Page 44 - TheGoldBug1938-39
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PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. ~'I Il I CAMPUS GOt 1\ II~ , .,---------=:L:=---E A D --------,ER S I nesday from 10 to 12 A. M., and From the I The Library will be open Wed- HERMITA~~ HANK from 1 to2 P.M. Dr. Overton Now that Official student newspaper of Western Maryland College, published on Thurs- There's a lot to be said. has gone, day, semi-monthly during October, November, February, March, April, May, campus life will go on as it should, and monthly during September, December, and January, by the students of we hope, don't we? Western Maryland College, Westminster, Maryland. Entered as second-class To The Editor. matter at the Westminster Post Office, under the Act of March 3, 1879. WORDS FROM AN EAGLE'S A new semester begins on 'I'hurs, SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $1.50 A YEAR VIEW day. The Hermitage sincerely hopes 0' that it will become the minds of the body and the faculty to put National Advertising Service, Inc. 1957 Meml:u 19" AND THEN THEY SAW THlE student campus activities in high gear. our College Publhhws Repres(lt>l,,/ive ~socia!ed G:>Ue5ia!e Press Impetuous, VIRGINIA KAROW and ,n- FIGHT-WE HOPE We have excellent educational ma- effervescent, It is the policy of leading colleges tireIy lovable, Ginny is held in highest and universities to provide students chinery on the Hill, but it is not in the esteem on "the HilI". Her contagious and faculty with an adequate supply best possible working order. When EDITORIAL STAFli' you have a fine automobile you should. enthusiasm, her sincere friendliness of class schedules. Such a policy is !~!~o;;;;f;Clji!o;;.:......:': ...~~·...~·...·..Si;;NEY"WAG~ELSTEi:'A,~~; ~~~G~H:::::::,,;~~ toward everybody, her wholesome out- noticeably absent at Western Mary- take care of it, you should know how AARON SCHAEFFER, '39; VERONICA KOMPANEK, '40 look on life are only a few of her en- land College. to operate it, how to receive the max- ~; Nil::: : : :: :.::..:: :.:': .:': .:': ::·.·.·:.·:·.·.·.·.jitn"i:'~N~~::~~ dearing qualities. After an exhaustive search of bul- imum amount of efficiency and power from it. \Vhen you keep your machine Copy Reader8 ,..EARL DARSCH, '41; HENRY TRIESLER, '41 Ginny is a leader in many organiza- - letin boards, advisors' "ivory pal- in the garage all week and only bring Proof Editor " " SUE PRICE, '40 tions at Western Maryland. As presi- aces", waste paper baskets, e . and it out on Sunday or a holiday, when Proof Readers ELLEN SHIPLEY, '40; LOUELLA MEAD, '39; ·WILLIAM BANKS, '41 dent of the Y. W. C. A., she accepts campus, we find that the supply IS as Feature Editors , · KATHERINE KLIER, '40; MARGARET PACKWOOD, '40 'her role with charm and grace, wheth- inadequate as a certain boy's efforts you never look under the hood to see LAWRENCE FREENY, '39 er it be presiding at the weekly meet- (or ability) to balance the budget. if all is well or to see how your engine Sports Editor8. ...LAWRENCE STROW, '39; MARY JANE HONEMAN, '89 is working, when you don't check the Assistant Sports Editors ...,...,...... .RUTH FIELD, '40; HAROLD SOLOMON, '41 ings of the organization, making a This is an unending source of Irrrte- Typists PATRICIA WHITE, '42; JANE FRALEY, '42; LAURETTE MCCUSKER, '42 speech in Monday morning assembly, tion during the period of class ached- tires to see whether- or not they are BETTY ELLEWYN, '42 or acting as hostess at the Saturday uling. all infl.ated or if they are still holding BUSINESS STAFF a grip on the road, when you are not Business Manager , , , EMELINEl NEWMAN,'89 night dances. Since it is quite within the powers concerned with what bran~s of fuel Advertising Manager ., , EDWARD WEANT, '40 A member of Sigma Sigma Tau of the administration to provide a Circulation Managers........... . LESLIE STOKES, '40; MARY CLEMSON, '39 sorority, she held the position of vice- sufficient supply of said schedules and oil you are putting into it or up- A8sistant Circulation Managers... MARY ASBURY, '41; JAMES MERRITT, '40 president of that organization during with a negligible increase in expenses, on what kind of battery your engine Contributing Reporters .. . REBECCA KEITH, '3(); KATHERINE BERRY, '40: the past semester. if the law of diminishing costs still operates best, when 'you care for your EDITH RITCHIE, '40 An enthusiastic biology student, she operates, we believe that a more eat- machine in this. manner, and when is secretary of the Tri-Beta honorary isfactory policy of production and dis- you allow someone else to drive it all fraternity and is heartily interested tribution «t, this material can be in- the time, your machine is of little .Open Forum in its activities. augurated. value to you. About the only reason Besides having a magnetic person- As a stencil must be cut for ten you have a machine is to keep up with By the student body's reaction to a vigorous editorial policy, the Joneses. the Gold Bug has concluded that the students are not apathetic ality, Ginny always has an attractive copies-the same as for a hundred- we recommend that enough for each Sbe has an eye for line appearance. we are treating The machine that to campus problems and conditions. Their firm support or con- and color in clothes, and is welI- student be "run off". in such fashion is our student govern- demnation of various editorials, as they have appeared, has groomed at all times. And then