Page 74 - TheGoldBug1938-39
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. SCHOLASTIC STANDARDS Undergraduates Present DR. BERTHOLF DELIVERS ! Religious Groups Plan CLUB NOTES CHANGED BY COMMITTEE Farewell Ceremonies ADDRESS AT RICHMOND Emmitsburg Retreat Lantern Chain, Impersonations, Play, S.C.A_ And Sunday School Cabinets Recent elections in the four Frater- Fiv-e Year Limit On Graduation; Cup Ceremony, and Ivy Planting Beta Theta Chapter Of 'rrt-Beta Will Make Tentative Plans For nities on the Hill show the following Committee's Approval Necessary Scheduled For Saturday . Formed; Thirty-Ninth Chapter Avtivities Next Year results: To Carry Extra Hours -- I In America Alpha Gamma Tau This corning Saturday, May 27, the . -. - Members of the cabinets of the Stu- Alpha Kermit Beyard Changes in the standards for reo three undergraduate classes will pre- On F'r-iday mght, May 19, Dr. dent Christian Association and the Vice Alpha George Myers malnirig in college were proposed by sent an afternoon and evening of Bertholf, head of the Biology Depart- Sunday School are planning a retreat Gamma Harry Lowery the Committee on Admissions and farewell ceremonies in honor of this ment at western Maryland College, to be held at a camp near Emmits- Tau Donald Humphries Standards. They have been adopted year's graduating class. The usual delivered the initiation address for burg on Sunday, May 28. The of- Chaplain .. Henry Triesler and will go into effect with the class order of the ceremonies will be fol- the newly-formed Beta Theta Chapter ficers, committee chairmen, commit- Sergeant-at-arms Guy Windsor entering in the fall of 1939. Accord- lowed. Saturday afternoon at 3.30, of the Beta Beta Beta Fraternity at tee members, and faculty advisers are Robert Sherman was voted the out- ing to the new regulations, a student the junior class will present "What the University of Richmond. This invited to attend. standing member of the year. may stay in college for five years, but Would You Rathel' Have or a Cab- was the thirty-ninth chapter of the On this retreat the cabinets plan to Delta Pi Alpha must graduate at the end of this term. Delta . Robert Stropp At the end of his first college year, ::;:;' ;a~~~:oo~ri~~; ~;s:~iS~nM:~'~ I~l~-~:\~~h~~~~:.been established in ~~dk~~~~:~ti;~h~~n:ct~~~ti~ss~~~a::: Vice Delta Charles Cole a student shall be required to have myth, "The Apple of Discord." The The initiation exercises began at year. Alpha. Malcolm Kullmar earned 14 hours and 14 points, pro- play will be followed by impersona- 6.30 in the evening and were conclud- Conference at Eagles Mere Beta Samuel Galbreath viding he has carried 34 hours. This tions of senior women by undergrad- ed with a banquet in a private dining The annual conference of the Stu- Gamma. Denzel Wildey is approximately forty per cent of the uates and finally by the Cup Cere- room of a Richmond hotel. Nineteen dent Christian Movement for the Epsilon Leigh Venzke points and hours to be expected from mony. students and four faculty members Middle Atlantic, region is being held Pi Alpha Alpha the normal 34 hours load. Formerly Immediately after dinner, the sen- were made charter members of the this year from June 12 to June 18 at Alpha Webster Hood either 28 hOU1'Sor 21 points were re- Jors are invited to participate in the organization. Eagles Mere, Pennsylvania. The S. Vice Alpha Robert Walters quired. traditional ivy planting carried on by The Tri-Beta Chapter at Richmond C. A. will be represented by Blanche Beta .Scott Brooks In the second year, he will be re- each sophomore class. Mr. Heru-w takes the place of the biology society Scott, Lalia Scott, Mildred Melvin, Vice Beta Milton Crosswhite quired to earn 20 points and hours, or Triesler, as president of the sopho- known as the Phoenix, which has and Paul Cummins. The Sunday Gamma John Carnochen fifteen per cent of the total number of more class, will officiate at the cere- been in existence there since 1927. School representatives will be Mar- Delta Edwin Elder 136 hours and points required for mcny. This organization, however, was pure- garet Quarles and Elinor Kratz. Master of Ceremonies graduation. ' Later in the evening, the freshman ly local and the advantages to be This conference has several out- Herman Beck Rules Apply To New Students women