Page 73 - TheGoldBug1938-39
P. 73
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster. Md. PAGE THREE Netmen Defeat Four Interfraternity Cup Won By Havensmen Sweep Two Of Eight Opponents Preachers For Third Year Games From American liTE R R ~Y~'ldsol~.nO PIC s II SOLOMON TAKES NINE SEASON REVUE Preachers Take Annual Track University Batsmen STRAIGHT IN STREAK Meet With 43 Points ~s t~is is the last issue of the Gold Bug before the summer In. the last two weeks the Terror vacation, It would be well to review the spring sports season. The Gamma Bets Second Baseball Team Loses Three Tilts To Mt. St. Mary's, Loyola ~;;Om:lipte,a~n~~:gbf'O'Un.'.'·nadvel~~,gng.tth~mtram.u.r~l athlet~c program, although hampered slightly by lack Although the Preacher's have won And Georgetown ~ V" "of .faclhtJes, continued to interest those students of non-varsity samenumber. Wins were chalked up caliber who cared to participate. As a whole, the fraternity sports the inter-fraternity athletic cup for o~er Tows~n State Teachers; Elk- season w~s a grand success. The interfrat pennant race was much the third straight year and retired it Western Maryland College's base- ridge Tennis Club, Mt. St. Mary's ci?ser this season than for several seasons in the past, and will be from competition, the race for cham- ball team has made "par for the pionahips in the various ·spring sports course" in the last two weeks by win: ~;:s~:~::n~~Il~:~hO~~la~:~:~rs!~~W~~:se1o~Yth~h~o~~~~if~it~:.tweenthePreachers and Black and is still being hotly contested. Start- ning two games from American U., ing in the fall and continuing through and losing to Loyola, Georgetown, and Gettysbulg defeated Western Mary- ,~____ .' Th~ baseball team has played in 'and out ball the spring, Delta Pi Alpha has cap- Mt. St. Mar-y's. The team has now land. ~.. this sprmg , Some of the games were fine exhibi- tured football, volleyball, and recent- won six games and lost seven for the In the first. match after the victory tions of the way college ball should be played. The Iy dethroned the Bachelors as college season. The freshmen prospects are over Carnegie Tech, the Hurtmen Green and Gold nine shone at bat and in the field track champions, in the only spring showing up well, and the team really droppe? a h~rd-fought 7-2 decision tol'1#i when they played Hopkins and American U. Too sport complete at this time. would be doing much better if there O'Hanlon I Cathohc Umve~sity. Harold Solomon k many errors have been the cause for the loss of sev- Led by Stropp, Honemann, and were not the customary crop of er- defeated. Captam Roger of eral of the frays. The pitching has been fairly Wallace, the Preachers won the an- rei-a ill every game. The boys can us- the Cardinals for the only singles win good, as has been the batting. The main trouble nual affair with a total of 43 points, ually hit, but they need to tighten up made by the Terr?rs. Wright and . has been on the fielding end. Drugash, Cook, Bark- to 33 for the Gamma Bets, and 23 for on the defense. SoJo~on defeated 0 Hanlon and Mur- doll, an~ Edmond are the only regulars who will be lost through the Bachelors. Shreeve and Barkdoll First of all, the Green Terrors met p~y ~n the doubles. The match was graduation, so Terror fans may expect a well-rounded, veteran ag- also won first places for the victors, American U. in a doubleheader on ~~h~~h~~d :l~s~h~e~~!~:c~~~e~g~~ :;:~~.Ion to take the field under the tutelage of Coach Havens next while Hansen, Mather and Dickson Hoffa Field, Friday, May 12. W. M. gained first places for the runners-up. C. swept both games, taking the firat, his mo~~o::~;~en~:! 6:;n;~ soul ;:'~;c;:r~~ t~e~ h~~i~o~;a~:rter than even the most optimistic In softball, after winning the first 15-3, and the second, 3-2. The first Washington College eked outa close Wholesale graduation and a long, SS-Sherman: Bachelors round, the Black and Whites have hit game was a seven-inning massacre in 5-4 victory over the Terrors in the tough schedule were large obstacles Lle=-Radatovlch, Black and Whites a slump and are tied with the Preach- which every Terror batsman got at least one hit. Joe Drugash led the hit- ers, who were undefeated in the sec- first engagement of the annual Wes- in the path of the racketeers, but CF-Wallace, Preachers tern Maryland tennis tour of the Eaa, they came through with a fair share SF-Bryson, Preachers ond round. On Tuesday, however, the ting attack with two doubles and a tern Shore. The singles matches were of wins. The tenrrister-s still have' a RF-Hood, Black and Whites Pi Alpha boys defeated the Preach- as single. Buck BarkdoU and Don Hone- man each