Page 62 - TheGoldBug1938-39
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Wesbninater. Md. I . Students Are Guests CALENDAR, W.M.C.RepresentedAt. "yn Groups Decide To I Dr. James B. Ranck OfW.M.C.Alumni Club April-e- Tri-Beta Convention Form Single Organization I To Address FacnllY 13-~~'~ r.~:~~n~!~io:~g!.:30 P. Constitution To Be DiscussedAnd FO;;::or~e~~p~:t~:~:t~~711~~~::~nd Dr. Holloway, n-, Harrison, And Mr. 14-Junior Plays, 8:00 P. M., Milton Hendrickson And Lawrence I I Voted Upon At A Later On Foreign Affairs Raver Attend Banquet In Alumni Hall. Strow Read Scientific Papers Meeting Hagerstown I5-Home Economics Confer- Before Group -- Dr. James B. Ranck, head of the ence, Reg-istr-ation 10:30, -- At a combined meeting, the Y. W. department of history at Hood Col- On Thursday, March 30, the West- McDaniel Lounge. western Maryland was represented C. A. and the Y. M. C. A. voted to lege, will address the Faculty Club ern Maryland College \Vashington 17-Freshman Biology Fie I d at the annual convention of the north- form a single organization, a Student on Thursday, April 20 at 7:30 P. M. County Club entertained all the pres- Trip to Washington. eastern region of the Tri-Beta Bio- Christian Association. On Wednes- in McDaniel Hall Lounge. He will ent Western Maryland students from French Club, 6:45 P. M., logical fraternity held at Gettysburg d~y, A~ril 2, the grou~s adoPted'l speak on foreign affairs in present- Washington County at its annual din- l\fcDaniel Lounge. College on April 1. Gettysburg, Drew with minor changes, portions of the day Europe. ner-. held at the Patterson Hotel in 18-Vocal Recital, Louise Jame- University, and Thiel College sent new constitution which had been In 1927, Dr. Ranck was head of the Hagerstown, Md. son, 8:00 P. M., Smith Hall. representatives to the all-day sessions drawn up bye committee appointed history department at Western Mary- Dr. and Mrs. Holloway, Mr. and 20-Faculty Club, 8:00 P. M., and to the evening banquet at the for that purpose and composed of land. He holds a Ph.D. degree from Mrs. T. K. Harrison, and Mr. Raver McD:miel Lounge. Battlefield Hotel. members of the cabinet of the Col- Johns Hopkins University. were also among the guests. Both 22-Junior Prom, 8:00 P. M. Those attending from Western lege Church, advised by Dr. Little Dr. Holloway and Mr. Har-r-ison spoke 24-International Relations Club Maryland were Dr. Bertholf, Prof. The remainder of the constitution will about the College. Dr. Holloway in- Meeting, 6:30 P. M., Mc- Hennighof, Milton Hendrickson, Alice be discussed and voted upon at a ANNOUNCEMENT troduced the students individually to Daniel Lounge. Schneider, Norma Keyser, Eleanor later meeting of the joint groups. the members of the club. 25-Piano Recital, Anna Steven-' Wheeler, Jay Mowbray, Margaret the attendance at the meeting sug- To Whom it May Concern: After the dinner, Mr. Raver showed son, 8:00 P. M., Smith Hall. Quades, and Lawrence Strow. geste that the new. organization has movies of life on the Hill which he 27-Fl'ench Club Conference, Scientific 'paper-s were read and re- much greater popularity. The business manager of the has taken over the past four or five 8:00 P. M., McDaniel ports made 011 the progress of the The constitution now awaits the 1939 Aloha again calls attention to years. The evening was concluded Lounge. various chapters at the opening meet- approval of the faculty. If this ap- the deadline of April 15 for final with the singing of the Alma Mater. ing. Milton Hendrickson spoke on a proval is granted, as is expected, the payment of Alr>ha fees. The students who attended were phase of the bee research which is organization will hold an election of He also reserves the right, if Kathryn Foltz, Kermit Bayard, said fees are not paid by that time, to cancel the contracts. George Myers, John Camoohan, Rob- (Continued from Page 2, Col. 4) ~a:~~::dnceO~tl"~:vI:::~l~n onl\!~~"Y~~::~ ~~~er;. ~~ ~e:~:I~dt:- n~~ri~Ol~:~it~~ Furthermore, the right to raise ert Fleagle, mnifred Coberly, Hetty to church and the boy hums: ress of the Alpha Mu chapter. Other tion, control is divided equally, as far the price of the Aloha is also re- Jo Huffman, Arnold Fleagle, Sidney "She'd even scare a copper, papers included, "Mutations in as possible, between men and women, Mansh, Henry 'I'i-iesler, Edna Tries- In that thing she calls a topper. I Plants" and "The Pituitary Gland of one provision being that the presi- served. ler, wtlltem Leatherman, and. Rich- (Gosh!) I wouldn't even put her in the Fence Lizard." A Drew Urriver- Signed: ard Shuck. a circus parade." sity speaker reported the finding on ~~~~ :d:::, ~i~;-~':~id:ety n:~h n~: JOSEPH OLEAIR, This Wnshington County Club was an~~tee~~ehi:~l~a~;' i~~:;;~~:a~~y,h!f~~ :ll!r~~ ~ ~~n:.lbino branch, the only women. After electing officers, the Business Manager. established in 1934. Its purpose is exposed). If they aren't climbing association will select its own faculty "to perpetuate the memories of our college days, to foster and continue ~00h:~~d::.:\:~;~;~e i;~~::~: o~a:~~ L.