Page 46 - TheGoldBug1938-39
P. 46
PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Weatern Maryland College, Westmin5ter, Md. Y.M.C.A.Adopts Resolutions Private Conferences Dr. Holloway Addresses Mrs. G(iffin Speaks CALENDAR On Curriculum Problems Featured In Visit Of Alumni At Banquet On Effects Of Alcohol February: Grace Sloane Overton Toastmaster Lyman Long Introduces At Monday -Assembly i_Winter Carnival. Meeting, 8:00 P. M. 2_Argonauts Will Be' Presented To College Cur- Speakers; Many Notables riculum Committee For Con- Are Present 6-W.A.A. Meeting, 6:45. sideration Deems Marriage And Home Life Beer Drinking More Detrimental 9-Art Club 6:45, McDaniel Necessary For Success On Friday evening, January 27, at To Body Than Other Drinks; 10-Junior Plays, Alumni Hall, At the weekly meeting of the Y. W. Of Democracy the Longfellow Hotel in Baltimore, None Are Good 8:00 P. M. C. A. on January 18, the following approximately one hundred alumni I3_lnternational Relations Club resolutions were adopted for presen- Dr. Grace Sloan Overton, a nation- gathered for an informal alumni din- Mrs. Don W. Griffin addressed the 6:45, McDaniel Lounge tation to the College Curriculum Com- ally known advisor on youth prob- nero student body at the regular Monday 14-Musie Recital, Smith Hall 4.15 mittee for consideration. Ierne and authoress of books and ar- The toastmaster was Mr. Lyman morning assembly on January 30. 16--Faculty Club, 8:00 P. M. 1. To have a minimum of fifteen ticlea for students, visited the campus Long of Washington. Among the Mrs. Griffin spoke on "The Use and hours per semester making a total from Monday, January 23, until the guests were twelve representatives Abuse of Alcohol" from a scientific of 120 hours the requirement for following Friday. from Washington, including Dr. v.iewpoint.. She explain.ed by mustra-, (Cont. from Page 1, Col. 1) graduation. Mrs. Overton addressed the student Chase. The speakers of the evening uons a~d simple exper-iments the ef- there are six students participating in 2. To have tests given throughout of body as a whole at Monday morning were Prof. Makosky who spoke on the feet which alcohol has on the organs it d b t Th F k Sh . equal value with no final examina- chapel. During the week she carried history of the development of the col- d the bod~. . . ;:~.~: ~39~aV:~onie:y ~:emp:~:k, ,:~~ tions at the end of a semester. Mrs. G1'lffin, who IS a reglst~~ed I Alvin Newtqn, '40; Sidney Mansh, '41; 3. To have tests scheduled so that a :~d d~~~;::~~::s '~'~~h ~~d~~~;U~~o::~~ ~~~~li~h:he c~l~!~ec~n:~l~~a~~n~:m:;~:~ nurs~ and has had many opportumtJes Helen Willard, '41; and Willard Ever- student does not have more than cernif!g personal problems requiring books, periodicals of literary socre- to view the actual effects of alcohol ett: '41 two a day. special guidance. ties, and club publications; and Dr. on the body, has. made a thorough' Debates scheduled thus far are as The adoption of these resolutions She opened her address in chapel by Holloway, who spoke of the college study of her subject. She has ob- fe-llows: was the result of a discussion of cur- stating that the youth of the nation problems of the 20th century. He tamed much of her data from hospital February; riculum problems held at the January has matured greatly within the past also gave a physical description of records and since 1933, has spoken in 15 Ursinua' College Neg. Away 11 meeting of the organization. At year, College students, she said, are and a financial report on the new field various states including Kentucky, 16 Muhlenburg College Neg. Away this meeting the primary issues dis- becoming more and more aware of house and dormitory. Virginia, Ohio, Maryland, Tennessee, March: cussed were the number of curricular and Pennsylvania. 