Page 37 - TheGoldBug1938-39
P. 37
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PAGE THREE BASKETBALL QUINT TO SMALL SQUADTURNS OUT Gridmen To Face Nine Sidelines OPEN SEASON TONIGHT AS RINEHIMER CALLS Game Schedule In 1939 WITH GEORGETOWN FIVE BOXING PRACTICE By TERRORS TO MEET BOSTON U., BUCKNELL, AND DICKINSON LARRYSTROW Terror Veterans Play American U. Bender To Lead Team In 155 Pound Here Tuesday Class Maryland Date Falls On October 7; Most Games Near Home Bruce Ferguson and his men, work- FERGUSON SELECTS STARTING RULES CHANGED AGAIN TO STROPP 1939 CAPTAIN ing out in the Westminster Armory, FIVE GUARD FIGHTERS Coach Charlie Havens tentatively dream of the time when they will be . Bob Stropp, tall football end and announced the Green Terror's 1939 basketball center, was elected 1939 ~~~e:vep~:ct!':unodn t~heeS~:::I~Sa:~ Coach Bruce Ferguson will put five football captain. early this week. football schedule. A nine-game sea- Westminster nearly every afternoon veterans on the floor tonight at Wash- The sophomores and juniors were son is being arranged, and only two of the long winter months. Accord- ington to face a strong Georgetown unanimous in their choice. Stropp of the dates have not yet been arrang- ing to all reports, this is the last win- quint in the Terror's opening basket- hails from Rome, N. Y., the home- ed definitely. However, the choice of tel' that the cage players will be fore- ball game' of the 1938-1939 season. town of Coach Havens. He has teams for these dates has been nar- ed to use the Armory. Next winter, Emil Edmond and Don Honeman will been a varsity end for two years, rowed down to a small group of Bruce, all that you have to do, is hold down the forward posts, Bob and 'has been a regular on the bas- I schools. In line with the new athletic stroll over to a brand new field house Stropp, the only tall man ou the team, ketball and baseball squads for policy of Western Maryland, the foot- somewhere behind the Seminary. The will jump center, and Captain John three years. He is a member of ball opponents are being taken more basketball team will perhaps be the Tomichek and Joe Drugash will take the Preachers Fraternity. Conser- from the local area, and it is probable unit, which will derive the most bene- care of the guard poait.icns. r vative and steady, Bob is well fit- that only two or three of the games fi~ from the Field House, for which Georgetown defeated the Terrors, ted to carryon the traditions of will be out of state. ground will be broken tomorrow 55-31, last season and are reported to the Green and Gold gridmen. Open At Home night. Of course, the building will be be equally strong this year. The a boon to every man on the campus, Hoya line-up will have Ed Kurtyka, On the opening Saturday, Septem- and Barney Speir will no longer have the best shot on the squad, and John- bel' 30, either Susquehanna College or ~in;l~n:~s classes in the gloom of old ~:hnS~~~ci!:v:~ ::::;~~~/a~7~::~~~ Fencing Club Tu Be ~~;~~~n~o~~:~~e;:v~v~~e ~~.~cnH;:r~ Gae:~ge~~~g co~~~.iE~: The basketball team has been o'n ~~:r:'1ui~: REDBENDER Organized After Holidays 'y~:Sraa:;r!o~~~tl;u!