Page 26 - TheGoldBug1938-39
P. 26
PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug.. Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. Seniors Beat Sophs Black and Whites Take Miss Helen Gray Dismissed SECOND RADIO PROGRAM 01-' OVER SERIES BROADCAST Club Notes In Decisive Final Game Game From Bachelors From Baltimore Hospital WFlItD TUESDAY Preachers Defeat Black and Whites (Continued from Page 1, Column 4) Women's Hockey Tournament Closes To Continue Winning Streak Home Ec. Teacher Well On Way To Britain violated pledges made through BLACK AND WHITE After Exceptionally Close -. In Second Round Recovery; Is Recuperating the League Covenant, and through Season's Play In New Jersey separate treaties to protect Czecho., The Black and White Club opened In a touch football game Tuesday siovakia against external aggression. the formal rushing season on the The Women's Hockey tournament afternoon, the Black and Whites de- Miss Helen F. Gray of the Home Resulting from the Munich Pact may "Hill" on November 1 when the fra- Economics Department, who was taken be expected a German advance on the ternity smoker was held in the fra- ~~.~ t~~'m;~:te:en~:;sct;I~S:y il~~;.~~~~:::e~:h~~~~h~~~~~~l~'en~, f,~:b~~l~ ill on Octo bel' 11, was dismissed on Danube, a demand for the return of ternity club room in Alumni Hall. Sophomore Class. The tournament tercepted by Lew Elliott, Pi Alpha October 23 from the Maryland Gen- fonner German colonies, an increas., Following hrief remarks by Alex Ran- was especially interesting this season Alpha, who raced fOI' a touchdown. eral Hospital where she 'had been tak- ing- disregard for pledges made in sone; president of the club, and Major us the victor had to be determined by Outside of this one score the game en for observation. Miss Gray is now treaties, and an armament race, fol- MacLaughlin, honorary member of playing off a' tie. The Seniors and was decidedly close, neither team hav- recuperating in Madison, New Jersey lowed probably by economic depres- the fraternity, Doctor Holloway, who Sophomores had each won two games ing much advantage. at the home of her sister. sion, it was said. has attended Black and White smok- and tied each.other. The playoff end- Continuing to display their vaunted Miss Stella Mather who is substi- The group speculated upon the pos- crs since. he became president of the ed in a 1·0 score. power, the Preachers crushed the tuting for Miss Gray, received her B. sibility of American isolation in the college, was presented and spoke The end of the tournament com- Black and Whites, 20-7. Although S. degree from Kansas State and her event of a European armament race briefly to the members and their pletes the intramural hockey pro- sc?red on for one of the few times I'll. A. From Columbia University. or a war, finally concluding that guests. Sergeant Lavin also spoke g-ram for the year There are still thia season, the Delta Pi Alpha team Miss Gray has been reported us be- America is affected too greatly both briefly. Movies wer-e featured as en- two games to be pl~yed by the school was ,in command at all times. They ing well on the way to recovery. She aconomlcally and politically by Euro- tertainment. Major MacLaughlin team with Notre Dame College of '1 continue to pack too much punch for does not know yet when she will be pean crises to attempt to seek securi- showed a two-reel comedy and Dean Baltimore. One of these games will any other team in the league. able to return to Western Maryland. ty through isolation. Free showed half-tone and technicol- At the close of the discussion Pro- or movies of scenes taken on his va- ~:h:;~~:~' ~:la:UI~v~I~~~u:hea;~e~~st:; ST. AN~ELl\l DEFEATS W. M. C. Organizations 1'0 Sponsor Programs fessor Makosky invited comments or cation trip to Canada during the past Notre Dame. (Continued frOI11Page 3, Column 5) (Continued from Page 1, Column 5) suggestions rrom the radio audience, summer. Refreshments were served On Friday night the W. A. A. will chester sponsored the affair and did a These activities will begin at 7:30 to see particularly if the listeners and small white clay pipes bearing thc sponsor a program of moving pictures good job as attested by the crowd P. M. and will continue until 9:55 P. would care to hear the same discus- Pi