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SCOTT,McLAUGHLIN DR. W. P. KING WILL ELECTED STUDENT DELIVER ADDRESS GOVERNMENT HEADS GOt AT COMMENCEMENT Quarles, Honor Chairman; Reese, Laying Of Cornerstones And Sports Seeratar y ; Shank, Treasurer Program To Feature Alumni Of Women's Division Day, June 3 BARKER IS VICE· PRESIDENT Vol. 16, No. 18 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. May II, 1939 BACCALAUREATE SERMON ON Blanche Scott and Edward Me- ~;;~~~;;~;;;;~;;:::;;:::::::~~~;:~::~:;;;~~~~~~ SUNDAY Laughlin were elected presidents of Degrees will be conferred upon the Women's and Men's Student Gov- over one hundred members of the ernments respectively, last Monday MAY COURT senior class at the sixty-ninth Com- morning. Miss Scott, who has served mencement, Monday, June 5, at 10:30 for two years on the Women's Stu- S. REESE A. M. Dr. William P. King, a minis- dent Government, succeeds Dorothy Ill. BROWN ter of the Methodist Church and Vroome as president. She is also prominent editor and author, will de- vice-president of the Student Chris- K. COE liver the principal address. tian Association and a member of the K. JaCKEL Commenccmen.t Wee k activities Delta Sigma Kappa sorority. M. YOCUM will begin Friday, June 2, at 8 P. M., Katherine Barker, who was chosen when the Senior College Players pre- as vice-president, is president of the D. HARMAN sent a two-act play, "The Cradle Chemists' Club, a member of the L. JAMESON Song," under the direction of Miss ~i~~~"and a me~ber of the' Dean's II!. McKENNY Esther Smith. "The Cradle Song" is a Spanish Margaret Quarles, the honor chair- G. B. SMITH play by Gregorio and Maria Martine? man, is president of the Sunday J. CAlR.NES Siena and was first produced in Mad- School, secretary of the junior class, rid in 1911. The cast is as follows: and a member of Beta Beta Beta Fra- J. WICLEY Ailene Williams, Sister Joanna of ternity. . S. FEURST the Cross; Gwendolyn Heeman, Ther- Jean Shank, who was elected treas- esa; Mary Clemson, the Prioress; urer, is also treasurer of the Home J. STOVER Kathleen Souder, the Vicaress; Lou- Economics Club, a member of the Art cia Mead, the Mistress of Novices; Club, and a member of Phi Alpha Mu Mary Jane Fogclsanger, Sister Mar- Sorority. cella; Grace MacVean, Sister Maria _ The freshmen representative, Shir- Jesus; Anne Melvin, Sister Sagrario; ley Reese, is a member of the Wo- DR. STRAUGHN VOTED COMPANY C WINS Barbara Ann Fogelsanger, Sister men's Glee Club and the French Club. IN COMPETITION Inez; Dorothy Cohee, Sister Tornera; McLaughlin Presents Platform BISHOP AT CONFERENCE Carolyn Pickett, Sister- Francisca; Edward McLaughlin, who defeated Oleair, Drugash, Waghelstein Award- "Sleeping Beauty" T() Be Given; High Joseph Oleair, the Doctor; Malcolm Malcolm Kullmar and John Carne- President Of Board Of Trustees ed Sabers; Battalion Rated School Senior Girls Guests Kulhnar, Antonio; Frances Stout, the chan for the presidency of the Men's Elected By Methodist Of College Poet; Donald Humphries, a Country- Council, was elected on a platform Protestant Church Excellent that embodied the following basic With thi'statement that the Wes- Dr-. Fred G. Holloway will open the Alumni To Be Entertained points. Thursday, April 29, 1939, in Kan- tern Maryland College unit was one May Day celebration on Saturday, Saturday will be Alumni Day and 1. To strictly enforce the new con- sas City, Missouri, Dr. James Henry of the best ROTC units he had ever May 13, at 3 P. M., with the crowning special activities arc being planned stitution. Straughn was elected one of two bish- of the May Queen, Miss Louise Jame- for the hundreds of alumni who are 2. To strive for the establishment ops by the members of the delcga- seen, Major C. L. Lloyd, from the son of Pomohkey, Md., and the pre- expected. McDaniel Hall lounge will on this campus, as soon as is tion from the Methodist Protestant Third Corps Area Headquarters, on sentation of the May Court of twelve be alumni headquarters and will be practicable, of a workable hen- Church to the Uniting Conference of Tuesday, May 9, concluded his two- girls representing the four classes. open for registration at 9 A, M. The or .system. the Methodist Episcopal, the Metho- day inspection of the unit. Miss Jameson's court will be: Doro- golf course will be open after 11 A. 3. To urge .the establishment of a dist Episcopal Church, South, and the Major Lloyd witnessed demonstra- thy Harman, 'Westminster, senior III. and an alumni tournament wi1i system of house committees to Methodist Protestant Church. Dr. tions of tnachine gun, 37 mm, gun and duchess; Marjorie Mckenny, Center- take place later in the