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BE COURTEOUS TO CAMPUS GUESTS Z286 Vol. 16, No. 17 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. April 27, 1939 American Folk Life I Annual Eisteddfod Art Club Sponsors High School Seniors To Visit To Be Depicted In To Be Given Friday Third Annual Show Campus On Men's Day, May 6 Documentary Films Of Spring Fashions Initial Attempt At Separate Day For Men Brings Students from Seven States; Round-Table Discussion And Athletics On Program DEAN FREE PLANS AND DlREC TS DAY'S ACTIVITIES Several hundred high school se- nior men will be the guests of the College on Visitor's Day for Men, Saturday, May 6. Invitations to spend the day on the campus have been extended to all male high school seniors in this sec- tion, who are interested in Western Maryland. The invitations have been accepted by students in New England, ~r~~:~~a~~,\v::~se~ir~:n~~~y~:~ Maryland. Alumni who are teaching in many of these schools have con- sented to drive students to the cam- pus. Tennis Tournament Planned Dean Free especially appeals to the men of the college to see that men from their home towns are made to feel at home and are shown as many of the aspects of college life as pos- sible, so that their visit will be both informal and pleasant. The activities for the day will begin at 9:00 A. M. with registration in Mc- Daniel Hall Lounge. At 10:00 P. M. an interscholastic tennis tournament will get under way with teams represent- ing Forest Park, Polytechnic, and City College, all of Baltimore, par- ticipating. Individuals who wish to en- ter the contest will be given ample opportunity to do so. At the same time as the tournament." tlie fresfi: man 'baseball team will play its first game, with Southern High School of Baltimore. To Hold Opon Discussion All visitors will be invited to eat lunch as guests of the college at 12 o'clock. After lunch, the high school men will assemble in McDaniel Lounge where they will meet the officers of adminiatra.tion and part of the fac- ulty. A round-table discussion will be conducted on the subject, "Why a College Education?" The high school Fourteen graduates of the West- students will have the privilege of were Dean Arranges Series Of minster Theological Seminary asking any questions they might have at; to curriculum, entrance require- presented diplomas on April 24 at Open Forum Conferences the fifty-sixth commencement held in ments, expenses, athletics, or any the Westminster Methodist 'Protest- (Cont. on Page 4, Col. 4) ant Church. Dr. Gould Wickey. gen- Students Invited To Seeond In eral secretary of the Council of Series Of Guidance Dr. Allen A. Stocksdale Local Chapter Host To Tau Kappa Church Boards, Washington, D. C., Discussions To Speak In Assembly Alpha Annual Regional Convention delivered the address, "The Ministers' Students interested in business ad- Message to a Seeking World". A Master of Sacred Theology Degree ministration are invited to attend a wfll Address Students On May 1; Oregon Style Debate Tournament And After-Dinner Speaking Contest To was awarded to Henry John Muller round table discussion to be held dur- Topic To :Be "The Future Be Program Highlights of Finksburg, Maryland. The Degree ing the week of May 8. This discus- Of America" of Bachelor of Sacred Theology was sion will be the second in a series of Western Maryland's chapter of should be regarded as best. The na- presented to the following: Warren open forum guidance conferences' be- Dr. Allen A. Stocksdale, head of the 'Iuu Kappa Alpha, national honorary tlonal secretary of T. K. A. will pro- Wright Almy, Robert Louis Bartlett, ing arranged by Dean Free. Students Speaker's Bureau of the National As- debating fraternity, will be hosts to vide the cup as a trophy in this event. Robert Harlan Cairnes, Abraham who have a non-professional interest sociation of Manufacturers will be the nineteen chapters of the Pennsyl- Alvin Newton will be the negative de- Stauffer Curry, Joseph Charles nib- are invited to attend. the assembly speaker on Monday, vania district on Friday, April 28, and bater for Western Maryland, and Wil- ! ley, Sulon Gurney Ferree, Arthur Dr. Edwin K. Schempp, Mr. Sidney May 1. His topic will be "The Future Saturday, April 29, at this