Page 66 - TheGoldBug1938-39
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. Beulah and Don Griftin Presidents Holloway And CALENDAR Tau Kappa Alpha Is II To Be Concert Maester ' Forlines At Conference L"w:~:'~:~,7'~d,~e:.r!a~~~c_ __ C_L_U_B__ N_O_T_E_S_--, And Soloist In Concert Delegates Gather At Kansas City April: Club Conference- T. K. A.-Eighty Chapters ALPHA GAMMA TAU 27-French Convention For Uniting McDaniel Lounge-7:30 to In U_ S. The Bachelors Club will hold its an- Sister And Brother From Towson, Three Methodisms 10:00 P.. M. nual banquet on Tuesday, May 9, at Both Majoring Iii. Public Art Club-6:30. Tau Kappa Alpha was founded as Clear Ridge Inn. At this time, offi- School Musle Dr. Forlines, president of the West- . 28---Eisteddfod-Alumni Hall- an honorary forensic society in 1908 cers for the coming year will be minster Theological Seminary, and 7:30 P. M. by graduates and undergraduates of elected. Don and Beulah Griffin, sister and Dr. Holloway are now attending the 28-29-Tau Kappa Alpha Con- I several Indiana colleges and univer- brother from Towson, Maryland, will Conference at Kansas City, Missouri, vention. sities. At present, chapters exist in DELTA PI ALPHA each assume a prominent position where plans are being made for unit- May: over eighty colleges and universities Bob Faw, transfer sophomore, will when the Western Maryland Sym- ing the Methodist Episcopal, the 1-Tri Beta---8:00 P. M. in all sections of the United States. be formally initiated into the Preach- phony Orchestra presents its annual Methodist Protestant, and the Meth- 2-Movies ~ "The River" and Present enrollment of the society is ers on May 1. spring concert on Friday, May 4, at well over 6,000. An open house is being planned to eight P. M. odist Episcopal South churches. For "The Plow that Broke the Lowell Thomas, world-famous au- be held in May. A definite date has an opening message, the Uniting Con- Smith Hall. Plains", Miss Gtlffin, a member of the ju- terence of the three Methodiems re- 4-College Orchestra Concert thor and lecturer, is president of the )10t been selected by the committee; nior class, was appointed concert ceived a greeting from King George -Alumni Hall---8 :00 P. M. national Tau Kappa Alpha. Mr. Carroll Maddox, Wilbur Prentiss, and maeeter this year by Professor Royer, VI of England. The message was 5-Movies~Smith Hall-Mr. Thomas, now only forty-seven years Charle,Cole. director of the orchestra. She has conveyed by the Reverend Robert Raver. old, is eminent in the fields of journal- studied violin under Professor Royer, Band who was a former president of 6-Visitor's Day for Men. ism, exploration, and historical re- SIGI\JA SIGl\tA TAU and played in the first violin section the British Methodist Church. 8---lnternational Relations- search, as well as in his better known On April 18, the members of Sig- of the orchestra for the past three On April 25, at the Municipal Au- 6:45 P. M. pursuits as author and news commen- ma Sigma. Tau held a birthday party years. Both Miss Griffin and her ditorium of Kansas City, a reception 9--Music Recital-s-Smith Hall tator. While still in his twenties, he in honor of the 17th anniversary of brother are majoring in public school was given for the Uniting Confer- 4:15 P. M. . was sent to Europe by President Wil- the founding of the club. At the music. ence delegates. Among others, there l1-Art Club-6:30 P. 111. son as chief of the civilian mission party, the new members presented the Don Griffin, a freshman, will be the was in the receiving line Dr. and Mrs, to prepare the historical record of the club with a silver tea service. soloist for the evening. He will play James H. Straughn of Baltimore. Dr. World War. DELTA SIGMA KAPPA the Polonaise from the Suite in B Straughn is president of the Board of Kompanek And Everett minor by Bach, a solo for flute with Trustees of Western Maryland Col- r.h~:teer ~~e~~~~ A~1:::eli::~ it;O~~:~~ tO~~:::ie~:~r~h~a~u~~e~h:l~~:~~s e:~~ orchestra and piano accompaniment. lege. During the conference, the in- Debate Penn State Team tel' late in the spring of 1935. It was nual publication. Mr. Griffin is studying flute under turests of the ecumei-ical Christianity presented by Dr. Herbert Wing of scholarship at Peabody Conservatory. will be presented to the delegates, Thomas And Douty Uphold Same Dickinson College, chairman of the GAMMA BETA CHI He played with the college orchestra and there will be a program devoted Question With New York Pennsylvania Forensic Council, to Dr. I Gamma Beta Chi held an open in its spring concert last year. to the work of negroes in Methodism. University Albert Norman Ward, late