Page 35 - TheGoldBug1938-39
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GOt CHRISTMAS VACATION \lei FRESHMEN! THERE IS NO BEGINS DECEMBER 16 SANTA CLAUS Z286 Vol. 16, No.9 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. December 8, 1938 Joe Stephens Will Students Discuss SOCIAL CALENDAR Governor-Elect To Attend Play For Bachelor's Extra-Curricular December: Christmas Party, Ground Breaking Exercises 8---Tri - Beta Semi-Formal Dance Activities Here 4:00·5:30 P. M. Herbert R. O'Conor Will Also Attend Banquet Of Alumni Club On Friday Art Club, 6:45 P. M. Night When Dr. Harry C. Byrd Will Speak. Picture by Dr. Riding-ton, Mc- Fireworks To Conclude Program Second Fraternity Dance To Follow Sherrard, Erb, KuJlmar, Kompanek, Christmas Banquet On And Thomas Talk On Activities Daniel Lounge, 8:00 P. M. December 14 In Broadcast IO-Blaek and Whitet Dinner and With Governor-elect Herbert R. Dance Here Tomorrow O'Conor in attendance, ground will be Alpha Gamma Tau fraternity will Discussion by students of five l1-Sunday School, 9:15, Speaker: broken on Friday night for the newest present Joe Stephens and his 11-piece phases of extra-curricular activities additions, a new men's dormitory and .orchestra at the Christmas dance, De- made up the program for the sixth Dr. Holloway a field house, to the Greater Western cember 14 from 8:15 to 11:45 P. M. Western Maryland College radio Christmas Service, 4:45, Maryland College. Also in attend- in Blanche Ward gym. The affair, the broadcast. The program was broad- Alumni Hall nnee will be Dr. Har-ry C. Byrd, presi- second of the semi-formal season, will cast from the stage of Alumni Hall 12-International Relations Club, dent of the University of Maryland, consist of 12 program dances. at three o'clock on Tuesday, Decem- who will make the address at the Joe Stephen's orchestra is one of ber 6, through the facilities of sta- 6:45 P. M. meeeing of the Carroll County-Wes- the better known bandr! of the state. tion WFMD. Seminary Nativity Play, 8:00 tern Maryland Club at its banquet in The members have been organized for Five Student Speakers P. M. the college dining hall prior to the ten years and play regularly at Brad- Professor John Makosky opened the 13-Music Recital, Smith Hall, ground breaking ceremonies. Gover- dock Heights during the .summer- program, explaining that this was an nor-elect O'Conor will attend both the months. Among other places in Bal- outgrowth of a program arranged 4:15 P. M. banquet and the ground breaking ex- timore, Stephens has played at the earlier by Dean Free for the West- Basket Ball, American U., Ar- ercises but he is not a scheduled Racket Club. The band has two vo- minster Kiwanis Club. He then pre- mory,· 8:00 P. M. speaker at either event. calists, and has-headquar-ters in Fred- sented Anne Melvin, student an- Gala Festivities Planned erick. The committee arranging for nouncer- for the broadcast, who in French Club Christmas Party, Gala festivities have been planned the orchestra was Kermit Beyard and turn introduced the five student 7:30 P. M., McDaniel Lounge for the occasion which will see the be- Stewart Eckers .. speakers: Frank Sherrard, Betty Erb, 14-Christmas Banquet, 6:00 P. M.' ginning of the first men's dormitory Yuletide Season Decorations Malcolm Kullmar, Veronica Kom- Bachelor's Dance, 8:15 P. M., to be erected on the Hill in many The decorations· will be in keeping panek and William F. Thomas. At Blanche Ward Gym years. The new field house .cpon with the Yuletide season. A green and I the elose o.f each brief talk: Professor completion, will take the place of Q,l,d red color scheme will be used and Har- Makosky informally quesbioned each GOVERNOR-ELECT O'CONOR Yingling gymnasium which has bee\t, outmoded for some time. breaking is scheduled The ground ~~n~:~~it~::.i~::na:~n!