Page 36 - TheGoldBug1938-39
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PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. 1, -, G IIF,~ ~:;MIT A~:"'"'II C\"i'"UOSERS II~~;;;:: ~:':.:: changes that have taken place at There's a lot to be said. Briefly, College. Official student newspaper of Western Maryland College, published on. 'I'hurs- Miss Ruth E. Lender-king', a grad- Western Maryland and criticism. it is commendation day, semi-monthly during October, November, February, March, April, May, and monthly during September, December, and January, by the students of uate of Western Maryland, is now ed- western Maryland is' actively Western Maryland College, Westminster, Maryland. Entered as second-class iting the qual'terly issue of the mag- changing. It is also progressing. matter at the Westminster Post Office, under the Act of March 3, 1879. azine put out by Mountain Club of First, there is extension of the facili- SUBSCRIPTIONPRICE$1.50 A YEAR Baltimore, Maryland. This organize- JOSEPHDRUGASH ties and material improvement. The tion seems to be quite an interesting We herewith take pleasure in pre- buildings soon to be constructed, the National Advertising Service, Inc. 1957 Member 1938 :r~~.~~te~h:!~I~~::t7~~ i: f t~h:r::~~~ senting another of those illustrious new library facilities, and new ad. J:\ssociafed CoUe6iate Press beauty of the great out-of-doors, and Col/egO' Publishers Refwes .."'"';~,, campus personalities whose names ministrative offices are examples of particularly that of the mountains. ~:~:~hinDl~~~a~~il:~a~~~.~~di~~;ua~i~lf ~~~;I::~n~:m:;t:nd~~~ona~~' ~;J!:;:~~ Many of the people you see every day this week. ing its ideas and attitudes. There is By his own admission, we learned I . t d 1 ~~!!O;;:r;~~7fo;8·_..···············.~.~.~.:::::·~:A:~:~~~~~'\~~;~~:aH=,,;;~~;n;::h~:~1 :n~:~dh~~~n!U~hg:e:~U~e~t that his mother calls him "Joey". AS, more S u en t f -eedom and h personal h AARONSCHAEFFER,'39; VERONICAKO~IPANEK,'10 Western Maryland? (The W.A.A. darling as "J6ey" is to his mother, so responsibility. For these c anges t e News Editor .. ....-.ALVINNEWTON,'40 and the "Y" groups sponsor several also is he as darling to the campus. students are grateful. g~ ~~~';r;::::·························..·.-i.;iARGA~~~··KO~FF;-·;:£O~~~~R~~N*~:~~,,~~~ hikes each year, but there is a great- He is even more darling to a certain Frequently, however, when changes EARLDARSCH,'41; HENRYTRIESLER,'41 er interest in the world of nature ex-Western Marylander who is teach- are made, the older practices are bet- Proof Editor - _ _ _ SUE PRICE,'40 than is satisti\d by these.) ing on thc "Eastern Shore". tel' than the new. Things of value go Proof Reeders ELLEN SHIPLEY,~40; LOUELLAMEAD,'39~ Wn,LlAMBANKS,'41 Many young men run afoul of the Fea,ture Editors ~~:~~ ::~~~~o~~9'io~~~EC~~A~~~:N:13J, laws of squad drill, platoon drill, and ou:n::~y~sod:ot::l~io'~~~y~·iS ~~"tuS~~~ into discard. This is true, I believe, Sports Editors_ .._.__.._............ LAWRENCESTROW,'39; MARYJANE HONEMAN,'89 company drill each year in the mill- is misleading. Underneath it all in the dining hal! system of the past A8sistant SPQrl$ Editor8 RUTH FIELD,'40, HAROLDSOLOMON,'41 tary classes. Mr. Dennis accomplished "Joey" has an irrepressible gayness two years. Before that time, with a Typist8... PATRICIAWHITE,'42, JANE FRALEY,'42, LAURETTEMCCUSKER'42 the infraction of all three on 'I'ues- and lightheartedness that infects all seating arrangement, students made BUSINESS STAFF day's drill floor. The expression "lost- when it bursts forth into a hearty many new friends. Stag tables were 1dv~~i:i~a,M:::g~;:·-.·.. .. ·~~_~~~~~~W:!