Page 34 - TheGoldBug1938-39
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College; Westminster, Md. (Cont. from Page I, Col. 4) ATHLETIC A WARD PRESENTED TO THE .EDITOR the College Church. The goa.! was Preachers Hold Smoker INTERNATIONAL CLUB RELATIONS (Cont. from Page 1, Col. 1) set at $500., which, together with the To Welcome Freshmen Western Maryland College, estimated $100 to be raised through Westminster, Maryland, weekly ~unday School collections, was November 17, 1938. to support the Y,W.C.A., the Y.M.C.A., Deal' Editor; the Sunday School, and the College You asked for letters to the editor Church Council in their activities this of th;Gold Bug, so here is one which year. Since the full amount has not might easily bear some consideration. been raised, each organization will be Since novelty often makes for pop- forced to revise the budgets publish- ularity, why not issue a student copy ed at the beginning of the campaign. of the Gold Bug in which the students At the date of this_ publication of the College are allowed to partici- $142.60 was paid in cash. The bal- pate? It seems an almost impossible ance pledged to be paid today ~nd on task to break through the wa~ of ex- February L clusiveness which surrounds that se- At the close of the campaign the lect few who are allowed to do every- following were the pledges by classes: thing. I am just one of the student Freshman $118.25 body, but I would like to feel that I Sophomores 60.50 am capable of doing something other Juniors .'_' 60.00 than presenting myself as a mat for Seniors 54.00, the feet of the Mighty Few who rule this campus. I know that I can do The balance was pledged by faculty what they have been doing just as members. well as they, for I have done it The activities of the College often before unknown to any but a Church, when it functions as a single very few close friends. organization, as in the recent cam- To get back to the original topic of paign, are directed by the College this letter, why not let the students Church Council. The president and themselves have a little to do with the one representative from the Student editing, writing, construction, etc., of Governments, the Y. W. C. A., the Y. some one issue of the Gold Bug? That III. C. A., and the Sunday School make Dr. up the membership of the council. would provide a good "freak iseue'" Holloway is chairman; Dr -. Little, vice- AN IRATE STUDENT. .chairman; Dorothy Vroome, secretary H. E. REESE In publishing the above letter with- and Helen Newman, treasurer. this situation. out a signature; the Gold Bug is de- One of the most inter~~ting and CLEANING TAILOR parting from one of its policies. It ANNOUNCEMENT startling points of the whole speech PRESSING therefore requests that the "irate stu- (Cont. from Page 1, Col. 4) was the amount of authoritative quo- REPAIRING dent" send his name to the editor in seems to meet with the approval of Payments of senior Aloha fees, 94 East Main Street for arrangements payments, order that it may be published in the all. Y. M.. C. A. President Charl~s or must be made to the business man- (Cent. on Col. 3) SUITS MADE TO MEASURE issue of December 8. The policy re- Wallace said, "There's no place like ager, Joseph Oleair, before Decem- ferred to was stated clearly in the ed- home, and the dance does very well itorial, "Full of Sound and Fury," in Ior a fireside scene. We feel that the ber16. the November 10 issue. attendance will grow larger as the The fine~t in movie fare is yours With reference to the text of the weather grows colder." above letter, the Gold Bl~g staff is not The expense of the orchestra is- tations Professor Hurt cited explain- endeavoring to put out a popular pa- shared equally by these five sponsor- ing and prophesying that Japan is a at per, nor does it desire to put out a ing organizations: the Men's Student future menace to the lands of the "freak 1·~8UC". It hopes that its pub- Government, the Women's Student Pacific world. lication is popular, but not at the Government, the Y. M. C. A., the Y. THE CARROLL price of "novelty or freakishness." "\',,-.C. A., and the Women's Athletic Every copy of the Gold Bug is a Association. J. D. KATZ a similar dance will Next Saturday student copy in that every member of be held in the LOUnge, this time with I QUALITY the repcrt.ingi.and editing-staff is just SHOE REPAIRING one of the student body. . recorded music. The following Sat- Special Rates to Students and The Gold Bug regrets that any stu- urday Jimmy Stoner again will fur- Joe Oleair, Agent dent should feel as the author of the nish the music. =====;=,==== above phiUipic. The editor is endeav- WESTERN ~IARYLA:'ND THE STATE cu-ing-to give all those interested an opportunity to work on the Gold Bug Have Your Films Developed COFFEE SHOP as soon as possible. However in the and Finished at AND RESTAURANT presence of the great number desiring The College G~ill SODA, SANDWICHES, LUNCH' to join the staff, it will be a test of DINNERS THEATRES patience for many. JACK MOORE, Manager Those who have received assig-n- ments have not been forgotten. The • quality and dependability of their BOTH services is recorded; and they will be culled for-th when the proper time 'tDEAR WESTERN MARYLAND" "Two Houses with one purpose ~~~ AND (Cent, from Page 1, Col. 2) "W1N, WESTERN MARYLAND" your entertainment" One of the highlig-hta of the con- ARE IN THE NEW MARCH vention .ef deans was the discussion ON SALE AT THE BOOK STORE of student activities committees re- cen'tly instituted at Syracuse Univer- FOR TWENTY·FIVE CENTS sity and Swarthmore College. Dean Free reports that the student com- mittees, which received enthusiastic approval in the panel discussion on Soda,l Life on. the Col/ege Campus, resembled the Student Activities Committee recently instituted at I Western Maryland College. President Holloway and Miss Mar- tha Manahan represented the College I Corona and Remington at the Atlantic City meetings of col- lege presidents and registrars respec- POR TABLE TYPEWRITERS tively. Dr. Holloway is a member of . the Executive Committee of the East- I.'.rnAssociation of College Presidents. $29.75 Up JOHN EVERHART SEE OUR DISPLAY OF Because of why? Because of no dinero, THE COLLEGE BARBER no kale, no jack. That'. why. Not a red. AND BOBBER College Seal Jewelry AT THE FORKS The Resourceful Soul whispers RINGS-PINS---BRACELETS WALLETS-PEND ANTS-CHARMS "Telephone home. You can reverse CIGARETTE CASES-COMPACTS charges, you know." Phone 300' All Have The W_ M. C. Seal • (after Here are a few specimen rates for night CAR ROLLE EN OFFICIAL BELT BUCKLE 7) which station-to-station calls from Westminster, really and COLLEGE RING will show you how low the charges BY BALFOUR Annapolis 35c Cumberland 35c Philadtlphia 35c Individual Coiffures Baltimore 25c Easton 35c Salisbury 40c Belair 30<: Frostburg 40c Washmgton 35c Make Your Selection Now. Cambridge 35c Hagerstown 35, WilmIngton 35c Beauty in its Entirety We Will Gladly Hold Any Article for Later Delivery. (The low night ,atel are &1'0 in effect all doy on Sundays.) • Bonsack Bros, ASK LONG DISTANCE FOR TIfIE RATE I 66 W_ Main St. TO YOUR HOME TOWN The Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone Company of Baltimore City WESTMINSTER, MO. "The College Shop" A. C. ALLGIRE, Manager I Westmjnster 9900 72 E. MrJinStreet Westminster, ¥oryland
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