smacked homers era as their of a playoff series in first split evenly as Ransone, Solomon, and chance of winding up the season with C -Galb;eath, Preachers Brooks shaded Robinson in a pitchers' contribution to the "brawl'" game. All Bowen won, and Wright, Prentiss, a better than .500 average. The out- P -Toml.chek, Preachers duel, 2-1. Play will be resumed on together, the Terrors grabbed 15 runs and Brust lost. The deciding points standing victory was the one over -c-Olealr, Gamma Bets Friday in the second of the best two and 14 hits off Brown, American U. were taken by the Sharemen as they Carnegie Tech, when the 'I'error play- SECOND TEAM out of three series. hurler, and erred only once afield. grabbed two of the three doubles tilts. ers hit undreamed of heights to IB-Bee, Black and W'hites Also unusually close is the race for Dug Catington pitched a seven-hit The University of Delaware, after amaze a Men's Field Day crowd. The 2B-Shreeve, Preachers the tennis championship with the game for the Terrors. The second tus- splitting the singles matches with the Terror opponents have had to fight 3B---Windsor, Bachelors Black and Whites leading Delta Pi sel was a tight pitchers' battle with Tenors, went on to sweep all three jJ.ard to record their wins. Ransone SS-lWbinson, Preachers Alpha by three games. Lenney Bee, Cook and Barkdqll dividing duties for doubles affairs and run away from and Wright will be the 'only losses, LF--Jones, Bachelors number 1 for the leaders has been t.he Terrors', and Hall pitching for the the Green and Gold boys on the long ~nd Coach Hurt feels that the exper- CF-Hauff, Bachelors showing good form, supported by Ed Washingtonians. Stropp led the bat- end of a 6~3 count. Solomon, Wdght, If~ce that the new players received SF-Biasi, Preachers Elder. Moon Maddox and Charlie ters with a double and a single. W. and Prenhss scored decisions for the thiS season will stand them in good RF-Faw, Preachers 'Wallace are keeping the Preachers M. C. scored the winning run in the Terrors; stead when the next tennis campaign C -Hansen, Gamma Bets in the running by consistent play- last half of the ninth when Ryan ing. reached first on an error, advanced to coa~e~uer~'sS~~::n T;::;~ed the a~~~:r~~~~s!heen c~~e:da;~en a definiteIP =:~~~~:~~:~~lo:~d Whites The situation in golf is different, second on Barkdoll's sacrifice ground- first tennts team that Towson State dlsappomtment. The all-veteran ag- with the Preacher team of Mike er, and scored on Honeman's single. Teachers ever put on the court I gregation was expected to take more RAMBLINGS Petrucci, John Pirie, and John Tomi- American U. got five hits to the Ter- by a 9-0 score. Only three of the nine wins than they have up to date. A Southern California is the odds-on chek dominating the field with I ror's eight. an fra~'s went over two sets. The Ter- . toug~ schedule and lack of pre-season favorite to run a~ay ,;ith the I. C. A. eight game winning streak. In second Loyola Downs Terrors rors flashed fine form us they ran practlce has a lot to do with the' out- A. A. A. champIOnship. The indivi- p~ace .are the ~amma. Bets with three The following Tuesday, the Green ~~~:.~~:a::I~ ~Ce~~~.s~o:a~:~l~tt:~~:t~:::h:aso~~~~ :!:r~ho::i;g'st~~::~'e~~xont~:~ ~~:~ ~~a;o~:~~ ~o:~:u;e~; victories to then' credlt. Terrors met Loyola at Baltimore and 11 innings, lost a heartbreaker in as Gettysburg laced the Terrors 8-1. teams during the past year and the defend his 440 and 880 yard honors 10-9. Cook, Cole, and Smith worked ... The Green and Gold netmen were Terror golfers find the opposition again in the American League despite Trackmen Close Season -on the mound for Western- Maryland ~I The Yankees are going .to town- weakenea By the absence' or-Captain much stronger. against Schwallenberg and Flynn for Alex Ransone. Solomon salvaged the The track squad has done no bet- ~he absence of Lou Gehrig ... Mich- With Mason-Dixon Meet Loyola. Bob Stropp got a neat five only Terror point by defeating Ches- ter nor any worse than anyOne ex- 19an w.on t~e Big Ten track and field hits for five times at bat to lead the ter in the number two singles spot, pected them to~ Lack of outstanding ,champIOnshIp for t1he third straight LEWIS, CHASE, AND LESINSKI Terrors. Loyola tied the game up, 6-1, 6-3, to win his sixth straight performers in the various events led y;ar ... Hank Borowry, ace Fordham SCORE TERROR POINTS 9-9, in the last half of the ninth, and singles victory. to the three dual meet defeat~. Track ~mger wh? won tv.1.'nty-two straight went on to win on a single, error, and Terrl}rs Extend Streak .
   68   69   70   71   72   73   74