Page 50 - TheGoldBug1938-39
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland CoU~ Westminster, Md. Military Department COBstGuard Fighters MissGesner and Professor Professor Bennighof To \, Club News To Present Broadcast Bent Terror Boxers Royer To Present Seaata Address Sunday School (Cont. from Page 1, Col. 1) (Cont. from Page 3, Col. 2) Recital On February 28 New Members Of Cabinet Installed Date Set for Annual Party and were won place in the afternoon At annual mid-year elections, the ThlJ program on February 14 was by Navy 7-1, Bud Ricker taking I following officers were elected to the a tribute to George Washington. An the Mr. Philip Royer and Miss Maude various fraternities and sororities: address on Washington's foreign poli- 135 pound bout. Since there were no Gesner, of the Western Maryland Sunday morning, February 19, Pro- Sigma Sigma. Tau-President, Dor- cy, with special emphasis on its per- lightweights on the squad, the first music faculty, will present a sonata feasor Bennighof will speak in the othy Smith; vice-president, Mary manent effects in American govern- two matches were forfeited to Navy. recital on Tuesday evening, February William G. Baker Sunday School. His Ricker finished off his man in 1 :43 of topic will be "Science and Religion." 28, at 8 o'clock in McDaniel Lounge. Jane Honemann; secretary. Marjorie ment, was made by Frank Sherrard. the third round after a slow start. The recital which Mr. Royer and Besides being on the facnlty of the McKenney; treasurer, Letitia Bogan; Mr. Spangler played several organ sergeant-at-arms, Ellene Edmond; selections, including "Prelude and Oraveaor Navy caught the range of Miss Gesner give annually, will con- biology department, Mr. Bennighof sunshine messenger, Judy Collinson; Fugue in C" by Bach, "Minuet" from Charlie Vincent's nose and won in sist of three complete sonatas for vio- is very active in the M. E. Church of The program is as fol- Ed Lewis, 1:55 of the second round. lin and piano. and is well qualified to Westminster alumnae secretary, Carolyn Smith; Don Giovanni by Mozart, and "Ga- fighting in the 155 pound class, bowed lows: speak on the subject. This past Sun- inter-sorority representatives, Gwen- vctte'' by Gossec. Gwendolyn Hee- dolyn Heemann, and Virginia Karow. man was the student announcer. ~al!~e B:~:l~l;ou;~t t~ee :~~dw~:a::~ IA~;~:::S~st!~:jt~:' A~~;;~,oM:~::~~'~:~~~:;l"~ic~g~~h~a~~:e;~::ee~~~~l~~~ Phi Alpha Mu-Fresident, Betty There will be a sports broadcast Allegro amabile, C Major, Sonata Shunk; "Vice-president, Olive Roder; February 28 by the men's physical known as the toughest on the Plebe Andante vivace," Allegretto grogioso, lIed into office in an appropriate service by Henry Holljes with Dr. Little 175 pound class, the In the squad. secretary, Norma Nicodemus; treas- education department under the di- urer, Jane Cowperthwait; sergeant- ruction of Mr. Speir. Western Mary- Navy man quickly dropped Orloski in B?·ahm8. F Major, Allegro con lirio, as the speaker. cabinet has announced Sonata the opening round. The new at-arms, Ruth Greenfield; chaplain, land will act as host to the Universi- Betty Armstrong; sunshine commit- ty of Mar-yland on that day. The in- The heavyweight bout was the Allegretto quasi andante, Allegro that the date for the annual Sunday School party to be held in McDaniel tee, Anne Dexter, Jeanne Shank; al- tramurnl champions on the Hill will closest of the afternoon, but Weir of moltc vivsc, G-I-ieg. Lounge is March 17. The affair will the decision over 'The student body and general pub- Navy was awarded umnae secretary, Elizabeth Craig; in- compete with those from Maryland in Mike Petrucci. I lie are invited to attend the r-ecital. ; be open gratis