will pay tribute to the gradu- gained from a national biological fra- standing leaders. Among them is Dr. Gamma Beta Chi During the next three years, the ates with t.he annual Lantern Chain ternity made it advisable to seek Walter H. Judd, who was for two Chi Frank Shipley student who has made only the mini- on Hoffa Field. The senior women membership with the Beta Beta Beta I years a member of the Mayo Clinic Vice Chi Paul Burtis mum number of points and hours in will watch the ,freshmen perform with Fraternity. and a medical missionary in China Gamma Douglas Catington his first two years will be required to their lanterns and will hear the fr-esh- for ten years. His name is familiar Vice Gamma . Quinton Earhart earn 34 points and hours per year. man's farewell song. The return HONOR REQUISITES CHANGED to every student of education. Dr. Beta Frank Mather Any student who desires to take march of the freshman and senior Harold A. Bosley, pastor of the Mt. Vice Beta .. ...._..__Gordon Gilbert either more or less than the normal Lf women will be concluded by the entire (Cont. from Page 1, Col. 2) Vernon M. E. Church of Baltimore, Chaplain.. .. Mason Sones to 18 hour load may do so only after student body singing the class songs to take pJace not later than October will also be present. Sergeant-at-arms Charles Horan approval has been granted by the and the Alma Mater at the side en- 10 of the junior year. The provision Commissary Edward Weant Committee on Admissions and Stand- trance of Blanche Ward Hall. in schedule for taking the three hours MEN'S STUDENT LEAGUE ards. Formerly, the student, himself, of work for three semesters is chang- DELTA SIGMA KAPPA could decide whether to take an extra ed from the old method of superim- (Cont. from Page 1, Col. 4) The following officers for the com- number of hours. . ARGONAUT'S BANQUET posing the work in four semesters. ture policies. ing year were elected at a recent These regulations will apply to all Formerly, a student to be graduat- The Council decided to make no meeting and were installed Tuesday of the incoming freshman class stu- (Cont. from Page 1, Col. 3) ed cum laude had to receive major changes this year. Mr. Mc- night: . dents. Students now in college may been successful in passing honor ex- grade "A" in forty per cent of the Laughlin appointed several commit- President .Audrey Coffren take advantage of either of these aminations are: John Pohlhaus, his- semester hours, and grade "B" in tees to investigate certain problems Vice-President regulations or the ones they super- tory: Milton Crosswhite, physics; forty pel' cent. To be graduated during' the summer vacation. Grace Brannock Smith cede, whichever is more favorable to 9arleton Gooden, mathemntica; Ruth cum laude, a grade "A" was requ"'ired The Council officers who served Secretary Bette Helm them. Field, Carolyn Smith, Regina Fitz- ill twenty pel' cent of the hours, and this year were: Alex Ransone, presi- Treasurer Doris Lubking gerald, Edward McLaughlin, English; grade I\B" in sixty per cent. dent; Robert Sherman, vice-presi- Alumni Secretary ....Mary Hastings THE WATCHBIRD Veronica Kompanek, Latin; and An- According to reports from gradu- dent; and Joseph Oleair, secretary. Plans are being made for a swim- na Lee Long, horne economics. ates of Western Maryland who re- ming party to be held June 2. (Cent, from Page 2, Col. 3) In a recent election Carolyn Smith ceived honors, the work helped them SUMMER CONFERENCES part in a college man's education. was elected president of the Society. both while they were in college and (Cont. from Page 1, CoL 2) SIGMA SIGMA TAU anyone who isn't wise enough to do Helen Armacost, vice-president; An- after graduation. odist Junior High camp; the Epworth The following girls were recently intelligent apple polishing isn't wise ne. Lee Long, secretary; and Milton League Institute; Leadership Train- elected to office: . ! enough to be in college" . asserts Croeewbite, treasurer. ALUMNI REUNIONS ing School of the Maryland Annual ~~:~~::!ident ....... Letitia Bogan I th~:e::c~fa::~n~~e~re~o~s ~t~t;~d at Conference; the Southern M. E. Con- (Cont. from Page 1, Col. 5) Clara Jean Creager I Western Maryland. Professors report FACULTJCHANGES ing from Buffalo to help his class cel- ference of Young People; and the Secretary Kitty J