORIAL STAFF Sh~ph:i~:naa;~;n~ou~~ee~;:~~~a~:ev~~~ making. Do they realize that the now going the rounds of college cir- Edito)"-in-Chief . V K '40 prelude is a vital part of the worship I des: A certain college lad was as- Associate Editcrrs . ..... ····::··::::·::·p~t;~·BuRrIs, .~~~Nh~~RYO~~~~::s','41 !~t~:r t:::lis~ed tho~ere~~~:~:te~ve~~ program? It should be a preparation signed to hand in a term paper on a Managing Editor News Editor ·························:iiii~L~\:N~:~~~~~: :!~make the enrollee do the work, every- ~~;.~:sr:s:t o~I:~e tS;:;V!::'I:;d~e;::~~: ~:r~~~:y~~te·Be~::i~u:;~1 ,~;a!;:;li~; Sports Editor . Assi8tant Sporte Edil,on ···········RUTHFIELD,'40;~~~~A~O~~i.~: :!~~~:;::~~:~~~h:e!:~e:t~~~!;~\~: own benefit. His rendition requires ( in social engagements, dates, social Copy Editor ~: ..~~~~~sNu21?~~~: :!~duce better equipped graduates. ~~i::t~~/~a:I~:~~ t;eh~~a;:~; :~e :~~ ~;!a~::ne;t:h:~dh:a!~~, ~:; ~:: ~~l~ ~:~~tE~if::~..~.~~~.~.J ..~ ..........•.•••.. KA~~.~~.~~.~.~.~.~~~,..:.~~.:..K~~~~~I~R~~~~:: :!~~:t:~~:::h~: :~~e~e~;n::e:o :padw~~~ prelude not only exhibit bad manners, time necessary to complete the paper. ~:!~S;:;LtE~i~~~Editors... . : ~Eo';~r;:~~;~~:E~"~t~;s~;~~~ ~~~~~~: ;1~ S~~'ll ::~leine:V~~b~~d:~~~~~:s ~:: s:~~c:liSS an enjoyable part ~f ~~hi~;:illf:I~::d bet:a:~I~~:~~toam;;:~~ Typists .· p~~;I~7AE&~~~~',~~~;L~~:::~kr~c~~~~: :!~in competing on ; course for cours~ I Ano~h:r breac~ of "chape~ etI- fr~m a fra~ .brother. (This will be BUSINESS STAFF bal~is with the large universities and 1 ~:t!~u~:n~~e,!~:~:n~:ns~::~~h~~gb~~ ~~~~:,~:!a:I~I~~;ne:~~ ~:~e~r:~!u:~ Business Manager EDWARD\VEANT,'41 co eges.. I ing given. Even though it does not ly received a grade of B. When his Circulation Managers MARYLOUISEASBURY,'41; JAMESl\IERRITT,'40 BrIng 'Em Back With Jh'e interest him, a student should have paper was returned to him, surpris- R Ca.rro\l .Cook an~ his guitar, togeth- enough courtesy and self-discipline to ingly it was graded A. The professor epli~:~: ~~~l~~~v~~O~h,J:~t~ei~~ ~~~~onno~k~e,l~~,;'t{~le~at~vii\~~ll,i:t ';~j er With VIC Impecmto are leading the keep quiet during the sermon. Those had attached the following notation: Katherine Berry, '40. present popular return of the tradi- who are noisy in chapel are discour- "I always felt that this paper was ti.onal ten o'clock serenade. Carnegie teous not only to the speaker, but also worth an A when I wrote it ten years Tech's te~nis ~quad J:nt a pleasant ri- to the members of the congregation ago." E - D - I _T _0 _ R_ I _A _ L _S valrous aIr. WIth theIr pep songs last who might want to listen to the ser- Laughter of the chapel services Many mono mght. The songs rendered Saturday ~sI:~:S\:f ~heC a~~;rSn:nd~:~~n; f~: ~~~e~:Iv~~;fUI to those who wllllIstcn He who laughs {(Hit 1$ twually th-e fimshed halmony of the Revele1s, but Since the students hele must go to dum/:lest ThIS remalk IS printed for they wele sung WIth the SpUIt that chapel they should endeavor to get the consumpbon of those IndIVIduals Last Year thIS old HIll needs the most out of the servIce If they who adorn every classroom and are Semol tables aren't as successful as d d I chalacteflzed by always laughing af- Under the dIrectIOn of the faculty actIVItIes commIttee, a stu- they should be After four years n~e etelmme :ot to:a~ attentIOn to tel the class has fimshed Its quota of tIOns and to control 01 mfluence to some extent mdIvldual student I low bemgs at a coed college-prefel I ~e:p ~~:tce, t ey s ou d, at least, laughter Such a belated guffaw IS college dent group mtroduced. a number of regulatIOns to faCIlitate elec- I these men and women-fel~ structOl With the keen sense of humor partIcIpatIOn These regulations were adopted by the faculty to coagulate by sexes at dInner S,) Respectfully yours, usually mtended to Impress the In- committee and set up as reqUirements for all electIons. there are the Too bad they won't. beI HARPERLE COMPTE possessed by the student ThIS meth- "batch" present and At this tIme of the year, the greatest number of elections arc "hen" tables. ~:ssI:r e~l~cI:~~ ~!:Cb::dl\the pro- held. Several have already taken place-and have taken place in here at summer school; lemons bflng d d f IIJ th' re:eiv~~~om~ such a manner as to prove the worth of the