Page 42 - TheGoldBug1938-39
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug. Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. Seniors Present Speech Syndicate Awards Thomas QUINT LINE·UPS Dr. Powdermaker Speaks FRAT NEWS Recital In Smith Hall Before W. A. A. Members Prize In National Contest' 21'11~c;n:: but one of play, -- to The four fraternities pledged over Seven students of the speech de- It appears that "Bill" Thomas has was scheduled f~::e:s~!~v~' ~~l~f~)c. A. The W. A. A. held a meeting on their automobiles had an accident on fifty men this year completing a partment appeared in a Senior Speech been hiding his light under the pro- the way down, due to the slippery January 16, in Room 22, Science Hall. three month rushing period. As usual, Recital Friday evening, January 13, verbial bushel for these past three reads. In the informal freshman bat- The guest speaker was :pr. Merise a great majority of the men bid were Powder-maker, physical education in- freshmen. \ in Smith Hall. Among the selections ~~~u:r~a;~ ~:a~~~;s ~~f~l:e:~~'S!::i; tIe, Bricker was high scorer with 9 streeter at Eastern High School in The four fraternities pledged over ~~~~:er:t~: s::::al t~~n/:~:er~h~~:~ that a contribution of his authorship po~~~sri~o;:the "Green" team. Baltimore. fifty new members most of whom mas. had been accepted for publication by Dr. Powdel'~aker spoke ~o t~e W. were freshmen. Mary Jane Fogelsanger gave an in- the papers connected with King Fea- Western Maryland A. A. members on the subject, "Stu- Gamma Beta Chi has pledged the terpretation of the nurse and of the tures Syndicate. T dents Today-Teachers Tomorrow," following members: poison scenes from Romeo and Juliet. His article, which attempts to jus- Biasi, f. G o F G o She emphasized the responsibility of "'Emil Grenda, Norman Foy, Robert Joseph Oleair, the only male student tify the position of athletics in Amer- Drug-ash, f. .._ 1 00 0 2 all teachers, not only those of the phy- 0 Podlich, Melbourne Binns, Richard taking senior speech this year, deliv- "ican colleges, will appear in the near Stropp, c. 4 1 1 [) aical education department, to help Baker, Kenneth Mitchell, Carlisle ered the proposal scene of The Tam· future in all of the Hearst papers Tomichek, g. 11. people make use of their increasing MacKenzie, Charles Baker, Kcn ina of the Shrew. from coast to coast. Bills, g.. 34 4 leisure. Groves, Philip Bechtel, Bayne Dudley, "The Purple Door Knob", a sketch The excellence of the composition 01 o o Palmer Tate, Philip Adams, Charles of an old lady who thought she had was attested by Elsie Robin'son, whose Honeman, f. 0 An interesting description of youth Warner, Bud Ricker, Gor Gilbert, Al- nothing for which to live, written by column "Listen World" is known to Impeeiato, g.. 00 hostels or health camps in foreign fred Hancock, Carl Thomas, Lewis W. P. Eaton, was given by Anne Mel- thousands. That the -vwcrld might 'Vallace, e 1 o 0 5 cuu~tries was given by Dr. Powder- maker who had seen them in operation Hill, George Marshall. vin. Carolyn Pickett gave an inter- know" him better, Miss Robinson re- Maddox, g. 2 13 Alpha Gamma Tau has pledged th~ pretation of "Columbine" by Colin quested a photograph of Mr. Thomas Edmond, g. 13 3 during a recent European trip. She following: C. Clements. This was a dialogue be- and was obliged with a likeness sport- also mentioned several points from a Eugene Belt, James' Stanley-Ritchie, tween two working girls, one who was ing the Green and Gold toggery of 16 612 38 book on girls' sports of which she. is Harry Wilson Baker, Edward Roscoe seriously in love, and another who was Western Maryland's football forces. St. John's the author and which is now in pub- Thomas, Robert Ernest Shockley, definitely against marrying. G F G lication. James Munroe Townsend, Harry Nellie Williams interpreted a setec- Hill, f. o 2 DI" Powdermaker invited the physi- Knight Miller, Halton Granville Crop- ANNUAL RECESS Buck, f. 6 cal education students desiring to per, Frank Aldred Tarbutton, James tion in negro dialect by Paul Green, Shawn, c. 01 4 teach to observe ecrne of her classes entitled, "The No 'Count Boy". 