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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. KATHERINE R, JUDGE High School Seniors ,----------; II Art Club Sponsors SPEAKS IN ASSEMBLY CLUB NOTES A ttend Visitor's Day COLLEGE CALENDAR Annual Fashion Show l\1ay- New Spring Ensembles From Hutz- Department Store Opportunities SIGMA SIGl\lA TAU Over One Hundred !\len Take Part In 13-May Day ler's Are Displayed By College Discussed By Hutzler Invitations were extended to the Program or Interscholastic 15-French Club, 6:45 P. M. Coed' Repre_:;;enta.~ive following freshmen for the annual Sports spring rush party: 16-~~~~a~:I~~ital, 7:30 P. M., Under the auspices of the Western Miss 'Katherine R. Judge, employ- Elaine Barnes, Lucie Leigh Barnes, ment superintendent of Hutzler Ruth Billingslea, Ruth Caltrider, gU~s~:uto~20t:~g~0~~:;1 :~ni~'~Si~:;': 17-Home Economics 'Meeting, ~1:~~:r:d o~o~:f~m~: ~!!~n~~tz~~: Brothers in Baltimore, in the assem- Belle Cover; Ruth Dashiell,' Doris Day for Men, Saturday, May 6. 8:00 P. M., M c D ani e I college's third annual fashion show in bly of May 8, spoke on the opportuni- Davenport, Harriet Dygert, Betty Eighty-five 6f them registered in the Lounge. Blanche Ward Gymnasium on Mon- ties for positions that a department Ellwein, Shirley Feurst, Mabel Green- morning and took part in the pro- HI-Exhibition of Art Depart- day evening, May 8. store offers to young people. wood, Virginia Jockel, Jean Lame- gram. ment. ' Miss Frances Stout, president of Miss Judge enumerated the various reeu, June Lippy, lI~ary Louise Long, An interscholastic tennis tourna- Choir to New York. the Art Club, presented Miss Sally rlivisions of the department store---- Ruth MacVean, Adele Masten, Betty ment began at 9.30 A. M., with teams 20-Meeting of Eastern Associa- Kempton, head of the College Shop at merchandise, service, operating, finan- Magin, Jane Mellor, Jayne lIIcKenny, representing Polytechnic Institute, tion of College Deans and Hutzler's and the announcer for the cial and publicity divisions-in which Dorothy Mulvey, Shirley Reese, AIl- City College, and Southern and For- Advisers of Men, 10:30 A. program. positions may be obtained. In the na Robey, Caroline Rudisill, Margar., est Park High Schools, all of Balti- M. to 3:00 P. M., McDaniel Dogwood trees placed at the back qualifications for a job set forth by et Rudy, Mary Stevenson, Virginia more City, participating. Lounge. of the long promenade gave a spring- Miss Judge, she stressed personality, Smith, Jean Stover, Edna 'I'r-iesler-, The elimination tournament was 22-Tri-Beta, 8:00 P. M. like atmosphere for the beach, street, alertness, initiative, personal appear- Patricia White. ance, and education. She emphasized The sophomores of the club gave a won by the City College team, with a 24-Argonauts Banquet, 6:00 P. evening, and bridal clothes that were the fact that an applicant should picnic at the pavilion for the rest of SCOre of 'thirty-five points. Forest M. displayed. Several musical selections know himself before trying for a posi- the members. Park, with thirty points, was the run- 25-AIt Club; 6 :30 P. M. were played by Professor Spangler placed third. Dean tion. DELTA SIGMA KAPPA ncr-up, Southern a tennis trophy to Dr. 25-SeniOl" dinner at President and there was the usual musical ac- Holloway's. companiment Free presented the show. throughout "Don't be afraid to evaluate your- A dinner party was given this past self," said Miss Judge. "Think of week at the City Restaurant for thc P. H. Edwards, the principal of City I Miss Winifred Coberly portrayed what you have to offer your employer, "Baby" Delts. College and coach of the tennis team. the bride and Miss Mary Clemson. not whether you will get the job." Leon Strauss, of City