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4 Sport Intramural Program a.•• T. Ci.. e"". i PAGE FOUR' The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. W. M. Alumnus Explains Trackmen Drop Opener To I W. M. C. Girls Are Thyroxin Experiment Washington College 73-26/ Engaged In Extensive Put In Action By Council At Salisbury College __ " _ ' Sports Program Aubrey Schneider Returns to w. M. Preachers Ahead Again In Speed Del-Mar·Va Alumni To Hear Choir Explains Graduate Experiment. Leslnskl ~:~yW;!~:~U~ilr~~ Feet For Girls .Now Play Baseball Under. Di. Ball At 25th Annual Alumni Dinner On Triholia At Hopkins __ recuon Of Miss Parker And 1\11SS On May 7 Western Maryland's trackmen lost Todd On Boys' Old Field The inter-fraternity council an- Mr._ Aub~~y Schneider, a former their first meet on April 9 to the nounced last week that golf will be in- Under the direction of Professor student at Western Maryland, return- Washington College squad, 73 to 26: Tennis, baseball, archery, and golf ougui-ated into intramural competi- Alfred de Long, the College choir will sports which, since the be- ed to the V. C. Monday, April 25, to Frank Lesinski was the only man to are the of warm weather, have been tion this spring. Heretofore the pro- give its second spring concert of sa- ginning speak to the Beta Beta Beta fraterni- take a first place for the Terrors gram has embraced only speedball, cred songs at Salisbury, Maryland, on ty on the subject, "Tribolius Conte- when he threw the discus 109 feet, commanding much interest from the tennis, and track. Saturday evening, May 7. The occa- sum, a Harmful Beetle." The three aces of the Shoremen, Gib- girls. The annual girls' tennis tour- Each club will enter a team for sion will be the fifth annual dinner of At present Mr. Schneider is a grad- by Young, Basil Tully, and Ed Me- nament is now under way. Ten sen- competition in these sports, and each the Del-Mar-Va Alumni at the Wi- uate student at the Johns Hopkins Mahon, accounted toe 48 of their iors, ten juniors, twenty-two. sopho- team will see two rounds of play. comico High School. University in the department of Hy- team's 73 points. mores, and nineteen freshmen 'e'nter': Six man tennis and three man golf This presentation will be the choir-s giene and Public Health. At the tel'- Lindsey Chase ran a good two mile ed the contest this year; It is prog- teams will be entered. IHst activity of this type. The choir mination of his three year course race for the Terrors and was beaten ressing by a process of elimination, The speed ball series is already in will give its concert following the af- there, he will receive his Doctor of only on the last lap. 'Red' Bender and the winner will be presented wit.h swing. The Preachers and Bachelors ter-dinner speeches, and the program Science degree. He is a student of WM high scorer of the Ferguson- a trophy cup donated by Mr. Caleb have beaten the Gamma Bets and will be It duplicate of the one given at the well-known Dr. Parks, the only men with seven points. O'Connor. Black and Whites, respectively, in the 'Mar-yland Casualty Auditorium man to cause a mutation in coleop- The summary: To Select Varsity their first games, and the Black and last Sunday. - .. tera. 100 yd. dash-Won by Young, The finalists and semi-finalists of Whites forfeited their second game Miss Hazel Beard will accompany ~ Mr. Schneider divided biology into Washington; second, And e r son, last year's tournament will be select- to the Preachers. Last year the the choir. two distinct parts; that of expei-i- Washington; third, Bender, Western ~~e:: :::17:s t~~o:a~~!~e t::;oo~~a!:!