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COl \lei VACATION nRGINS LAUGH AT (AND ENDS) TilE FACULTY FEBRUARY 1 FEBRUARY 1 Z286 Vol. 16, No. 10 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD; January 19, 1939 WINT'ER CARNIVAL PLANNEQ Dr. Overton Coming, Dean Schofield CALENDAR Weekly Broadcasts Program Announced To Hill For Another Given New Office January- ,. To Be Diversified For Annual Recess 21. Gamma Bet Dance, Blanche Of Speech Department Group Of Lectures Dr. Bertholf Appointed Dean of Fac .. Ward Hall, 8 P. M. Students Present One-act Play To As Semester Ends ulty ; Former Duties included In New Position 23. Tri-Beta Meeting January 24 International Relations Club, "Problems Of Youth" To Be Topic Presidcnt Holloway· announced to McDaniel Lounge, 8 P. M. Second Wintcr Carnival To Be Held Of Discussion During Week the faculty at a meeting Monday, Jan- 26. Art Club Meeting, 6:45 P. M. Joint 0:Ol1"'I"S In Sp~i1!,. a ~llle-act In Inter-semester Interim; At College uary 16, the creation of a new ad- 30. Winter Sports Carnival play by Ailee Brown, Will be grven on Faculty Show Featured by Wes- the weekly radio broadcast ministrative office to be called the Basketball-e-Mf. St. Mary's, tern Maryland College over station Grace Sloan Overton, a specialist Dean of the Administration. Samuel 8 P. M., Armory WFMD on January 24. A second Winter Sports Carnival on the problems of youth, will return B. Schofield, for- will mark the mid-year recess on Feb- to the campus on Monday of next merly Dean of February- The cast, com- ruary 1. Activities will begin with week and will remain until Friday, the College, has L Winter Sports Carnival pri dcn ts sed of of stu- intra-mural finals on Tuesday after- the January 27. been appointed to speech depart- noon and end with a campfire late Mrs. Overton will be the speaker fill this ne\v posi- Wednesday night. A full program of at the regular Monday morning as- tion. In addition ment, is as fol- entertainment has been arranged by sembly. In the afternoon, she will to new duties, Gamma Bets Offer lows: Mrs. Mit- a Dean Free and the Faculty Committee chell, Louell meet with the faculty and the deans D e a n Schofield Mead; Mrs. Ful- on Student Activities, in cooperation of the college for the purpose of will continue to 15th Annual Dance let-ton, Dorothy with the Student Social Committee, choosing the topics that she will dis- perform much of Cohee; Miss Dy- headed by Alex Ransone. cuss during the remaining part of The finals of the first half of the her visit. After the subjects for the DEANSCHOPIELD his former work. Columns Of Light To Be Featured; ~i~:Us~~i~:. :;i!.~ ESTHERSMITH intra-mural basketball league will meetings have been chosen, they will He will function Luke Allen And His Alaskans Barbara Ann Fogelsanger. Paul start the program. A sideline de- in his new posi- be announced so that each student tion under the direction of the presi- To Furnish Music I Cummins will be the student scription of this game will be broad- may attend the group discussions that dent of the college. • -- nouncer for this program. cast over station WFMD at three are of the most interest to him. Camma Beta Chi frutemity will o'clock, as a part of the tenth pro- Personal Interviews Planned Dr. Bertholf Advanced present its 15th annual dance the Scene In Old Ladies: Home gram in a series of broadcasts origi- There will be periods set aside in Dr. Lloyd M. Bertholf, former Dean evening ~f January 21.. . This play, which is under the direc- nating on the. ca1mpus. On the. p~'o- which Mrs. Overton will be available of Freshmen, has been advanced to According to Frank Shipley, chair- tion of Miss Esther Smith, is the story gram there WIll also be a description and an an- of the Winter Carnival for interviews with those students the office of Dean of the Facult D man of the dance committee, the mu- of four women in an old ladies' home. nouncement of the facnlty show. who have some personal problem that Bertholf's former duties of D~~n :i I sic wi_n be furnished b.Y Luke ~llen Two of the old ladies ure assigned to Dinner will be served on Tuesday requires special guidance. Freshmen will be incorporated into and .hIS Alaskans. T?e dance will ~e ~~: ~~~m~t ~~e~i!