too, A pursuance of this policy would ment. The women's organization is shown that, despite their varying points of view, every student has one can scarcely look at her with- result in increased efficiency in sched- an interest in conditions on the Hill. The students realize that they out exclaiming, "Jeepers creepers! uling classes and a saving of time to decidedly more efficient than the 'are as much a part of the college community now as they will be where'd you get those eyes?" They both students and faculty. men's, but even so, both groups, no of their state community after graduation-that everything which are perhaps one reason for her suc- We feel that this program would be matter how good you may think they are, are failing to realize the educa- happens, or does not happen, on the campus has a direct bearing cess as a conversationalist. quite in keeping with the present pro- tional duties,-yes, duties-, which on their life, Uberty, and pursuit of happiness. Anyone within the radius of her gress1ve attitude of the administra- belong to them. How many of us are- Ignorance can usually be found at the root of mistakes and smile can't help but feel brighter. tion. misunderstandings. Few acts are motivated by malice on a college Gay, unselfish, full of vital enthu- Signed: in the driver's seat (for the entire campus. siasm, Ginny wiII certainly be missed student body is need~d to drive' this The Gold Bug has striven to present to the entire student body P. LEWIS HILL, vehicle successfully) aiding in the interesting ideas and opinions which have originated in various when she leaves "the Hill" after grad- J. CHARLES FITZGERALD, progress of the venture? Very few, although the back seat is filled to ov- uation. groups on the campus, as it has endeavored to present to the fac- WALISTER R. HOOD. ulty and administration the opinions held by the student body in er-flowing. (To those inhabitants of general. the posterior upholstery, "You had The only method of ascertaining student opinion, which the P~SSING IN REVIEW better take a course in radio training Gold Bug has had, has been by the conscientious observations of the before you try remote control tactics. staff. Under these circumstances, the Gold Bug feels that, al- By JOE GLEAIR The little problems at play on our campus are being mercilessly run over though it has very likely made mistakes, it has done an optimum job of interpreting student opinion. A policy of non-intervention by the geography of their country which by your driving, or rather, by your The Gold Bug feels, however, that there is a more accurate France and England, and a so-called places them three thousand miles lack of driving.") How many of us method of measuring student opinion and that, by responding to it, policy of neutrality as embodied in from the scene of conflict. They will ever look past the radiator ornament every person and organization on the Hill will receive benefits both the Neutrality Act by the United worry about the inevitability of being and beneath the hood? Are the sup- direct and indirect. Therefore, the Gold Bug invites all the men States finally bear fruit in the near drawn into the expected struggle. <, posed spark plugs you have delegated and women of the student body to attend an open forum discussion complete collapse of the Loyalist Gov- But they will fail to realize that, to the machine still sparking, if they of campus conditions Thursday evening at 6 :40 in Smith Hall. emment in Spain. until they come to grips with the ever did, or are they full of earboned The meeting will start promptly, will be short, and will be con- The blame in this case cannot be problem by taking a definite stand in inefficiency (perhaps they aren't con- ducted in accordance with parliamentary procedure. shifted to the shoulders of either Hit- world affairs, nothing con s t r u c- nected)? You don't know! You needn't waste your time looking at the For reasons already mentidned the Gold Bug staff feels that Ier or Musaol'ini. Those two men tive towards real and lasting peace treads on the tires. They won't grip, the faculty, administration, and students should welcome such an were opportunists who took advant- will be accomplished. The futility opportunity. Subjects to be discussed will be entirely at the dis- age of the weak sisters in the family and stupidity of a policy of isolation they're dryrotted! The f u e I is in cretion of the students attending the meeting. of nations. That is the sum total of became more apparent with each the tank, but that's'as far as it ever their guilt. passing day. got. Nobody ever thought to turn on If they had, the battery the" ignition. They knew well that 1I0tone of the To us it seems that a policy of 1S0- Frat Dances self-styled great democracies of the lation, be it economic, political, or one wouldn't have worked. You may be your machine sure that doesn't need world had the vision to see that far if ideology, in this modern age is im- The oil you do have needs On the front page of this paper appears the announcement of from Simplifying matters an Insur- possible. The facts speak for them- any oil. however. filtering, a fraternity dance. On the front page. of the last issue of this pa- gent victory would complicate mat- selves and need no explanation. per there appeared that announcement of a fraternity dance. On tel's. So the two dictators each with The responsibility of the United This machine of ours has to be ov- the