Page 41 - TheGoldBug1938-39
P. 41
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PAGE THREE Lack OLlIeight Boxers Look Good Foils Clash On Hill Terror Quint Defeats St. Sidelines Hinders Cage Team But Drop Opener DEAN DIRECTS FENCING CLUB John' 6 By 38-19-Score By As Season Progresses 6~-lHoPennState Fencing. made its debut at Western In Last Night's Tilt LARRY STROW Maryland last Monday, January 9, un- FIRST SEVEN GAMES LOST CALHOUN WINS BY KNOCKOUT der the direction of Dean Free. Fenc- WIN SECOND LEAGUE GAME ing has been tiied here before but was Although the sports page cannot Terrors Have Close Fight But Hard Capacity Crowd Sees Several Close never successful. ~ Stropp And Tomichek Help Team biossam forth with a list of the events Luck In Several Games Bouts At State College The sport will be started as a club Assumes Early Lead Over Visitors won 'by Western Maryland teams this organization, and if the interest dis- winter, there are certain encousag-ing A fighting Green and Gold basket- Before a capacity crowd of about played by candidates and the skill de- western Maryland's cagcrs broke features amid the gloom. Chief dis- ball team has lost seven games so far 6,500 Western Maryland dropped its veloped is sufficient to warrant it, into the win column last night with a to lack of this season due primarily peller of gloom is the pride of the day height and sufficient reserves. In first boxing match of the 1939 season fencing will then become a full fledg- 38-19 victory over St. John's five in students, Dave Calhoun, lone victor at to Penn State, 6% to 1%, last Satur- ed sport. a Maryland Collegiate League game. Penn State. Congratulations to three of the games they were facing day, at State College, Pa. The fight- Candidates spent the first week in Playing a steady ball game the Green Cocky Cal for bringing nome the ba- the outstanding teams of the Eastern ing Terrors did much better than ex- learning elements of the sport, sim- 'terrors scored 19 points in each half con for the boxers. part of the United States, namely, pected and Charlie Havens was well ple positions, and some of the cour- and were' not threatened at any time But then, the rest of the ringmen Georgetown, St. Joseph's, and Villa- pleased with the showing that every tesies of the pasttime. In the near although St. John's scored 7 of its didn't do badly against the veteran nova. Three of the other tilts were one of his men made in the ring. The future, actual combat will be started. points in the last four minutes against Penn State men. Ricker threw enough lost in a heartbreaking fashion in the high point of the evening was Dave Practice has not been under way long the second Terror team. last minutes of play. Calhoun's victory in the 165 pound leather to gain a draw with Hanna, enough for those who are out for fenc- Stropp Scores First the Penn Captain which means, that Do Well Against Georgetown "- class over Lewis, while Bud Ricker ing to gain much of an advantage Bob Stropp opened the scoring in the Terror freshman must know his The Terrors inaugurated the sea- gained a draw with the Penn State over the absolute novice, so anyone in- the first minute with a field goal and way around the ring. Mike Petrucci son by traveling to washington to Captain Hanna. terested may still join up. 'I'hoee who then Captain Tomichek followed with held his own for three rounds but the match baskets with the best team Three Bouts Close are out so far are: Emil Grenda, Earl two baskets in a row. Tomichek took decision was against him. All of the Georgetown University has ever put Three of the other matches were Dersch, Bob Hahn, Charles Earl, high scoring honors with 11 points boys gave a good account of them- on the basketball court. A tall, lanky fairly close, and the Terrors might Lindsey Chase, and Richard Shuck. while Stropp was second with 9. Hill, selves, considering the lack of pro- squad of sharpshooters greeted the in- have come home with a ivictor-y if of St. John's, scored 'before the game fessional coaching which seems to be vader-a with a barrage of baskets and Rouse, Bender, and Petrucci 'had been was very old, but the Johnnies had the Terror's biggest handicap. The sent them home under a 46-23 beat- able to outpoint their- men. FROSH COURTMEN HAVE to wait for twelve more minutes be- Green and