organiza- lard Everett, the affirmative. Dale Giles, John William Obee, Hausman, general manager of the of America." tion's annual district meeting. Charles Edgar Read, James Arthur Ccngoleum plant near Westminster, Dr. Stocksdale was born in Zanes- The highlights of the program will Oleair To Speak Richards, and Edward Veily Stras- und Mr. William Mather, of the local ville, Ohio, graduated from Boston be a debate tour,nament, and an after. Early on Friday, there will be given baugh. department store, will be the leaders University and did post graduate dinner speaking contest. The debate to the delegates a subject for the af- Dr. Forlines Speaks of the Forum. Dr. Schempp will work in philosophy and sociology at tournament which will be held in the tar-dinner speaking contest. Each Diplomas were given to Willard speak on business theory and princi- the School of Theology. Later he be- Oregon style is on the following sub- chapter may enter one speaker in this Wall Sylvester and Lester K. Welch. ples, Mr. Hausman on production, came a resident student at Oxford ject: "Resolved, That American lib- event. A group of judges will be ap- The baccalaurate address was de- and Mr. Mather on retailing. In this University in England. eral arts colleges should require can- pointed to determine the best speak- livered on Sunday morning by Dr. way the three main divisions in the Served During War didates for graduation to participate er. Secretary Hade also will provide Charles E. Poi-lines, president of the field of business will be covered. During the World War, Dr. Stocks- annually in at least two distinct fields a trophy for this event. Joseph seminary. He used for his topic Objectives of Forum Stated dale served for six months in France of extra-curricular activity." Oleair will represent Western Mary- "Power for the Ministry." Dean Free, who is chairman of the. as a Red Cross Field Director, with Newton, Everett In Tourney land in this contest. The Alumni service was held at the Forum, says that the discussion will the commission of Captain. At the Each member college is asked to The program for these two days is Methodist Protestant Church, Sunday have four main objectives. The first opening of the big drive of July. 1918, send an affirmative supporter to the as follows; at 7:30 P. M. The sermon was pre- of these will be to show the opportu- he was with the Second Division near question and a negative supporter. Friday, April 28: sented by Reverend Klein K. Hadda- nities open to college students in the Scissons. During the' years between Each of these students will be pitted 10:00 A. M. to 11:00 A. M.-Regis- way, graduate of the Seminary in business world. Secondly, the pre- 1918 and 1937, Dr. Stocksdale held against a single debater tvom each of tration in McDaniel Hall Lounge. 1!)17. He is now pastor of Mount requisites for a business career will pastorates in Boston, Toledo, Chica- three other colleges. From these pre- 11:00 A. M. to 12:00 Noon.-First Olivet Methodist Protestant Church be enumerated and evaluated. The go, and Washington, D. C. His most liminary contests the two best affir- business session in McDaniel Hall in Arlington, Virginia. I Fcrum will then attempt to describe recent pastorate was in the First Con- matives and the two best negatives Lounge; appointment of commit- The memorial gold cross on the the attitudes which an individual gregational Church in Washington. will engage on Saturday morning in tees. Seminary was lighted Monday even- should have towards business as a Since 1937, Dr. Stocksdale has been the final round of the tournament. 12:15 P. M.-Luncheon at Windsor ing before the commencement exer- I career. Finally, the natural remun- affiliated with the National Associa- This will take the form of a parlia- Inn. cfses in memory of the late Reverend oration, financial and otherwise, that tion of Manufacturers, one of whose mentary session. A group of judges 1;45 P. M. to 4:15 P. M.-Prelimi- Dr. H. L. Elderdice, president emeri- a business man or woman may expect aims is to promote better relation- will decide which of the four finalists (Cent, on Page 4, CoL 2) tus. i will be pointed out. ships between capital and labor.
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