president house on Saturday, April 15. Dane- • The orchestra will be considerably For April 24 and 25, a meeting of the of Western Maryland at a banquet ing, cards, and refreshments were ill- larger this spring than it was when World Service Commission was called. On April 24 in the Monday morn- for debaters and their guests. Dr. eluded in the day's program. heard last winter at the student-con- ing assembly in Alumni Hall, Wes- Wills and 'Professor Makosky remain faculty ducted program. It will be augment- One of the features of the confer- tern Maryland College, represented by the original -_-- Louise Jameson Gives members of the ed by members of both the Baltimore ence will be a pageant, "The Spread. Miss Veronica Kompanek and Mr. local chapter. and the National Symphony Orches- h)g Word", in which a number of Willard Everett, upheld the negative Recital In Smith Hall tras, and by amateur musicians from prominent men and women in Metho- side in a debate against Penn State (Cont. from Page 1, Col. 5) Carroll County. dism are expected to participate. The University, represented by the Misses phase of college life. This is expect- The program for the concert is as pageant is a representation of the Mime Dorff and Elizabeth Hatton_r ed to end shortly after 2:00 P. M. Mezzo - Soprano Presents Last Of follows: publishing work of Methodism. Mo- Dean Schofield was chairman of the The afternoon will be devoted to Senior Graduation Programs Overture Coriolanus Beethoven tion pictures will be used to tie to- debate. . an intercollegiate sports program On April 25 the episodes of the pageant gether Polonaise frqm Suite in B Minor and to convey the story in historical The question discussed was: "Re- which the guests are invited to watch. Flute Solo .2 _ Bach solved, That the United States should By this time the Western Maryland Louise Jameson, mezzo-soprano, March Clasaique _ Weber sequence. follow a policy of isolation toward all Invitation Golf Tournament will have gave her senior voice recital last Swedish (Broliops) March nations engaged in civil or intema- gotten under way with nine colleges Tuesday evening, April 25, in Smith tional conflict outside the Western taking part. Hall. She was~ accompanied by Pro- Soe~,,!7J: (Cont. from Page 1, CoL 2) The Lake at Sunset ......... .Ji.fagtnl'1lt Hemisphere." No decision was ren- At 2:30 P. M. the Western MarY-I fessor Oliver Spangler. March Hungroise . ... Berlioz - nary rounds of the debate tourna- dered. land and the Wilson College baseball Miss Jameson, who is majoring in Intermission ment. Mr" Edward Thomas and Mr. John teams will compete on Hoffa Field. voice and public school music, studied Symphony No.2 in D Minor 4.15 P. M. to 5:00 P. M.-Tour of i Douty of the freshman class debated The Carnegie Tech tennis team will voice for three years under Mrs. Beethoven - the Western Maryland College the same question with New York. 'meet the Green Ten-ors at 2:40 P. M. de Long, and is now studying with Adagio Molto---Allegro con brio campus; athletic events; commit- University on April 21 in Science This is the first time a special day I :Mr. de Long. Her program was as Larghette tee meetings. Hall. No decision followed this de- has been set aside to entertain high . follows: I _ 6:30 P. M.-Banquet at Windsor bate, but Dr. E. K. Schempp gave an school men. May Day, which has for Forsake Me Not ...Bohemian Folk8Q'1tu .. Italian day for men Bygone Days sometime been visitor's analysis Inn, followed by the after dinner the speeches. after Folk8Q'1tg I speaking contest. Mi l7ta:y ~::;:m;i!~ ;~~I~;~n ~~~ :~:oo~:~~~n ~~:s ~ea~~IY for high My Little Heart Is S~:~:::h Folksong I Wilde Voted President Saturday, April 29: Daniel Lounge, Mr. Raymond Myers Men's Day serves the two-fold pur- Two Folksongs of Little Russia Folksong Russian Of Newly Formed S.C.A 9:00 A. :r.i.-Final round of the de- and Mr. Richard Baker of Western pose of acquainting the sub-fresh- Arietta: Il Mio Bel Foco ....... Ma1·cello bate tournament. men who have register.ed for college Maryland upheld the negative side of 10;30 A. M, to 12;00 Noon.-Dis- the following question: "Resolved, next year with the campus, and also Immel' Leiser Wird Meln Schlummer Blanche Scott Is Vice President; cusslon of forensic problems. That the United States should pre- helping- those men who have not yet BrahmlS Jean Carines, Lalia Scott Hold 12:15 P. M.~Luncheon at Windsor vent the sale of arms and munitions decided which college they wish to at- Am Sonntag Morgen . Brahms Other Offices Inn. to foreign countries." There was no tend. Novembre ._....Tremisot 1:45 P. M. to 4;00 P. M.