College, won was the maid of honor. Other models Miss Judge concluded her talk by PHI ALPHA MU the individual tennis trophy. Second COMMENCEMENT were: Gwendolyn Heeman, Dorothy stating the advantages and diead- The club pl;dged two new members place was taken by 'Walter Katzen- Blown, DOllS Hess, Dorothy Cohee, vantages of department store work. this past week-Cora Dunn and An- belg from Forest. Park M~ Spell', (Cont from Page 1, Col 5) Betty Ellwetn, Eleanor Jameson, In her opinion, the advantages of na Mcf.uckie. head of the physical education de- Lyman L Long Will receive alumni at Georg-ia Puce, Vl rginia Smith, Lucie working in a pleasant environment I The 16th of this month is the date pal tment, and M1:" Hurt, coach of the the annual gal den party III Robinson Leigh Barnes, Elise Wiedersum, and tennis Anne Dexter and having the opportunity to train that has been set for the spring Hobo ment team, supervised this tonrna-I Garden The Alumm ASSOCiationWIll I:=========~ conduct meeting 111 the "Y" room, for other jobs outweigh the disad- Hitch for the freshmen rushees. Its I vantage of working long hours in- Plans were discussed for the house A baseball game between the West- IIIcDamel Hall at 4 30 P M of the day Will be Ii' doors. party at Ocean City which will prob- em Maryland freshmen and Southern The highlig-ht Miss Anna Bird Stewart of New ably be held either the last week in High also took place 111 the mormng I the laymg of the c~lnerstones of the York City will speak in the Monday July or the first in August. Southern won With a 102 SCOle new dormitory and field house at 5 30 Phone 300 assembly, May 15, on "Troubadours ThiS IS the first Men's Day pro- I P :~e Class of 1939 Will be accepted of Old France." Miss Stewart has J. G. C. The following officers were elected lectured extensively in the United for next year: president, Sarah Hood ~:;~l::~~h ;~: ~:l~:g~e~~a~~:::e~~~: I ~i~nm:~::;sA~~~:~ d~~:n~tA6s:~~cI~~ CARROLLEEN States as well as in England and Blessing; secretary, Emma William~; It an annual event. M. in the College dining hall. After Scotland. treasurer, Peggy Jefferson; chaplain, the dinner the following classes will hold reunions: 1889, '94, '99, 1904, Individual Coiffures Patty Payne. STUDENT GOVERNMENT HEADS CORONATION CEREMONY On May 5 the club took its annual CHOSEN '09, '14, '19, '24, '29, and '34. trip to Baltimore where they saw __ The baccalaureate sermon will be (cont. from Page 1, Col. 4) "Dark Victory" at the Stanley Thea-I (Cont. from Page 1, Col. 1) delivered by Dr: Holloway in Alumni Beauty in its Entirety wood, Veronica Kompanek, Doris tel'. confidence they have placed in me. Hall on Sunday morning at 10:30. Hess, Nellie Williams, and Helen GAMMA BETA CHI . To the limit of my ability, I shall en- The College Choir, under the direc- Fry, as members _of the King's cab~ The Gamma Beta Chi held its all- . deavor to fulfill my obligations to tion of Profe:;;sor Alfred de Loni, will inetj Mary Jane Fogelsanger, Jane nual banquet on Monday night at them, and to give them the best stu- provide special music for the service. 66 W. Main St_ Cowperthwait, Anna McLuckie, and Clear Ridge Inn .. The election of of- dent government organization possi- On Sunday evening at 7:30 o'clock, in I WESTMINSTER, MD. (Dorothy Cohee as ladies-in-waiting; ficers will be held next week. bIe. My policies will be in the direc- the choir will present a concert and Kay Souder as Amaryllis, the old tions indicated in my pre-nomination Alumni Hall.. I liurse. SUNDAY SCHOOL speech. Much of the success of our During the pl.ay, all octet composed On Monday evening, the ':'illiam program will depJnd on the represen- of Mary Robb, Letitia Bogan, Elinol' G. Baker Sunday School met III Ba- tatives the classes elect