Page 40 - TheGoldBug1938-39
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PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Wesbninster, Md. GOt From the By HANK - I Western of Maryland Cissel, College the CAMPUS The Gold Bug staff grieves with LEADERS HERMITAGE December passing Kay Kay, one of the most popular 19. members of the senior class. was to the college in There's a lot to be said. unable to return of the illness to October because Official student newspaper of \Vestern Maryland College, published on. Thurs- A surprfsmg number of engage- which she succumbed. day, semi-monthly during October, November, February. March, April, May, ment rings foretell of a day not so ~:s:ronntti:r:I~~~gc~i~;:~;;~t~f~:~~~rM::;y~a~d~U~~te~~d t~: :!~o~d-~~a~! far off upon which our seniors will go matter at the Westminster Post Office, under the Act of March 3, ~879. out ana try to do big things with the SUBSCRlPTION PRICE$1.50 A YEAR little grains of sand and the little To the Editor: 1957 Memba: 1!»8 ~:;i~\~~hw~:r;le~::'IP~~da~li:. will FI!:el~i~;c~:u:~tt:~lgw~~ :~~:~st;;:~ National Advertising Service, Inc. Miss Adkins deserves the plaudits that students should be pledged ill CQII"If" Publuhttrs Represfm/""ve I=Usociafed G:>De5iale Press of the student body for her efforts to their sophomore a-ather- than their LOUISE JAMESON secure a dancing teacher for the f h 'I'hi r . d . women. But, gentle reader, the coeds 'n~~:~m;on~~~;~atel:rX:n~c~':'~Sh~~~~ _ knr:~:ru:o d~S~~'iP:~~e~~r:t:eu: to Edit01"-in-Ckief. EDITORIAL STAFF F C S '39 on this campus are either too con- by giving the new men a chance to I Louise whose beauty and charminO: Acting Editor :::::::.._.:::::::::::::::::.:::..:::::::: RAl:~vREO:CEHF~:~~: '39 ceited or too timid to admit/to them- choose .their f.raternity through merits personality-whose friendly spirit Associate Editor8... . SIDNEYWAGHELSTEIN,'39; TRAGOBRUST.'39; selves or to anyone else that they need d f d h N Ed' AARONSCHAEFFER,'39j VERONICAKOllfPANEK,;40 any such help. We know, you and I aU It i:le:r:u~:s~hat freshmen on the ~:~re~y~~~~~~st!~~e~:~Yl~~~:~s~n- g~ ~:E£;:.:.:.:::':::.~'::.~~'.~~'::.'.'::.:':.:.:.::::.:.:·:::·:···:i~~~····~·~~·~~·~·:·:·:~·~ut~:¥¢~=:;':!~ :;:is;~e :~~U~~;n~~s'd:':~ ~~: s:~~~~ ~i~;e:~v:~t ~~~~nght~ok~:~et~: ~~~!~ll;~ Most popular songstress of the Proof Editor SUE PRICE, '40 tious offer made by the dean of worn- campus-a soft melodious voice that Proof Reader8 .. ELLEN SHIPLEY.'40j LOUELLAMEAD.'39; WILLIAMBANKS.'41 en. that social dancing at Western gent choice so that fifty per cent of is loved whether it is heard in the ~;~;;E~f:.~8... ....tA~:;~~ES~R~~~";~~;M~~G;:~~ iI~~~~~:::~ Maryland can stand a great deal of ~edme~h are pledged by rUS:in~ ~nIY. :::.~~~:s O~t.t~~ ~:: ~~;~; ~~i::aP;~ A8sistant Sporte Editor8_ RUTH FIELD,'40j HAROLDSOLOMON,'41 improvement. The men on this Hill jo~ne: fr:t~l~~t;ti:y;~~~p! :h~t\::; Josephine at a frat dance. Typists ......;pATRICIAWHITE, '42; JANE FRALEY,'42; LAURE~~~~c~iLs:::: :!~:;~I:d \~o~~::\~~I~~~~g~ow\;e~~,c\:i: for-m durin~ the .first months of This member of Delta Sigma Kap- BUSINESS STAFF I quarter feels that there are enough I school.and this has Its advantages be- pa sorority is a familiar figure of Business Manager .. EMELINE NEWMAN,,~~, students at this college who want to cause It tends to fix these friendships. beauty and grace-H o m e com i n g ~t:_7alf::;::::::::::8.............. ... ·....LEsLiE STOKES;4{i:·~:~RlC!