Page 43 - TheGoldBug1938-39
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GOt SUBSCRIBE TO THE EDITORIALS: Open Forum: F,·at Dcmoes ALOl~_A Co-cd Hop Z286 Vol. 16, No. 11 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. January 31, 1939 Students Invited To Speech Students THIS WEEK'S Contracts Awarded Second Faculty Show For Construction Producing Group Present Scripts For Of One-Act Plays GOLD BUG Of New Buildings To Culminate Winter College Broadcasts Smith, junior and senior speech stu- ADVERTISERS Given To Thomas Hicks & Sons Of Carnival Activities Under the direction of"Miss Esther Baltimore, Builders Of Science dents will present their first group of And Blanche Ward Halls Athletic Events of Winter Carnival one-act plays on February 10, in Al- Carroll and State Theatres Original Extravaganza Of Seven Acts Broadcast Over Program Today. umni Hall at eight o'clock. Dr. Holloway has announced that Will Consist Of Music, Paul Ritchie Announcer - Th'is group will consist of The Rosenstock's Ladies' Store contracts for the building of the men's Chorus And Drama C108fit, by Davis F. Halman; The Soul dormitory and the field house, were SCRIPTS MUST BE IN BEFORE 0/ a Profe8801·, by Martin Wright awarded on January 19. Thomas ADMISSION FREE TO STUDENTS !HARCH 1 Sampson; and Fourteen; by Alice Rainbow Inn Hicks and Sons of Baltimore, builders Gerstenberg. of Science Hall and Blanche Ward The Winter Carnival, which began Professor John D. Makosky, Chair- The. Closet presents a vivid fantasy H. E. Reese, Tailor Hall, have contracted to construct at 2 o'clock today, will continue man of the Radio Committee, which of the skeleton behind hum-drum both of the new buildings. through Wednesday reaching its cli- has been in charge of the weekly col- lives. The cast is as follows: Rachel Heagy Brothers Barber Shop Weather permitting, construction of max with the faculty production "The lege broadcasts over Station W.F.M. Drumm, Ailene Williams; Sadie, Car- the dormitory and field house is ex- Show Is On" to be presented at 8 D., issues the following announcement olyn Pickett; Brenda, Mary Hoffack- J. D. Kets, Shoe Repairer pected to begin on Wednesday, Febru- o'clock. to the student body. er; Madame Dunn, Louella Mead. ary 1, stated Dr. Holloway. "The Show is On" will be an origi- "As the members of the student Western Maryland Coffee Shop The dormitory and possibly the field nal extravaganza' of seven acts con- body are perhaps aware, the college Fleagle "Soul Of Professor" house will be ready for occupation at sisting of music, chorus and drama. is standing sponsor for the series of The Soul of a Projeeeor has been the opening of the fall session. Mem- Dr. Holloway, who is in charge of the radio broadcasts over station W.F.M. described by writers as a college play Warren Studios bers of all classes will be allowed to ·show, announced that "Snow White" D. reflecting college life and campus that college audiences will not jeer at. take rooms in the new building, which will not be repeated this year but that activities. Effort has been made to It is filled with keen observation of John Everhart Barber Shop will be equipped with the most mod- the plans are being kept secret. Mem- use student talent and student enter- the academic atmosphere. The role ern plumbing and heating facilities. bers of the cast do not even know prise as much as possible. Most of of the soul of the Professor will be Patronize Them The plumbing contract has -been 'what the entire show is about. Word this work, however, has been under played by Arnold Fleagle and Joseph awarded to a 'Y'estminster concern. has been ~eceived that many specta- faculty control and direction. I Olcctr will portray the professor. tors are coming from Washington and should very much Iike to put upon the Other members of the cast are: Baltimore, to see the show. air a program-or perhaps more than Delta Phi Alpha To Oleair Announces Start Of Admission Free ol'.e-that is the result of student in- ~l~~:~::,eH~l~;e:I~:~:~;;~~Sji;O~:;I~ Admission will be by tickets which itiative, planning, talent, and execu- I Feature Dave Hagan Aloha Subscription Drive are free. Since seats are not reserv- tion from the opening words to the ~i~~n~au~li~I~~7in~~eli:neSt:~~!