to the Stu- Kratz, Ruth Wareheim, Norma Key- . ker Chapel to elect officers for the dent Council. May I urge all those Remember MOTHER ser, GJadys Coppage, Beulah Grtffin, I first semester of next year. The re- and Elizabeth Crisp will sing "Liebes- suIts of the election were as follo:,s: who desire an aggressive, efficient or- traum". President, Margaret Quarles; vlce- ganization to try to elect as their MOTHER'S DAY Members of the W.A.A: will be hos- presidents, Elinor Kratz, Harry Low- representatives aggressive, efficient MAY 14 tesses to the girls from the Universi- ery; secretary-treasurer, Helen New- men." -with- ty of Maryland, Towson State Teach- man; councilors, Mary Crosswhite, Although Mr. McLaughlin is spend- A BOX OF CANDY ers' College, Notre Dame 'College, Stanley Ritchie, Paul Cummins. ing his first year on our campus, he -from- American University, and Marjorie Mary Robb, who has been director was very active at Dickinson Junior Webster School. The college has also of the Sunday School Choir for the College. He was editor-in-chief of GRIFFIN'S GOODIE SHOPPE extended invitations to senior girls past three years, is to be graduated the college magazine, The Dickinsrm. in Maryland high schools to attend this year. She will choose her suc- Unirm, as well as president of the the May Day celebration. Picnic lun- John Wesley Club of Ministerial Stu- cheons will be served to these guests dents. He also was a member of the SATURDAY, MAY 13 at one o'clock. varsity baseball squad, and the junior BILLY ANTRIM The activities of the day will begin PLAY DAY SATURDAY varsity football squad. and. his at ten o'clock when all classes will be COLUMBIA BROADCASTING BAND suspended, and will end with the Pan- (Cont. from Page 3, Col. 4) H. E. REESE Hellenic Dance in the evening. G. Morris, and R. Miller compose the volleyball team. CLEANING TAILOR GRAND OPENING OF THE NEW CLUBHOUSE The W.A.A., besides sponsoring and PRESSING a< CHOIR TO VISIT NEW YORK planning the "play day", has been REPAIRING WESTMINSTER RIDING CLUB, INC. revising and bringing the constitu- 94 East Main Street East of Fair Ground (Con.t. from Page 1, Col. 2) tion of the association up to date. SUITS MADE TO MEASURE Horse Show Grounds WESTMINSTER, MD. Hill or length of the concert, but it is I The last revision was. in 1933. probable that the choir will sing in I Changes have been made m the con- J. D. KATZ the afternoon. The program may be ' struction of the organization, rules, QUALITY SHOE REPAIRING br~~~c:~~ir members will spend Fri- I :~i~u~fo~t~~:r::t:i:~e~~e ~~~t ~~:~ Special Rates to Students 'The finest in movie fare is yours day evening in Newark at the homes I these changes necessitated a revision. Joe Oleair, Agent of members of the congregation of First Church, and Saturday evening at at the Prince George Hotel in New THREE CHAIR SERVICE York. They will return by bus on No Waiting JOHN EVERHART Sunday, !\lay 21. The regular chapel HEAGY BROTHERS' THE COLLEGE BARBER service will be held that evening. BARBER SHOP AND BOBBER THE CARROLL Next to Post Office AT TIlE FORKS REFLECTIONS and ( Cont. from Page 2, Col. 4) structive ideas, but they should have voice in affairs that concern them for SPECIAL that is the only way that one may THIS WEEK THE STATE become cognizant of the depths in human beings. And it is to this stim- TENNISRAcKET ulation of one's mind and healt that one ma~' say that college is a marvel- $2.95 THEATRES ous place---because it offers oppor- A BARGAIN tunity-so bountiful in its richness- . WAS $4.00 of appreciating people and learning from them how to enjoy life. TENNISRACKET • $3.95 WAS $5.00 "'Two Houses with one pu~' While they last ---+-- your entertainment" Bonsack's
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