Page 45 - TheGoldBug1938-39
P. 45
The Gold Bug, Western Marylabd College, WestmiDater, Md. PAGE THREE Terrors Face Mounts Tonight Sidelines By LARRY STROW Cagers Drop Game To Defending League Champs American University Play First Game With Despite the season's r e cor d, the basketball team will enter to- Sat. By 2 Point Margin "A" Team Standings W. Md. This Season night's con t est with Mount St. W. L. Navy Match Saturday Draws Rooters Mary's with a .500 average in the A. G. T. With Hope Of Victory Maryland League race. Early this ROUGH GAME IN WASHINGTON Pi. A. A. TERRORS TO FIGHT month Johns Hopkins handed the Ter- D. Pi. A. Western Maryland's ring team FOR POSITION rors a defeat in a rough and tumble 36·34 Score Ends Game After Terror G. B. X. went down before the Army fighters at De Mclay Meet Freshmen game, but then the Green and Gold Lead Off The "A" Frat teams remained inac- West Point last Saturday 7-1, with Frederick In Preliminary Game men easily defeated St. John's on the The timer's clock showed five sec- tive Jast week in preparation for- the Bud Ricker the only man to score for home court two weeks ago. "'Follow- Mid-Winter Carnival games. The the Terrors. On the coming Satur- ing the game with the Mounts, the onds left to play, the score stood 36-34 Bachelors are leading the league and day, the boxers will visit the U. S. Tonight a fighting Green and Gold Terrors will meet other -leag ue oppo- in favor of American University Sat- this afternoon faced the Preacher's Naval Academy for the third match five will try to kill the jinx that has urday night at the American U. gym, followed the team so far this season. nents in rapid succession, playing when Captain John Tomichek, Stellar Club in the final game of the first of the season in much' better shape The Terrors face Mt. St. Mary's Col- nine games in all. The schedule for Terror guard, uncorked a final des- round. The Black and Whites also than they have entered the first two lege cage team at 8:00 P. M. in the the next two weeks j,ncludes Wash- played the Gamma Bets. The win- matches. Westminster Armory in a Maryland heave toward the basket. The ington College away on Feb. 4, Loyo- perate caromed off the backboard, ners or these games will play each Ricker Sends Man To Floor Collegiate League game. In the pre- ball la, Baltimore, and Delaware on Feb- hesitated, and then dropped out. With other tomorrow morning at 10:15 to At West Point Joe Rouse led off the liminary, the Frederick De Molay wiII ruary 7, 11, and 15, all at the West- it dropped the hopes of the Western decide the first round champion. minster A:rmory. bouts in the 120 pound class and re- meet the freshman cage squad in a The cagers are constantly improv- Maryland; Terrors, for a few seconds celved a straight blow in the mouth ill battle scheduled to start at about 7 middle of the that I P. M. round the first ing and hope now to sink those vital later the soilnd of the gun etched the BACHELOR'S "B" TEAM loosened one of his teeth. The referee .Mt. St. Mary.'s has won seven out of 36-34 decision into the records. shots. Against the famed Baltimore STILL HEADSCAGE LEAGUE University team, the squad did better Many Fouls Committed stopped the fight and awarded the de- nine games .thIS. season, ~ut We.stern YIeld nothing until the than expected and came within ten The game was wild and fast, and cision to Shear of Army. Beck went Marylan~ WI]] has blown. So far the final whistle rounds in the 127 pound class three points of the winners. Stropp and kept the crowd that filled the Eagles' Preachers Swamp Gamma Bets but the decision was finally awarded ~founts have defeated Potomac State Tomichek continue to be the main- gym on the edge of their seats with With 23-8 Score to Army. Then Bud Rickel' stepped in 32-26, Blue Ridge 45-23,. Shepherd stays of the team and have scored excitement. Bob Stropp, Terror cen- more than half of all the total num- ter, and Byham, the Eagle jumper, "8" Team Standings the ring with Cadet Toth and started College 41-23, St. ~ranc~s College ber of points. were both ejected from the fray with W. L. working on his man. In the middle of 34-24,. Scr~nton. University 38-30, (score unknown), the opening round Ricker sent across Llniveraiby Catholic The University of Delaware is be- four personal fouls apiece. Western A. G. T. a hard blow to the head and the one and St. John's College 57-27. The ing included more and more on West- Maryland committed thirteen fouls P. A. A. to the chest that sent his man to the Mount squad this year is again led by ern Maryland schedules, and athletic and American U. sixteen. The offi- , D. P. A. floor. As Toth fell, he hurt his shoul- the veterans Stan Kokie, Luke Sav- ties between the schools are becoming cials missed many more. G. B. X. del' and was unable to continue the age, and Joe Karpinski. These three closer. Western Maryland will play Terrors Gain Lead The Preacher's "B" team swamped fight. have been the strength of a team that Delaware in basketball, tennis, and the Gamma "B" team on January 24 has won the