Page 61 - TheGoldBug1938-39
P. 61
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PAGE THREE Rain Halts Yale Game as Terrors Lead, 4-2 WI ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~J:C:;:in';de::rm:e~n :Op:e~n:Se:aS:O~D=T;Te::rr=or~G~o~lfe:rs~L:os:e~T~o= Two Inning Tussle T ERR <2 ~'d so,!."0 PIC S IncMlleeegteAFtrl'!fdaaysbiAnpgrt~ln14BQstoDU. and Navy Proves Western Md. o ,I LACK OF PRACfICE IS Is Very Promising Spring Sports Klare Succeeds Bender As Captain; DETRIMENTAL Last Friday the Western Maryland spring sports teams em- Thrce Dual Meets Scheduled; barked on the most ambitious spring schedule in the school's his- Western Maryland's golf team BARKDOLL TRIPLES WITH 2 ON tory. Four sports-baseball, tennis, track, and golf-e-comprise Fieldmen Lacking opened its strenuous 1939 schedule, the varsity program, and speedball, golf, tennis, and track are Coach Bruce Ferguson is condi- on Friday, April 8, with a 9-0 licking Western Maryland College opened lis.ted ~s intramural contests. Thus, a majority of the men on the tioning one of the largest track and at the hands of Boston University. its baseball season Tuesday-but it The visitors, having been on a South- was a brief premiere. After two in- RIll O~lt~~ ~~t:~~?e~nofo~: ~O:r~ita: ~e~~!ifo~~i~~t[h t~~~~~~~~~'as 1~:lr~'O~q~l~:tSor~t~~lll"~~::e,y::~:r:~ ern tour for two weeks, had much the nings of play, with the Green Terrors Yale, Boston College, West Virginia, Gettysburg, Colgate, Carnegie miler has been elected captain, sue- advantage in playing, although the in front 4~2, a steady downpour of Tech, Maryland, and George Washington, truly a sprinkling of cccdmg "Reds" Bendel', who was cap- high wind and cold affected both r-ain forced a halt to the festivities. some of the strongest teams in the East. Contests with the afore- win last season. team's playing. The match served as Brief as the battle was, it furnished mentioned colleges will be played on the home grounds. To en- The track schedule consists of an indication, however, that the Ter- an interesting preview of the team's gender a winning spirit in the Terror teams, enthusiastic specta- meets with Washington 'College, Hop- rors will be tough to beat on their strength and its prospects for the tors are needed. Therefore, the athletic department issues a plea kins, Catholic U.-all dual meets- Horne course, because all were up in season. Meeting a Yale team eager to the student body-e-particularly the women-to spend an after- and the Mason-Dixon Conference their matches at the end of nine holes, to avenge its honor after three noon or two a week cheering for the Western Maryland teams. meet at Homewood. The engage- and only lack of practice held them straight setbacks on its Southern trip, back. The score also does not indi- the Green Terrors showed up well. Elis ~h~nTth:iaiIi~:me was rained out Tuesday, Yale wasn't win. ment with Washington College will cate the closeness of the match, as Everybody got hold of the ball once, ning. The Elis return to New Haven with the idea firmly fixed in ~;~~:u~~~~o:::wse::onth:n~h::.~mt::.: four of the matches were ended on and everything "Bing" Crosby, Yale's ;~~f;~:~:;~~ve I~i~~: {~:~g~~~fh~~~t~s~Se~tlih~ea~:s~~~ fh; Eii track at Chestertown, Maryland. ' the last hole, or next-to-last hole. opening hurler, tossed in seemed to meet a Terror bat. batsmen smote in vain the offerings of Ned Butcher, University of Dashmen Plentiful Harvey Low Scorer Elis Get One Hit Richmond sophomore star, to record a total of no hits and no runs. The Terrors will have plenty 'of Franny Harvey, of Boston Unlver- After two innings of wild and wooly The Spiders merrily connected with everything that Moe Jubitz, spr-inters to run the dashes. "Reds" sity, the number 1 man of the invad- hitting, the team had