~~~~,'39 I learn and who want to improve their Some of the fraternity men are in- queen--queen of tobacco festival Assista.nt Circulation lI1anugeTs . ....MARy ASBURY:'41; JAMES MERRITT:'40 dancing to bring the matter into open elined .to believe that the "second- (doesn't smoke)--queen of the Junior discussion. Dean Free and Profeesor. year" policy would be disastrous to prom-perennial member of the May' Change In Frequency Speir made sincere efforts to institute I the clu~ organization ~ecause it Court. Love "I Louise ain't system dancing classes for the men last year just would disrupt talldn' financial the Beginning with this issue, the Gold Bug will be published 'With a dancing teacher of the type und change the membership basis. amovg them what wears long pants." semi-monthly until the incumbent staff leaves office-March 16. The present staff was able to publish the Gold Bug more fre- that Miss Adkins proposed, learning The question to be decided is should Poise marks her every action- quently during the fall because of an additional ailotment by the to dance would become an interesting freshmen be subjected to rushing or vi;hether she be eating a late break- college. The staff had hoped to make the Gold Bug a weekly paper and beneficial extra,cul'l'icular activ should they be made to wait until fast of hamburgers-sponsoriug the throughout the fall and winter months by the aid of national and ity. Please venture your opinions on they can decide for themselves. honor company-or conversing on the local advertising. Obviously, it has been disappointed in this as- this subject in written form to the The freshmen naturally favor the dance floor. piration. Hermitage in care of the Gold Bug. present plan because it gives them an Ardent admircr of star athletes and Because of the fact that the national advertisers are spread all The Y. M. C. A. is at last making- extra year of fraternity membership. ranking militarists-nevedheless, she over the United States, it is difficult to say why the Gold Bug re- a strong effort to increase student in- However, it is realized by most that has a cheerful smile for everyone- ceived no national advertising. With the local advertisers, it is tercst in their activities on the camp the briefness of their fraternity ex- you too. a different case. Many business men of Westminster receive a us. This organization is recognized pel'ience hal'dly qualifies them to \Vhere's she hail fram? Pomonkey! large. part of their trade from the College students. Most of these as one of the fincr influences for good render a valid decision. business men reap the profit from the college's presence without in the world; there is uo good reason There is certainly much to be said iug tradition. expressing their appreciation of its presence by supporting any of why it should not occupy a corres- on each side, and those advocating (Signed) its institutions. ponding position on the Hill. Its chap- the "second-year" plan should not be AN INTER FRATERNITYCOUNCIL ter on this campus has fine potential Of course, many persons with super-practical' minds will say ignored just because they are attack- I MEMBER. Do you remember the momentary I that there is no need of advertising for those who have the busi- ity in the men's student body if they ness. The opposite attitude is exemplified by the Carroll County can only be attracted to it. Amusement Company which, although it has a monopoly of the failure of the lights at chapel a week Westminster moving pictures, advertises consistently in the Gold PASSING IN REVIEW Bug, and recentJ,y assumed the risk of presenting a foreign film at ~~~:he~:.e ~~e~n!~P~:~~ed ::ec~~~ the request of a college organization. A few other citizens of West- By JOE OLEAlR minster express this same cooperative attitude. It is to be re- ~:~il~~~:St~~~~in!i~~~o~~:r:y~o:! ~~~ I '-------------,-----------'--' gretted that the large majority are practical-minded. ceptive to the words of the speaker The reason we have international salute each other in such a scurrilou~. The Gold Bug feels this a fitting occasion (the occasion of its failure to maintain its autumn frequency) to recommend to the ri~e t~:k::~~:n;hb~~hr:\~i:~~e::v~~~ f~~~iOI:ai:o:h:\~e ~:a::v~e~:;=::~:r~; ::~~:;~Ujhe ~~~~ht~7~~to s~~nt~:~~: students and faculty of Western' Maryland that they patronize on behalf of them the Hermitage that we have editors. Now if we get to kill all editors, and in that way we whenever possible the men of Westminster who pray to some other thanks him (for it is to be doubted rid of all editors, we won't have news- won't have auy newspapers. but we god besides Mammon. seriously if lovely woman would stoop papers; if we get rid of ncwspapers, will have peace. to folly with the backstage lighting we won't have international friction. Aristophanes also had a solution, Inter-Collegiate Boxing system.) so let us abolish all newspapers. Ar-a but we dOJl't think it is as good as Last Saturday the Terror boxing squad escaped serious injury During the extreme cold snap the we "nuts"? No. gentle readers, you ours is. Conditions are different. We from a powerful Penn State team, losing by the almost ridiculou.