Gold Mittmen have a hard irig , \ In spite of the score, the Ter- In the opening bout; J~e Rouse fore they scored another point. With season in front of them and not once rors made a fine showing after hav- fought three hard rounds with Coop- TEN GAME SCHEDULE four minutes to play in the first half, will they have the support of the ing practiced only three times. I er, but the decision of the judges was Ferguson rushed in his second team, Coach home fans to cheer them on fz-om the Ferguson used every man on the for the Pennsylvania man. Donald COACH LYTTON REPORTS GOOD in which time Wallace made a bucket ringside. It's a tough life and the squad with the exception of freshman Beck, the Terror's promising sopho- MATERIAL IN PRACTICE and the score at the half stood at rest of the school ought to be well Biasi, who was ineligible. more boxer, battled Allan Tapman. SESSIONS 19-14. proud of any man who steps into the Frostburg Overtakes Terrors The Penn man stepped into Beck ear- Johnnies Miss Chances ring for Western Maryland. On the ly in the first round, and Beck was un- The Freshman basketball team be- At the beginning of the second half, 28th of this month, the team will After leading at the half and most able to hold him off due to his Inex- gan its sea~on last night against Ha- a number of fouls were called on Wes- journey to West Point for the annual of the way through the second half, match with the Cadets. tel' Terrors slowed up just long ~~:~:~etheC::~I~~ ~haev~~:tS!:~~~~:~~ gerstown Y. M. C. A. "The team has ~~:~ \~~::y~::~l~l::~:~i:a~~z!h:n Jt~~~~ enough to allow Frostburg Teachers Frats Open Fast the second fight went to Penn State. ~~~yr!:~~tsPr;aC~ic:o~ f~; ~o~v-':;:~d~~ opportunities and did not score for to come from behind in the last min- Inter-fraternity basketball was off to ~tes of play and chalk up a 54-49 In the 135 pound class, Bud Rickel' warns Coach Jack Lytton. (See col- ~~;~:~s~:~g;!h:i~:~~~he~dt:: :e~~ a good start last Friday with two victory on their bandbox floor. The fought Captain Hanna to a draw. I umn 4 for the results.) tight games. The results of both game was fast and rough, four play- Despite the reputation of the Penn rors captured the ball on rebounds were a little eurpi-islng , for the Bach- ers being ejected for fouls. Stropp State man, the Western Maryland en- Material Is Good and passes and added ten more points elors were supposedly more than 2 led th~ Western Maryland scorers try waded right into his opponent All who have reported for practice before the second team was sent in points better than the Gamma Bets, with 14 points and Biasi and Hone- with a good right, and at the end of show good possibilities, and the coach- to finish the game. Carroll Maddox while the Preachers had figured to man were close behind. the three rounds, the judges called a ing staff has hopes for a Successful sank ~wo field goals and a ~oul shot, take the Black and Whites into camp. American U. Vists Armory draw. season. As yet, no outstanding -shot Impeciato grabbed two points, and The Delta Pi Alpha forgot that Mad- Six minutes before the game with In the 145 pound class, Bob Lam- has been discovered or developed, butIEdmond. put one through the. cords, dox and WaUace ares playing for the American University ended, the Ter- bert went down under Steinke with this may come later. The men handle along WIth a foul shot, to finish the varsity and that Black and Whites rors held a 28-24 lead, but the Eagles a technical knockout at the end of the the ball well, and show good foot- Tenor's scoring. had Benny Bee, who was equal to six- first round. Lambert's guard drop- work. These two attributes will see Coach "Dutch" Lentz suddenly sent teen points. put on a sensational spurt while hold- to ped a couple of times, and the Penn the team a long way toward victories. in a fresh substitute, Tindall, who Western Maryland scoreless, ing There are a couple of dark horses eke out a 34-28 decision at the West- State man got in several hard punches, All have played some basketball in made three points himself and aided entered in the class basketball league minster Armory. Brown of American although the Terror fighter came back their respective high schools, so there Buck on another goal to provide a who would bear watching,-namely U. led the scorers with 14 points with strong. The Wesfurn Maryland cap- is no green material. five point spurt for the Johnnies near the Seminary and the sophomore Bob Stropp close behind with a total ~:i:'so~e~h!e~::, c::::. a decision to Nine Men Out :::r:~df:: ~~~j:;::~,~!