nearly bat- .ace Yale pitcher, threw toward the plate, and chalked up a total of Bender, Lou Williams, Clyde Thomas, Cl·S,was low scorer for the day with ted around twice. Out of the thir- 'eleven runs. Taken aback by this unkind reception, Yale moved to and Charley Fitzgerald are last year's u 75, and beat Oleair 3 and 2. Burtis, teen batsmen to face Crosby, two Charlottesville, where Virginia staged a regular Civil War upris- holdovers. The newcomers include playing number 2, was beaten on t.he struck out, two g-rounded out, two hit ing to defeat the Northerners, 8-4. It's too bad Tuesday's game Tus Applegarth, Bill Robinson, Pete last green by a 20·foot putt for a long looping flies, two were walked, didn't go five innings. Townsend, and Bill Banks. Farewell To St. John's .... birdie by Paul Sullivan. Sulliv!'.n, in- I four singled, and one tripled. In the . As St. John's is removing intercollegiate athletics from its list cidentally, will be seen in Baltimore twelve batters to face Doug Cating- of activities after this year, the Terror tennis team will be the last next year against the Terror football ton, one struck out, two grounded out, to officially compete with the Johnnies in a varsjty sport. Although team as captain of the B. U. team. cne flied out, one fonled out, two were a very small college, St. John's has earned a fine reputation for its Bill Thomas, playing third man, walked, three reached first on fielder's athletic squads by their clean play and sportsmanship. Western was beaten by Holcomb, 2 up, after choices, one reached first on an error, Mayland should truly feel sorry to end athletic relations with such leading by two holes with four holes and one hit a home run. a worthwhile opponent. left to play. Pearson took Lanasa by Both teams showed up well in their Hurt Looks To Future a 3 and 2 count. In the last four- practice sessions; the rival coaches, Incidentally, the tennis squad has a tough row to hoe this sea- some, Neil Eckenrode lost by a 5 and Wood and Havens, pitched to their son. "Old Demon Graduation" cut sharply mto the ranks of the 4 score, and Frank Lesinski lost on proteges during the warm-ups. Then, netmen, and, per-versely, all opponents' seem t~ be stronger. Coach the last green for the Boston team'sIat 3 o'clock, the game opened with Hurt has an eye to the future, though, and IS encouraged by the final points. "the familiar ump's cry of "Batter number of freshmen and sophomores who are turning out for prac- . up," and the baseball season was on. tice. They will form a fine nucleus for several years to come. The Navy Match Informal Forty minutes later the rain drenched Terrors have been champions for the past two years and have no Saturday the team went to the Na- playei-s . and spectators alike, and intentions of giving up the coveted diadem without a fight. vat Academy and met the Navy team caused Coaches Havens and Wood to on the difficult and long Sherwood go into a huddle, from which they Golf le°v~:a':ceh~OlS have accepted'. invitations to compete in the Forpst. Country Cluh. The match was emerged with the decision to call off Western Maryland College Invitation .Golf. Tournamf?:nt on May 6. an informal one, and no results were the game. They are University of Maryland, University of Baltimore, Loyola kept of the matches, although the Collins Homers College, George Washington Un~vers~ty, Dickinson 9011ege, Gettys- Navy players clearly outclassed wes- In the abbreviated tussle, Barkdoll burg College, and Catholic University. Otto GrelI~er, Maryland "REDS" BENDER tern Maryland, and showed them- and Honeman showed up well at the State and Middle Atlantic amateur champion, who IS the captain In the longer j'UTIS, Hank Holljes, selves to have a strong, well-balanced bat, the former booming a triple to of the