Page 25 - TheGoldBug1938-39
P. 25
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PAGE THREE WESTERN MARYLAND TO ST. ANSELM DEFEATS Sidelines MEE~ POWERFUL WAKE I STELLAR LINEMAN I Frosh Gridders Win W. M: C. 20-7 WITH 7-0 At Fort Hoyle . By FORESTTEAM SATURDAY Initial Victory of Season Taken on THREE LONG RUNS LARRY STRO\V Wet and Slippery Field; Deacons Have Edge Over Injured Ter- Bricker Scores cor Squad; "Bobo" Knepp Out On Saturday, November 5, the Ba- Terrors Put up Great Fight but !\Ic- Lean Runs Through Whole Team The largest crowd betorc which Of Game by Tenors grid team won their in- To Score western Mal"yland will probably play itial victory of the season when they this year, saw the fighting Ter-ror WAKE FOREST HAS HEAVY LINE defeated a fast Fort Hoyle team 7-0. 10,000 FANS SEE NIGHT GAME team gain everything except the long The game was played on a wet and end of the score 2gainst St. Anselm. Western Maryland's Green Terrors sfippery field. The game was charac- Western Maryland was defeated At the beginning of the seconu half return to the Baltimore Stadium this ter-ized by a show of clean playing and last Saturday night, 20-7 by St. An- St. Anselm had a seven point lead and SaturdaY., to meet a powerful Wake sportsmanship on both sides; and it selm College at Manchester, N. H., the 'I'errcrs went on the field ready to FOI'est team in the first football game was only by dint of hard playing that almost through the efforts of the wipe it out, but McLean slipped away between the two schools. This game the Green Terrors came out on top Hawk's great broken field runner, Ray for a touchdown run. To many a is the high spot on the Tenor sched- "Big Mike'tPeta-ucct kicked off, and McLean. McLean scored all three of team, this would have meant the end ule, for the Deacons come fNIlll North three Western Maryland players the touchdowns on long runs and of the day and they would have va-tu. Carolina with a reputation of having stopped the receiver in his tracks. thereby gained the scoring lead in the ally folded up, but the Terrors reaIl y one of the most formidable ball clubs FOI·t Hoyle failed to make the re- eastern United States. A capacity battled till the last second of 'the in the South. quired yardage and punted on fourth I crowd of nearly 10,000 saw the game game. Time and again, with tremen, The Havensmen came out of the St. CHARLIEWALLACE down. Western Maryland was held at Textile Field, Manchester's munict- dous courage they plowed down the Anselm tilt in bad physical shape. on the fir-st two downs, but on the pal sports arena. " field and were stopped on the goal Lester "Bobo" Knepp received a bad- Bricker went through center Radatovich Injured line by the determined Hawk team, ly injured leg and probably will not Terror Soccer Team Loses roi to a touchdown. Petruc- The Green Terrors played good and by the lack ef the full offensive be able to play against the Deacons. the extra point. football, but time and again they were strength that would have been availa- Game To Westchester, 5-0 ble had Drugash and Radatovitch been ~1~:l;~n~'i'S!~~~I~:duI~~~v:e~~:~t:~~c~ Prom tl~:n:Oi;:i:t~l;::ms threat- ~~:~let~~ ~~~~~a:~e~~~h~~s~afidv:r~~~ in the game. However, Elder and hurt his knee, but these two will prob- Dooley Plays Hard Game at Goal Bul ened their opponent's goal several utes of the game, Steve Radatovitch Hoiljes didn't miss a trick all night, ably start in the Stadium against the Is Handicapped By a Wet times, but always lacked the nec.essary had his leg twisted an~ had to be re- lind "Shrimp" was booting the ball The r-e- I 50 yards on every punt. The team '~:nU;h;l~~;~~'iS~.~~o~:~~;' f~~~~a~i:'~~~ Playing Field PU~~~sto\\~~:ved:~:~'t:~: p:~.S!~~~~ive ~~:~~:d ~fkeH:n:ete~~~l~~t :::ld p~:; played some of the best ball of the jur-y and may possibly play. Playing against the breaks, the, game. Long gains were by no means I furnish the offensive blocking that season, and the only thing that made main del' of the team is in good condi- h d fi b II h dli unusual as 20 and 30 yards were reel- Steve was capable of. the difference between a victory and ;~:~:,~:;t,:nt",~,th:'W,:t;,,;;,,:;g;:,,~Z"~~~kb:;"::t,~,,;:~'~~nB~:~;;I fi,.