~i:~e s~~n:p'p~~~~ the Armory floor for nearly two ~::k;,,~~;~:;~it~~P;~ii,~:;:;:;~:;~a:;~~':rt:,~ :~":;:9t:~d \::~~; I toA~~~etiv:fte::Ui~a~~~~at~=s~uI~::~:~.I, DEAN TO COACH GROUP tiO~g:~~i~~: il~9~ State title battle tonight in the Georgetown gymna- t~en has been engaged for six years when the first call for boxers went I Fencing will make its debut as a with the University of Maryland sium in Washington, D. C. Saturday at Yale.. out from Coach Charlie Rinehimer. sport at Western Maryland College comes early in the season, on October the courtmen play. Frostburg Teach- Frostburg Saturday The first comment that Coach Rine- this year. Practice will begin imme- 7. The game will be played either at era College and on Tuesday, they will On Saturday night the courtmen himer had to make about the men that diately after the Christmas holidays College Park or the Baltimore Sta- open the home season by playing will journey to Frostburg to engage reported was, that he was going to under the direction of Dean L. F. dium according to the choice of the American University in Westminster. F'roatbur-g- State Teachers in a tilt. start from scratch with them, for Free. Terp authorities. The annual Mount As this is the only home game before The Teachers have already lost most of the squad have yet to step in- The sport will be organized at first I St. Mary's scrap follows on the 14, Christmas, the student body could one game to Loyola College. The to the ring for their first intercolleg- as a club, since no experienced fencers probably on the Mount's grounds. help the courtmen by showing their game was fairly close, but the vet- iate match. As never before in the have as yet made their appearance. The grudge game of the fall comes schoolspirit at this game. eran Greyhound cagers paced by history of bqxing at Western Mary- The club will spend the first year in on the 21, when Havens will take his l se:r:sc ~t~:s~ n!hotAtsa~o::o:::ti;: l~~dk:~da::a~:~~:! f: ;: ,:n~n early :~n:ddti~~~:,i:o:eSCo~r~~~;:n:::e:~~ il~~~~~:~i~:ep:~~~;;:.tsTO:e::ea:t~~i;i:: ~7:~edo;0~ets~.N~~ c;:;~~a ~a~~~~ not mean anything-please keep Several of the opponents on the have had ring experience find that will be supplemented at intervals by will be waiting to end their two year quiet), Western Maryland's grid- Tenor schedule have already had scholastic work will prevent them demonstrations by the fencing team contr~ct with the Terrors with a ven- ;::thC;:sI~yd:~:~~hc~d~~~.bu;~: ~:~;rcob:l~~i~~il~!n:~: ~:e~~~ i~:s~:!: ~~:~el~articiPating in the sport this ;!g~;e;i~:e;:~~;ro:o=::~~~~: :eh~~: !~a:c;~in~tea~s~:;~y :~~y~:u:p~~~ Green Terrors are one touchdown son with a 35-29 victory over Roanoke The one veteran that Coach Rinc- As yet the school has no equipment; year, will be back at the Carolina Col~ better than Wake Forest, as also College. The Wildcats took the lead himer has to count on is Captain Bill but two masks, two protectors, and liege. They probably do not feel any "- is Duke University. Therefore, :~ t::e s~~~t~a;:ll:~h~~g~o t~~_~it~~: 'Red' Bender, fighting in the 155 several foils will be }JUl'chasedduring too well about this year's ups~t. . ri:~~m(~~:Ia~~dn!~ e~::~e:: Cats were never in danger. Duzmin- ~~~~~ c~~~~d,InB~:di~:ite~::m S~:~~ th~~:lri::~ ~:sa nno~c~e:C~dedwhether Wi~nvi~~t~~~~i~:;.eB;::~~un~~te:s;~~ Maryland go to the Rose Bowl)? ~~~h:le~:~rpd~i~~:~ high-point scorer Brooks, and Charles Fitzgerald are to use the French or thc Italian sys- Terrors in the first game between the But Duke defeated Pittsburgh out for middle weight positions. Frolll tern of fencing; but if the enthusiasm schools. ;;;;;~,ks P:~:r:-Oa~: ~!:iI:~~The IJjn~~r:~i:r~a~:i::;e Bees ~i;~ ~~t~~ef;~Soh;::n~q::~h~o:n~o~~~ :!tt~~g~a~e~:I:t~e:::~i~~ll:~I~~:~:i~1!s:!