~~: ed, students arc urged to come early. moment of signing off. I am not sure Louise Jameson; Another Professor, The production will close at 10 o'clock that I shall receive any response to Clif Sumner; still a third Professor, Last Of Semi-formal Fraternity Representatives To Canvass Dorms. with a grand finale which Dr. Hollo- the following inortation, but I want Malcolm Kullmar; an'd the Dean, Dances To Be Given To Follow Policy Instituted way says "is a wow". to make it. • Donald Humphries. February 18 Last Year At three o'clock today the semi- "I invite any individual student, -Fourteen: is a satirical comedy- of mural basketball tournament was group of students, student organiza- typical American society and its at- Dave Hagan and his eleven-piece or- Joseph Oleair, business manager of ,broadcast over W.F.M.D. as the Bach- tion or class to present to the com- tempts to entertain perfectly. Ethel chesta-a will be featured at the four- the Aloka, announced to the Gold (Cont. on Page 4, Col. 3) (Cont. on Page 4, Col. 1) Barnes will interpret the role of Mrs. teenth annual Delta Phi Alpha fra- Bug this morning, that the annual Horace Pr-ingle, society blah-on; ternity dance to t.J:'>:t, place Saturday, campaign for sub- Lelia Scott and Elmer Lippy will por- February 18, in Blanche Ward gym- ..... -"""-.., scr ipthms will be- Debaters To Open Season tray the other members of the cast; nasium. headquarters in Frederick, gin on Monday, and Coeds To Present Hop 6 February daughter; and Elaine, Mrs. Pringle's With February 15 At Ursinus Dunham, the butler. Mr. Hagan has been furnishing both end February 11. With Valentine Selling The second group of plays will be dance orchestras and concert ensem- All subscriptions Penn State Convention Included In presented_in_A_~,-n_·I. _ bles in this vicinity for twenty years. must be in at that Affair To Be Sponsored Girls By women's so that time To Organizations; the Itinerary FOT Tour Of He features a trombonist, who for- order for covers Date Men Pennsylvania , merly played with "Hotcha" Gardner, might be sent the --' Sunday School Elects and an accordionist. At last it's here. to Emil Edmond, presi- According Debating the question, "Resolved, dent of Delta Pi Alpha, the orchestra OLEAm following week. On Saturday, February 11, the first The policy which That the United States should adopt a Strow To Presidency has been engaged to play "sweet" was instituted last Co-ed Hop will be presented under policy of isolation towards all nations music almost exclusively. year for the sale of Alohas will b~ the sponsorship of the Women's Stu- involved in international or civil dis- 'Quarles And Lowery, Vice-Presidents; The dance will be a semi-formal followed. It is especially important dent Government, the W.A.A., and the pute outside the western hemisphere", Gilchrist Retains Office event with dancing from eig'ht-fifteen that all undergraduates understand l e season I -- Western Maryland varsity debaters Of Secretary to eleven-thir-ty. The program will this policy. Any undergraduate stu- ~i:~~:wal~; G: , f::: 8 ~~a;e1\3~ will swing into the forensic dent may purchase an Aloha for two Decorations will be in keeping with during the week of February 13. A representative group of the WiI- ccnaist of twelve dances with an in- dollars. The price of the yearbook to Valentine's Day. Music will be fur- termission between the sixth and sev- On February 15 and 16 debates will Jiam G. Baker Sunday School Class enth dances. seniors is ten dollars. However, if an nished through recordings, and re- be held with Ursinus College and met in Baker Chapel Monday, Janu- undergraduate fails to purchase three freshments will be served. Dress will Muhlenbur-g College, respectively, in ar y 25, to elect its officers for the New Decorations Planned books during his first three years, he be informal. which Western Maryland will uphold ccming semester. Selman Garrison, chairman of the will be charged two dollars extra in Here is how it works! the negative side of the question. Both During the first semester, James decoration committee, is trying to his senior year for each book he has Girls will be in .full power that of these debates will be away from Shreeve served as president of this break away from the old idea of trim- failed to buy. For example, if a se- evening. They will ask for the dates, home. organization; Lawrence Strow and ming the gym entirely with crepe pa- »Ior failed to buy a book in his fresh- call for the dates, pay the expenses, To Tour Pennsylvania Margaret Quarles as vice-presidents; per anp will attempt something novel man year, he will be charged twelve and do the cutting on the dance floor. The most extensive tour of the sea- Jane Gilchrist as secretary-treasurer; with the hope of creating a pleasant dollars instead of ten dollars for his Provisions will be made for calling son, through western and central and Paul Cummins, Rebecca Keith, atmosphere for the dance. senior fee. If he has missed two years, for the dates. Stations will be set up Assisting Mr. Garrison are Leigh whence dates can be procured at the ~~:~s~~vs~~:han:~l U~~~~~ty,de::!