Alpha Alpha inaig nia were given in Room No. 22, Science Hall. They Every seat in the field was sold and M. Therc will be a fee of fifteen sicn methods applied to other prob- as novelties. The smoker committee will be pictures of Hockey plays and many people were turned away fronj cents per person or couple charged lems of the day in subsequent pro- was composed of Lenny Bee, chair- e the gates. for all dances held in Blanche Wal'd grams. man, Herman Beck, and Trago Brust. ;~~~;!q~;:~l'[:c J~C~~I'~ie~dav~o~~:~ The Western Maryland squad spent Hall, except the fraternity dances, Next Program To Be Music Milton Hendrickson, an alumni mem- Association and will be shown by Mr. the nights in Boston. Leaving the with no charge for the other events. Professor Makosky has announced ber, and "Reds" Bendel' acted as mas- Raver, campus on Friday morning, they ar- Profit from the dances will be used that the program next Tuesday after- ... tel'S of ceremonies. The W. A. A. held a mecting on rived in Boston that night and held a by the five organizations to buy prizes noon, November 15, will be broadcast The Black and White Club also Monday night in Room 22, Science practice session en Northeastern Col- to be awarded at the Winter Carnival at the samc hour from Miss Gesner's takes pleasure in announcing that Hall .... The program consisted of the lege's field under lights. Saturday and to curry on other activities which studio. Mr. Royer and Miss Gesner webster Hood and Milton Crosswhite introduction of officers and board was spent in wandering around the will benefit the student body. will play the Mozart Sonato in C ma- have accepted bids to join the fra- members. Each officer told about the city and listening to the l35-piece 111- These programs will be in charge of jor, opus 57, for violin and piano. ternity. Plans are going forward for sport of which she takes charge. In diana University Band in Boston a council composed of the officers of Miss Gesner will' give a brief expla- the annual Black and White dance to this way the nthletfe program for the Common. ~ the five organizations sponsoring the nation of the Sonata. Because of the be held on November- 19. year was covered. The line-ups: series. Alex Ransone was elected limitcd seating capacity of the studio, The Pi Alpha fraternity is celebrat- western Md. it has been requested that there be ing its fifteenth anniversary this Lesinski LE MaIlC;:;~::. ~~:~~~:;c~t:::_t~::;uc:~l'~n~h!l~~~~~ no general student audience for this month and had as its gue'3ts at the Chapel Regulation Interpreted broadcast. regular meeting on November 8 t:~~;n ~~ ~~;;;:~ ~;~n:i~~I.n~~:t n::~hpr!~~~~~ to make membcrs of the alumni chapter, Peters C Malio The series was opened on Novem- (Cont. from Page 1, Col. 2) Sherman RG La ~ala bel' 5, with a dance in the Girls' Gym, day chapel and Monday assembly. Radatovitch RT Vanest I,and Jimmy Stoner and his college 01'- J. D. KATZ This regulation has been ill' effect Stropp RQ:I Johnson chestl'a furnished the music. The at- ALPHA GAMMA TAU QUALITY since the chapel on October 23. Un- Elder ~= ~cLean tendance was not up to the expecta- SHOE REPAIRING Alpha Gamma Tau held the second excused absences before this date will ~~~~~e SIkorsky tions because thI;ee athletic teams had Special Rates to Students Ex- smoker of the rushing season on not be held against any student. from Dickson FE J7uo:~~~ I' games away that week-end. . Joe Oleair, Agent ~used absence Call be obtained Monday evening. Sixty-five visitors Western M a I' I and substitutes' rnformal d~nces to :ecol'ded ~US1C and club members enjoyed a program the Dean of Men "when the cause is Holljes, ~'Leair,y Tomichek, Sturm~ ;;:n~::~;t ~~r~~~I~'. 1~:~I::~S t~e t~~ an-anged .by Henry Triesler, chair- considered legitimate". The two al- man, Robert Brooks and George My- lowed cuts may not be taken consecu" Th;~::.;, bB,lll:riods' W. C. A. during the second semester ers. After a contest won by "Bing" tively. ~ .. .J.'. Miller, Coach Havens showed moving Suggestio!! was madc ill the meet- \vestern ~:. 0 7 0 0-'7 ~:J~a:td;~~:' as~i:o~:I~:i!