day. Noon will improve dormitory life. John Calvin Broomfield was the other trench mortar drills by the junior ville, and Martha Yocum, Baltimore, find the various clubs and classes 4. To work for the superceding of bishop elected by the conference. On class; heard the seniors in classroom attendants; Grace Brannock Smith, holding reunions and luncheons. the "every-man-for-himself" at- Sunday, April 30, 1939, Dr. Straughn recitations, and watched the sopho- Cambridge, junior duchess; Catherine The sports program tor the after- titude by something more akin and Dr. Broomfield were consecrated mores and frcshmcli'i:1 ..drill and com- Jockel, Wilmingto'l, Del., and Jean noon includes contests between the to the Golden Rule. by the Uniting Conference to the of- bat problem. , Cairnes, Jarrettsville, attendants; varsity team and the alumni in base- inspec- the two-day High-lighting In commenting on the election Mr. \ fice and work of bishops in the tion was the annual competitive drill Kathleen Coe, Brookline, Mass., Soph- ball, tennis, and golf. McLaughlin stated: "I am grateful to Church of God. among three companies, won this year omore duchess; Mary Brown, Seaford, At 2 P. M. the Board of Trustees the men of the student body for the Dr. Straughn is president of the by Company C. Del., and Jeannette Wigley, Millers- will hold their annual meeting. La- (Cont. on Page 4, Col. 3) Board of Trustees of Western Mary- ville, attendants; Shirley Feurst, Pel- ter in the afternoon Dr. and Mrs. land College. He is well known as a Sponsors Presented ham, N. Y., freshman duchess; Jean Fred G. Holloway and Mr. and Mrs. leade'r in the Methodist Protestant As the companies marched on the Stover, Shrewsbury, Pa., and Shirley DEANS OF MEN TO HOLD Church of Maryland and as a leader field, they were formed in front of Reese, 'Watertown, Mass., attendants. (Cont. on Page 4, Col. 4) After the coronation, a play will be the stand where the captains REGIONAL MEETING HERE of churches. national associations was of the' grand various companies presented The play, "The Sleeping Beauty," is a JUNIOR OFFICERS PLAN queen and her court. given for the In 1936, Dr. Straughn of the elected president of the 27th Session their sponsors to their respective fa mil i a r Conference Of Advisors From Middle of the General Conference of the companies. Captain Klare, of Com- modern version of the Aileen Williams FAREWELL FOR SENIORS Grimm's Fairy Tale. pany A, presented Miss Ruth Green- Atlantic ~:!:s !~;harge Of ~:~h;~~S: i:~:;:~a~~ro~~:~'Ch held will be the princess, and Dorothy field; Captain Oleair, of Company B, Dr. Straughn is a graduate of both presented Miss Virginia Smith; Cap- Brown, the Prince. Barbara Ann Po- Play To Be Featured In Program Western Maryland College and the tain Drugash, of Company C, present- gelsanger will enact the part of a very Was Written By Margaret .Deans and advisors of men from practical king, and Katherine Klier Packwood colleges in the Middle Atlantic States Westminster Theological Seminary. ed Miss Isabel McWilliams. Captain that of a very impractical queen. will hold a regional meeting here in He was a member of the class of 1890 Buchman, of the Band, presented Miss Others in the play are: winifred Har- On Saturday, May 27, the Senior McDaniel Lounge on Saturday, May of W. M. C. His daughter, Miss Helen Newman. Miss Mary Clemson Fareweil program will be presented 13. Laut-Iene Straughn, graduated in the was then presented to the entire bat- (Cont. on Page 4, Col. 1) at 3:30 P. M. in Robinson Garden. The group is a part of the Eastern class of 1934. talion by Lioutenant Colonel Alex. The usual procedure of play, imper- Association of College Deans and Ad- Ransone. ArtStudents ToPresent sonations, and the eup ceremony will visors of IIIen, which holds an annual take place, followed after dinner by convention at Atlantic City in Novem- College Choir To Take Sabers Awarded Exhibit Next Friday the ivy planting, lantern chain, and ber and several regional mcetings New York Concert Trip Captain Joseph Drugash was pre- saber a during the year. sented commanding in thc recognition com- of Cl~~o:!