to everyone and plans ter-sorority council, Betty Shunk, Ol- volleyball, table tennis, fencing, gym- A second recital by members of the" are being made for a very interesting ive Roder, Lydia Bradburn; intra- nastics and hand ball. One half of place in the: _. court, Jean Lynn Scott, and Virginia the basketball game will be broad- DR. NATHAN SPEAKS music faculty will take of songs and I ~et of amusing games. Wooden_ casted: Paul Ritchie will announce. I spring, when a program will be I Gamma Beta Chi-President, Har- Professor John D. Makosky, chair- (Cont. from Page 1, CoL 2) I p~ano compositions by Brahm8 PLEASE ... old Hansen; vice-president, Bill man of the Radio Committee, wishes League of Nations. In Dr. Nathan's ~;en by Mr. de Long and Mr. Spang- hand in snapshots for ALOHA. It Klare; treasurer, Frank Shipley; to announce to the students that as opinion, it was the failure of the Unit- is not too late. vica.treasurer, Lou Norris; secre- yet he has received no answers to his ed States to join the League and sane- ========== tary, Joe Oleair; vice-secretary, Bob announcement in the last issue of the ly curb the revengeful spirit of the II Dickson; chaplain, Charles Horan; Goldbug fOl' scripts for the college French that led to the forced accept- Have Your ~i_lms Developed J. D. KATZ commissary, Doug Catington; corres- broadcasts. He is still hoping for "a ance by Germany of the Versailles , and Finished at QUALITY ponding secretary, Paul Burtia ; inter- nibble" at his "bait". Treaty. Th C II G 'II SHOE REPAIRING frat, Hanson, Klare, Burtis. Alpha Gamma Tau-President, Bob ~I~~e~~o~~e~g~e~~r~I~~~~SP::;:'~1:~;~~~'1;~:~i,~:O~:;g":~nd~:n::;:t::;:.~ Sherman; vice-president, Bob Brooks; FRAT RACE NE1RS END Ge~:~:~e;:~p~:~~~'~l~·~.:~~:i;~~~~'r~:~ the Republic which failed because of secretary, Jay Mowbray; treasurer, a total lack of authority. Conse- Carroll Cook; chaplain, Donald Hum- (Cont. from Page 3, Col. 3) quently, when the National Socialist phries; sergeant-at-arms, Fro sty Barkdoll was second with 12. Eckert- movement came with its symbols, urn- Peters. . rode led the Gamma Bets five by vir- terms, and regimentation, the people The finest in movie fare is yours tue of five field goals- and a foul shot. accepted it as something which Tuesday afternoon, the "B" teams WM TERRORS BEAT GREYHOUNDS player! the second games of their real and not afraid to flaunt its au- at thority. round. Thc Bachelors easily defeat- (Cont, from Page 3, Col. 2) ed thc Pi Alpha Alpha 35-13. The After Hindenburg had carried on minutes before the end of the game passing and quick-breaking' attack of unsuccessfully for several years; and the I the. Tenors forged into a 27-26 lead. the winners permitted them to draw at a time when the world was in the THE CARROLL From this point on the playing was rnpidly ahead under the leadership worst throes of the depression, frenzied. Barczak of Loyola was of Bradley and Windsor. Carnochan ll~ople were more than willing to give fouled, and he tied the score at 27 all made 6 of the losers 13 points. The Hitler a chance to try his ideas. They by making his shot good. A few sec- Preachers took their opponents over believed that if he failed in his term and onds later he pumped in a field goal 27-22. The Gamma Bets 'were close ~!