Page 47 - TheGoldBug1938-39
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JOIN THE CURBSTONE WATCH THE BUILDINGS SUPERINTENDENTS' GO UP! CLUB! Z286 Vol. 16, No. 12 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. Fc u-r u-y 16,1939 Military Department Preachers To Present THIS WEEK'S President Holloway Announces Change ToPresent Broadcast Dave Hagen In Last GOLD BUG In Tuition Fee To Begin Next Year Semi-Formal Dance Tuesday,February 21 A venue Washington And Replica Of ADVERTISERS Activities Fee To Provide Free Flags Of Monument In Decorations Admission To All Home Company Captains Will Give Talks C. & P. Telephone Co. Athletic Games On ROTC Camp Life And Training; Delta Pi Alpha fraternity will pre- Samuel Galbreath To Announce sent Dave Hagan and his eleven piece Carroll and State Theatres Verifying recent rumors on the band at the last semi-formal dance in campus, President Holloway announc- The military department of Wes- the fraternity series, this Saturday Rosenstock's Ladies' Store ed to the student body last Monday tern Maryland College will broadcast from 8 to 11:30 o'clock. Dave Hagan morning in a.ssembly an adjustment (vel' Station WFMD Tuesday, Febru- is well known on the Hill, having H. E. Reese, Tailor in tuition fees, to become effective 'ary 21. Major S. S. MacLaughlin, played here last year for one of the with the opening of college next fall. U. D. A., who is professor of Military ft-ater-nity dances. Heagy/Brothers Barber Shop Dr. Holloway explained that prae- Science and Tactics and head of the Decorations of a patriotic theme tically all institutions of learning, military department on the Hill will have been planned to celebrate Wash- J. D. Hatz, Shoe Repairer open the program. Samuel Galbreath ington's birthday. An avenue of flags ~:~hs~~~of;,~,Si:~;e:Xr:nti~:u~!e~fi;:~:~ of the junior class will be the an- and a replica of the Washington Mon- Warren Studios than student fees for a large part of nouncer. The, ROTC band will play ument will feature the decorations. their income. At Western Maryland, several numbers dut"ing the program. The committee in charge includes John Everhart Barber Shop operating expenses for each student Captains To Speak Sam Garrison, Sam Galbreath, Bill The 1939 Aloha are approximately two hundred dol- Joseph Drugash, captain of Com- Robinson. and Leigh Venzke. lars more than the average amount pany "C", will explain the National Committees Announced • Patronize Them paid to the college by students. Defense Act of 1920 which authorized Endowment Income Low the organization of the Reserve Offi- As usual, this dance will have Since the depression, continued the cers' Training Corps. He will also twelve sets with an intermission after president, nearly all colleges and sim- tel! something of the training one the sixth at which time punch will be ____ :::- ~_ ilar institutions have been forced to Charles Sherrar gets in the ROTC and of the benefits served. Refreshments were arranged d t S pea k I n Varsity Debaters Meel make adjustments in their fees. wee- derived from this training. by Malcolm Kullrnar and 0 tern Mar-yland has been etow to ac- Joseph OIeair, captain of Company Wnllace. The orchestra committee Commemorative Assembly Ursinus and Mubleoborg "B", will talk about the summer included Carroll Maddox, Charles ~~~~le~~:;:l",e~~~: ~~et~:c::re:~ camp of the ROTC at Fort Meade. Cole, and Bill Bryson. William Me- endowments has failed to return to William S. Humphries of Reisters- Williams and Jack Ryan arranged for To Deliver Same Address Broadcast Western l\Iaryland Represented For normalcy, and investments which once town, Md., a Western Maryland grad- the publicity. Tuesday Over Radio First Time By Two paid as high as 6% and 8% have for uate of the class of 1936, will pre- Sponsors for the affair will be Dean Station WFMD Sophomores several years paid no more than 2lh sent the value of ROTC training from Adkins, Dr. and Mrs. Earp, Mr. and and 3%, the administration has final- the view point of "After Graduation". Mrs. Raver, Dr. lind Mrs. Spicer, Dean Mr. Frank Sherra rd, a prominent Western Maryland College varsity ly had to re-adjust its rates. Alumnus To Return and Mrs. Free, and Major and Mrs. senior from Port Deposit, will deliver debating team formally opened its Tuition Still Low in commemoration of the Shepherd. an address • Lieutenant Humphries was commis- This affair ends the club dance ser- 207th anniversary of the birth of season this week. For the first time The amount of the tuition adjust- sioned a second lieutenant in the