~~l~h:~~h~~l" !;~:~ 6 to 7 P. M., at which time a To Mrs. Overton, the problems of ~~~~~~o:.m;~a;~d H:W from youth are not phases of study with the wor~ of his new position. ~~e~:iUl~~ to make living conditions bearable, song fest will be featured. Dean which she has had- no practical ex- He WI]] assume Dean Schofield's Dancing will begi;, 8;15 1'-. M., and they ag'rec to divide the room by fI Free will lead the ,.singinrr. Aftpr <"lin- quint will meet Mt. net, the Terror perience. She has studied them as a control of the curriculum, including will continue until 11:30 P. M. It will chalk line. Each thcn proceeds to live St. Mary's on the Wcstminster Ar- faculty member of Columbia Univer- admission requirements, student cur- be divided into twelve dances, with a on her side of the room. mory court, and the second game of sity, the University of Chicago, New ricular programs and the Various oth- short intermission following the sixth This program is the third broad- York University, and Missouri Wes- er curricular problems. dance. cast of the New Year. The last two the double header will bring together the Frederick De Molay and the fresh- leyan College. At other colleges in Dr. Bertholf has been head of the Scones Plans Decorations college broadcasts, on January 10 and man team. Dancing to recordings in all parts of the United States she has Blanche Ward Cym will begin at 10 spent much time in considering those :;~leg;eab::.IOg~iSde:~~~:~;t ::~ViSt~:~ "Decorations wiI! be of the same 170:e~:n:~:ait.r;~:~::Ol"S Alfred P. M., lasting one hom·. At the same problems that are vital to young peo- will not be affected by his appoint- :!;~~t;S i;-~;r:~\::sus;:a:?"th:I:;6~ de Long and Oliver Spangler gave a time in McDaniel Lounge, Professor ple. ment. Sones, chairman of decorations, said. (Cont. on Page 4, Col. 2) Makosky will conduct games, includ- A Recognized Authority Dean Schofield's advancement will It will consist of columns of red and ing a Professor Quiz contest and The youth movements of Germany in no way changc his work as head blue lights with other decorative 'spelling bees. and Russia have been studied inten- of the chemistry department. schemes worked out in the same col- "End Of Summer" Enacted On Wednesday, which is a holiday, sively by Mrs. Overton. Various in- breakfast will be served at 8:45 A. ternational congresses of youth, the Or~he orchestra that has been signed By New York Troupe 1\1. From 9:30 until lunch, both the Y. W. C. A., and the Y. M. C. A., has played together for eight years. girls' and men's gyms will be open have claimed her as a leader. Six Students Conduct It has played in the first class salon Bettina Cerf As "Leonie" And for an informal sports program, with She writes the syndicated column, of the S. S. Nm'lRandie for the past King Donovan As "Dennis" contests in ping-pong, chess, and oth- "The Business of Living," which is In Assembly Program three years and at night clubs in "Steal" Show er games. Lunch will be served at found in many youth papers. /'>.. num- Washington. It has had experience 12:30. ber of magazines have published her l\lember~ Of Conducting Class Lead with collcge dances, having played Comedy - pathos - romance - Snow and ice sports are scheduled articles on the problems of young peo- College Orchestra Before for hops at several fa mods Washing- and pcrhaps a bit of "Bolshevism"-a at one o'clock, and, weather permit- ple. Student Body ton and Virginia Universities. measure of each hurled into a dra- ting, there will be an excursion to In addition to her work at several matic container - shaken wcll- and Cascade Lake for ice-skating. Tmns- colleges, Mrs. Overton is the autho!; Student conductors led the college Third Dance Of Season poured out on the stage of Alumni po,·tation will be provided by bus. of a number of books; among these orchestra in the Monday mor'ning as- The Gamma Beta Chi dance is the Hall last Thursday, January 12. Dinncr is schedulcd at 6 o'clock, af- are: in Quest, Girl1wod to Wo- sembly on January 16, at 9:50 o'clock third of this year's season. The re~ Such is this reporter's views on the ter which. the tournament finals will manhood, Mat'ked Trails for Girls, maining dances of the year are the dramatic production, End of Summer (Cont. on Page 4, Col. 3) and The HOlne in a Changing