24 The Kenneth Douglass, Richard Joseph number of characters included in this {Cent. from Page 1, Col. 5) :Medford, g. 00 2 in Baltimore. Miss Parker accepted Shunck, Elmer Ellsworth Evans, Paul sketch t made it difficult to interpret. be held in Blanche Ward. The high- Tuckey, g. 02 2 the invitation, and the physical educa- Robert Myers, Addison Joynes Beane, light of the evening will be the sec- Jacobson, f. tion students will soon see a high r-, Newton Wilbur Kidd, Robert Ed- "Shadow and Substance", an alle- ond annual faculty production, "The Pcppit.i, f. 00 01 o school class in operation in a new and win Bricker, William Jacob Leather- gory by Paul Vincent Carroll, was Show is On." Admission to students Matz, c. 0 o 0 modern gymnasium. man, Edgar Warren Smith, Jr., Rhil- given by Ailene Williams. Shadow will be free. Heinmuller, g _ 0 00 ips, William Rembert, William An- was a dream girl, and Substance was The mid-year recess will be brought Tindall, f. thony, Clyde Thomas. a mattel:-of-faet man. The allegory to a close with a 'program of singing 12 COLLEGE CONVENTION Delta Pi Alpha pledged the follow- tells of the influence of the man upon at Harvey Stone Park, beginning at ing: the girl's life. 10 o'clock. 312 19 (Cont. from Page 1, Col. 1) Jack Doeng-es, Denzel Wilde, An- For the final selection, Francis Officials I Paul Menton and James siena of the ~onve.lltioy were of~en drew "Andy" Bohle, Raymond "Ray" Stout interpreted Maxwell Ander- BOXERS LOSE OPENER Enright. Time of halves; 20 minutes. devoted to acrrmomous, yet very m- Myers, Michael "~'iike" Petrucci, Ed- son's "Elizabeth the Queen". teresting, debates on academic free- win "Ed" Lewis, John Pirie, and Ir- (Cont. from Page 3, Col. 3) dom and social security in its rela- vin Biasi. FROSH BASKETBALL -tion to education. Pi Alpha pledged the following: BROADCASTS out of the way, and got in some good Since the association deals with val- Jim Elliot, Bill Vincent, "Stumpy" blows every now and then. In the Cont. from Page 3, Col. 4 ues and rights rather than rules and Brengle, and Lee Kindly. (Cont. from Page 1, Col. 4) middle of the second round, both men The schedule follows: 'concrete suggestions, its accomplish- piano and voice recital. Dorothy stepped into a clinch and knocked January- ments are rather intangible. The Brown, '40, was the student armounc- their heads together, sending both to 18 Hagerstown Y. M. C. A ...~home theme of this 1938-39 school year INTER·SORORITY er for the program, which was broad- the floor. The Penn rna;;- received a 31 Frederick De Mclay ..home meeting was, "The College As a Cnl- cut on his head, but Calhoun hounded cast from McDaniel Hall Lounge. to his feet uninjured. Referee Char- tural Foree." Delta Sigma Kappa, Phi Alpha Mu, Mr. Spangler played two Chopin lie Short allowed the bout to proceed February- and Sigma Tau sponsored a tea dance selections: a Mazurka in D flat and and Dave came back strong in the 1 Hagerstown Y. M. C. A.. away Saturday afternoon, January 14th, in a W al~~ in C sharp. He also played third and battered his opponent 3 Staunton . . home PATRONIZE McDaniel Hall Lounge, from 2:30 to Revene by Debussy and two Shas- al'ound the ring. Before time was up, 7 Blue Ridge. .Home 5:30 P. M. Recordings furnished the takowitsch preludes. 