Offi- in many years the college was repre- ment will be $25 per semester, rais- cers' Reserve Corps after his gradua- ies. Next month the formal dances George Washington, to the students sented on other campuses by t,v,o ing the annual tuition from $150 .to ""-'tion from W. M. C. ne requested and v..ill start with the Military Ball. and faculty of the_ge in the regu- sophomore men, \-Villard Everett and $200. However, this increase still was granted, under the Thompson la r assembly period Monday morning, Sidney Mnnsh. Both Mr. Everett and leaves Western Maryland's tuition Act, one year's active duty training at February 20. Mr. Sherrard, working Mr. Mansh have had previous expcri- cheaper than most neighboring simi- He then was Dr. Nathan Discusses Fort George G. Meade. under the direction of Dl·. T. M. Whit- euce in debating. Both were active lar institutions. The tuition rates of commissioned in the regular army German Socialist Party ~::~~:~~~~!s th:h~;~~eg:s hi~~~r~o~~~ in freshman debating: last year and some neighboring colleges are as fol- and is now on duty with the 34th In- contributed to the comparatively suc- lows: Dickinson, $300; Gettysburg, fantry at Fort Meade. Internal And External InHuences·i "~~orge Washington's Foreign Poli- cessful year the freshman debaters $325; Hood, $300; St. John's, $400; On the broadcast of February 7, Traced To Cause Of Rise cy . experienced. while JO,hns Hopkins and Goucher Elizabeth Crisp gave a piano recital, To Power Speech Given Over Radio Locals Take Negative each charge $450. and Dorot.hy Harman gave a vocal In the coarse of his address, 1\1L Yesterday afternoon the team up- Fees To Be> Adjusted recital. Paul Cummins of the sopho- Speaking before the International Sherrard will endeavor to establish held the negative side of the question Dr. Holloway reassured the stu- more class was the student announcer. Relations Club on February 13, Dr. the relationship between the foreign "Resolved, that the United States dents by informing them that certain Recital Broadcast Nathan traced the causes and events pelicy of George Washington and thai should adopt a policy of isolation to- other adjustments will be made in Miss Crisp played: "Fantasia in D behind the rise to power of the Na- of the present administration. ward all nations engaged in interna- fees which will probably make the to- Minor" by Mozart; "Perpetual Me- ttonal Socialist party in Germany. The speaker, 'transferr-ing from tional or civil conflict outside the tal annual expenses somewhat less tion" by MacDowell; "Lullaby" by The speaker attributed Germany's Washington College at the end of his Westel:n hen~sphere". This debate than the new listed fees may indicate. Liadoff-Siloti; "The Girl with the failure in the World War to the suc- freshman year, has attained it posi- was With UrSlllulS College at College· For example, said Dr. Holloway, a Flaxen Hair", and "Golliwog's Cake cess of the allied blockade and to the tion of prominence on the campus. ville, Pa. Tonight the team will debate plan fOl" a more inclusive use of the- Walk" by Debussy. fresh American troops and supplies. First distinguishing himself in the the same question with Muhlenburg activities fee is being worked out. Miss Harman, accompanied by Mr. After the cessation of hostilities, the field of scholarship, he has since play- College at Allentown. Both dcb~tes One feature of this plan will provide Spangler, sang: "Tu La Sai" by Tor- blockade continued to function for (Odan important role in many activi- are of the Ol'egon style, and it is free admission to all home athletic elli; "Songs My Mother Taught nearly a year, causing untold suffer- ties on the Hill. Under his leader- planned that l\h·. Everett will deliver games. Me" by Dvorak; "Home" by MacFay- ing among the Germans. Under ship, the Gold Bug has assumed it new the constructive speeches and 1\11". Following his explanation of the den; "To the Sun" by Cun-ani and these circumstances, it was inevita- importance on the campus, while the. Mllnsh will cross-examine. expense adjustments, Dr. Holloway "I::Iorian's Song" by Gounod. ble that political parties that formed debating team, the Argonauts, and disclosed a few facts concerning the (Cont. on Page 4, Col. 2) were extremely nationalistic with a the French Cltlb have gained by his new buildings which are now under single objective, revenge. active membership. Kindler To Return construction. The new dormitory will delivered his speech "Delts" and "Bachelors" to Sponsor I th~:o~:e!