ockel that activity in this field has hit an {cent, from age 1, Col. 4)' ebrate their twenty-fifth anniversary. Minister's Conference of the Metho- dist Annual Conference. Treasurer Mary Anna Brown all-time high during the 1938-39 see- fully assisted in teaching in the or- Other classes tc hold reunions in- Intersor~rity Council ston. A brief survey of the local sit- ganic chemistryi department at clude 1894, '99, 1904, '24, '29, and '34. THREE CHAIR SERVICE Jean Cairnes and Betty Brown uattof reveals that there are standard Princeton University. He is a resident An alumni golf tournament, and Alumni Secretary and acceptable ways in which to pol- contests between the varsity team and No Waiting Mary Ellen Creager lish the old apple, just as there is a of New Kensington, Pa. the alumni in baseball, tennis, and HEAGY BROTHERS' Sunshine Messenger-.. ..Kathleen Cce proper way to eat oranges for break- Major Percy H. Sadler, Inf., P.M. BARBER SHOP S. and T. has been ordered here to golf are on the afternoon program. Next to Post Office The annual meeting of the Board of :1::;e;:~;:-~:~es~~~:::P~~e R: :: !~:~!~;e:h:obtenae:ta~~::o=: ::~e~~ relieve Major Severne S. MacLaugh- Trustees at 2:00 P. M. and a business I lin, who has been ordered to the Pan4 :o:e~rs with a buffet supper at her ~:eeP~~~i:ha~~:n;:I~o\~fn;U;u;!~~~:~s~ uma Canal Zone for duty. Prior to meeting of the Alumni Association at his corning here, Major Sadler was 4:30 P. M. is scheduled. Lowry Beauty Shop for a program of apple polishing suit- McDaniel Hall lounge will be Alum- J_ G_ G_ able for all occasions: Battalion Commander, Inf., at Fort ni headquarters and will be open for Post Office Adjoining The junior club members entertain· 1. Sit on the front row, and if you Clayton, Canal Zone and Associate P. rt'gistration after 9 A. M. PERMANENT WAVE at Lehigh IIT.S.and T. and Adjutant ed the seniors at a picnic at the pa- are a girl, turn on your most glamOl'4 University. vilion on Thursday night. ous smile as the professor enters the SPECIALISTS room. H. E. REESE EXPERT HAIR STYLISTS PHI ALPHA MU 2. As soon as the class begins, TAILOR 93 East Main Street The sorority entertained the follow- think up every possible question that JOHN EVERHART CLEANING PRESSING ing freshman girls at their annual you possibly can, to indicate your in- THE COLLEGE BARBER REPAIRING Phone 395 "Hobo Hitch": Shirly Feurst, Mabel terest on the lesson. Some persons AND BOBBER 94 East Main Street Westminster, Maryland Greenwood, Jean Stover, Dorothy find it helpful to prepare a little list AT THE FORKS SUITS MADE TO MEASURE Mulvey. Virginia Smith, Betty Ell- before entering the class. wein, Elaine Barnes, Frances Lemke, I 3. Have as many "personal confer- Ruth Billingslea, Helen Rebecca Gar- ences" with the professor as he will ey, Jayne McKenny, Caroline Rudi- allow. Tell him how you admire him Have Your Films Developed sell, Adele Masten, Doris Davenpart, and how wonderful you think his Th C II at G II 'The finest in movie fare is yours and Finished Anna Robey, Belle Cover, Eloise course is. Casually mention how hard e Wright, Edna Triesler, Shirley Reese, you have been working. 0 ege ri Dolores Carlstrand, Evelyn Rullman, rF~If~Y~'U~d~,;n't~g~'t~'~n~A~'~t'~Y~Wh~,~,~tie~"g~~~~~~~~~~ at Betty Magin, Jean Lamoreau, Mary Stevenson, Patricia White, Ruth Da· shiell, Mary Louise Long, Ruth Mac· Vean, Jane Mellor, Lucille Grimm, JUNE FIFTH THE CARROLL Lucie Leigh Barnes, Gloria Salerno, Emily Linton, and Margaret Rudy. Cora Dunn and Anna McLuckie Annual have been formally initiated into the and sorority. Elections of officers for next semes· J UN E BALL ter will be held next Tuesday. \ Tuesday night, the club members THE STATE were entertained with a buffet supper with at the horne of their president, Betty Shunk. BILLY ANTRIM A swimming party will be held at THEATRES Cascade Lake on May SO. and his The senior farewell dinner will be given May 29, in honor of Mary COLUMBIA BROADCASTING BAND • Clemson, Kay Rudolph, Betty Shunk, and Ann Stevenson. at THE CLUBHOUSE of "'Two Houses with one PU1'pose~~~ J. D. KATZ WESTMINSTER RIDING CLUB, INC. QUALITY SHOE REPAIRING Admission $1.65 per couple Table Reserl'ations 25c per couple your entertainment" Special Rates to Students Joe Oleair, Agent
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