~et:~01~~~ pictures of the Maryland-Westel'll ing by a stUdent that a protest of St. Anselm . '7 7 6 0-20 cOllling activities on October 8. Be- Maryland football game. Bill Hauff such compulsion be made to the ad- SIDELINES lieving they could handle the events entertained with some baton twirling ministration through the Men's Stu- in a more satisfactory manner by and refreshments were served. The dent Goveynment. After several (Continue9 from Page 3, Column 1) uniting, the Y. M. C. A., the Y. W. C. new faculty members who were pres- questions concerning what constituted They Wcre Western Ma.J1/lalldIJ1·S A. the W. A. A. and the Women's and ent a~d spoke included Dr. Earp and a "legitimate excuse", Mr. Ransone Bill Shepherd has recently becom~ Men's Student Governments asked Mr. Spangler. called Dean Free into the meeting. the main offensive threat of the De- permission of the Faculty Committee 'Dean Fre~ explained that it was IIOt troit Tigers. Clippings from Detl'oit on activities to sponsor entertain- in his pl'ovincc to change the regula- papers say that he is taking the place ment on Saturday night. Permission tion but that it was his duty to en- of 'Dutch' Clark, and that Bill is l'un- was granted even to the extent of J. G. C. ning and kicking the Tigers through abolishing, the gym fcc. force it. The only real action was taken when a student claimed that the season. H. E. REESE· Bids werc sent out Fl'iday, Novem- Carnegie Tech, 20; Pittsburgh, 12. ber 4,.to persons who are eligible to "week-ends at home" constitute a One of the gJ'eatest upsets of the sea- November 12, 193~ CLEANING TAILOR excuse. This stUdent join the J. G. C. The club held a legitimate a petition to be presented to is SOil and the end of the long Pitts- PRESSING starting party for its rushees, Wednesday, the. faculty.for a more liberal inter- burgh undefeated string came last BAND BENEFIT REPAIRING November 2, in McDaniel Hall pretation of the "legitimate cxcuse" Saturday. A big facto)' in the game 9( East Main Street Lounge. The new J. G. C. members clause. secms to have been the Tech g'uard, for and by SUITS MADE TO MEASURE will be formally initiated in the club Bill Reith, who intercepted II; pa~s THE MERRY MEN OF room Friday, November 11. which was good for a touchdown in a WINDSOR WESTERN MARYLAND few plays. Only the seniors l'emem- COFFEE SHOP DICK DORMAN SCHEDULED FOR UJue Ridge College Gym . New Windsor bel' Reith now, but he used to play on AND RESTAURANT FRENCH CLUB PI AL~HA ALPHA DANCE 'PO the Terror line before he left school Dutch Stag: $.50 SODA, SANDWICHES, LUNCH -- year I INDUCT -_ FRAT SERIES in 1936. 8-12 o'clock DINNERS Every Monday evening this JACK MOORE, Manager ~he Fre~c~ club has. a special table (Continued fl'om Page 1, Column 2) )], the dnllng hall wIth French flags, bl'oken mid-way by a short intermis- Phone 300 French conversation, and all the sion, dul'ing which refreshments will "trimmins". ,After dinner, the mem- he served. Evening gowns are the bel'S collect In the lounge and have preferable dance costume for women CARROLLEEN The finest in movie fare is yours a Fl'ench song fest. while men may wear either tuxedo 01: The club is planning to sponsor an- business suit. other mo;ie this year at the Carroll Patrons and }latronesses fo!' the at Theatre. dance will be Major and' Mrs. Severne Individual Coiffures ~, MacLaughlin, Major and Mrs, Try- on M. Shepherd, Dean and Mrs. L. SIGMA SIGMA TAU Forrest Free, Dr. and Mrs. James P. Beauty in its Entirety THE CARROLL Eal;P, P!'ofessol' Frank Hurt, Miss Sigma Sigma Tau gave ;n infor-, Margaret Snader, and Dean Bertha mal supper on Monday night, Octo- Adkins. ber 31 in their club room. A meeting The dance committee is composed 66 W. Main St. and of the club was held after the supper. of James Stoner, chairman; Charles WESTMINSTER, MD. Buchman, Francis Elliot, and John Carnochan. THE STA.TE ART CLUB The officers of the Art Club, for their meeting on Thursday;, are plan- ning a social to follow the business BOTII THEATRES meeting. DEAR WESTERN MARYLAND AND • CAMERA CLUB WIN, WESTERN MARYLAND At the meeting of the Camera Club on Thursday, November 3, the mem- THE NEW MARCH "Two Houses with one purpose ~~~ bers made a group tour of the cam- ARE ON SALE AT THE BOOK STORE pus for thE}purpose of taking infor- your entertainment" mal "snaps for the scrap book they FOR TWENTY.FIVE CENTS A COPY plan to_make this year."
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