World. The conductors are mcmbers of the Preachers' Dance, Military Ball, Ju- Fourth Directing Class of the De- nior-Senior Prom, and the Pan-Hel- by the Jitney Players of Ncw York. partment of Music at the college. . lenic Dance. Clever lines and clever actors (most President Attends Sponsors for the affair will be Dr. of them) gave an excellent interpre- Heeman Announces of a fast tation College Convention Varied Program Given Thcodore M. Whitfield, honorary hpman nature. moving cbmedy of Policy of Argonauts The program included: Entrance member of the organization; Dean Relation Of Social Security And and March of Peers from "Iolanthe", and Mrs. Earp; and Profcssor Spang- Bettina Cerf Popala; Eleven Juniors Accept l'Ilembership Academic Freedom Debated Arthur Sullivan, Dorothy Hannan; If:r. The audience seemed amuscd at the In College Honor Society By Educators Dream l'antomime from "Haensel well-meaning Leonie, played by Bet- At January Meeting and Cretel", E. H1tmperdinek, Eliza- tina Cerf-Leonie, about whom the President Holloway, as representa- beth Crisp; Burrel' from the Second plot revolved-her lack of knowledge, At the Argonauts' second rheeting .tive of Western Maryland College, at~ Violin Sonata, J. S. Bach, Louise SEND FOR YOUR her disregard for anything serious, C'fthe current school year on January tended the twenty-fifth annual coti"- Jameson; Salut D'Armour (Love's her loves, her flirtations-her sympa- 5, Miss Cwendolyn Heeman, presi- vention of the Association of Ameri- Greeting), Edwa,rd E/.gar, Ann Ste~ SKATES AND SKIS thetic humanity. of the organization, formally an- can Colleges, which was held at Louis- venson; Marche Hongroise fro m Clashin~ personalities we!"e aptly nounced a fundamental change in the ville, Kentucky', from Tuesday, Janu- and t!ffectively interpreted by Reed status of the honor society on the Hector Bel'- ary 10, to Friday, January 13. "Damnation of Faust" Dance of the AND GET IN THE McClelland, as Will Baxter-thc radi- Hill. cal college student and Douglas Row- Alfred Garrison; lioz, Organization Nation-Wide Apprentices from "Die Meistersing- land, as Doctor Rice, the psycho- The newly elected junior members, Colleges throughout the country are er," Richard Wagner, Ann Steven- Winter Carnival analyst. Laurels also may be present- as well as the old members and the members of the association, which is son; Procession of the Sardar from ed to King Donovan who made Den- co-advisors, Dr. Bertholf and Miss the largest organization of its kind. "Caucasian Sketches", M. Jppolitow- nis McCarthy a real person for the Robb, were present at the McDaniel Meta Glass, president of Sweetbriar Iwallow, Louise Jameson; Dance of FEB. I, J939 audience; (This reporter noted es- Lounge meeting to hear the new poli- Collegt Virginia, is the newly-elected the Moorish Slaves from "Aida", G pecially the effect he had upon the cy explaincd. In the future, the Ar- president of the association. Verdi, Elizabeth Crisp; Triumphal young ladies of the audience). Honors gonauts will exist purely as an hon- The convention received rcports on March from "Sigurd Jorsalfar", Ed nre also due the rest of the cast, in- orary society on the Hill, assuming new developments in education, and cluding Ethel Barrymore Colt who a position similar to that of Tau Kap- commissions were appointed to study ward Grieg, Mary Iiobb. There will be a meeting of the plays in real life a role similar to the pa Alpha, honorary debating fratel'- these new fields. Dr. Holloway has Among those in the audience was a Gold Bug staff in the Gold Bug one she had in t'he play. As business nity. been appointed to the Commission on group of children from Westminster Office at 6:45 tonight. All members manager of the Jitney Players, she In accordance with the new policy, Teacher Education. High School, which was tendered an of the staff will please attend. The lives the seriousness, the dependa- the organization will convene only According to Dr. Holloway, the ses- !~:i~~;~a!~ tho!)e participating in I meeting will be over by 7 o'clock. bility, the sound mindedness of young four times during the college year. (Cont. on Page 4, Col. 5) ~------------~ Paula Frothingham, (CQI]t. on Page 4, CQI. 1)
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