~~::~gI ball" simply expresses the plight of Circulatihn MU1UJ,gCTS...... _. ._.... :: __LESLIESTOKES,'40; MARYCLEMSON,'39 the red-headed sophomore upon that la~,}~~y" was the brains of the Green seldom seen. There was no rush or Assistant Circulatil.m Ma,1UJ,ger ._............................... JAMES MERRITT,'40 afternoon. One kind-hearted frosh Terrors this past year. It was after hurry, but di,nner was an enjoyable Contributing Reporters: Lucie Lee Baines, '42; Eloise Wright, '42; Earle offered to obtain a compass from the Upsala game that an official in occasion. Shyness was better over- Darsch, '41; Marberry Linton, '40; Jeanette Brannock, '41. "Sarge" for Dennis. the locker-room went out of his way come here than through any other LaITY Strow presents a novelty to lavish praise on "Joey's" selection college agency. A spirit of friendli- Men's Student Council lighting effect in his window for the ~~:~~::: ~~~:~ ~~:~!~ntle:'t~::~~ ness and sociability was the usual Yuletide season. When next you pass It is rumored that on Tuesday the Men's Student Council dis- by Hering Hall, glance up to the sec- tel' time he shoots baskets, and in the thing. Now, the efficiency remains, ciplined three students for disorderly conduct in Westminster. It end story and see for yourself the spring time, his fancies turn to his but the spirit is gone. Stag tables is also rumored that the final sentence was rendered by the Presi- lovely milk bottles. Stl'OW'Sescapades butting average. are usually present. Table manners dent of the College, the Men's Stu dept Council merely placing its with dyes bid fair to. "McKnigh~*" Besides making preparations for have become merely words. One goes sanction upon it, after their original sentence had been rejected by him. Together with his partner in the President. It is further rumored that the Council rendered ita "crime", the Hon. James Shreeve, he ~~~~~~;galla~iSe~~~:~~r st~:~tsW~~I~ to dinner now merely to satisfy hun- call him "Joey") he is the president gel'; not to meet new friends, eeteb- fi~h~t~~l~ ~~;er~~~~~~c:h~i It~~~~~.~~o~e~l~mors instead of I :~:a~I!~te:~eth~i~~~~e\~~1s~~:l":~:~:~~: of the senior class. lish student contacts, and enjoy pleas- .facts. However, the President of the Men's Student Council has' turning their innocent contents into When the battalion forms, _the ant conversation. I want to comm;;nd -Prefused to publicize the action taken on Tuesday. The Gold Bua circus lemonade. Larry also sells members of Company "C" address the effort of those who have attempt. feels that these rumors are true; it will gladly correct any misap- , Christmas cards, but their colors s prehensions, which it may convey, when the rumors referred to are aren't guaranteed. ~i:.:g:~~, S:n;'~~::\:au: t: a~:~~~:~ . ed to re-establish the former dining proved unjustified. Sorority initiations create varied ~~~e~~~:;s,d~l~~', a~~~s pTesident 01 I hall system. (Signed) DON TRAD~R. In the meantime, assuming that the above-mentioned rumors reactions on the Hill. The very ex- are true, it is to be regretted that Western Maryland students pressive order of males offers the should be guilty of disorderly conduct. Further, it is to be re- loudest, but the more interesting ones gretted that the Western Maryland Men's Student Council should come from the pledges themselves. act only at the instance of the Dean of Men. Likewise, it is to be There are ample opportunities to PASSING IN REVIEW regretted that the Men's Student Council cannot render decisions cause the young ladies to have 'reac- By JOE OLEAm satisfactory to the President of the College. -However, an organi- tions. "Sisters'" rooms have to be zation which pursues its duties reluctantly can hardly be expected cleaned, their letters mailed, their to render valid decisions. beds made, their clothes fixed: what Dear Santa Claus: help her out, please. She is very Perhaps most of all to be lamented is the fact that the Men's chance does a poor pledge have to There are only 16 days until goodlooking and maybe I can arrange Student Council renounces faith in its action (or inaction) by; study? (The equal and opposite l'e- Christmas, so I thought I'd better a date for you. clothing it in secrecy. Although lamentable, it is not difficult to action to this is the increased amoullt drop ~·ou a line, and let you know My I'OOmmate says he will take understand the lethargy and backwardness of the Men's