league title for the last probably baseball this year. Washing- After the opening center top, Bills by a score of 23-8. Frank Mather Lambert Meets Hitter two years. However, this season the ton College, and Johns Hopkins have fouled Byham in the act of shooting, was high scorer for Gamma Bets, and In the 145 pound class, Lambert Mounts have already been defeated by missed but Byham bot h shots. relations with the Delaware School, Schulze, of the home team, made the John Tomlinson for the Preachers. met one of the Army's hardest hitters. Washington College 52-44 and by La also. - When St. John's drops out of first basket of the game. Successive Both teams showed lack of practice Lambert went through the first round Salle 34-26. intercollegiate competition next year, buckets by Stropp, Tomichek, and and coaching and the game generally it is possible that Delaware may be lacked the polish and precision dis- all right, but his opponent drove hard Good Game In Prospect asked to join the Maryland Intercol- Honcman gave the Terrors a 6-2 lead. played by the "A" teams. in the second round and Coach H~- Both teams will be playing their eight minutes After had passed, the legiate League, although the school Terrors clung to a 10-8 lead, making In the first half, Mather made one vena threw in the towel. t,o save ~IS best, as the league standings rest on is not situated in the state. This most of their shots fl:om the outside field goal for the Gamma Bets and man. The Green Terror s captalfl~I the outcome. Mt. se. .Mary's and school's teams are of approximately missed two free throws. On the Red Bender, fought Tom.. Hull of Western Maryland both have a .500 the same strength and size as those as the bigger smaller Eagle Green Zone defense Preachers side, Ted Bowen, Tomlin- Ar~y, b~t the final decision was average while Washington leads the foiled the Gold and of Western Maryland and many even- basketeers. Until almost the end of solf! and Jim Shreeve made one field agamst h.lm. The Cadet had the ad- league. Incidentally, Washington Col- Baltimore ly matched games are possible. the half, both teams ~atched basket goal apiece, the latter also adding two vantas:e m and Ben~er had a lege was able to defeat night on the last Saturday hard time making use of hIS natural University However, according to the news for basket. With one minute to go, free throws. At the half the Preach- from Annapolis, the St. John's Captain Bartlett pivoted from near erslead,9-2. hooks. Shoremen's floor by a 52-47 score with Just a couple of hard blows in the students don't entirely approve of the Terror foul line and put a one . Scoring was heaker on hoth sides second round defeated Baker, West- Goop Zebrowski taking the scoring Tomlinson the during second half. dropping out of intercollegiate handed shot through the hoop. The led the pack with four goals for the ern Maryland's 165 pound entry. His honors. athletics. Many valuable con- score remained 19-19 as the half end- Preachers. Bryson dropped two and fight was stopped after 30 seconds of Coach Ferguson has not definitely tacts are made by athletic teams "d. the second round had passed. Dave announced his line-up, but, as usual, traveling from one campus to an- At the start of the second half the Bolley sunk one. In the Gamma Bets Calhoun was unable to make the he will probably use every man on the other and the players have a cuptaina of both teams, Tomichek and circus, Mather flipped two goals and Army trip. Charlie Rinehimer had squad. The use of the second string Me- Tate replaced one free throw. chance to become acquainted with Bartlett took turns making a basket Kens;; and lobed in one shot. every advantage in his fight, but his men will give the first five a chance to attitudes on other campuses. Es- apiece to maintain a tie at 21-21. opponent caught him on his trick rest from the long grind up and down pecially is this true in the sports Then Bob Stropp took matters into his Players for the Gamma Bets: shoulder and disabled him in the sec- the floor. The probable line-ups are: other than football. own hands as he netted a foul and Weant, Foy, Willey, Parks, Earhart, ond round. In thc unlimited class Western Md. Mt. St. Mary's McKensie, Mather, Tate. The sport of boxing at the United two high-looping field goals to give Players for the Preachers: Bowen, Mike Petrucci faced Stella, the 1939 Honeman F. Karpinski States Naval Academy is decidedly on the Terrors a 26-21 lead. In no way Linton, Tomlinson, Bryson, Galbreath, Army football captain. Stella sent Drugash F. Klotz the respectable side. As is the cus- discouraged, American U. rallied and Shreeve, Belley. Mike to the floor once during the Stropp C. Savage tom, all guests are requested to dress scored nine points in a row. Schulze Bachelors vs. Black and White opening round and then as the bell Tomichelo G. Leary formally or to wear military uniforms put in two field goals and Webb, The Bachelors trimmed the Black rang, he caught Mike squarely on the Biasi G. Kokie to the bouts. But according to Ben- Bartlett, and Reese