11 Baltimore University.. home OUR music, and light refreshments were "Mr. de Long's program included a\Var~ed a technical to 15 Baltimore Y. M. C. A home served. The following sponsors at- Handel's aratoria, Jashu; Minnelied 21 Washington Y. M. C. A. home tended: Miss Esther Smith, Miss Wil- by Brahms; two old English songs; Orloski lIIeets Slugger 25 Johns Hopkins ...•••••••••••...••.••~~':; ADVERTISERS. 30 Mt. St. Mary's. sie Adkins, Miss Bertha Adkins, Miss I Attell~pt From. Love'8 Sickne88 To Orloski met the heaviest hitter of Snader, Professor Hurt, and Dean and Fly; and an air from Cannu8. the Penn Sta~ team in the 175 pound Mrs. Free. On Tuesday, January 17, the Col~ class. Patrick, his opponent, was H. E. REESE lege Orchestra gave a concert, broad- awarded a technical knockout before Have Your Films Developed '-.. Sigma Sigma Tau, Phi Alpha Mu, cast from McDaniel Hall Lounge. the end 'of the first round, aftel' rock- and Finished at CLEANING TAILOR and Delta Sigma Kappa held informal James Merritt was the announcer for ing the .Green and Gold man with sev- PRESSING suppers in their respective club-rooms this program. eral hard blows. Tn the heavyweight The College Grill REP4_IRING following their return from vacation. class, Petrucci met Handler, and after 94 East Main Street The concert was directed by student three rounds, lost the decision. SUITS MADE TO MEASURE conductors of the Fourth Conducting The next meet is on January 28, at ARGONAUTS Class. Dorothy Harman, Elizabeth West Point, several other. men who Crisp, Louise Jameson, Alfred Garri- will probably see action include Vin~ (Cont. from Page 1, Col. 5) son, Ann Stevenson, and Mary Robb cent, C. Rinehimer, and Adolph. The The first meeting of the year wiJI be, were the student conductors. freshmell have their only match as it was this year, a business meet- Professor John Makosky, who su~ scheduled with Navy Plebes on the Compliments of ing at which the junior candidates will pervises the Tuesday radio broadcasts, 11;Iftel"llOOnof Febl'Uary 4. be voted on. At the second meeting, ~~eul~:~l~~!:k,ai~o~~n:::/~~!,~:mm!~: =="",!'======= the new members will be initiated J. D. KATZ into the organization. An appro- ing tentative plans for a broadcast of Cabel O'Conner 98 priate speaker will be acquired for the the incidents of the outdoor program QUALITY third, and the final meeting will be cf February L SHOE REPAIRING dedicated to the annual banquet. Special Rates to Students Jean Lau, Ruth Field, Frances Pol- WESTERN MARYLAND Joe Oleair, Agent haus, and Frank Sherrard were ap- pointed as a committee to obtain a COFFEE SHOP speaker for the next meeting, which AND RESTAURANT will take place in March. SODA, SANDWICHES, LUNCH The following juniors were initiated DINNERS January 'The finest in movie fare is yours into the Argonauts at the January 5 JACK MOORE, Manager meeting: Francis Polhaus, Kermit Beyard, Leslie Stokes, Carlton Good- Sale at en, Ruth Field, Regina Fitzgerald, Veronica Kompanek, Katherine Coch- Three'Chair Service rane, Marianna Lee Long, Carolyn Smith, Catherine Barker, and Milton 20% THE CARROLL Crosswhite. NO WAITING KEEP TRIM AND LET US REDUCTION ON DOlT and JOHN EVERHART HEAGY BROTHERS' Men's Suits THE COLLEGE BARBER BARBER SHOP AND BOBBER Overcoats THE STATE AT THE FORKS Next to Post Office Leather Jackets Slacks THEATRES Lowry Btauty Shop Mackenzie's Drug Store I Adjoining Post Office Announces a Complete, THE • PERMANENT WAVE Line of Drugs, Toilette Goods, SPECIALISTS Coffman - Fisher Sodas, Magazines, and Candy "'Two Houses with o,nepurpose ~~~ EXPERT HAIR STYLISTS 93 East Main Street 50 W. Main Street Company· Phone 395 your entertainment" Westminster, Maryland Next to State Theatre 11 E. Main St.
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