8 Rutgers University Neg. Home hours and the examination system. ~~:r~:t ;:~~~:l~i~~d~h:~ :~;: :~~ Informal remarks were made by One point which Mrs. Griffin par- ,14 Susquehanna University Both students and faculty members minds. She then struck the keynote ~~ag,~p~~:~a:~drt~~r~~YH::~:~~: i:~ ticularly stressed was the effect which Aff. Away attended and participated in the dis- beer produces. She said that beer, 15 Bucknell University cussions. ~\~h:os:h~fe::;h!:~~:dd~~~nf:::~:~~~ ::i:~i:n~ecretary of the Alumni As- which is commonly thought 4J be Neg. Away The resolutions were adopted by II ;~i~o~~:~:g o;~if:. sound, fundamental' Other members of the college lac- about the least harmful of all alco- 16.Juniata College Away vote by those members present. Publi- holic drinks, really contains the same 17-18 Penn. State Convention cation will be made in the near future The institutions of 'marriage and ulty and administration who were drug as the marijuana cigarette. She Away if any action is taken by the Curri- home life, she said, are necessary for present included Dr. Wills, Dean and also stated that beer adds an, un- 20 Susquehanna University culum Committee. a successful democracy. Mrs. Schofield, Dean and Mrs. Ber- healthful weight to the body. Neg. Home ro~a~~~:~n~~~;g:~,t~~el';~~!~~~~ro~e~; i~~~!~:r~:~~~~~pe!~te;;l.::ee'M;: Mrs. Griffin has spoken to the Meth- April: (Cant. from Page 1, Col. 1) marriage can remain sacred only if Holloway..__and Mrs. Makosky were odist Young P e 0 p l e t s Conference 4 Upsala College Aff. Horne mittee named below a prospectus for each person allows all of 'his actions also at the dinner. which is held annually at Western 24 Penn. State Women Aff. Home a half hour radio program. The Com- to be guided by the strong philosophy Maryland College during the summer. mittee will be composed of Miss Es- of its sanctity. True success and (Cont. from Page 1, Col. 1) For one week during the year, she THREE CHAIR SERVICE ther Smith, Dean Free, Mr. Raver, peace of mind, she pointed out, are pos- teaches the effect of alcohol on the No Waiting and me. Conditions of the invitation sible only if one maintains "unity of elors met the Preachers and the Gam- body to the biology classes of Towson HEAGY BROTHERS' are as follows: self", thus making one's actions con- ma Bets played the Black and Whites. High School. BARBER SHOP 1. The prospectus must be submit- form with one's convictions and phil- Paul Ritchie announced the game and Next to Post Office ted before March 1, 1939. The pro- osophies; and keeping one's ideals sac- also thc wrestling and fencing gram will probably be staged in April. red. matches. A description of the carni- H. E. REESE 2. It should be complete enough so On Wednesday evening Mrs. Over- val and'its objectives were presented CLEANING TAI.LOR that the committee can judge the ex- ton spoke to the Y. W. C. A. and the from Smith Hall. PRESSING JOHN EVERHART act nature and value of the program. Y. M. C. A. in a joint meeting in Ba- A double-header basketball tourna- REPAIRING THE COLLEGE BARBER Thus if the program be musical, the ker Chapel concerning "Men and ment in the Westminster Armory will 94 East Main Street AND BOBBER names of selections should be includ- Women relationships on the Campus." be the highlight of the evening. The SUITS MADE TO MEASURE AT THE FORKS ed in the plani if the program is Speaking in broad and basic terms, val'sity team will meet l'I1t. St. Mal'y's speaking, the words to be spoken be she pointed out that this is the most and the freshmen will take on the WESTERN MARYLAND included .• undisciplined generation of college Frederick De Molay. COFFEE SHOP J. D. KATZ 3. If more than one good prospec- students, and that a more mature out- Dand~g in Bl_:sche Ward H~ll and tus is delivered, an attempt will be look than formerly is necessary for games 10 McDamel Lounge Will get AND RESTAURANT QUALITY made to give broadcast time to each better men and women relationships. under way at 10 o'clock. Mr. Ma- SODA, SANDWICHES, LUNCH SHOE REPAIRING such program. College students may attain this by kosky will lead the games while the DINNERS Special Rates to Students 4. No kind of subject matter will maintainiIlg a healthy attitude and dance sponsored by the Student Com- JACK MOORE, Manager Joe Oleair, Agent bl; barred. Preference, however, will submitting to self-imposed discipline. mittee, will be to recordings. 