~~ ~~l:S.Betty Vr~ome a~ cabinet mem- Venzke,. Samuel Galbreath, and Wil- fourteen dollars must be paid and if specified time. he has missed three years, sixteen dol- nell University, and Juniata College. ! Shreeve Policy C~ted liam Robinson. Refreshments are in lars must be paid instead of the tell The price of admission for the af- This trip will be culminated with the It has been the policy of Mr. charge of Malcolm Kullmar and dollar senior fee. fair will be 20e per couple; lOc stag Penn State Debater's Convention at Shreeve and his cabinet to bring to Charles Wallace. Bill McWilliams "Obviously it pays to purchase a (girls only). Boys will not be allowed State College, Pennsylvania. the Sunday School local ministers, and Jack Ryan comprise the commit- book each year and receive four books stag. As has been the practice for the Jast teachers, and seminary students as tee on programs. for the total of sixteen dollars instead Sponsors for the affair will be Dean two years, the teams will be made up speakers. Varied programs have been Sponsors for this event, which is of only r-eceiving one for the same Adkins, Miss Campbell, Miss Traw- of both men and women. This year built around such topics as prayer, the last semi-formal fraternity dance 'amount of money." ick, ltIiss Snader, and Dr. Herring. (Cent. on Page 4, Col. 5) worship, faith, Christian experience, of the season, are: Major and Mrs. interna tinnul affairs, and interdenom- Shepherd, Major and Mrs. MacLaugh- inat.ionalism. lin, Dr. and Mrs. Spicer, Professor Drive Week of February 6 MISS l\IATHER TO TERMINATE MISS MILDRED WARE SUCCEEDS At the meeting on Monday night, a and Mrs. Raver, and Dr. and Mrs. During the week of February 6, WORK ON CAMPUS WEDNESDAY .MRS. RAVER AS DIETITIAN new administration was chosen in- Earp. representatives, each of whom have cluding Lawrence Strow, president; been assigned one floor of a dormi- Miss Stella Mather, who substi- Miss Mildred Ware will assume her Margaret Quarles and Harry Lowery, tory, will solicit subseripficns. The tuted in the Home Economics Depart- duties as new dietitian of the College vice-presidents; Jane Gilchrist, secre- MAJOR BLACKBURN TO SPEAK following have beenvselected for the ment during the illness of Miss Helen dining hall, February 6, when Mrs. tary-treasurer; and Donzel Wilder, FOR OUTDOOR LIFE SHOW different dormitories: McDaniel Hall, Gray, will complete her work here on Milson Raver's resignation becomes Rebecca Keith, and Paul Cummins, first floor, D. Vroome; second floor, E. Wednesday. effective. cabinet members. Major Arthur Blackburn, Dean of . Newman; third floor, E. Edmond; Previous to her coming to \Vestern Miss Ware, who will come to West- Mr. Strow is planning a sel'ies of Maryland Archers, will address the Blanche Ward, first floor, M. McKen- Maryland College, Miss Mather was a ern Maryland from the Nurscs' Din- programs which he hopes will stimu- student body in assembly on Febru- ney; second floor, M. Clemson; third faculty member of Temple University, ing Room at Johns Hopkins Hospital, late student participation in the work ary 6 in connection with the Outdoor floor, W. Harward; fourth floor, G. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. where she is assistant dietitian, is a of the Sunday School, and will make Life Show. He will discuss and give Coppage; McKinstry Hall, first floor, That the number of students elect- graduate of the Frerlericksburg, Vit·- the organization a vital part of cam- information about those features of E. Rineheimer; second floor, P. Burtis; ing home economiccs at Western ginia, State Teachers' College, and of pus life. -~~- the show in which the students are Ward Hall, first floor, Wm. Banks; Maryland is unusually large for a the School of Nutrition of Johns Hop- likely to be most interested. second floor, S. Mansh; third ..floor, school of this size is the opinion of kins University Hospital. _ CORRECTION The North American Sports, Gar- 'Wm. Klare; Owings Hall, J. Oleair; Miss Mather. At the present time Mrs. Raver, after graduating from den and Outdoor Life Show is being Levine Hall, A. Schaeffer; Women there are fifteen seniors majoring in Western Maryland also attended the Misses Katherine Klier and Helen presented for the second year in Bal- ·Day Students (A to L) C. Drechsler; the department. Over thirty fresh- School of Nutrition of Johns Hopkins Armacost were among the juniors who timore, from February 17 to 25, in- (M to Z) T. Yohn; Men Day Students, men have made this course their Universit.y Hospital. joined the Argonauts On January 5. clusive. NOITis and Weant. choice.
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