~f~:.;t:,.:~~·1~:,T~~~~~n;;ct'~~ a defeat was a greased lightning flash tion , . named McLean. rerrors More ExperIenced I land soccer squad, last Saturday, went on smashes through the line. Fort the ground down to the Terror 40- atic You could fill a volume with an- Wake Forest will come north with I down. ~o, 5-0. Clin: and turf Hoyle had an excellent halfback com- yard line. Then the Hawk star, Me- ecdotes on the team's trip up and back to Manchester. The :ta\i'~i:ga~~~':!i;gst~~~e~o~~~~ ::pdhr: ~~~:lt~:}S t~~a~ertr::s g~~n;dl:~u~~eJ~~ !~~a~lio~lo~:i~t~~~~~a~:p~~l~l:' ~~t::! ~el~;th!a~:~ro: ::::~:eant; :a:w:~:~ main show consisted of a battle mores. Although Western Mar:yland selves verykwell. h b fi I 30 yard gains. This was in a large in the open for a touchdown. Through- of ,...its between "Chunky Billy" will have the edge in experience, the The wor of t e aek e d was ve~ measure due to good interference out the game, the Terror line was able Thomas and "Methusila" Oleair Deacons will hold an advantage in commendable. Standou~s ~:ere Bal~.- which 'Vesterll Maryland was unable to step the St. Anselm running at- with Bender getting into the line :aei;htMa~~:~~le~l"!~:~ tt;illfil~: ~:~ !~:.~:;l::;t~'o::dthe °fi~~;o~ll ':h; to kn~~~~~~V~ampered By Rain ::.CkM~~:~; ~~t t~~~~~l~ ~;\:ehe~::~ of fire once in a while. It was a battle of newspapers on the way home. ~::~:l~~~ Ofs~~:~:~:~ Pl~~::e~~~~~ th~~stchester's defense was just The g::::el~l:;~~ ~!:heco~~~;~l~ ~a~~en~a~~.:~g~~l~i!i~o ber::t~ till country. He alternates with Captain good enough to prevent a clicking Ter- of rain. All through the Wake Forest will bring a strong George Wirtz at this IJosition, but will 1'01' line from scoring. Their markers game, runners had been hampered by At the ~;~::in~co:~s the second well-balanced team to Baltimore this Saturday, and Charlie Hav- probably start in place of Wirtz. The ;oe~~aa~~r~::i:~i~os::~!~, !~~;,~lWi- the slippery field, but new both teams quarter, the Terrors took the offensive. ens admits that his men will have remainder of the backfield includes Team Faees Busy Season were forced to play even more caU- 'Bobo' Knepp shook himself loose ill their hands full. \Vake Forest's foot- !f~:~t~~~o~t~~d%i~:m\~On~ti:;;e~~:i i Two other of the Westchester State ~~~~~lta ~~~Ch~o,~~~b:~ t:ei~~~, ~::~ ;~~d~~~v~n:5::~"~ ~:~:h:~~~ ~~::~ ball power: is Oll the upswing and the crew of sophomores that compose the r:;:'~l:ndh':;:n:l~~~l~v:;h,h!~: C~~:l~~ ~:i:Ch::~:e~~or:: \:er:o;1;h~:1~e~~~~~~ :~:rGr!~~il~e~:~~~:~~e p;~~~~.~.earned ~:Ut~:i~~~; ~~~n :;:oe:pto:~e~:r~ss;~ squad ought to be unbeatable in a 1 place the ball on the 12-yard marker. f~w years. Western Maryland is in The Deacons' line is com- eluded Dooley's wet and muddy hand!'. Fort Hoyle's aerial bogged down as need of halfbacks right now as both posed of two juniors and five sopho- Aftel' retul"Uing tonight from a they completed one pass. Consequent_ From there Knepp took the ball "Bobo" Knepp and Ed Elder will ;::.~r~~~ :,~;ev:;e~.a~~~ver, the tackles, ~;~~ll~:::~ t::dC~~ ~~::::esP~~~:i~~e~~.e~~~~;~:OI~Ct~!c~.l"e~v:~ti~~~Yt~: ~~.~~:: ::~~e~~~~ct::rc:tr~U:~i~~W;~ probably be unable to play, and Joe Havens Anticipates Victory face a busy schedule fOl"the rest of Army lJl'oved stiff material, and if usual. Drugash's leg is still bothering liim. the season. all Saturday Johns Hop- Western Maryland had not taken ad- The game turned into a kicking However, Rado will be back in the The Deacons trampled over Rand- kins will be met in a league game at \'antage of their opportunity in the duel for a short time while the score line-up and McPike and Dickson will olph-Macon, 57-6, to inaugurate the Homewood. The following Monday first few minutes, the score might well l"emained tied at seven all. Then Mc- be already. 1938 season. North Carolina defeat- FI"Ostburg State Teachers yim furnish have been 0-0 Lean caught one of Elder's long punts will cer- ~~,t:~mt~:nad~~::t;:~~;'~;:~d'i":~~!~~ai$~:~~~~C;I~;~'::~~~~:::;I~~:w~:;'~~P~d , There is no telling what will hap- pen, but the fighting Terrors FactHoyl,:nm~:"t:~':,;tih:~d,~~;~t:~':::~~:~: tainly be on the field with the best that they have. Wake Forest may ~~~!