~;a;o~~f: class. Several of the freshmen Semi- of 11 points. Amercan U. led at the Those who reported are Ed Lewis, St. John's was the first team that nites are crack basketball players and half by a 15-13 score. Calhoun Wins By K. O. Elmer Evans, John Pieri, Jack Don- Western Maryland has encountered their team may outclass anything that Dave Calhoun won his first varsity ges, Robert Bricker, Charles Wilde, this season over which the Terrors the clubs and classes can offer. Philadelphia Pair Lost fight by a technical knockout in the Paul Meyers, Harry Baker, and Saltz- had the advantage in size and ability. Outside of the scores of the On a two-day jaunt into Pennsyl- third round. "Cal" entered the ring giver. From these, there will bc pick- This is the last year in which St. frat games last Friday afternoon, vania the 'I'error basketeers met two with Al Lewis who was slightly small- ed a first and a second team. Taken John's will appeal' in Intercollegiate the major event of interest was of the strongest teams in the coun- er than the western Maryland man. ae a whole, the Frosh quint will sup- competition. Their cage team has not the ace sports-commentating· of try in St. Joseph's and Villanova. Al- Lewis opened up in the first and eec- piy the varsity next year with some won a game as yet. Announcers Dud Ritchie and Bill though clearly outclassed, the Green ol1d rounds with all the punches that good ball handlers who have a fast, The referee of the game was Paul Banks over the Gamma Bets t€am fought hard and their oppo- he had, but "Cal" held him off, dodged snappy style. Menton of the Baltimore Evening 5,000 watt transmission station nents found themselves with a battle (Co;"t. on Page 4, Col. 3) (Cont. on Page 4, Col. 4) Sun, who has just returned from Cal- (on trial). The idea was quite Gn their hands. ifornia where he officiated in the Rose an additio.n to the game. Here is St. Joseph's famed "broken-boX Bowl. a sample of the game as heard defense-offense" puzzled the Terrors Hagerstown "Y" Unable To Come institu- ALPHA GAMMA TAU AND PI ALPHA ALPHA over the air waves. "A technical and enabled the Philadelphia game, one half In the preliminary fflul was called on Burtis of the tion to chalk up an 81-43 victory on TIE FOR FRAT BASKET BALL LEAD of the freshman squad, "The Whites" Gamma Bets. The team protests, the records. Flashy Larry Kenny, and the officials are now conferr- the Saints' candidate for Ail-Ameri- defeated the other half, "The Greens", ing. The officials have reached a can honors, led the way by plunking BLACK AND WHITES DEFEAT PREACHERS "A" TEAM 29·23 (Cant. on Page 4, Col. 4) decision and have awarded the in 20 points for high point scorer. ball to the Gamma Bets out of Edmond, with 12, was high for Wes- "A" League Standings to pick the winner after thc first bounds." Sounds like the Mu- tern Maryland. W L games, but this season a nip-and-tuck Fitzgerald Captains '39 nich conference. Villanova found the Terrors easy A G T . fight is in prospect. The varsity basketball squad has pickings after the St. Joseph's rout Pi A A . o "B" League Standings W L Riflemen As Season Nears , been hitting the hard luck trail again and snowed them under a 51-20 score. W o L with a set of close decisions. The The superb Wildcat defense was out- GBX A G T. JUNIORS ADD STRENGTH TO 36·34 game with Delaware University standing and held the Green and Gold D Pi A. Pi A A. 1 TEAM was a heart breaker. Against Hop- sharpshooters to a mere 20 points. The Inter-fraternity basketball sea- W kins, the cage team had a 'rough and Big Jim Montgomery, the Wildcat son opened on Friday 13, with two G B X ...••••••••.•..•••..•..•..