got one apiece. and Whites by the low score of 15-9. chill. The blow put Mike out and the Time of preliminary-7:00. der and Oleair, there is nothing for- Tomichek Makes 16 Points For the Bachelors, Windsor and Ap- referee called it a technical knockout Varsity game----8:00. mal about the Navy fighters in the p!egal'th tied for top honors with two as Mike did not respond for the sec- ring as Spike Webb, their well known Captain Tomichek and Schulze, ace goals apiece. Otto Bradley and Bob- ond round. coach, turns out top notch boxers. American U. forward divided scoring ble Hohn each 'shot one field goal. Baltimore U.Defeats W. Md. Western Maryland has twice tied Na- honors, each making a total of 16 Alex Ransome and Trago Brust Team in Better Shape vy, but in recent years has not made Doints. Stropp had 11, followed close- scored two baskets respectively fOl' The boxers look forward to the In Well Played Battle such a good showing. ly by Bartlett with 9. The Terrol'S the B. & W.'s. P. Cummings made Navy matches this coming Saturday. The lament concerning the lack of sank 6 out of 16 shots from the foul one free throw, but Tl'ago Brust led The varsity line-up will probably in- Biasi Leads Terror In 40·29 Game a home boxing match this season will line, while the Eagles made 4 out of the field for the day by missing all clude Rouse, Beck, Stonesifer, Lam- have to be stilled until next year when 13. six of the free trials awarded him. bert, Bender, Calhoun, Impeciato or The powerful Baltimore U. basket- the fieldhouse is completed. Then Line-ups: Players for the Bachelors: Wind- Lesinski, and O'Leair. Rouse, Bend- ball team defeated Western Maryland, Terror boxing fans ought to have Western Maryland er, Calhoun, and O'Leair may be able January 19, at Friend's Sehool in Bal- their fill, as even the Intercollegiates G F T ;~;~a~:~~' Myers, Hahn, Brooks, Ap- to put over some winning points for timore by a 40-29 score. Mush Pul- would probably be staged on this cam- Maddox, f. Players for the Black and Whites: the Terrors and the squad may come vino, Bee sharpshooter, garnered high pus. The schools in the league take Honeman, f. home with a victory. The freshmen point honors with a 15 point total. turns in staging the Intercollegiate Stropp, c. 11 ~~::~~~is~n~~::.r, Brust, Carnochan, will fight the Navy Plebes in the af- Irv Biasi followed him closely with matches, but Western Maryland has Bills, g.. ternoon. These are the only matches 12 points, Tomichek, TelTor captain, for years always said, "no thanks", Tomichek, g. 2 16 (Cont. from Col. 1) that the home fans may be able to see and Pierson both had 10 points. when her turn came around, because 'Biasi, f. 4 body to draw from, Westel'll Maryland I and quite a few Terror rooters will be The game was fast and well-played. of the lack of facilities. The West- Drugash, g. is not at such a large disadvantage. on hand. The passing was clelm and accurate, minster Armory is small and there is 'Wallace, c. and the shooting was good. Both a.lways a large expense in hiring seat- Edmond, f. ~;o;he: ~~~~:r~n~.eo:~w:~~ ~~eas~:: ----- teams handled the ball weil. ing arrangements from Baltimore and size and weight as opposed to foot- Biasi went on a J:ampage in the in arranging the Armory for a single Total 14 6 34 ball where size counts for a great first few minutes and scored 7 points match. American U. deal. The Intercollegiate rules for to give the Teri'ors a 7-5 lead. The It is not generally known that the G F T boxing put a premium on skill and WILL FIGHT AT NAVY high-powered attack started to roll present boxing schedule at Western Bartlett, f. 9 form and not on strength so that the nt this point, and the Bees were never Maryland includes only members of Schulze, f. 16 sport is not the slugfest that it is headed. At the half the score was the Eastern Intercollegiate Boxing Byham, c. 3 imagined to be. 20-13. Association, where the sport is con- . Rifenbary, g. Western Maryland has had a ducted under the strictest policy pos- Brown, g. long history in boxing. Several sible. Loch Haven, a small school Webb, g. years ago, when the Terrors whose teams fought last year, does fought Navy, the coeds on the not operate under this policy and was Reese, g. eampus used to put on the gloves UNDER CLASSI\IEN! •accordi~gly dropped from the sched- and stage their own boxing ule, because Charlie Havens did not Total.. 16 4 36 match in their gym, complete want to expose his boys to fighters with a ring, timekeeper, much SUBSCRIBE TO who had had considerably more train- padding and Doc Bare. iIlg. For the same reason, the Ter- The Bachelors still have the edge THE ALOHA ror ringmen no longer face Villanova TO THE ALOHA I on the other clubs in basketball, put and Catholic University. what a thin edge! "Big Jack" better Although Army, Navy, and Penn SUBSCRIBE put the boys on stricter training rules ONLY $2.00 State have a much larger student or some club from the other side of (Cont. in Col. 3) the hall will take their measure.
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