above mentioned plan. a good. price th:n. . ;re~ e f ~r a l ose ~e~~~~i~fo'n~xpediency,and honesty have been achieved and merit sp;~ht:f f;:"~::J~~·tJ:~r~~~~ :;~ REFLECTIONS a e 0 or ess. finer sense, /:Iut the He1'mitage Swing This brings to mind a question of whether or not there is ex- couldn't resi8t swiping it from the by Lilyan Bennett This week the swing department isting a changing attitude on the part of the student body as a Watchbird.) uI calls attention to Artie Shaw's Or- whole-an attitude governed by a sense of cooperation, responsi- McDonogh School, May 8, 1939. College Is A Marvelous Place chestra. Those who are accustomed bility, discretion, and discrimination-an attitude demanding the To the Managing Editor of "The We're not overestimating its val- to listening to this particular band best a candidate has to offer. Is merit gradually replacing popu- Gold Brick" ues; we're merely summarizing wOI'ds have been quick to detect the absence larity as a standard for determining the worth of a candidate? Sir: heard, said, and thought. Too many of the clarinet breaks, due to the ilI- In view of the results of recent elections, the manner in which This is the first time i ever wrote of us gad about ,vith our noses down ness of leader Shaw. Several inter- they were conducted, and the lack of influence of so-called "club a "fan" letter, but after simply de- with an occasional smile for our fel- esting substitutions have been made politics", standards of W. M. C. voters seem to be on the up-grade. vouring your clever creative blend of low workers. Subsequently we see to take the place of the missing in- How well the grade will be progressed is yet to be seen, but never- satire and humble, down-to earth phi- the petty gossips, the trite and taw- strument. Last week over the radio theless, credit is given where credit is due. losophy, I felt I just had to congI.·at- dry thoughts that are all too preval- the orchestra played that favorite, urate you. You are so good at jour- ent around us. If that's what gives Softly as in. a Mrtrning Sunris~, with nalistic tripe. us satisfactiol\-alI right---'nuff sair'l, all leads taken by the saxaphone. The I might have swallowed everything, but methinks that perhaps the best piece sounded so good that few were Newcomers are taking the lead- ~~~ny:;ch~in;i:;e !~:~e'~id w;:~~: ~~~:htt~p~~;llaus~:~:;:,b~~dtr::e~tu:~~: ~~::r~oo:t ti~et~~se;;:o:! ~~et~!a~::~ th H'n Th 'd t f th St d Ch" A . t· act negatively to glamour girls and a college, is healthfull'y giving vent of a recent Shaw publication but we on e .1. e preSI e? 0 e u ent rlstian SSOCIaLOn, pretty legs? Since when was your to one's ideas, noticing girls and still await the arrival of a r~cording the pre~Ident of the M:n s League, ~n? all o~ the officers ?f the intellectual level projected beyond a boys-not with an envious stare, but that will equal Begin the Beguine or Women ~ Student GoyeInment ~ssoclatLOn:--wlt~ the ~xceptLOn.of comprehensive study of the geometric with the ability", prosper fTom a Back Bay Shuffle. the preSident-are Without prevIOus experience m theIr respective symmetry of Alice Fay? D 't b _ daily contact with those persons' for . duties. Both Mr. Wilde and Mr. McLaughlin are transfer stu- lieve it. e. on e it's only by accepting-not foolishl Last week, seven, out of eIght per- ?ents and have been on the campus only this year. This situatio.~ Your touching analytical review of battling a situation-that one grow~ :'~~;I"d~;~e!f :::f;;;ree~ iS~ile ~~;:'s ~~e~~~SoUt~hf~~o':~f:;ridoyr~~~a~toffi!~e~~e~o~h~~~~~~~'~~~Yb~t :~ ~.arefree philosop~y of life, as ex- -both mentally a.nd spiritually. At present the popularity of H:i the outcome of the elections of the past several days seems to indi- I ne! I~~e~:s ~ah~~~to~, bga~e t~a th And the as~ocl~tes a\ ~o~lege are I Kemp's recording is increasing. The l di;:ci~dtb;h~~~~ ~1:f~;et~:nd ~~~omfe~on th~.tcampus is. beir g , Few people e:;r re~chJOtheOpOi~v:n:i so~s~oP::;een:r; o;~mselns:no~ ~u!::; ;:~i~' ;~;~o~.~\!~l:~r?ee, Further~ore, wher,eas th:. YO~~: m:n. u'Yh~e;ea~ th~r~.~.