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FAREWELL GOt SIGN MY SENIORS ALOHA Z286 Vol. 16, No. 19 May 25,1939 , College Players End Season Hundreds of Alumni Expected With Sierra's "Cradle Song" To Attend Celebration, June 3 Play By Spanish Dramatist First Given In Madrid In 1911 Will Be Activities To Include Laying of Cornerstone; Ann~al Garden Party. Presented by Senior Speech Students Under The Association Banquet, And Sports Program; Ten Direction Of Miss Esther Smith Classes to Hold Reunions "OUR TOWN" SELECTED FOR PRESENTATION NEXT JUNE MR. T. K. HARRISON IN CHARGE OF ARRANGEMENTS On Friday, June 2, the College Players will begin Commence- Hundreds of Alumni are expected to return to the "Hill" on ment Week-end with their presentation of the play, "Cradle Song". Saturday, June 3, to celebrate Alumni Day, arrangements for which The play, under the direction of Miss Esther Smith, will be given are in charge of Mr. T. K. Harrison, alumni secretary. in Alumni Hall. The highlight of the day will be the laying of the cornerstones wr~~~n :i~ ;-C-O-M-M-I-T-T-E-~-R-EV-IS-E-S-- __________ , of the two new buildings at 5:30 P.· Gl~~~::~r~d~;t~n:~g'~::;a M. President Fred G. Holloway will wife, Maria. Sierra is an outstanding [, , FACULTY CHANGES MADE perform the ceremony assisted by Mr. HONORS REQUISITES 'Lyman L. Long, president of the ;:::i~~t:r~:;i~:~ WP~~y:oi~CIU~~:; FOR NEW SCHOOL YEAR Alumni Association. and members of "The Kingdom of God" in which Miss the class of 1889. This class, which Ethel Barrymore was once starred. Recommendations Change Date Of HELEN FREY TO Resignation and Appointment In is celebrating its fiftieth anniversary, First Presented in Madrid Applications And Reduce Standings RECEIVE HONORS Speech, French, English, And consists of Mr. and Mrs. John Baker, For Achievement Of Honors Science Departments J'.Ir. and Mrs. J. Dorsey Dunlap, Dr. The first performance of this play was given at the Teatro Lara, Madrid Outstanding Senior To Be Graduated H. G. Watson, Mrs. Hattie W. League, on February 21, 1911, and since that Recommendations, made by a spe- With Biology Honors At Several faculty changes for the Mr. L. Irving Pollitt, and Mr. W. M. time it has been presented every- cial committee on honors work, con- coming school year have been an- Lease. , where. It has been translated in all sisting of Miss Sara Smith, Dr. James Annual Commencement nounced by the way of resignation Students To Take Part major languages, and it has met with P. Earp, and Dr. Lloyd Bertholf, have and new appointments. It is planned that the students tak~,"'" Western Miss Helen Frey, Mary- instant response and success. been adopted to guide those interested land senior from Catonsville, will be Dr. Kathleen Munn, who has been a prominent part in the laying of the achievement. scholastic In a recent comment the New Yt>rk in further prerequisite for· enrolling in the only member of this year's senior on a lea~e of absence this year while cornerstones. A parade, cheers by The A merican says: "There is such a wist- honors is an average grade of B. class to receive graduation honors at studying abroad at the Sorbonne, has the student body, and music by the ful, delicate loveliness about the 'Cra- Application has to be made by Janu- the annual commencement on June o. resigned as Associate Professor of college band will feature the program. dle Song' with its world-aloof nuns, An A. B. degree with honors in bio- Modern Languages, and Dr. Margaret At 3:00 P. M., Robinson Garden its admirable convent, its bells, its ary 10 of the junior year. A special logy will be awarded Miss Frey. The T. Herring has been appointed as a will be the scene of the annual garden music, and its uneventful events." honors committee appointed by the regular incumbent to the position. party for Alumni at which time Dr. President will consider the candidate. greatest benefit to be gained from Miss Catherine Trawick, assistant Scene Laid In Convent In Spain Ii accepted, he will be assigned to a honors work, according to Western to the Dean of Women and Instructor and Mrs. Holloway and Mr. and Mrs. The scene is laid in a Convent of Tutorial Committee of two members Maryland's one 1939 honor student, in English, has resigned, and Miss Long will receive. Enclosed Dominican Nuns in Spain in who will assist and direct him in his is the sf.imulating effect which it has Ruth Benson has been appointed as The day will close with the Alumni the year 1911. The list of characters honors work. in organizing all the mater-ial gained an assistant to the Dean of Women. Association dinner to be held at 6:30 is as follows: Sister Sagrario, Anne Three