~ boys in Levine Hall were s~ cold that are wrong, we aren't. \Ve shall prove don't think his plan would work in score of 6%-1%. It is not ridiculous that they lost by an over- they bid one another "good-bye" in- our poiJlt. this day and age. Ours will. whelming score. The team deserves, and is receiving, all due credit stead of their customary "good night, Very recently a French newspaper Now if that won't bring peace, we for having fared as well as they did. It is ridiculous that they you --". You b!?ys down there carried the report of a French of- shall go Qne step further.- We also fought. had better recovel' your red flannels £jcer who said that one retired shall embark on a policy of appease- rntercollegiate boxing exists as an anachronism at Western from the ravages of the moths. Frenchman was wOl·th ten Italian sol- ment, but somewhat different from Maryland. The athletic department is still scheduling matches Freshmen, "On With the Show" is diers. The Italians became exceeding_ Chamberlain's method. Here is what with the formidable Eastern teams which were fought in the days the highlight of the winter season: ingly indignaJlt. and Virginio Gayda our appeasement will consist of: when the powerful, subsidized football squads could be looked to don't miss it. One request the Her- said that if such insults were kept up In our last editions, we shall ap- for appropriate material. mitage makes is that Dean Free and "the rifles would go off themselves". pease Mussolini by saying that one re- The new' athletic policy, adopted last spring, should have in- Dean Adkins contiuue their "Boy We thiJlk the French were just get- tired Ita\ian soldier is worth ten cluded boxing. Of course, the obvious difficulty in putting boxing Meets Girl" skit. Last year ting even. The Italians said that "an American soldiers. That will cause on the same basis as football is that most of the small colleges, "Grumpy", "Doc", "Sneezy", "Hap- Italian's spit is worth more than the him t~ be so busy expanding his chest which Western Maryland now plays in football do not suppo~t py", "Dopey", "Bashful", "Sleepy", Freuch citizen at which it is aimed that he will have no time for stirring boxing teams. Under such extant conditions, the only solution and "Snow White" made their debut .... " They also call the French up trouble. seems that boxing should be reduced to an intra:mural basis. There on the boards of Alumlli Hall. If you such mild names as "liars" and "low \Ye will make Ickes apologize to is no glory for the College in 6112-11;2 scores; intercollegiate boxing will a~k yo.ur big brothers and sis- persons". Isn't that justification for Hitler, and also grow a mustache to at Western Maryland in 1939, with all due respect to whatever it tel'S they Will tell you who portrayed J·etaliation? prove that Ickes means the apology. may have meant five years ago, holds only peril to the health of those parts. Youll enjoy just hear- We arc no better, ourselves. Ickes 'Ve then insure Hitlel"s fr-iendship those who participate in it. ing of them. calls Hitler names which cause all the permanently by admitting one retired Dr. Overton. who aroused so much Nazis to bristle with righteous wrath. AryaJl is worth ten of anybody. else. make doesn't Stalin Final Exams iJlterest on the campus last year, is They call us names, and want and us to anyway, but for safety much trouble apologize. first we will angry get 'Ve tell on the twenty- scheduled to appear Nearly two weeks before the close