/ffice, the next! man might be bet-I, to give the lead to Loyola. Edmond or, the heels of the Preachers in part again tied up the game by sinking a d the gam_,_" _ As soon as the Nazis got into pow- goal from the side of the court. Then er, all other parties were disbanded, THE STATE came Tomiehek's long shot and vic- DR. HOLLOWAY ANNOUNCES the secret polic~d a ministry of tory. propaganda were formed. Nazi's Many peo- methods ple assented to the Bees Win Hard One (Cont. from Page 1, Col. 5) but the majority were and still are The strong University of Baltimore be open to men flOm all fOU1-classes. coerced by terrorism. ' THEATRES Bees came to Westminster boasting An cxha fee, beginning at $25, will of a win over New York University, be charged for rooms in the new and expecting little opposition from building. JOHN EVERHART • the Terrors. The big experienced Both new buildings will be of colo- THE COLLEGE BARBER Dees were met by a fighting Green nial style Ilnd constructed of red brick. 'nd Gold hurricane, and when the The field house will have a playing AND BOBBER ~moke of the battle cleared, the Bees floor 80 by 115 feet with collapsible AT THE FORKS ~taggered home with a hard-won bleachers to seat over 100. The othcr 31-25 victory. Baltimore jumped into part of the field house which will be 58 a big lead at the start, but a late first by 80 feet, will house on its two floors THREE CHAIR SERVICE half rally by the Terrors pulled up offices for the members of the athletic No Waiting the score to 15-10 at the half. The department, locker rooms, supply HEAGY BROTHERS' second half was fast and very Close', l'ooms, shower rooms, and possibly BARBER SHOP Baltimore scoring 16 points to Wes~ class rooms. Next to Post Office tem Maryland's 15. Tomichek was high-point scorer of the game with rig-ht points. ~ MUSIC STUDENTS PRESENT RECITAL DESIRE I.I~ (Cont. from Page 1, Col. 5) da.nte, Grieg~Beulah Griffen; Wild Geese, de Leath, In the Night, Wood- A LA MODERNE mAn, The Shepherd's La·m,.ent, old THE WAY YOU LIKE 'EM French-Gladys Coppage; Impr01nl)tu ,4 Flat, Chopin-Betty Jo Huffman; . I I Sallade A Fla.t, Chopin-Anna Stev- 1 Her likeness, ah, 'tis fair, 'tis fair. But 'tis not cllson; GolUwog's Cakewalk, Debussy, JACKETS AND SKIRTS she. Thou canst not talk/thou ole picture, thou. La INlle allX Chevea:ux Lin, Debussy, Moto PCrpetIW, MacDowell-Eliza_ IN COLORFUL TWEEDS "But the telephone talketh, d~'Jr fathead," beth Crisp; Two Folk S01lgS of lAtHe sarcasticates the Resourceful Soul. "Speak thy RIIJJPI"-a., A Song for Lovers, Deems and exciting new colors. From our Taylor, When You. Go, Guion~Louise I collection: piece via Long Distance, prudently restraining Jameson. thine ardour until 7 P. M. when cheap night Besides the faculty rccitals and the JAC!<[ETS ra'e~ prevaiL" second departmental recital this $2.98 to $7_95 spring, there will be four more cven- SKIRTS • ing recitals given by the senior stu- $1.98 to $2.98 dents. Louise Jameson, who is ma- The following brief list of night (after 7) sta- joring in voice, will prcsent a recital SWEATERS $1.00 to $1.98 tion·to-station rates from Westminster shows how of songs, and Elizabeth Crisp and little it costs to make a long distance call: Anna Stevenson, both seniors in piano, TAILORED SHIRTS $1.00 to $1.98 the latter a piano major, will each Annapolis 35.: CumMrland 35.: Norfolk, Va. 50.: Frederick 25.: Philadelphia 3.';.: Belair 30e give an instrumental recital. DOl'o- "Hollyvogue" Shirt in the new est Crisfield 45c Frostburg 40.: Salisbury 40c thy Harman, Mary Robb, Gladys Cop- page, and Elizabeth Crisp will pre- .... spring colors, A perfect Shirt for all (~::t~:w~igl~5:a!es::::;::~: e::.:: all::yh~nng~:nd:::') sent a joint voice recital. • occasions $1.98 H. E. REESE Ask Long Distance for the rate to your TAILOR home town. CLEANING Rosenstock's Ladies' Shop PRESSING REPAIRING 67 E. MAIN- STREET WESTMINSTER, MD. The Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone Company 01 Baltimore City 94 Eal!lt Main Street A, C. ALLGIRE, Manager SUITS MADE TO MEASURE; Westminster 9900 72 E, Main Westminster, MaryJand
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