~~~:f~g O~o p~n~::tn~nd cla;~eso~fi~'ses Margaret Packwood, hi" winning Frank G. Tankard of Brothers' Col- Group Under Direction Of Mr. deLong pany. The award was made by Major Attractions Margaret Quarles, and Jean Lynn 1ege•. president of the Association, Will Sing At World's Fair McLaughlin. The company was pre- Scott, officers of the junior class, are asked Dean Free, a member of the On May 20 sen ted the President's Cup, and green On Friday, May 19th, from 8;00 to in charge of the program. executive committee, to plan and con- and gold ribbons were fixed to the 10:00 P. lIf., the students in the art The script of the skit, "What Would duct the second Middle Atlantic re- Over the week-end of May 19, the company guidon. department will display the work You Rather Have or a Cabbage" was gional meeting herc at Western which they have been doing during written by Margaret Packwood. It Maryland. .;~~leg~os~hOi%p:~~n~a~~OI~s c~~:en~ 1 cdC:Pst:~:rJ~;;P:ei~:ati~e wo:S:~~S;i~~ the past year. The exhibit will be is based on the myth, "The Apple Neighboring Colleges Represented tour to Newark, New Jersey and New military student of his class. The held in the art studio, students them- Discord." It is customary for the Representatives from the United York City. On this trip, the choir award, sponsored by the Reserve Of- selves acting as hostesses. The fea- junior women to portray the roles in States office of education and deans will sing at the New York World's ficers Association of Carroll County, ture attraction will be the work of the play .. The cast for the play will and assistant advisors from the fol- Fair and will spend a day at the ex- was presented by Lieutenant Colonel Miss Betty Erb, who has been special- be as follows: lilwing schools will be present: George hibits. T. K. Harrison. izing this yeal' in clay modeling, oil Reader, Ethel Barnes; Paris, Inez Washington University, University of The group of forty-two singers, Lieutenant Sid n e y Waghelstein painting and wood carving. IIliss Erb Bull; Goddess of Wisdom, Virginia Maryland, The Catholic University of under the direction of Professor was presented the saber offered i;:lthe second person to major in art Willing; Goddess of Power, Mary America, National Park College, Loy- Alfred de Long, will leave by bus for by the military class of 1938, for be- at Western MaryJand College. The Hoffacker; Goddess of Beauty, Mar- ola College, Georgetown University, Newark on Friday morning at ten ing the outstanding lieutenant of the first was Miss Miriam Guyton who guerite Korff; Goddess of Discord, William and Mary College, Washing- o'clock. In the evening they will unit. was graduated in 1937 and did her Elinor Kratz; Western Maryland Col- ton College, Duke University, West post graduate work in art last year. lege Cook, Eleanor Wheeler. Virginia University, Gettysburg Col- f::~:~i~ ~;~~e;.tF:;S:a;~~~oad~:t s;~~~ Companies Present Demo~stration The exhibition will include the work The impersonations of senior wo- lege, American University, Franklin of seventy students, all of whom men by underclassmen will follow. Ilnd Marshall College, Dickinson Jun- te"tant Church in Newark. ·The pro- d'O'.llth,~~',",fet'htu"ef~~afltghUe'"dtwmo-:u'nUt', under the direc- The cup ceremony will be conducted have been studying gram will consist of most of the num-' "uu , u L ior College, and Western Maryland bers which the choir sang at its con- presented by Company A; the escort tion of Miss Louise Shipley. There by Margaret Quarles, assisted by Jean College. will be several different types of work Lynn Scott. The women members of The meeting has been planned as 'an ~~~~u~ ~~e :;~il~~~ a:~su:I~;o~;d~; ~~~:~S~:~~i~~ b:f C:O~b:~y ~r;n~~~e: E'xhibited, among which are crafts, the junior class will sing the accom- open forum discussion with two dis- oils, designing, free-hand drawing, panying song. cussion sessions. The' subject for dis- four songs by Louise Jameson, mezzo ~~eCpoa~:;:~o~' th;h:e'~:~ne;e:~c::-S~ and clay modeling (a course introduc- After dinner, the sophomore class cussion is "Maintaining High Schol- cd for the first time this yea~). Rec- will plant ivy in Robinson Garden. astic Standards." Two sub-topics to so~r:~:turday, May 20, the choir will laJ!':t~~:~~n~el~po~e~~e blm:~'~ca~a~~~ ognition for outstanding work in art The traditional lantern chain of se- be discussed are: "The Faculty as visit the New York World's Fair, gion, Mr. HerbCl·t Rhodes, a Mary- is due to Miss Lee NitzeJ, Miss Ruth nior and freshmen women will take Active Personnel Officers" and "Meth- where it will present another pro- land flag was pj'esented the unit by Beard, Miss Sue Price, Miss Rebecca place on Hoffa Field. ods of Testing at Matriculation and gram. The college has not yet receiv- Dr. W. D. Clodfelter. Dean Schofield Keith, Miss Mary Kathryn Hudson, The climax of the day will come Re-testing During the Col J e g e ed definiw plans for the time, place, received the gift on behalf of the Col- Mrs. Helen Whitmore, and Miss Ruth with the singing of class songs at the Course." (Cont. on Page 4, Col. 1) lege and the unit. Caltrider. 1 side entrance of Blanche Ward Hall.
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