of the semester, the faculty third for a week's stay. The HeTmit- Hitler to sbut uP. because he calls say one l'etired red-blooded Com- has already launched its barrage of final tests. Few students ever age believes that this speaker did not our President, and everybody else. mUJlist is worth ten bourgeoisie any literally succumb to the faculty avalanche, and perhaps no les'! create as favorable an impression as names. If he can, then we can too. day. than an epidemic of nervous breakdowns would merit that august she might have, because she dwelt up- Everybody seems to reply to the To the Japanese. we will grant that body's attention to the severity of their concerted end-semester on subjects that were and are of in· other fellow with the retort courteous, one retired Japanese battleship is ordeal. It would, no doubt, be presumptious to expect the faculty to comprehend that the reduction of vitality by their semi-annual in- :~~~:\:l~V~:~h t~v:rre:~~e~an~~~ ~~:~~ ';it::~ ~~~~; t::;~r:c::~-~~i~~:~or":~~ ~~~.:~hCI~:i~:rs,A~~~:iC~:str!;!!~l~ quisition produces in the student body an apathy toward life at a the answers are to be gained from I in a manner that would make a long- one Chinese junk. (Making a total time when apathy is threatening all that America has workeB for experience and intensive study, not shoreman blush. of ten.) , during three centuries. from open fOI'um discussions. Now we feel that as name-call_ Anybody else can make their own At most colleges, a period of a week or more is set aside at the end of each semester for the adJninistering of final tests. Regular on~t:;i~~e ~::tmp'op~~!: b~:~d~:~:i~g' I 'p:~C~~~lh;:~i~Yer~ff~:ti:~:~lsoinn tohni~ suggestions. We will agree. Now object to our some Americans class exercises having been suspended, this permits the students to ;;tudios on \Vestern Maryland colleg- side we have Ickes and the New Deal '" plan on the grounds might that our national concentrate on the tests. ians' dials during its brief visit on cohorts. They arc good, but we doubt honor will be slighted. We have an At Western Maryland final tests, usually covering the entire the campus air waves. ·The Gamma if they surpass the Old Guard Repub_ answer for that, too. semester's work, are administered during the regular class Bets are strongly in favor of a licans who tell stories in smoking Now Siam has never bothered us, periods. Few will deny that the ordinary curriculum at Western fixed policy of oscillation (this is a rooms on Roosevelt that are very nor al'e we in danger of being Dother- Maryland is sufficiently difficult to tax the cpmplete resources of pun, you people who have difficulty in naughty. We are positive that if ed by them. So we will proclaim most the average Western Maryland student. When the review of four understanding our statements. on iso- these foreigners would tUJle in on our emphatically that one retired Iowau f month's work for the final tests is added to the ordinary curri- latiOll, l}Otosculation). own family quanels, they would hesi- farmer in California is worth-ten Si- culum, plus the burden of term papers and collateral reading h'::' Of\~~~'le~~~oy~r th~~B~~:.J~nt~~ I tate to engage in name-calling fra- amese soldiers. Thus we preserve our (which in most cases are due at the end of the semester, an undue Eden was a banana ~ree, the theory of cases with us. \Ve've got aU the re- uh~n.or, and nobody will get tough with and unreasonable amount of work is expected from the students. evolution becomes casier to believe. I torts. ., Final examinations, as administered at most colleges, would be The theory of. evolution that is meant So on ~nd so on ad infinitum. Ob- If you approve of the plan as set preferable to the system of final te$ts, as they are administered at wire your con- Western Maryland. ~~~~e~~:/oI~.~~~~~ike~~~t 1I~~k~v:s~i viously, we call't have peace any- forth, immediately it's wonderful." gentle reader, eat bananas. gl'eGSUlan. . where, or even hope to have it, if we "Peace.
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