~ fi~!r~:n~e~:;.sn:~ could theoretically do the same. opened with Wilson College and Impeciato will fight in the 175 pound have a good start towards a fencing engaged the Lewisburg school since If Duke comes home with Rose trounced them handily by the topheavy class where Tony Ortcnzi, Intercol- I team. All men students, regardl{;ss 1935 when Bucknell won 3-0 in the !:'a~: h;:::~:h~I:~~:;n~e~~~ ;;:: ~!s~9-::~r':i:q::~.ran;h:r; ~~!legiate Champion, held forth for three ;!i:.xperience, are cordially invited to ~1~:~7a~l~v~:i~~., ~:t 1i:si :es:;~~ than Southern California! Now, Mike Pellino, Eddie Pulvino, Bucky years. Freshmen Needed and '32. In the long past, in 1926, Several freshmen will be called on RIFLEMEN OPEN PRACTICE U. S. C. defeated ~otre Dame Pierson, David Hyatt, Johnnie Wise- to be exact, the Terrors defeated and so on and on-. ~~~n,t~~~eO~:te~:~i:e:re S~~::::~::~ to fill in the other positions on the Bucknell 40-0. ta~oa~~dC~:~~:rR~n::eei~h~ra~o~~~ Bernard Goldst~in, Ed Sweet, Eick :::~ve!1~~: ~:!:~~i~h:c~:::~~::~ WITH VETERAN TEAM Dic~~sk~~SO~o~~:::s~V~llHOp~:y on well in hand right now. Their real Edell, Johnnie Ross, and Charlie Ricker may make the 135 pound class. Six Shoulder-To-Shoulder !\latches Hoffa Field on November 18 in what trouble won't start until January 14 Heitz. All of these boys are more However, Joe Rouse is probably the Scheduled may possibly be the Homecoming when the boxers meet Penn State in than six feet tall. Coach Bucky Mil- only mall certain of what weight he game. The Tcrrors have not faced the latter's big arena. These two are ler named Ross, Edell, Pellino, Pier- will fight in, as the boxers have·~.'et The \Vestern Maryland Rifle Team Dickinson in ten years. In '26, '27, putting forth their best efforts to ~i~:~u:.nd Pulvino as his starting to begin training. The first fight is will soon open training for a schedule and '28, however, the Terror team ;~iPh:~th::h:d~~! o:f b~:::~ ~::ts~ The Eagles of American University, ~ll~ ~;t~~:~ !!~~~::~:~e~t~eth!sh~~~ ;e~~Chm~~~~e~esa~i: ~~~UI~::I-Ito~~~~~ ea~~ ~~~:~~~r Dit~;~hington Col- ~~~~~:~~n~ R~~seh:ee~ i:n~n~:!~:i~ng ~~a~~:~ ~O:tOPofC~~:el;t~~l !:::a~~ ring, as the athletic department has Hearst Trophy and Third Corps Arca lege will entertain Western l\faryland them fundamentals. Charlie's Y. M. the Terror schedule. Cassell will ~~~::~n~;t b:~:~hn~Vh!~~::f:a::s t~: m~~::~ from schools all over the ~!;~~:~~:I~':~I~~i~~~~;;U~!~~e:! ~~: C.,A. experience comes in handy in build his team around one senior, one Westminster. The Terrors had one country engage in the Hearst Trophy schools. this work. After the holidays, the jUniO~, and three sophomores. They match, with V. P. I., in Westminster mth~WMh'I';'tha~CyhD;',paaP~nm,anntl.YTtha"mH',na~~nt St. Anselm Game Possible team will begin to look after its are aptain Bartlett, Brown, Rifen- last winter and defeated the Cadets "... LO '" L<, weight. The ringmen are going to ~~l:'r:te~bf' ;~,d :q'uhaUdIZ~~nr~:;,.:c~fve::~6-2 for the only victory of the season. match requires that two five-man .This brings the to.tal to eight games ~l~;O::hh;~! PaUI~u~~~rifOfth~~t~;i~S~ tally j~ex~erienced new";o~;r~. v W TwoH~::~s A!~;~S ;~:~ingCharlie ~~::~ :;eth~r~~t; I ~v:thT~:~~;~~;no; eg:;:' ~ov:;h:e;ute~ th:rw;U d"'~~ ,ve'y M of ",d;t I ca~~~ :,:~u:~~';~:~ b:";~~;~:!':~~:':;~:ll:;=~:':a!::;':::::~:at:;nt~~ ~,~'!a~a:.'., ~:':,:n;;':~'~'~~:'~h: ::;:n~n ;:~~:m:~~:,;oan~a:a;~::::" an pral~e~;;;~ ~~ted High I ed by.last year'~ substit~tes plus Ken- New York City. The Association four positions: prone, sitting, kneel- bly mVlte St. Vmcent ?r PrOVidence In a listing of all the major teams --ny Bills .and VIC I~pecl~to. from the made a few rather important ing, and standing. These targets must College to come. If nelther of these in the country by the Associ~ted ~~~~ qUlnt and Irvmg Bmsl, a fresh- changes in the rules that will affect ~~ fiI:e~~~~::~n t~:n~;~: :e:~d ::::i~~ ~::~:~~sc:a;rr:;!~n a !:~;l tht: G~e:; E~~:~~a~~,;::~~~!:~~ana1h;~';::~~; SIDELINES :~; fil~~;:~;;};FI:r::~nE~:::on ath'~t7a:t:h~::; :a:~'d'd ;;~;:~~::: !