11:30 I The be given to the kind of material which, Mrs. Ovedon conducted student evening program will end at by its nature, could not be organized group discussions on Tuesday and o'clock. and prepared by the faculty commit- Thursday evenings in McDaniel On Wednesday moming the finals MARGARET AND EARLE'S tee. Lounge. She also talked to Dr. of the basketball tournament will be 5. The kind of material to be pre- Ebaugh's educational psychology played and the men's loullge will be Rainbow Inn sented must fall within the general classes, to the students of the Semi- open for informal games. The girls' purpose of the series: that is, the ma- nary, to the Y. M. C. A. cabinet, and gym will be opened for anyone who terial must be of or about Western to groups of faculty members. At the wishes to play volley ball, badminton, Ice Cream Milkshakes 10c Sandwiches 5c Maryland, and it should have both dose of ner visit, Mrs. Overton said ping-pong, or shuffle board. If the entertainment and educational value. that she had observed a greater ma- temperature drops below freezing be- Dancing A program originating with the stu- turity on the. campus in thinking and I tween now and tomorrow afternoon dent body, however, must necessarily listening. Teacher and student rela- there will be skating at Cascade Lake CARRY-OUT SERVICE be "of" Western Maryland; and it will tionships especially, she said, had im- with tl'unsportatiou furnished by the automatically fall within the exceed- Jlroved. college. In case it is too warm for ingly inclusive bounds of educational Dr. Overton, whose home is in Ann skating tomorrow, the cxpedition to programs as defined by Mr. Long- Arbor, Michigan, has been made fa- Cascade will take place lhe first Sat- street of W.F.M.D., inasmuch as it miliar with the problems and ideas of urday that it is cold enough. will inform the public what college college students by years of teaching The finals in the ping-pong contest people arc doing or thinking. and of visiting campuses all over the will be run off at seven and at eight "I believe this invitation offers a country. the faculty show will begin. definite challenge to the inventiveness and the sense of the artistic which may exist within the student body." The weekly broadcast inducted the Rosenstock's Ladies Shop inter-semester holiday program this The '.finest in movie fare is yours afternoon at three o'clock, half of it being dedicated to a description of the Mix ... match or blend. nature and purpose of the inter-sem- ester activities, and the other half to at but assemble your 0 w n suit! a side-line description of the athletic We've the RIGHT skirt for ev- events which were among the opening ery JACKET or vice versa . events of the carnival. THE CARROLL the newest, smartest jackets and The first part of the broadcast was skirts for Spring. presented by Dean Free and PI'ofessor Makosky, the former answering ques- tions for the latter. During the sec- and New jackets, cardigans, tweeds, ond part of the W.F.M.D. program, checks, solids, $2.98 up. Mr. Ritchie, a graduate student in the college, announced from Yingling Gymnasium the last half of a basket- THE STATE Pleated, gored, swing skirts, plain ball game between the Bachelors and tweeds, $1.98 up. the Preachers. The contest was the first round of the inter-fraternity Smart SWEATERS in slip.on or finals. THEATRES button style, $1.00 up. During time-out periods, Mr. Ritchie ~described the fencing and wrestling contests which were going Dress up for Spring in Sport on in·the gymnasium simultaneously • Clothes at Rosenstock's Ladies' with the basketball game. Shop. "Two Houses with one purpose ~~~ Have Your Films Developed and Finished at your entertainment" Rosenstock's Ladies' Shop The College Grill 67 E. MAIN STREET WESTMINSTER, MD.
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