~~:~O~i~~e~no~~c:e:l~;: 7~;t::~ ;::~~·Md. Westchester ;~~~~~ci~~ v~;:~;~~~~.I!~:~dtht:~~.h ~~lll~VC~~~~l:~~:~~~ have a surprise awaiting them. West- :~~,~;:"'~~,;I~:::~d::,n~:a<~'.;,:~'~::~~~an R~ V~;.::~:~'t~;;~::~~":;~~';;:,::':'i,':;;:.~~ The New Hampshire club said that L"~:;~~:::~k; Rg ern Maryland was the toughest team t~ that they have played, and that the :~;l"~:~i:~l~oaah~~~l~i:.outed V. M. I. ~l~~~~~eath ~~ H:~':~ g::~:~:s ~:~~~:~~:~~.e several first downs in the first . Hawks were lucky to win the game. In spite of this impressive record, Barkdoll CH HickmanI Thomps.on LE Bixler McLean Runs 92 Yards Western Maryland fans follow Charlie Havens feels that the Baptists Windsor LH Eberly Baker LH Glumb Whell they came back on the field, the team no matter where they can be defeated and has high hopes of Tomlinson RW Mease Lewis GB Roe the Terrors were set to go to town, but are_ Among those seen at Man- chester were tfte Rev_ B. A. ~~inlfn:o~~i~~,~e:a~~;;~~:;~n:a:::e~~ I, ~:~:ace ~~ ~o!~~~~~ ~~.iil~~el ~~ Ro~:,,~il~ !~C~~:11o,~~U~::al~;eli~~e:~~gg:;~:;~~ Dumm, '86, Fred Coe, '38, Johnny thi·ow against the Deacons, the out- Lewis IL Steaffer ° ° ° Total I d . Th t . t Warman, '37, Stan Benjamin ex- look is promising. Shockley LW WlgO!f Westeln Md 7 goa war agalll. e ex, ra pom was missed. '38, and Bob Coe, '37. This was =====================~ ° 0 ° "Frosty" Peter's Homecoming FOit Hoyle 0 With magnificent fortitude, the Ter- game by the way" "Frosty's" CAMPUS STUFF• By SANDERS II FAST BACK II ;~;'b,~~n;~,~~~~,~~:~na~:,:d,:;~;;n'; home town, New Bedford, is not very far from l\lanchester and a With Elder passing· to Knepp, Leslll- good many of his friends and !;ki, and Stropp the Terrors gained family were at the game_ Pete I .. was sorry he couldn't show them I ;~;:~~~~~:t li~:wC:~SiS~~~I~:n~a~:~ a victory_ He tried with all his '1 , almost away several times for a might. touchdown but the safety man caught Looking around the state to check him. 'Bobo' went around the ends up on the near rivals of \Vesterll several times until he hurt his foot Maryland, we find that the University and was removed from the game in of Maryland had an open date this the last ten minutes. Six times thc past week-end in preparation for }t Tenors got within the 15-yard line, game at the University of Florida. once to the two-yard stripe, but they The Terps have not won another wel"e unable to drive home a score. g'ame since the Terror-Terp clash but The Hawk line tightened up and the they may have a chance in the last Terrors were net at full strength. two of the season with Georgetown Drugash was unable to play at all be- and \Vashington, when I'I-feade gets cause of an injury received in prac- back in shape. tice before the game. McPike and According to the Baltimore Sun, St. Dickson each recovered a St. Anselm John's grid team has earned the name fumble in the last half to put the Ter- of the 'Galloping Goose Eggs', with- rOI'Sin scoring position. W. Md. Leads In Yards out a score and not even a first down Western Maryland made ten first in their last game with Randolph-Ma- ton. clowns to the Hawks' three and com- Johns Hopkins has built up a good pleted over seven passes while St. An- team which was able to. defeat 'Wash- selm made only one good toss. In the ington College last week. With their whole last half, St. Anselm was on the 'simon-pure' athletic policy, the Jays defensive and certainly would have gone down to defeat had it not been are not doing badly. Mount St. for McLean, who is one of the best Mary's defeated Washington College by one touchdown, but has had none men to play opposite the Terrors this too sliccessful a season. The Mounts season. , are still looking forward to the time The game was considered the high when they will be able to beat West- point of the season by the Hawks and built up. was considerably the affair ern Maryland. The Chamber of Commerce of Man- (Continued on Page 4, Column 3) "KENNY" BILLS {Continued on Page 4, Column 3)
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