Hours of Work Required in several courses into a common tool, However, there will be no replacement P. M. in the College Dining Hall. Mr. Melvin; Sister Marcella, Mary Jane 'I'hree hours of honors work will be a working science.1 in .the English department. Lyman L. Long, president of the As- Fogelsanger; The Prioress, Mary required each semester. The amount Holds !Hally Offices Dr. Gilbert Appoluted sociation, will preside and Dr. Hollo- Clemson; Sister Joanna of the Cross, will be decided by the Tutorial Com- Miss Frey has held a prominent Miss Jean T. MacDowell has resign- way will speak. The class of 1939 Ailene Williams; The Mistress of No- mittee; it must he in some related position in campus activities by par- ed as instructor in speech. The fresh- will be welcomed into the ,Association G. Watson, by Dr. Harry represent- vices, Louella· Mead; the Vicaress, field of the student's major. There ticipating with distinction in several man speech course will be discontinu- ing the class of 1889. Mr. Joseph Kathleen Souder; Sister Maria Jesus, will he two examinations, an oral one of them. She has held office as vice- ed, but freshman speech will be in- Drugash, president of the senior in January of the senior year and a president of Tri-Beta, secretary of corporated in the freshman English Grace MacVean; Sister Francisca, written one in May of the same year. Delta Sigma Kappa, and secretar-y- class, wilJ deliver a response to this Carolyn Pickett; Sister Tornera, DOr- The requirements for g-raduating- treasurer of the Chemist's Club. The course. I. Gilbert, Ph.D., Prince- welcome. William othy Cohee; Sister Inez, Barbara Ann summa cum laude are now a grade Argonauts have also claimed her as ton, has been appointed as an in- Class of 1889 To Hold Reunion Fogelsanger; Sister Dolores, Nellie of "A" in at least twenty per cent of a prominent member, as has the girl's structor in the chemistry department. During the day, the classes holding Williams; Lay Sister, Beulah King; the hours taken and "B" in at least tennis team. Dr. Evelyn Mudge and Miss Jessie reunions will have their meetings. sixty per cent. This was formerly Her paper on anthropology won for Louise Campbell, both instructors in The class of 1889 will celebrate their Countryman, Donald Humphries; the the requirement for graduating cum Miss Frey the third prize in the 1938 chemistry, will now devote their fuU fiftieth anniversary with a luncheon. Doctor, Joseph Oleair; Monitors, Anna laude. If a grade of "B", but not national competitive contest conducted time to education and biology, res- They will have as their guests Dr. McLuckie and Virginia Willing; Tere- "A" is made in honors work, the stu- by BWB, the official magazine of Beta pectively. and Mrs. Holloway, Mrs. W. R. Mc- sa, Gwendolyn Heeman; Antonio, dent may still graduate cum laude. Beta Beta. Dr. Gilbert did his undergraduate Daniel, and Mr. and Mrs. T. K. Harri- Malcolm Kullmar; and the Poet. These honor qualifications differ work at Pennsylvania State College son. for honors work had SOPHOMORES GUESTS OF Frances Stout. from those of preceding years in that where he majored in chemistry. For The class of 1939 will be entertain- the enrollment the past three years, he has success- ed at the home of Mrs. AUender, with Miss Smith has announced that the (Cont, on Page 4, Col. 4) Mr. Willis Oberherr in charge of the play selected for presentation next ARGONAUTS 1\T BANQUET (Cont. on Page 4, Col. 3) program. June is Ou.r TQW1t, by Thornton Wild- Dean and Mrs. Schofield have invit- Summer School Opens Nine Juniors Successfully Pass Men's Student League ed the class of 1919 to have dinner at Eighth Session june 21 Honors Exarninat.ions Selects New Council their home, and Capt. Ernest F. Dukes, Given Recently president of the class of 1914, is com- COMMENCEMENT SPEAKER Numerous Religion Conferences To Miss Helen Frey was initiated as GaJbreath, Shipley, And Carnochan (Cont. on Page 4, Col. 4) Place IS AUTHOR AND SCHOLAR Take Summer Here During a fellow of the Argonaut Honor So- Elected Representatives Of Months ciety at the annual banquet held at Junior Class HOME ECONOMICS STYLE Reeelved Degrees From Emory And Providing opportunities for stu- the Charles Carroll Hotel on Tuesday On May 22, the Men's Student REVIEW AND TEA FRIDAY Vanderbilt Universities; Reeelved dents to improve their class standing, evening, May 23. League elected their representatives Recognition As Essayist acquire additional hours, and for high Dean Schofield, Dr. Schempp, Dr. to the Council to serve next year. school and elementary school teach- Wills, Dr. Little, and Miss Robb con- The junior class elected Sam