~~ie~a~::s f~~e t~:i1~~;c~~s t~! last MI·. Sherrard ovcr radio station For Symphony Concert (Cont. on Page 4, Col. 2) Tuesday Dinner-Dance on February 25 (Cont. on Page 4, Col. 3) WFMD. Music Students To Give Recital ======================== National Symphony Orchestra To Alumni To Return To Hill To Present Third Concert I In Smith Hall Celebrate Fifteenth Weaker Sex Display Mastery of Escort March 14 And Stag Techniques at Valentine Hop Hans Kindler will conduct the Na· Compositions By Romantic Classic Anniversary l~rogram Will Include Folk Songs And Delta Sigma Kappa sorority and tional Symphony Orchestra in a con- And Modern Composers Alpha Gamma Tau fraternity in cele- Co·eds Turn Tables In Typical Terror Attack On l\Iale Dancers cert to be presented Tuesday evening, . bration of their fifteenth anniversary Stags Led In Stalking Tactics By Faculty Members l\lal:ch 14, in Ah,nnni Hall. Tomo;Tow evening the musie de- are co-sponsoring a banquet and l"IIr. Kindlei· has been guest conduc- partment will present its first even- dance which will be held Saturday, Ancient ~ollege trustees would have found ample proof as female stags ·tor of mallY orchestrl1.S both in Eu- ing student recital of the year ill February 25th. turned over in their graves-staunch stalked their victims with grim deter- rope and the United Stl1.tes. Two or· Smith Hall, at 7:30 o'clock. The pro- The "Bachelors" and their sister or- supporters of the old regime would mination. The intricacies of rescues, chestras that he has been invited to gram will be the first of the evening ganization, the "Delts", were char- have thrown up their hands in horrot· planned attacks, six-part cut-ins, and conduct in the United States on spe- concerts to be given by students tered by the school in February 1924 or disgust had they been aware of the (·ye-signals were skillfully handled by dal occasions are the New York Phil- l'tudying under Mr. de Long. Mr. and have continued to preserve their Terror Co-eds as they reversed the the so-called "dumb" sex. Demon- harmonic Orchestra and the Philadel- Royer, Miss Gesner, Miss Harris, and :·eIationship through fifteen years of historic tables last Saturday night- l'trations of the use of the "bribe- phia Orchestra. While in Europe, he Mr. Spangler. association on. t~~ Hill .. The ~Iu~ni stormed Dean Free's office- and behind-the back" were also exhibited conducted orchestras in Amsterdam, Eight Students Take Part d both orgamzatlOns WIll be Iflvlted taught the men a thing or two. as dollar bills and quarters were the Hague, Paris, lind Vienna. to return to Western Maryland to Corsages of eve r y description flashed hither and yon behind the To the upperclassmen, the National The recital in which eight students commemorate this anniversary which adorned tweed - serge or pin - striped spinal col u m n s of unsuspecting Sympnony and Hans Kindl('r need no from the three upper classes will per- will consist of a banquet to be held lapels-more than one young man was youths. iutroduction. For the .past two years form, will bc a varied one. It will at the Charles Can-oll Hotel at 6:45 seen wearing his heart on his sleeve Was the faculty to be out done?? ? tIle orchestra has presented concerts include folk songs and the works of modern composers, as well as nnd a dance in McDanial Hall Lounge -while many others had "reserve" Definitely not-fol" all the best danc- in Alumni Hall. COO1- lasting until 11:30. signs upon their vh·ile shoulders. ers eventually found themselves "ic- Approxynately two weeks befor~ positions of the older and ·more fa- The committees in charge of ar- Evening bags containing every- tims, and laurels may be awarded to the concert, tickets will be available. mous masters. The program is as rangements for these functions are: thing from shaving outfits to tooth- the dean of women who led the at- They will be free for students pay- follows: Delts-Elizabeth Crisp, Betty Helm, brushes found their places at this af- tack. (No offense, please.) ing all activity fee. General admis- Impromptu in A Flat, Schubert- LuMar Myers; Bachelors-Bob Sher- fair. It was hoped that the young "Faint heart ne'er won fair lady"- ~ion for the public will be one dollar. Mild,·en Miller; VoileB, Debussy-_ man, Bob Brooks, Jay Mowbray, Hen- ladies understood the a'llegorical sig- but the co-ed hop proved that "many Tickets will be sold at Miss Adkin's Jean Cairnes; Violin CcmCf!rio AlI- ry Triesler. nificance that "revenge is sweet" a fair lady ne'er had faint heart", office and B.onsack's Drug StQre. (Cl,lnt, on Pagll" 4, CQI 1)
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