•• Having elected Charles Fitzgerald tumble battle and the. short Western star shone brightly as one of the best very interesting and closely contested D Pi A ... captain, and Doug Catington mana- Maryland men couldn'.t match their 'basketeers in the country with a dis- games. The Black and Whites show- Second Strings Imitate First ger, the rifle team is rapidly l'ounding taller opponents. Tonight Ferguson play of polished floorwork. Bob ed class in downing the Preachers, The second teams opened their into good shape under the direction will take his men to Baltimore to Stropp did not playas he was slight- 2D-23, while the Bachelors barely out- Inter-fraternity competition last Tues- of Sgt. Lavin of the Military Depart- play Baltimore University which has ly injured in the St. Joseph's encount- maneuvered the Gamma Bets, 19-17. day in a manner similar to the first ment. anothe'r fine team. On the 28th Wes~ In defeating the Preachers, the teams. In two wild and erratic Two' Wecks Before Match ter'n Maryland will go t6 Washington League Game Dropped Black and White Club played fast, games, the Black and Whites and the With two week's practice under to try to avenge the early season de~ Johns Hopkins University was met steady ball. Lanassa and "Shrimp" Bachelors emerged victorious over the their belts and a full two weeks more feat by American University, The in Baltimore on Janua!:y 10 in the Elder manned the guard positions Preachers and Gamma.-Bets. before the first match, a successful "big-league season", however, opens first league game of the season. The while Lenny Bee accounted for 16 The Black and White-Preacher season is anticipated. A good many on the 31st when Mount St. Mary's encounter was fast and well-played. points for his team from a forward game was very slow in the first half of the Junior Military men have de- sends her five to Westminster. The height of the tall Hopkins' play- post. The Preachers are rebuilding and only in the second frame could veloped into good shots and are the After a, little more conditioning, the ers was the deciding factor as they their team and hope to come back the winners put together their win- strength of the team. While the first eagers hope to be able. to produce recovered all of the rebounds and strong in the latter part of the sea· ning margin. The score was 13-4. five marksmen have not been select- those extra few- points that have netted enough of them to get their The Bachelors were unable to gain ed definitely, the top five are certain meant defeat so far. winning margin. The final score was Bee Is High Scorer a decisive lead in the first half, but ill to be chosen from among Fitzgerald, Some unknown has christened 35-24. Two points was the very narrow the second, Bradley, Applegarth, and Catington, H. Myers, Beck, HiIl, Leis- the basketball team "Stropp and Lose By Two Points margin that the Bachelors used to Windsor opened up with a string of ter, Thomas, and Hendrickson. The the Seven Dwarfs with Vic lrn- A desperate last half rally by tpe nose out the inspire!! Gamma Bet baskets. The Bachelor combination rest of the Juniors are working out peeiato, the Wild Bull of the Terrors fell just points short as the team. With Klare leading the parade, broke fast and was easily the best on the range at various times in prep- Pampas". University of Delaware defeated Wes- the Gammas were ahead' for some quintet on the floor that afternoon. aration for summer camp. The first Charlie Havens reports that his trip tern MaryJand by the close score of time in the second half, but the super- The score was 28-10 in their favor. match is on February 4, at the Uni- to Chicago for the annual football 36-34. Delaware led by a 34-21 score ior play of Jack Lytton and his boys Cup Is At Stake versity of Maryland. coaches meeting was a success. The at one stage of the game. Then the enabled the Bachelors to come from The cage race in both leagues will only rule changes for the coming year Tel'l'Or attack began to roll. Foul behind. b.. very fast as the resulting points Diek Harlow, head football coach have to do with the penalty for a fol'- baskets were chalked up before Del~ There is absolutely no favorite in may decide the winner of the Inter- of Harvard University, and formerly ward pass touching an ineligible man. aware scored on a foul shot, but the this year's cage race and any of the fraternity trophy. At present I of Wcstern Maryland, visited the the A topic that received considerable at- tide was checked just in time by the tention was 'Professionalism and Col- closing whistle. ~~t~:s I:a:O!:;;:rso~~ ~~s t~~~Si~~: i and Preachers are tied for ~:~~Sy~~:ta~'e~~~b~i~~e.iS Harlow's legiate Athletics!
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