Page 49 - TheGoldBug1938-39
P. 49
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, WestmiIl!ttt, Md. PAGE THREE Coast Guard Fighters I SPORTS SCHEDULE :Terror Cagers Improve (ourtmen BaUle Through Sidelines Prove Too Tough For February: Play To Win Over Tight Second Half Last By 17 Bnaketbal! at Loyola Night But Lose 41-36 18 Boxing at V. P. I. LARRY STROW Terror Boxing Team Gettysburg Riflemen, home LoyolaIIiLeagueTilt Score Tied Up Five Times As Ter-rcr s 21 Basketball, Washington Col- Lose To Delaware U, OLEAIR WINS AT NAVY FOR lege, home LEAGUE GAMES COME IN RAPID The basketeer-s are on the last lap ONLY SCORE IN MATCH 22 Basketball at St. Johns S.UCCESSION AS END NEARS FRESHMAN DOWNED BY of their heavy schedule with six 24 Rifle match at Frederick BALTIMORE "Y" league games in a J.:OW. The cage Bender And Gleair Unable To Fight Rifle Club Baltimore University Wins By Only team has improved somewhat over its In Northern Meet 25 Basketball, Johns Hopkins, Six Points Last night, Westero 'Mar-yland's January form and played much bet- home basketball team was defeated by Del- ter in the last few engagements. The Traveling to the Coast Guard Acad- 28 Basketball at Mt. St. Mary's Since the last issue of the Gold Bug, aware University 41-36 in a game addition of freshman Faw gave the emy in New London, Conn., last week (last game) the Grcen and Gold basketeers have that opened slow but ended fast. A squad a little more height. The Ter- end, the Western Maryland boxing Extra-Mural Tournament won one and lost three games. Con- rather small crowd was on hand at ror team fought Loyola to the finish team was unable to win a match al- with U. of Maryland, home siderable improvement has been dis- the westminster Armory to witness last week and will journey tomorrow though Joe Rouse was awarded a for- played over the earlier season fonn. the second defeat of the season at the to Baltimore for the return game' at feit ill the 120 pound class. The Tar- In these foul' games, the foul' out- hands of the out-of-state team. On Evergreen. Baltimore University 1·01·S lost two matches by knock- RIFLEMEN DROP FIRST standing teams in the basketball January 14, the Delaware five actual was only three baskets better than the knockouts, three by technical league have been met, and the league- squeezed out ahead of the Terrors, Terrors last Saturday night. Some- outs, and two by decisions. In addi- TWOMATCHESOF ¥FAR leading Washington College outfit 36-34. In the preliminary game, the times it seems that the Terror cag- tion, two exhibition bouts were fought was the only team to beat the 'I'er- Baby Terrors lost to the Baltimore Y. ers play their best game against their by Bill Vincent and Harry Baker with ors by an overwhelming score. Two M. C. A., 26-8, when the visitors toughest opponents but cannot keep Coast Guardsmen. Catington And Hawkins High Men of the games were close all the way to spurted way ahead in the second half. up the same pace when a supposedly Rouse Fights 127 Weight the closing gun, and the Terrors upset weaker team comes along. After being awarded a forfeit from Sgt. Lavin's marksmen dropped the Loyola College Greyhounds in the Terrors Grab Lead However the Fergusonmen are Cadet Morrison, Joe Rouse moved up their first two rifle matches to the third. As the varsity game opened, Bob not the only five in this neigh- into the 127 pound class and entered University of Maryland and the Fred- l\fount.s Win First Game Stropp sank a shot to give the Green borhood that have been taking the ring with Otis Estes. Joe. threw crick Rifle Club. On February 4, the Mt. St. Mary's was met in the and Gold five a lead, which they held the bumps. Dickinson and Juni- both fists into his man and won the team traveled over to College Park Westminster Armory, January 31, for twelve minutes. Then the Dele- ata have both only won two cage first round, but towards the end of for the opening match with the Uui- during the Mid-Winter Carnival. Af- ware ace, Tom Lindsay, cut loose with games all season. the second, he caught a hard punch veruity team. The College Parkers ter t.railing- throughout the first half, a series of outside shots and Sheal