front page of each of two previous issues there appeared the a deuce as the holecard outbluffed and States in international affairs be- er'he uled. Let's open those garage announcement of a fraternity dance. Sometime before June there outdrew three democracies who had comes greater when the impotency of doors and tell those people who have will appear on the front page of the Gold Bug the announcement. aces back to back. both France and England is taken in- been driving for us that we'd like to of the Pan-Hellenic dance, sponsored jointly by the fraternities ann An analysis of the Insurgent vic- to consideration. The Pact of Mu- try. Lift up the hood, clean out the sororities of the college. tory shows that it was lack of food nich revealed that only an English- carbon, reseat the valves, test the The club dances have become tradition at Western Maryland and equipment, and foreign soldiers, man will deny that the Empire is be- spark plugs, clean the sluggish ones ~~11,t~~~ve:~;:, t~efaa~ctliet~da:~t~f~t '~~~h;I~;a~iti;;'~t~c~~:ion~\I~~ ~e:~:;nt~eIt~~;;I~s~:,d ~oo~~j:;i~~ d~; ~~:~~ien~n~eC;;;:ta~7:n t~;~:~h ~:: :~~ I :~: :~~~ t~:kd~~e~~:ef~~:ry:ifc::;;: not that there is any danger of its expiring, bllt merely as a gesture the Spanish people were loyal, and others help is an indication of the the battery, I drain the foreign liquids of recognition. The club dances are one of the most superior forms their belief in their cause is attested weakness of both. away from the fuel, filter the oil, put of entertainment and the most consistent forms of entertainment to by the invincible spirit displayed at Any participation in world affairs on new fiI'm, gripping tires, and we'll on the Hill. Madrid. 1:.)' this country must be Opel}and be ready to take those much needed Experience has demonstrated that the financial risk incurred A belated effort was made in the aboveboard. It must be not in the lessons in operating. When we've by the club,members in presenting their dances is not great. How- United States to lift the embargo spil'it of secret military aUiances, po- done these things (and the doing will ever, this fact implies the companion fact that the club's pecuniary which, in effect, was discriminating litical, military, or otherwise. take some time) we'll be ready to give gains are never gr~at. Their only compensation, one which is not against the Loyalists. Tremendous The full force of our power should those so many little problems a lift; , to be ignored, is the knowledge of a good deed well done. was the outraged howl that emanated be used to serve as a stabilizer an'if as we'il be realizing our fullest educa- from religious and anti-Communist an upholder of certain ideals that tional possibilities. groups. Somehow that howl had a should prevail in international diplo- Miss Adkins closed her message uf Support The Cooed Hop peculiar sound to us. \Ve are not macy. Brute force, intrigues, or the welcome to the freshmen this year Communistic, nor are we anti-relig- promotion of ideology without the with the following paragraph: As has been said, variety is the spice of life. The Co~ed Hop leus, yet we didn't howl with the rest. free and open consent of the people is intended in that light. The female sect on the Hill is to be given The answer seems to lie in the fact involved should not be tolerated. "I bid you welcome, therefore, with a chance to show just what should be done and how to do it. True, that our sense of justice and under- In other words our ideas can be ex- the hope that you will find a rich and they have their chance Leap Year, but in the four year interim be~ standing leads us' to place our sym- pressed in advocation of a league of full development through Western tween Leap Years, some means for giving vent to their feelings pathies with the Loyalist government. nations. Wilson's League of Nations Maryland College, and that ghe will must be provided. Our sympathies are also swayed by was a solution, concrete and practical, find an added strength through you." The men on the Hill must cooperate, however, if the endeavor our conception of the contending par- to the problems of the world. It never It dOes seem appropriate. is to meet with any degree of success. They must take the affair ties. had a chance, and that's why it failed. as it is being given-in the spirit of good, wholesome fun. There- We assume in the next few· weeks As the situation now stands all that fore, men, if and when a girl asks you for a date, accept. When a of crises the American people will act can be done is to wait for the end of gIrl cuts you on the floor, succumb graclOusly m the usual manner They Will hope the Spamsh Rebelhon, to wait for College Church I'ledges are dueI The idea of girls askmg for dates, paYlllg expenses, and bemg I and play for peace They Will con Hltlel'S next speech, to wait.for Mus_ generally on the aggressive has been trIed successfully on other col- demn 01 Jusbfy the actJons of the op sohm's future demands, to wait for lege campuses At Gettysburg the "system" was worked for an posmg patties They '\llJ repeat that thlS and to walt for that, always entire week-With a lot of fun for all concerned war IS senseless and foohsh They hembhng and always uncel1;ain as to February 1. Solicitors will call. There's a lot of fun to be had, so Jet's have It here, too \\lll dellve a certam satisfaction flom I what the futUle Will bnng
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