~~~~~~;~;~h~~~2~; was according to the number of lowest weights were 115 and 125. Losing but three men by gradua- this fall was a tremendous success EI:::~;:~~~d~~~~;:d;i::f.°m~:~:;!~:'i2~=~:::nm:~:;!:,k~.,;: :;::t;a~~:'~!:~,:~~~~g :~~~b::': ~:::~t~~~~:~~:~i:~::;:::;:;'~~;~:':~~~:~~~~~~~i:!l~~~:~::i~l~ ern Maryland has won 29, lost 16, and couldn't see him go by so fast. hits the canvas, he must stay down capt., Watkins, and Hendrickson. As call as the Athletic Department does tied 3, with a percentage of .644 in McLean's number WIlS 77, Hath- until the referce reaches thc ninth practice starts, Charlie Fitzgerald, HOtwant a ten-game schedule. the same period. The Green and Gold way of Cortland wore 77, and count and then resume the fight. This Homer Myers, and Doug Catington have scored 694 points to their 0p- Gallovich of Wake Forest had on rule was enacted so that the seconds form an excellcnt nucleus around ponents 374. In the number of games 77, also. The Green and Gold de~ could always be sure that their man which to build a team. Other mcn 1938 STATISTICS won, Navy, George Washington, Rice, fense was really wary of backs was not badly hurt and would not who saw action last ycar include Wil- and U. C. L. A. are listed beneath wearing number 77 by the time come groggily to his feet to absorb ey, Venzke, Bare, Hawkins, and Beck. W. M. Opponents Western Maryland. the season was over. further punishment. In addition, Sergeant Lavin looks for additional First down 81 43 material from the freshmen class and Yards rushing 1,528 1,189 Speaking of five year periods, the During the Christmas holidays, there will be a weighing in of the attendance of the Southern Califor- Head Coach Charl{e Havens will at- boxers immediately before they enter from the junior military students. Yards pas~ing 329 339 Ylia-Notre Dame game-101,OOO, was tend the annual meeting of the Amer- the ring in order to determine how The juniors have an enviable record, Passes tried 73 88 a little less than the total attendance iean Football Coaches Association to much the fighters gain betweeu the made by the Class of '39 at Camp Passes completed 33 28 of all Western Maryland games in the be held at the Hotel Sherman in Chi- time of the official weighing in and Meade this past summer, to shoot at. Yards lost .. 89 155 past four years. cago. Last year the meeting was held the time that they enter the ring. The complete schedule of shoulder- Fumbles 9 17 Two of Wake Forest's men in New Orleans, and the Western The 1939 boxing schedule is as fol- to-shoulder matches as arranged by Own rccovered 6 were selected for the All-South- Maryland mentor took an active part lows: the Military Department is as fol- Passes intercepted by 11 20 11 5 Penalties lews: ern Conference roster. Guard ill the proceedings. In the Associa- January 14 Penn State, away. Trunzo was on the first string, tion, Havens is on the membership 28 Army, away. Feb. 4 Univers;LY of Md away Distance\Pen. 140 75 and the big plunging back, Ed- committee. Charlie is becoming well February 4 Navy, away. Feb. 10 Frederick Rifle Club..home Scoring 109 54 wards, made the second listing. -known in footba-ll circles and when he 11 Coast Guard, away. Feb. 18 Gettysburg College....home' Individual scoring: Bills, 30; No "All" reports have come in and the rest of the Harlow men get 18 v. P. I., away. Feb. 24 Frederick Rifle Club..away Knepp, 24; McPike, 24; Stropp, 12; from New' England yet, but if St. together at the annual meetings, there March 4 Bucknell, away. March 4 Johns Hopkins ...home I Hansen, 9; Lesin~ki, 6; Tomichek, 2; (Cont. Next Column) is some real story telling. 11-12 Intercollegiates. March 11 Johns Hopkins .. ..away I (Safety), 2,
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