s The items mentioned by Dr. Hollo- on the jaw and went straight to the showed surprising strength and out- the Mounts held the Terrors to two ran around the Green team to score eight points and put the visiting team way in last Monday's assembly give canvas. Harry Ricker drew a veter- shot their visitors 1394-1302. High baskets in the second half, while scor- in a lead which they held for nearly the expansionists a fine opportunity. an opponent in Robert Goehring in man for the Green Terrors in this ing eleven themselves, to win by a The President said there would be n the 135 pound class. Both boys slug- match was Ralph Hawkins. 36-24 score. The Tenors came out all the rest of the game. slow as The first half was rather rowing machine--now for a racing ged into the second round when body Last Friday the Terrors showed im- fighting· at the start and ran up a 10-3 neither team scored more than ten crew, and a tumbling team which blows doubled Rickel' up and the fight m-ovement by raising their SCOJ'e18 lead with Tomichek and Honeman do- points in the first fifteen minutes. The might make use of the collapsible was stopped. I points against the Frederick Rifle ing most of the scoring. Then the score at the half was Western Mary- bleachers. Johnny Lambert went down under I Club. The Frederick team won 1356- Mounts spurted and scored eight land, 14, Delaware, 18. At the second Barney Spier will have all he can do a .. technical knockout in the second 1320. Manager Catington was high straight points to take a one point to coach four basketball teams at the round. Fighting in place of Captain man of the meet. The Green and lead. Honeman erased this lead with up opening whistle, cords Captain a Tomichek swished a basket, on foul and the built and the Terrors same time from the middle of the Bender, who did not make the trip on Gold team has consistently placed 5 'Razzle-Dazzle' Honeman f 0 ugh t floor. Charlie Havens will have an account of a cold, Ed Lewis lost by a men above the 260 mar-k and looks their lead until the half ended with th rough the defense twice to score a office instead of a room with a revolv- technical knockout at the end of the Iorwa rd to success in the l·cmaining the score standing 18-13. Tomichek pair of goals and tie the score. ing transom and public telephone. first round. foul' matches. started but the second half with a field last 'I'error goal, this was the Several corridors were mentioned on The best fights of the evening from Scoring Explailled score for ten minutes. The Mount Score Tied Five Times the plana-c-wonde r if that includes 11 the spectator's viewpoint were in the In reporting the first matches of team went on a scoring spree and, From then on the game was a neck subway between the field house and 165 pound class. Dave Calhoun met the season, the Gold Bug would like to several minutes after Tomichek's and neck race down to the last four the rest of the college. However, re- a shortstatured slugger, and the two I add an explanation of the method of goal, took the lead and were never minutes when the Delaware quint verting to the serious, the tremendous battled through all three rounds. Un- scoring. Each man fires from three headed. Luke Savage, of the victors, drew ahead. Five times the score was advantages and opportunities that ~~ t~~et::~S~~:u;:: caa~~~~~c~~d:~~~ , ~no;~tiO~:~I~~';n~a~:ee~inp~S:i~~es!::~~ and Captain John Tomichek divided tied-at 18-18, 20-20, 25-25, 30-30, await the men's student body next the scoring honors with ten points and 34-34. Bob Stropp and Don Hone- year can hardly be imagined. In t?e 165 pound exhibition bout, Bak-I of 100 for each position if he shoots apiece. man repeatedly dropped in field goals No sooner does the sun stay out er Jabbed three rounds with Ralph a bull's eye with each of his 10 shots. Zebrowski Leads Shoremen to keep the Green Terrors on the for two days in succession than la- West in a well fought match. Therefore, each man may theoretical- After a fairly close first half, the heels of their opponents, while fouls crosse sticks appear in the hands of Impeciato Is Floored Iy. contribute 3~nts to his team powerful Washington College basket- were called on both sides. Big Bob several men. Last spring there was Vic Impeciato was fl.oored in the score, but only the scores of the five ball machine, guided by Zebrowski, Faw, freshman newcomer to ~he a considerable movement among those middle of the second round by some highest men on each team are used. Smith, and Neubert, wen( into high squad, helped the Ten'or attack WJth interested in the sport to have la- heavy blows frolll Cadet James Mc- Those 011the team now are: Cat- crosse reinstated as a varsity sport Laughlin. In a slow fight, Mike Pe- ington, Hill, Hawkins, Fitzgerald, ~.;a~.