~ Preachers headed the league. Guests of Alumni mental biology, and human biology. Md. Time9.9s. Last year's winner in tennis, the The choir will leave for Salisbury Experimental biology, he explained, is 1 mile run-Tie, McMahon and Me- will be our guests on May Day. Both Black and White Club, will send out by chartered bus on Saturday morn- interested mostly in length of life, Cally, Washington; third, Rouse, singles and doubles matches will be almost the same team that won the ing and return to the campus the fol- population experiments, and gener- Western Md. Time 5.31h. played on that day. 'title. Those expected to return are lowing Sunday afternoon. Choir al back crosses, in which he has 220 yd. dash-c-Won by Young, . Old Diamond .Used Bl'USt, Hendr-ickson, Sprouse, and Ad- members will spend Saturday night at tried to upset the Mendelian theo- Washington; second, Tully, Washing- MISS Parker and MISS Todd have I ams. Considerable freshman talent the homes of nlurrmi iii Salisbury. ry of dominance. Human biology ton; third, Fitzgerald, Western Md. found a greater number ~f girls than has been uncovered however, and it is Mrs. Kate Howard Oissel, vice- deals with the distribution of popula- Time 21.9. usual out for baseball thia year. The in the hands of these men that the president of the Eastern Shore Dis- tion, birthrates compared to death 880 yd. dash-Won by McMahon, girls have been assigned the territory other clubs rest their tennis aspire- trict of the Alumni Association, is rates, gross aspects of diseases such Washington; second, Hollejes, West formerly used as the boys' baseball tions. chairman of the committee in charge as cancer and tuberculosis, and human ern Md.; third, Buckingham, Wash- diamond, while the boys are practic- Tentative lineups for golf are as of the dinner. Guests from Western pedig-rees. ington. Time 2.6 7-10. ing and playing their games on Hof- follows: Jones and Horan, Gamma Mal'yland will include Presldent and Explains Experiment 440 yd. dash-Won by Buck, Wash- fa Field. Nine girls will be selected Bets; Sprouse and Bender, Black and ~rrs. Holloway and Colonel T. K. Har- as a team to meet teams from those ington; second, Anderson, Washing- Whites; Skeen and Grier, Preachers; rison, Executive Secretar-y of the Al- The experiment that Mr. Schneider ton; third, Young, Washington. schools who care to include baseball and Snow and Adriance, Bachelors. umni Association. is carrying on at the present time is Time 55. as one of the events in which they Varsity men are ineligible in their ~~~~~~~~~~ that of feeding thyroxin to the tribo- 2 mile run-Won by McMahon, will participate on May Day. particular sport; but such men may ~ lium beetle. Thyroxin has a very dis- Washington; second, Chase, Western Golf And Archery "ut;cipot,;o""oY'P,,"t;owh;,hth,y ~. D. KATZ I tinct effect on vertebrate animals. If Md.; third, McCally, Washington. Then there are those girls who are have not achieved varsttv standing. . I fed to chickens it will cause feathers Time 11 m. 23 sec. interested in golf or archery. The I to fall out, if fed to a-fro~ it shortens Shot 'Put-Won by Kilby, Wash- physical education course includes in- : Speedball Standings the ordinary year metamorphosis ington; second, Tully, Washington ; struction in these sports, and equip- Preachers Won Lost Pet. 0 1.000 2 period to 2 months. 111'. Schneider third, Lesinski, Western Md. Distance ment is furnished that the girls ere Bachelor-s 1 0 1.000 hopes to discover in his experiments 38.6 ft. allowed to use. GirTs can almost al- whether or not a thyroid gland exists Discus-Won by Lesinski, Western ways be seen down below Blanche Gamma Bets 0 .000 in invertebrate animals. Md.; second, Kilby, Washington; Ward Hall getting some target prac- Black and White 0 .000 Triboliu8 ConlU8wn~ is used for ex- third, Lutkauskas, Western Md. Dis- tice or out on the golf course improv- periments because its life history is tance 109.58 ft. ing their drives. These two sports Opera House short, and, therefore, easy to follow. Broad jump-Won by Tully, Wash- will also be included in the events for JOHN EVERHART It takes 7 days to hatch eggs, and re- ington; second, Bender, Western th~t~~: ~~e:!