Student of studying done by certain young about things. I've been a good boy, so anything, but he doesn't want any ___..Council when one reviews its personnel. There are several stu· men.) Of course, a young gil'l has to I'm sure you won't forget me. All of neckties. Anything else will do. I dents serving their classes on the Council who have broken and keep up her appearances. If your my friends want me to write and tell think what he wants most, but he persist in breaking, despite the responsibility of their positions, "sisters" forbid you t~ wear make-up, you they still love you and believe in doesn't want to say it, is a couple of many of the rules which they are supposed to be enforcing- you just must go to bed early; you you, all except one. dates on Sunday afternoons. He has rules which· are written in the constitution of the Men's Student can't depend on a little rouge here This year I hope you will send a cast on his leg, and he's- been very I Government of which the members of the Counctl are the execu· and a little powder there to hide yoUl' "Bobbie" Dickson something, because lonesome. He was hurt in a football tors. Probably the only strange thing about Tuesday's disciplin- pale cheeks and those little lines he didn't get a Christmas present last game. ! irig is that the members of the Council had nerve enough to even which creep under your eyes. year, and now he keeps saying "thel'e I think the sweetest thing you could sanction the President's sentence. Judy Collinson declared that when ain't no Santa Claus". He is becom· give anybody would be to give "Pat- There was it time when serving on the Men's Student Council she worked in the officeshe was going ing cynical and I think that is very sy" Fagan a winner down at Hialeah was considered an honor. However, at present, when the members to scare all of the book salesmen bad, don't you? this winter. The poor boy hasn't had of the Council neither attempt to govern the student body, nor away. I don't think you have to bother a a winner for so long he is getting dis- even adhere themselves to the principles for which they propose to The faculty reactions to the initia- lot of people around here. The ad- couraged, poor boy. So fix it up San- stand, Men's Student Council membership is viewed by many as a tions are also noteworthy. ministration is getting a dormitory ta, and I'll be even a better boy next source of dishonor. and a field house, the athletic depart- year. Professor Earp remarked, "The ment got a good football team, and Santa, don't send President Roose- Progress With Care ~~hoo!h;S:S~~~a:h~~~v~~:~er ~v~~:i~~ ~:t~e~n~;.:~y thd:P;;~::~~ ~~~t:adni~; ;:~i~~y t::~ :~~k~yt~i-n:~~sh:~w~:~ Since the opening of college in October, the Gold Bug has re· around"; Miss Robb complained that troubling them, I think, Santa, you enough. His son Jimmy just got a ceived many urgent requests to complain about the inadequate she couldn't keep her mind on rer can pay more attention to me, ~I_ big one out in Hollywood, and you li&:bting ~nd plumbing .in several of t~e dormito_ries. It has sy~pa-I class; and Professor Sc~empp decided though I don't want to be too selfish. know how people will talk. thIzed WIth those makmg the complamts, and It has fully realIzed upon an hour quiz to brmg the W. W. I don't "now what you should bring Send Mussolini a piece of Tunis be- their justification. It is needless to review here the inconveniences girls' hail' down. F k Sh d H' d't cause he has never got anything And cal.!sed to the stud~nt bod.y by obsol~scent ~l~~trical wiring, and by The general opinion of the Phi Al- ~~:!lhe et~rat~~ttin; I~o~:~~:al\;~: Santa, I know this sounds mea~, but poorly p.l~ced <1;ndmsuffiCIent plumbmg faCIlItIes, because nearly all pha pledges is that there are entirely Things haven't been going so good for send Mr. Chamberlain another moth- are famIlIar WIth them. . . too many Browns in the Westminster him, and last week some nasty stu. er-in-Iaw. You might add another i.