~Business decision on the debate. Chanson De Marie Antoinette Donzel Wilde was elected president session, reports of officers and The freshman team this season has (Cont. from Page 1, Col. 1) Ja.cobson . of the newly formed Student Chris- participated in eleven debates on four Service. Documentary film, often Quelle Soutfrance... ...Leonormand tian Association on Wednesday, AprH committees, consideration of T. leading questions. Several more de- spoken of as "fact film", presents in On the Steppe GTetchaninojJ 19, 1939. Blanche Scott was elected K. A. debate question, matters bates have been scheduled. dramatic form actual facts or authen- Ah, Love, But A Day Beach "ice-president; Jean Louise Cairnes, of fraternity policy, election of tic reenactment of factual data and Love Is Meant to Make Us Glad secretary; and Lalia Scott, treasurer. officers. THE WATCHBIRD situations. Germn.n These officers will be installed at a Officers of the local chapter are: Richard Haliburton This type of fllm was originated A Song for Lovers... .D. Taylor later meeting. President--Joseph Oleair; Vice Pres- Richard Haliburton, whose roman- in the 1920's by Robert Flaherty. At The Feast of Lanterns Bantock Dean Little headed the committee ident--Frank Sherrard; Secretary- tic wanderings have long appealed to the present time, Great Britain has A formal recital, such as Miss which fonned a new constitution for Treasurer-Veronica Kompanek. world-wide readers, is now believed to developed it to the greatest extent. Jameson gave, is a requirement for the joint membership of the Y. W. C. Alvin Newton, Willard Everett, and have met the end he often predicted- Everyone is invited to attend the graduating with a major in voice or, A. and the Y. M. C. A. A provision in Sidney Mansh were initiated into the death at sea. Haliburton left Hong_ showing of these movies. It is re- an instrument. Elizabeth Crisp. and the new constitution states that if a fraternity on April 25. Professor kong, China, on March 4, sailing in ~ quested that all use the front en- Anna Stevenson gave their senior man is elected president of the asso- John D. Makosky is the faculty spon- Chinese junk for San Francisco, and trance because the movie camera wili piano recitals on the previous Tues- ciation, the vice-president must be a I SOl'. has now apparently disappeared ill be set up in the rear of the room. days. woman, or vice versa. mid-ocean. Before undeltaking the journey, (Cont. from Page 2, Col. 4) terrific I (Cont. from Page I, Col. 3) Haliburton was warned by seamen at ity of the council as a whole. Those Shipley, head of the art department Hongkong that he faced The finest in movie fare is yours are ill charge of the fashion review, men who wish an active administra_ dangers en route. His retort to this tion should seek their executive else- was in the typical Haliburton and are assisted by Sue Price, secre- where. ner: man- tary of the club, Elise Wicdersum, In condusion, full credit should be at publicity chairman and other mem- "Well, I'm used to going down t.o bers of the club as hosts and host- rendered to the members of the pres- the sea in ships. If I don't reach land ent council for having upheld the ~wel1, it's all in a day's work." standards of their predecessors. In There is much to be learned from a THE CARROLL As in previous years, the review will the light of this opinion, which few be open to the public, but this year will contest, those men who de8ire the study of his roving, carefree philoso- will be presented in an improvised traditional passive type of Western phy of life. Few persons ever reach setting in Blanche Ward Gymnasium lIfc!1'11land Men's Student Govenmwnt the point of such freedom, ease, and abandon as is tl>be found in the life ir.. order to accommodate the expect- can do no better than to place one of of Richard Haliburton. and ed crowd. its junior members at its head next It is undecided whether there will year. THREE CHAIR SERVICE bE a "College Shop" in the "Y" room Yours very respectfully, THE STATE like the one conducted by Hoshchild, No Waiting Kohn and Co. last year. -FRANK SHERRARD. HEAGY BROTHERS' BARBER SHOP Next to Post Office H. E. REESE THEATRES Lowry Beauty Shop CLEANING TAILOR PRESSING Adjoining Post Office REPAIRING • 94 East Main Street PERMANENT WAVE SUITS I\fADE TO MEASURE SPECIALISTS EXPERT HAIR STYLISTS J. D. KATZ "Two Houses with one purpose ~~~ Your .Films Developed 93 East Main Street QUALITY Have and Finished at phone 395 your entertainment" SHOE REPAIRING Westminster, Maryland Special Rates to Students The College Grill Joe Oleait! Agent
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