U. of Baltimore club-swingers, wi)l be the defending cha~- Bill Klare, Joe Rouse, and Lindsay team. deep right field, and the latter slash- pion~ Greiner won the event last year WIth 144 for 36 holes. ThIS Chase are the retuming YeterallS. Yesterday and today the team is ing a coupJeof snappy line singles. year's competition will be limited to 1~ holes due to the larger field Ed Lewis, Harry Lowery, Don WiI- playing in Philadelphia against West In the field, Ryan and Stropp sparkl- competing. dey, Bill Taylol', llnd Stan Ritchie will Chester Teacher's College and Haver- ed, though the former made a miscue ford College. The latter match is be- before settling down. Ontside of the Ex-TAr~uCt;~:Snce at ~he sport~ world reveals the fact .that ex~ ;~!::~tto fill in' the rest of the ing played on the course of the Mer- final sock, a line drive homer by Col- Terror athletes are makmg headlme news, The famed BIll Shf?:p- Western Maryland has only two ion Cricket Club, which has been the lins, no Yale ball passed the infield. herd All-American halfback and the nation's leading scorer whIle veterans in the field events, Bender s;cene of several natiOlml amateur and Doug Catington and Marbury Linton playing for Western Maryland, took over Dutc~ Clark's job with in the broad jump and Frank Lesinski open championships. did a bang-up job as the battery for the Detroit Lions and acted as quarterback and slgnl'l:l-caller. Glenn in the weights. Coach Fel'guson is the Terrors. McQuillen who patrolled the outfield for the'St. LOUIS Browns last seeking men to throw the weights, season, ha's been farmed out to ~ntonio of .the Texas League heave the javelin, broad jump, and for more experience. Stan B.enjanp:r; has beef.L purchased from high jump. New candidates for the RiftemenCapture Tenth Tennis Team Begins Crown Thomasville by the PhiladelphIa PhIlhes for dehyery nex~ SeaSOl?, field events al·e Paul Meyers, JUike and will probably wind up by playing for the Bal~lmore OrIoles. thIS Petrucci, and Cam Orloski putting the Place Iii Trophy Meet Defense Against St. John's year. Nick Campofreda has been going places m the profeSSIOnal shot, lrv Biasi tossing the discus, and wrestling racket and now rates as one of the top-notchers. Joe Otts Bradley and Ed Lewis high TEAM HANDICAPPED BY LACK I High School Tournament To Be Uvanni and Sheriff Fowble have been playing for the Be~hlehem jumping. Accounting team of the Baltimore. Bask;etball League, WhICh won OF MEN Featured On May 6 As Part the South Atlantic A. A. U. champIOnshIp. Terrors Meet Champs The ROT -- C UnIt llfle team of Of Men's Field Day Program __ The trackmen leave tomorrow Western Maryland College took tenth The Tenor netmen Will m.ake the Sprin~r~:t;h!l rumors floating around the campus, it seelh~ that the morning to run against Washington place III the annual Hearst Trophy first defense of then champIOnshIp departing senior football men will engage the present varSIty squad College, the champions of the Mason- Marksmanship competition. Firsi tomorrow afternoon against St. in mortal combat tomorrow. No hold~ will be barred, and the Dixon Conference. The graduation seI).iors are going so far as to include a rmger, one Bruce F.erguson of Gibby Young, star dashman, and place was caged by the U. of rl", John's College at Annapolis. The following rated by some authorities team will as the best day, the tennis of ancient Terror football fame, in the line-up. Ferguson IS,slated McMahon, a fine miler, will weakell collegiate team in the United States. invade Pennsylvania for a match with to la end on the offense and 1?ack on the defense .. In retm n, the the Shoremen, but they have enough Carnegie Tech came in second and Swarthmore College. The first home vaisi{ romised "to get that rmger" o~ the first play of the gam~. veterans left to insure them of having Lehigh third. match will be played against Gettys- To es;age this fate, Coach Ferguson WIll probably accompany hiS a fine outfit this season. Winners To Meet burg College on Tuesday. trac;,~~u:~ni~r ~r~!