~~u:;d ~va::tet::\~UeChd~~:~da:e:e ~f/~~;I ;:~t c:n m~l:c~~~: ::~:ut:en~u~~~ Larr. y Clint~n is appearing at a the Men s League, respectively, are mmIstenal students, the for- I you the advent t. d t th t t1 P t t "~k 'h dance In the Fdth Regiment Armory mer ~ttitude of the men students towards these people seems to ~agel"IY awaitedur:~::I:;nth~~~ ne:' ~s;~:."ca~v:'v:r Oft::I~o~~ce~ ~~ in Baltimore this ..Saturday. All per- contam a broader outlook. edition that h lJed t I tt th th k th h d f 'd sons other than JItterbugs are urged The Gold Bug believes that Western Maryland's student voters market with? e U 0 g u on e flr~ ~:n~c:':ati:n t~:; :r:~s;ire:~PI~'~ ~o a~ten~ in armored cars and cast have done themselves justice at the ballot box. They have placed Your "Boys will be boys" editorial about all those subjects listed in Ufe Iron eggIngs. people in office who are a credit to the college. Several of the stu- reminded me of a middle aged spb- and other magazines,-but it's fun Professors' Bright Sayings dent groups on the Hill are instituting reforms in the constitu- ster lecturing to her pupils on the looking toward the future and talk· tions; this is another sign of the progressive spirit which-long higher, finer things in life. It i.s to ing about the present bec'ause we're Every week countless remarks awaited for-appears to be growing within us. This present day bfJTfJgrettfid that The Gold Brick was i all gathered, and prompted by the worthy of public notice issue from living demands people who have a progressive spirit and people so destitute of material as to be spirit of comradeship and sheer devil- the classroom and receive little or no who can plan projectively; it will be well for us to continue on the forced to publish such hack stuff. ment. Girls and boys---come over the attention. This column suggests that right track. Yeah, I know,) get the damn thing Pan. No one is safe because our pow- n prize be awarded each week for the for nothing. , ers of analysis have been strength- originator of the best quip of the Just a devoted Fan. ened by oral activity. in class and week. Please, sir, would I be too bold if I maybe if our suggestions were regis. asked for your picture? From your te"ed more seriously by our fellow as- This week's orchid 'is awarded to It's a Sure Sign writing I feel, inside, that you have a p;rants-both aged and young, every the professor in Lewis Hall who an- nounced to his class that a girl's um- of spring when shortly after ten o'clock the sweet harmony of old kind face'Three 'I"~ketee" ~~; ~::~~~:e:~r:~::;e:g~oh: ':~~l~l~~~ brella had been found and that if the familiar tunes drifts to eager appreciative ears of fair listeners. .. owner were discovered to "please tell The Hermitage queried these gen- settled constitution. Active partici- Blending of voices, a repertoire of favorite songs, a group tlemen as to what they thought of pation prompted by a goal is not ~~~?~~atI am the Umbrella Man, will who take real delight in perpetuating one of the loveliest of W. M. their new swords. waste of time; it merely shows inter- C.'s traditions,-all render the Terror troubadors worthy of com- OIeair: "I'll defend myself from all est and a realization of the fact that Definitions mendation. , my feminine admirers." we live in a place and naturally de- F Pajama-clad figures fill the windows of Blanche Ward Hall ~aghel~tei~~V"I~y ~word's ~~rty." :::~ ~~~~:t;!:;e~~meb::~lt~y a~?i- Dict:~r:a:v n:;~ ~~:c~:!let~tfeol~~i~; ~nd the porches o~ ~cDan~el as the choristers graduall~ increase do \;i~~a: s~ord?~" w at "\vou you cussion, bull session~tea:he:-::~de~~ definitions: lI1Ifumber and obhgmgly sl·ng the many requests, made III hushed Since Saturday is both May Day relationship, in expressing student Peace: In international affairs, a ca s. I and the thirteenth of the month we're thought despite its having opposition p.eriod of cheating between two pe- .~icking .th7 post-ivy planting---cup cer~n;ony-all coll~ge going to carry an umbrella ... Sh'ip- I by our more powerful colleagues. The nods of fighting-. tradItIons. StIrrmg? Ye_s-but not nearly so thnllmg as th.e str~ms Ie; should grow a beard so that B.lue : Youth of today .and.toJJ.lOrrowshould I Egotist: A person of low taste, .~;i~~: t!l~~lo~a;~ e~:~~~g~~~dbrh~~:a~ale chorus as It slowly :r~~h~ac:.eds will know he's n~~1_~ have ~~:n:~J:n ;:~:r~~I~:'I.~~d con- ::~e interested in himself than in
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