( the ';u~e?:~~ !:p~~~tsn~:~~;~:1e~~ ~:~~~~~~fti~e;~ri~; ~F~o~~graveyard. (Kind of them, isn't it?) ~~:I\:I~:~i~ya;:~n ~:!t;;c~:~m~nE:~~ ~~~s t:i~:iI~:/~~:~~,e~~~·nel;iv~~~t structive criticism. To rewire or replumb any of the dormitqries Professor Royer slipped a sweet flnd you know that Henry VIII said givc th'; Republicans anything be- would involve a large expense, and in the presence of the college masculine tone into the soprano sec- something about h- hasn't got allY cause they got enough for one year. administration's obvious efforts to improve dormitory conditions, tion's bid for glol"Yat our Jast chapel fUI'Y like a woman ~orned. So get And before I forget it, wili you the Gold Bug has hesitated to advocate an expense which the ad· service. him something special. please, please get "Weary" Walters a :n~~~~~i~~io~e~f:h~~tot3y,Ci~~~:~ ~~:t~~~~l~dv:fc~~!t~~~o~~tI~~ dis~~:;d:i' c::~~~~~;:~O~:eh~o~~e~;o~'a: "Joey" Drugash shouldn't get nmch. ~:~~~\~~n~fl~;e~~:Smb~~::emhee ~~ti of the older dormitories, despite the sentiments of a large portion witnessed for sometime. To those ~~si~v!:~~in~:i~sP!~~~l~e::: ~~raP::;~ have to bum from somebody else. We of thI1;,~~~~~t, abondeY,~dormI'tory I'Sabout to be bUI·lt. In the light of few who called to the speaker to pus personality, and Santa, if you call him "'Veary" b.ecause he is al- speak louder, the remark is presented knew what that means, you would un. ways sleeping. Don't yOu think that's pres~nt dormit?r¥ conditions and of extant st_udent opini?n. con· that if quiet had been maintained derstand. cute, Santa? cernmg them, It IS not unreasonable to admOnIsh the admlmstra~ when the announcement was made,. Get "Chunky Billy" (another cute tion to take the utmost care that the lights will stay on the nights there would have been no need for I ~OmebOdyJust came up a~d told me name, huh) Thomas an all day suck- before tests in the new dorm, that there will be no showers at· shouting. h~ OU~dask you to send Hlt~er.some_ er. Anything to keep him quiet. tached to the outside of the new dorm, that none of the present in· Wh. . t .lllg, ecau~e I ~m always pI:kmg on And Santa, get all the sorority conveniences will be present and that no new ones will be intro· h 0 ~~Iew .the ~sh~s~~ the'l~treet, hnn. h I can t thmk of anyt~lllg bet- pledges some men's shorts. They duced when the new do:t:'mitory is built. w en a wele qUIet. e VI agel's tel" t an one of those e_Iectnc razo1"i'l, keep asking us boys for ours and The fact that the wiring of McDaniel Hall which was built in .h.adgood re.a~on to r~sent the d.est~·uc- ca~ you? Everybody III the dot'mi- Santa, something has just got 'to be 1922, comparatively modern times, is inadequate to support radios bon of then propelt.y. If thiS IS a tones hollers about them because done about it We never asked them would indicate that tn the past carelessness has crept in, and that forecast for the :omlll g grand. fi~ale when t~ey are on _you can't listen to for anything 'like that. warning against it is nqt out of place. Tpe fact that a neighboring on Thursday, t.hls column pledIcts the radl.os. S~mebmes when Tommy As for me I'll 'ust han u all 4 college recently built a dining hall which was too small to comfort· that students Will be as welcome on Dorsey IS plaYlllg and a razor starts, of my sock' d J h f g thP b t ably accommodate the student body the year after its construction I t:~\O~~.:~ets of ·Westminster as are I say a few bad words, .but I don't Maybe you Sca~l sen~P~e o:p t: ;:; would also indicate that college administrations are not infallible. d s. I mean them, and otherWIse I am a York City sometime. Lots of love Small oversights often cast dark Rhadows across great accom- *McKnight's fame was not obtain- good boy. . and a Meny Christmas and a Happy plishments. This must not be the case with the buildings about to ed by dyes, but he was a colorful Louise Jameson doesn't know.what I New Year. Goodbye, be constructed. figure. to get her papa, so as a favor will you-I JOE "JACOBYBROS."MCGEE.
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