~~~~:n~tdefinite as yet, but· will include all of of L~t:~~i~Sk:l~~v~a~~~~i~t~~,~:~s~:~: This particular heat decided the Four Veterans Return those decrepit veterans limber enough to ho.bble around. C08: ch all indications their teams will be as championship of the 3rd corps area, Coach Hurt is as yet nnable to Havens will probably use his complete sprmg football practlce strong, if not stronger, than last comprising about 13 eastern states. name the full starting line-up which squad of twenty-six men, year's aggregations. Both schools The winners of the corps area. heats will represent Western MaryJalld will compete in a final national niund. against the Johnnies. He has select- Ramb~i:kinson, one of Wester~ Maryla_nd's ~939 football oppon~ defeated the Terrol·s last season. Marksmen shot in four positions: ed the first four players, but the re- ~f ~~t ~~f~~Ii maining two berths are still in doubt. ~ntd has ~ecjd~d t~e g~~d uEe~f~~~~~a~~~e~~j~;j~;~ prone, sitting, kneeling, and stand- inp' Each man shot 30 shots, five Captain Ransone will hold down the pf:ye~~~eo~du~.~or sprinlo~ho~~ufn:ui;ti;°~~~ b~eiIWE!:~:~;?~:!rm Dean(c;l~et~n~:~ ~~o:~U~::'d5~hat on shots in each position. Each shot had number one position, followed in or- hold sprmg hI. h' .hool teammates in golf matches thiS year. the mOl'ning of May 6, Westem Mary- a possible score of 10 points, so that der by Harold Solomon, Harold Bell the highest total possible was 200. Wright, and. Wilbur Prentiss. The face .for~rr 1 Ig 1'sc Brownell his former Roosevelt High team- ~:~i~~v~~n~r;ntS:~~.~~!~:~~~h~~~ji;:~~ -rucketers battli"ng for the other two Burbs WI Pkay ~m 'Il see a iot of Otto Greiner, whom he teamed Catington Leads positions al'e Ted' Bowen, Trago rrt~~, an* Ec t~';~r: ~igh The Terror's 16 match golf sched- ~ii~np~:i~~r~h:r::ldh;;~ ::~~;:;::ll ~~:;. Douglas Catington, a jnnior, was Brust, Bill Anthony, Sidney Waghel~ M ~~t isa\heO~~st extensive ~";e; attempted by a Maryland college the state have been invited. At the the best shot of the Green Terror stein, and Gene Belt. Dead Shots with a score of 184. Wil- According to Coach Hurt, the line~ linksJ:~'wm have .two ~epr.esentatives ii t~:m~~~~rib~z~p!~~~ ::~~OISo~!'.:r~~:~, fa;h:':~t i~a!~:~:s~ liam F. Wiley, sophomore, was sec- ups may be shifted around during the nnis season in an effort tq secure the max- bledon ti c~f~~IID~~~;:e~~~o~;~tSand Dave Marks, who ~h~eYM::;l:no;e~C:O~:~ti:i~~n~~:~~~ on~::::i~a::,re,:'hen pressed for a imum strength to throw against the for th~ a;~ ;Ipractice cruise this summer that will tak~ the~ t~ titleholders, City College, and Poly- statement concerning the team said: opponents. Since some of the veter- are gOIng. to ete in the tournament ... Hunt 1S ran e "Th, teem this year was handicapped ans are familiar with the style of Europe in bme c~~p I plebe McQuillen hit a 426-foot technic. Dean Free expects more en- by lac~" of men. There were few play of some of the opposing netmen, f?urth nat~on;lfh:~a~k~~s~:st su~~e~" Stupi.d bas~-running by tries in the near future. The prep freshmen with sufficient experience. they may be permitted to play those sI.ngle agams h ld h' to one base ... Hopkms wIll play pase- netmen will stay over in the after- But we have a fine nucleus for next men in an effort· to score wins. hIS teammates e aI~ew diamond at Homewood ... Manager :~;: ~a;::~i~ ~e:~~:r~:;~~eY en- I year's team." ~!~;~iis ~~~~i~ti~~ a championship next fall for his soccer squad. '" (Continued on Col. 3)
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