~;.e ~!~:::e~~ o~~~: e~~~;~s~;~ ~:~ ~p~~~:r; ~eaders expect this new set- THREE CHAIR SERVICE friendships formed, and to promote interest in our Alma Mater." opinion of their companions. Each !~~:;e~~:s ort~~e C;:c:e:~~:;I:~ aO:PI::~ ~~l~:t~l~n~{Q~'~o:: r::ee::~~~:el:;\~~ HEA~; :~~;fIERS' The officers are as follows: still thinks that her "silent partner" eug'enics to control the qualit~ of the creasing attendance at the Associa- BARBER SHOP President, Joseph T. Snyder, '32; is only speec_hless. race .. Dr. Green had many shdes a~d I tion meetings, by making possible the Next to Post Office vice-president, Sharpe D. Karpel', data from the State of New Jersey 11- pppointment of more effective com- '32; vicc-president, "\Vm. H. Sparrow, (Continued from Page 1, Col. 5) lustrating the need of eugenics. One ·tt es and by leading to a more JOHN EVERHART '32; secretary, Mrs. J. Arthur Speich- the singing of Martha Tilton is worth of h.i~ main points was, "Because the :~n:m;c 'expenditure of combined er, '24; treasurer, Miss Sally Burtner, raving about, but there are some who fUlll1hes of low intelligence are the funds. THE COLLEGE BARBER '36; historian, Miss Jane K. Kriner, feel that the trumpet break towards \03l"gest, the welfare of society is en- Affiliation with the national Y. 1\1. AND BOBBER '33. the end of the song is 110tin the mood dangered and the av~rage intelligence C. A. will be retained, and contribut- AT THE F~RKS of the piece as a whole. Is it? is being lowered." ing active men members will receive Enthusiasm is also springing up in ----- membership cards' entitling them to DR. HOLLOW A Y SPEAKS favOT of Ella Fitzgerald's version of (Continued fTom Page 1, Co\. 4) privileges available under the former Have Your Films Developed at and Finished AT SUNRISE SERVICE 'Taint What You Dr>, which song ~~ci~'ie~iSL;~il~lgca~~~\i~nfi~n~;~~ nrrangement. Active members will The College Grill ~~::YS1~3~~e;!~~da;:~r~:i~~i1~:~~:~~ ~1~r~~e~:~:=l"~ut~~'~n~: ~~~~~~e~~Y' be those attending at least three (Continued from Page 1, Col. 2) In this last play, Mr. Gardiner has . ~~U;:i~~;~:;~n~:;:~;~~;~g~~'~igt;h~~':;;;e:o;'h~b~~o;~'~t~d~.~~~~~~§~~~~ Room... God is alive in this world. These things for his recent Ro!;c a watchbird the rather helpless positioll of being This is a lot more than people, the totalitarians and the real- usually has to say and so we take a f~~;:et~~is f~~~~ur:setdgr~~p \~f~~t ists, can accept the objective aesthet- brief time out so as to permit more. act plays thnt the speech depart- icism of the resurrection; they ques- watching by the watchbird. i ment will present this year. tion the subjective proof." "What proof is there that Christ is YOU ARE INVITED alive today?", Dr. Holloway asked his to come in and meet listeners. He told them that the Compliments Miss Anne Luckenbach gathering before him was a proof if ~ they had COlllebecause of spiritual be- Representative of the famous lief and not merely for a display of OF Dorothy 'Perkins Cosmetics pageantry. The Christian colleges who will be in our store and schools in the country; the six hundred million Christians in the Coffman - Fisher Co. Friday and Saturday, April 14 and 15 ! world, those yet unborn, even the She will be glad to talk over your cosmetic problems fltill-born, those living, and those who with you! have lived so beautifully this way of DEPARTMENT STORE Bring in this ad and receive a special gift from Miss life and are about to pass on; and the Luckenbach, absolutely FREE of charge! fact that Christianity refuses to di~ WESTMINSTER, MD. ar.e real truths and evidences of a resurrected Savior. 15 E. j\1ain St., Phone Dr. Holloway closed by saying: W08t1ninster, 1I-1d. 391- "Weare the media, who show by o~lly! 392 how we live that we are indivi"duals of His living. There is no other way We have all the "NEWEST" for the world to know that He is alive." H. E. REESE White SHOES TAILOR CLEANING 'The finest in movie fare is yours PRESSING REPAIRING For Sports and Dress Wear. 94 Ea.'St Main Street SUITS MADE TO MEASURE at • For sportswear J, D. KATZ • Brown and white crepe sole $1.98 QUALITY • All white crepe sole SHOE REPAIRING • White rubber sole moccasin THE CARROLL Special Rates to Students up Joe Olea;r, Agent • Brown and white cork sole widths • Black and white crepe sole C to AA and • M.e,.ican Sandal in tie or strap $1.98 Phone 300 .• For dresswear THE STATE CAR ROLLE EN • Brown and white 98 • AI! white up THEATRES • Sandals Individual Coiffures widths • Open toe and heel eta AA Beauty in its Entirety • If ie's shoes you need stop first at . • Rosenstock's Ladies' Shop "'Two Houses with one pU~'pose~~~ 66 W. Main St. WESTMINSTER, MD. 67 E. Main Street WESTMINSTER, MD. your entertainment"
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