~:c::c~~:~ I ;~~~kd~r about the activity he repre- -----------, to begin promptly at 9 o'clock fol- the. gym will be decorated with ever- Editor Of Gold Bug Speaks Black And White Alumni French Club Will Sponsor lowing the banquet, which will end greens and lights. Mr. Lowery is be- Mr. Sherrard, editor of the Gold To Convene Dumb~r 10 French Movies· At Carroll at 8:45 o'clock. Prior to the begin- ing assisted by Robert Hahn and Guy Bug, spoke on the value to the college ning of the ground breaking" cere- Windsor. and to the individual student of an monies, the college band will play and Refreshments, in the form of fruit undergraduate stu den t - controlled First Alpha And National Club "l\fayerling" And "Generals" Without during the exercises a huge bonfire punch, will be served at intermission. press. He told the ideal function of a President T'o Attend Buttons" To Be Shown On This was arranged by 'Russell Smith college newspaper and then, upon CeleLratloll Wednesday, January 11 will be lighted. Aiter ground has will be a display been. broken there and Arthur Bradley. questioning by Mr. Makosky, deecr-ib- of fireworks which will be sponsored The program committee is compos- ed the realistic side of publishing a Alumni will join active members ill Miss Kathryn Foltz, president of by the Carroll County-Western ed of Robert Hahn and Don Hum- raper, with its editorial difficulties celebrating the fifteenth anniver- Le Cerele Francais, has announced land club. Mary- phries. and opposition of opinion. sary of the Black and White Club on that the Carroll Theater, in cocpera- Miss Erb, a graduate student in art Saturday, December 10. The pro- tion with the eollege organization, O'Conor May Break Ground To Follow Christmas Banquet at Western Maryland and former gram will include open house at the will present two native French mov- It has not yet been determined This dance, following the Christmas president of the Art Club, talked on Club room in the afternoon, a ban- ing pictures on Wednesday afternoon ~~.etl~ed Go;.erZ;;~-I:~:ty ~:~~notre~~ banquet, will be the only major social art and the art courses on the Hill quet at the Charles Carr~ll I and evening, January 11. Mr. Dome, activity until after the holidays. The and their benefit to the students and 6:30 P. M., and ~ danc~. m McDalliel manager of the theater, has announc- ground for the new buildings nor has Gamma Bet dance in January and the the college. She stated, as a hobby Hall Lounge lasting until 11:30. ed that the French club's selections it been determined by what method Preaeher dance in February will com- the study of art brings relaxation and The Black and White Club was Mayerling, starring Charies Boyer ground will be broken. If the weath- plete the semi-formal fraternity sea- appreciation; as a vocation it pro- founded in November, 1923, by a and Daniel Darrieux, and GeniJra18 er remains cold and the ground hard, son. vides business opportunities, and a group of men students who felt the Without Buttmw, starring Jean Mu- dynamite may be used to blast the The Junior-Freshman party, which knowledge and appreciation of art need of organized fellowship. Dr. rat and Claude May, will be shown. ground, but if the ground thaws suf- has usually been held on the night raises the standard of culture in a George S._}VilIs, of the English de- Tickets for both the matinee and ficiently, it will be broken by the cus- after the banquet, will be held this student body, thereby benefiting the partm>;!nt, was chosen as its honorary evening shows will be twenty-five tomary method of the shovel. tenn after the holidays in the early college. When questioned by Mr. Ma- brother. cents. Running time of the eombined 'rhe ceremony will be held on the part of January, Frank Shipley, pres- kosky she said that she believed that I Black and White had as its prime shows is 171 minutes. r,orth campus beyond the tennis ident of the junior elass, announced. the average studcnt should profit by . function the betterment of Western The dialogue in the films is totally courts in the rear of the Seminary. (Cont. on Pa~e 4, Col. 1.) (Cont. on Page 4, Col. 4) in French. However, English sub- titles are super-imposed, in order that Five Senior Girls Work persons not acquainted with the Annual Seminary Pageant At Management House College Players And Vesper Choir To French language can understand the To Be Given December 12 plot. Present Annual Christmas Service Year's Best Foreign Picture Home Economics Majors Receive Mayerli1l0 was voted the best for- Production Sponsored And Directed Practical Training Pageant Will He In Form Of Series Of Tableaux Depicting The Christ- eign picture of the year by the United By Seminary Nativity Guild mas Story Under Direction Of Miss Smith And Professor de Long States motion picture critics. It por- The Management House of Western trays the tragic love between the On Monday, December 12, at 8 Maryland Col.lege ~ontajns,. a~ 'pre.s- I On Sunday, December 11, at 4:45 The following numbers will l}e in. Austrian Archduke Rudolph and the o'clock, P. M., the ninth annual semi- ent, five se~lOr guls, maJormg III I P. M. in Alumni Hall, the