~~~;5 ::~:~e~d ;~: h~~~~~~e~~~;: I hi~~:~~uh:s~nder the basket. at Western Mal'yland, and~.the same trucci barely lost a decision to the Wiley, Hendrickson, and H. Myers. group will probably be heard from Coast Guard heavyweight, McClel- wa~ 20-14 ill the Shoremen's f.avor.1 Western Maryland F. Pts. ThJS game marked the debut of Faw. G. again. However, with all regard land. to the hneup. Terror newcomei' for the old Indian game, there are The referee of the bouts was Arthur INTERFRUERNITY CAGE a Zebrowski and Smith were the high· HOlleman, f. 3 0 2-3 8 0 0·0 Edmond, f. certain difficulties that bar the Donovan, nationally known boxing of- RACE NEARS FINISH point scorers for Washington with Maddox, f. . 0-0 game from being played het>e. They ficial and refcree ot numerous world fourteen points a piecc, whilc Faw Stropp, c. 2·3 14 are summed up by the facts that championship fights. led the Westem Maryland scorers. Faw, g. 2~2' 4 there are only about 250 men stu- The varsity boxing team bowed to Bachelors Ahead In Both Leagues Loyola Downed By Point Tomichek, g. 2~3 10 dents; the best athletes among Navy 7-1, on February 4, at the Na- But Play-OlIs IUay Be Needed A highly touted Loyola College ag- Bills, g. 0-0' 0 these are playing in the three "al Academy, in the third match of Second Round Standings other spring varsity sports; the the season. Joe Oieair was the only gJ·egation was upset by the Ten-ors 14 8-11 36 equipment for the sport costs quite a man to score for the Terrors. Oleair "A" League on February 7 in a hair-raising thrill- er. The game was close all the way bit; and there is no coach available to fought Midshipman Wallace, who was W L through, and Captain Tomichek sank Delawal'e U. build a team comparable to the estab- substituting for Lentz, and won the Bachelors 2 o G. F. Pt.. lished ones of other schools. heavyweight bout by a decision. a long shot from the middle of the 5 4-5 14 Another thing that the sun did In the opening match of the even~ floor in the last few seconds of play Lindsay, f. 1-1 7 Anderson, was to cause the baseball players ing, Joe Rouse lost a 30-34 decision to win the game. The final score was I Mitchell, f. f. 1-2 1 Loyola jumped into a 6-2 lead 31-29. to get an itching palm. Several after leading in the first round. Don- "B" League 0-0 batteries have begun to work out ald Beck received a couple of hard w L ;::~e~i~te::e a~v::e :~:~;~d t~:ld fi~~~.1 ~~:~~s~.c ...... 0-1 in the gym. Charlie Havens has blows early in the first round of the Bachelors ~- half, the scol'e standing 16-11 at that I McCord, g. 3-4 a large squad of veterans from 127 poulld match, and his match was Preachers 0-0 last year and hopes to put a first ! ~~~~:: Black & White ~;l~~i~ht ~:~iC;~:IS :'::~t ;~e !:C~I Warton, g.. rate team onto the diamond this ~iSL!:b~~ ti~e :::i~i;,g ~~~:~ Gamma Bets 16 9-13 41 Edmond, Maddox, Stropp, spring. However, he will welcome , Stoncsifer lost to a more experienced The fraternity cage race will enter clUd half. addcd points, and a few Officials: Paul Menton and Johnny Faw and any players among the freshm~n man, Midshipman Coyne, after 1 :53 the home stretch tomorrow afternoon ---slugging outfielders preferred. d the first round .. Western Maryland when the "A" teams play the last (Cant. on Page 4, Col. 1) Nuen. The Green and Gold ring Leam re- forfeited thc 145 pound match ill I egularly scheduled games. Depend- turned from New Haven, Conn., last which Jesse Worley was the Navy en- illg on the results, several play-oft· ALL-STAR CAGE TEAM SOLOMON DEFEATS RANSONE Sunday none the worse