Gal- Nutrition Exhibition Will Be Given Dr. William Peter King, who will ers to renew certificates and take ad- ducted the initiation ceremony, ex- breath, Frank Shipley, and John Car- In Foods Laboratory; Fashion be the speaker at the sixty-ninth vanced courses, the eighth consecutive plaining the legend of Jason's search nochan. Mr. Carnochan is the only Show In McDaniel Lounge Commencement service, M 0 n day, summer school session will open June for the Golden Fleece and its signifi- new member, taking the place of Har- June 5, is a prominent minister and 21. cance for the student working for a ry Lowery. On Friday afternoon, May 26, an author. This summer, courses will be offer- high scholastic standing. Dr. Hollo- Henry Holljes, Neilson Eckenrode, open-house, tea, and fashion show Dr. King, a native of Nashville, ed in art, biology, chemistry, commer- way who gave the address for the and Tim Lewis were chosen by the will be sponsored by the Home Eco- Tennessee, received his A. B. and 'cial education, English, French, his- evening chose as his subject "Books". sophomore class. Mr. Holljes and nomics Department. The open house A.M. degrees from Emory University tory, library science, mathematics, Members of the faculty and a num- Mr. Lewis replace Thomas Elias and and tea will take place from 3-4:15 from which he was awarded a medal music, physical and health education, ber of the sophomores who are eligi- Henry Triesler. P. M. in the department rooms. The for essay wribing. A member of Phi and social sciences. ble to join the Society were guests at The freshman class, electing repre- home economics students of the ju- Beta Kappa and Kappa Alpha fra- Throughout the summer Western the banquet. The sophomores who sentatives for the first time, selected nior class will act as hostess. In the ternities, he studied theology at Van- Maryland College will be the scene of attended were: Pearl Bobbitt, Mary Grover Newson, Richard Baker, and foods laboratory, an exhibit on nu- derbilt University where he received a number of conferences. The first Alice Klein, Isabel Maddox, Ruth Paul Alelyunas. trition will be given for the guests. a medal for oratory. of these win be the Woman's Conven- Mansberger, Margaret Rich, Violet Council Met Yesterday Following the tea, the Home Eco- Dr. King Is Methodist Pastor tion of the Methodist (Protestant) Younger, and Willard Everett. Oth- The newly elected Council met for nomics Department will present a As a Methodist pastor, he has edit- Ohurch which will begin on June 7 er sophomores whose B-average for the first time yesterday. Edward fashion show at 4 :30 P. M. in Mc- ed the Wesleya.n Christian Advocate, and close on the 12th. the first two years has made them eli- McLaughlin, president of the Men's Daniel Hall lounge. The senior class the Methodist Quarterly Review, and On the very next day, June 13 and gible for membership are: Jeannette League, presided at which time Frank will show tailored suits, evening the Nashville Christian Advooa.ttl. continuing until June 20 the Mary- Brannock, Hazel Beard, Mary Hast- Shipley was elected vice-president gowns, and street dresses; most of Dr. King is also the author-of several land Annual Conference of the Meth- ings, Helen Willard, Benjamin All- and Sam Galbreath, secretary-treas- these being of original design. The books on religious subjects. odist Church will meet. This will be nutt, Sidney Mansch, and Harold Sol- urer. sophomore class will show silk and Dr. Fred G. Holloway will deliver attended by approximately 300 dele- omon. The meeting was mainly for or- woolen dresses made last semester. the baccalaureate sermon on Sunday gates. All under-graduate members of the ganization purposes, but it was decid- The freshman class will show paja- morning, June 4. Special music will Other conferences that will take Argonaut Society are associate mem- ed to hold a League meeting before mas, sports wear, and cotton and ray- be provided by the College Choir. place here are the Convention of the bers and do not become fellows until the end of this year in order to give on dresses. Miss Mary Anna Lee On Sunday evening at seven-thirty Officers, Teachers, and Young People's they are eligible for special gradua- seniors who want to, the opportunity Long will be commentator, and Miss o'clock the choir will close its year's Conference o~ Washington; the Meth- tion honors. Those juniors who have for expressing their opinions on fu- l\"hn""yCrosswhite will be accompanist program with an outdoor concert. (Cont. on Page 4, Col. 5) (Cont. on Page 4, Col. 3) (Cont. on Page 4, Col. 5) at the piano.
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