annual ciuded in thc program by the choir: . Baroness Marie Vetsera. Denied a nary pageant will be presented from home economICS.Those residing there Christmas service will be presented Whiw By Our Sleepi:ng Flock We Lay divorce by the Austrian Court from a the portico and terrace of the West- for the third of their five weeks are by the College Players and the Ves- (Song of the Shepherds) Gennan lady whom he married against his minster Theological Seminary. Carolyn Timmons, Lucille Fertig, per Choir under the direction of Miss melody-17th century, arranged by will, the Archduke and the Baroness The play follows the same general Anne Maxwell, Grace MaeVean, and Esther Smith and Professor Alfred Hugo Jungst; GlO'li! To That New- decide upon double suicide in a hunt- outline of production as has been fol- Mae_..Snider. de Long. Born King, Negro Spiritual, arranged ing lodge at Uayerling as their only lowed in the past. However, a change has been made in the policy under th:i~:e t::~d:~~s. ap~~:~~n~:t~~oi:~ of T~~ri~;:~s t~u:~~v~C:d W~~g::n~r~~ ~~e:p~h~I:' D:t:~k ;L~:~::~,~~J"~:';iSOI~:i:;'a18 TVitlwll.t Buttons tells '" hich the cast has been chosen. Col- clude acting as cook, hostess, wait- The pageant will take ·the form of a by Clarence Dickinson; Wake, Ye the story of a feud betwecn the peo- lege students, as well as Seminites, ress. downstairs maid, and upstail's scries of tableaux depicting the Shepke"J'(18, Moravian Carol, ananged pie of one village who wanted raill for are pal-ticipating ip. the play. In ad- maid. The girls work at one of these Christmas story. During the scenes, by Andrew Salams; The Song of their cabbages and the people of an- dition to the Sunday School Choir, un- offices for a period of one week and Christmas music will be sung by the Mary (from the Spanish of Vega) other village who wanted sun for der the direction of Miss Mary Robb, then/assume another duty. Thus ev- Vesper Choir and the story of Christ- Carl Aug. Fischel', arranged by AI- their grapes. According to the legend college students in the cast inelude ery girl is trained in each of the vari· mas will be read by Maleolm Kull- bert Kranz; Slwphe1-ds' Ckrntma~ of the country, it is more disgraceful Miss Dorothy Vroome, portraying the ous duties. mar. Song, Austrian Folk Song, arranged to lose the buttons off one's clothes Madonna; John Carno,ehan, Don Grif- fin, and William Klare fulfilling the gr~uh:. h~~t:s:I:~S t::e :::~:.e~u;! ~~: Besides Mr. Kullmar, the other i ~i:~in:a~~r~c~d ~:i~~e:: D~I~:::~:~:~;~~h:to::!eO~~ c:r;:;::h::e t~; roles of the Three Wise Men. A host food, invites guests, and regulates the members of the cast are as follows: I American Christmas Carol; Carol of Genera18 Without B1!ttons will offset of angel~ will be depicted by G. B. Smith, P. Payne, E. Triesler, M. activities which go on in, the "House. ~~::~' J::en:~:;:;sa~::;:a~;ac!n~:~~ t.he Mountain Whites, arranged by the tragedy of Mayerling. Greenwood, J. Wigley, V. Wigley, L. The d~wnst~rs Hand u_pstair~ maids Vean, Louella Mead, Dorothy Cohee, Harvey Garel;d ~af~~ ~ld French Wi~~:g~~:~o e~~~;:~:~e ~~Sit~O;~I~: Bogan, M. Rudy, W. Harward, M. As- :;:~~t eep t e ouse III per eet or- ~~~?Melv~, I~aro;r: Piek~t, Ai~:e ~:~OIC:;;;n~:ro/ of a:h:r~:t~~ Cercle Francais because of the suc- bury, J. Lankford, E. Zentz, B. Scott, E. Wiedersum, A. Hutchins, T. Bow- th:V~~n~~::;:t g~~~s:o~e!~~~gfi:; 'I L~c~::~eul:h I~ing:l~~~a S:::t; J~~ ~:;~~~sl:;a~i:;v~h~:~:tS Carol, ar- ~:;nf:~~i~:dF~ul:~~, ~~i~~h h~o~:~ en, J. Stover, K. :!fertig, R. Dycert, more seniors wiII take their place. seph: Cleff Sumner; Herod, Joseph Professor Spangler will open the sented at the club's request last win- M. Stevenson, J. Cowperthwait, E. The program is arranged so that all ·1 Olealr; Keeper, Arnold Fleagle; service with an organ prelude of the tel'. Last year the Westminster High ·Logan, B. Brown, L. Scott, H. Fry, seniors who are majoring in home ec- Three Kings, Hill, Elmer Lippy, following compositions; In Dulei Ju· School dismissed classes at noon in E. Vroome. onomics will obtain the practieal i Raymond Rodenck; the shepher~s, bilo, Bach; Christmas in Settimo Vit- order that all its pupils might avail The production is sponsored and di- rectcd by the Seminary Nativity ~:!~~~gafforded by the Management I ::;feel~e!:~mpte, James Merntt, I ~~~~zo;J;d~':t~:~~:a~::~.Buck; . :~;~~~vf:~e~!nt~~~:portunity of 6ec- ( Cont, Qn-:rilge 4, Col. 4)
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