for its match try. games may be needed to dccide the FOR PING-PONG CHAMPIONSHIP with the Coast Guard Academy. Nei- The two team captains fought in winner and runner-uu. SELECTED FOR GOLDBUG ther Captain Bender or Joe Oleair the 155 pound class with Fairfax win- The standings at ~resent show the '?nade the trip, so that two of the Ter- ning a close decision over Red Bender Bachelors to be still in the lcad in Spier Announces Extramul'81 Meet ror's best men did not participaLe. by vil·tue of his aggressiveness. Ben- both leagues. The club's teams have BACHELORS PREDOMINATE IN This Saturday the squad goes to der was at his best in the second only lost one game so far this season CHOICE' Making good his challenge of Alex Blacksburg, Virginia, to fight Virginia J'ound, but was unable to outlast Fair- -3 "B" team game in the first round. Ransone's supremacy in ping-pong, Polytechnic Institute. Last week-end, fax in the second meetillg between the There exists a three·way tie for the The anllual fratel'llity An - Star Harold Solomon won the school cham- Y.P.I. lost to Catholic Unh,ersity 7-1, two. The crowd gave its unanimous winne)' of the first round in the "B" leam published by the Gold Bug ap- pionship on the opening night of the winning only the 145 pound clasO' ·approval to the Calhoun-Eversole league between the Bachelors, Black peal'S below. It was chosen by a com- mid-winter carnival by defeatillg the match. On the previous week end, a match in the 165 pound' class as the & Whites, and Preachel'S. In the "A" mittee composed of A. Fleagle, Bill president of the Men's Student Gov- capacity crowd of several thousand best bout of the evening. Calhoun league there had been a three-way tie Klare, Jim Shreeve, George Myers ernment. Solomon won the right to saw the Terror ringmen in action at won the second round and came in for second place, but now only the and the Sports Editor. Foul' Bache- the match by winning his way tournament Navy. Midst the glitter of admiral's strong in the third. However, he Black & Whites and Gamma Bets are lors won positions led by Jack Lyttoll, through was a held scheduled several weeks which for uniforms and the glare of starched missed a couple of hard swings and runners up, fol' on Monday the Black who was a unanimous choice. The shirts, the Terror fighters did their slipped to the rosin several times. & Whites defeated the Preachers selection follows: prior to the winter carnival. best, but the superior conditioning The judges awarded the bout to Navy. 32-22. First team On the coming schedule of non~var- and professional coaching of the mid- In the 175 pound class, Bill Adolph Bachelors Play Close L. Elliott, Pi.A.A. F. sity sports is the extra-mural meet University of Maryland shipmen told the story_ Nuitterous kept away from his man in the first In the second round, the Bachelors L. Bee, Pi.A.A. F. with the Gymnasium on February 28. in Yingling alumni and many students were pres- round, bllt "Dusty" Rhodes caught barely defeated the Black & White J. Lytton, A.G.T. C. Barney Spiel' is prepping his wrest- ent at this meet, and the thing that him in the second and the referee "A" team last Friday 19-18. The J. Barkdoll, D.Pi.A. G. knockout most of them will probably remember awarded Navy a technical The referee game was very close and marked by R. Smith, A.G.T. G. lers, gymnasts, and volleyball teams As for participation in 1:17 of that round. in the progrant. il; 'Smiling Dave' Calhoun in that 165 was Alfred B. Wolff, Cornell boxing the ejection of two players for per- Second Team they did last year, the Terps will un- pound class scrap. After this Satur- sonal fouls. On the same afternoon, doubtedly bring a fine crew of tumb- day the Ten'ors will have only one coach. the pJ'eachel's defeated the Gamma lers to the campus. However, the more match, with Bucknell on March Plebes Beat Frosh Bets 35·30. Bill Robinson led the 4. This promises to be one of the The Freshman-Plebe matches took I scoring with 14 points, while John Terrors hope to givtl them a better battle this year, ! closest yet, (Cont. on Page 4, Col. 3) (Cont. on Page 4, Co. 2)
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