~:r ~~comes more suit- THE COLLEGE BARBER mains in the instal' stage about 50 AND BOBBER i WESTMINSTER, MD. days. After it is 3 or 4 weeks old it ~!~~~t;~~6~ ~.OUng, Washington. Dis- able, ~iking i~ another for lays eggs, thus the life cycle is com- High jump-Won by Tully, waSh-I ~~~cg~~~:·I'dt~:.~t~a~~~Va'lI~~!~~~ra:t~~= ~~~A:T::T~H~E~F~O~RK~S~~~I pleted. ingtonj ~econd, Andrews~ '~estern ity. Each mile hiked entitles a girl Tribol-ia is a pest, in that it lives in Md: j ~h~rdf Young, "ashmgton. to one point, and she is allowed to get COMING SOON! flOUI',sugar, raisins, fruits and cere- h ~@]~ MAY 2, 3 als. All experiments with it, hereto- H~!let V~~lt_:won by Young, Wash- ~~a~~;I~~as one hundred points in this fore, have been directed toward its ex- ington; second, Bender, 'Vestern Robert Montgomery tinction and COlltrol. Study Virginia Bruce ~:;~ht t~.i;·~t. Balish, . Western .Md. H. E. R E ESE Results Of Exp('rim('nt TAILOR SPEEDS(RIPT -in- CLEANING "First 100 Years·' Upon feeding thyroxin to tribolia, W. A. A. PRESSING in strange results were produced. The REPAIRING Goldey (ollege period of larvae or egg stage was The first Monday in .May is the 94 East Main Street made much shorter, the eggs were date set for the W.A.A. Board elec- SUITS MADE TO MEASURE Summer Session MAY 4, 5, 6, 7 much heavier in the pupa stage, yet tions to be held. It is customary to A New System of Brief the weight of the beetle gained nor- post the nominations for these offices Writing Clark Gable mality in the adult stage. The prog- well ahead of the date of the final New! • Easier to Learn Myrna Loy eny of this group of beetles were then elections. The nomil\ations are now COMPLETE LINE • Easier to Write Spencer Tracy fed nothing but flour, still the same posted for the May 2 elections. OF • Easier to Read -in- results, shorter larvae period and heavier pupas were obtained, but in College Jewelry • Costs Less "Test Pilot" diminishing quantities. Columbia Jewelry Co. BRACELETS EIGHT WEEKS "'Vhat is the purpose of all this?", VANITIES JUNE 28 to AUGUST 19 asked Mr. Schneider. "Merely to ex- Your College Jewelry CIGARETfE CASES Write 101' 8mnmer 8e881011 cite enthusiasm for experiment and FINE OPTICAL KEYS Bitllettl~, gi1J~ng 11I..!1f»~/orma- MAY 12, 13, 14 research in undergraduate schools." DEPARTMENT PINS (ion about better Speed8C1ipt - the Wallace Beery wa.y 01 b'rW/ and lIewel' With W. M. C. Seal in Frank Morgan Green and Gold I Maureen O'Sullivan J. STONER GEIMAN The New Wirele" Moderately Priced G~'LDEY COLLEGE ~ -in- Westminster, Md. FREDERI(S -at- FRIGIDAIRE and GENERAL COFFMAN'S I,;Y-;::f.£~=~jI "Port of Seven Seas'· ELECTRIC REFRIGERATORS Permanent Wave Times Building MAYT AG WASHERS Protects and revitalizes the WESTMINSTER, MD. RADIOS hair Phone 395 for our Specials Smith & Reifsnider Lowry Be.uly Shop T.W.ll1ather& Sons Blue Beard's 8th Wife -- Marco Polo Adj~ining Postoflice Westminster, Md. WESTMINSTER, MD. Joy of Living-College Swing LUMBER, BUILDING SUPPLIES SPORT WEAR Fools for Scandal-Bordertown AND COAL by Allen A. SASH, DOORS, BLINDS AND C~ff;eMASh;~1 Adventures of Robin Hood GENERAL MILL WORK POLO and SPORT SHIRTS Gary Cooper, Irene Dunne, Paul Muni, Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., in plain colors or checks . Bette Davis, Errol Flynn, Claudette Colbert, Carole Lombard, AND RESTAURANT $1.00 and $1.50 Ben Blue, Burns and Allen, Hal Kemp's Orchestra, Edward • Everett Horton, Betty Grable Have Your Films Developed SODA Gaberdine Swim Trunks SANDWICHES in colors These are names and titles that interest you and they will all be and Finished LUNCH White, Blue, Maroon.Red, at the completely air_conditioned and Sand • DINNERS $1.00-$1.50 CARROLL THEATRE COMFORT" J. F. MOORE, The College Grill ··Good Food-And Manager I FANCY ANKLETS "WESTMINSTER'S April, HOUSE OF early .June May and Buring How!" 25, and 35, Watch your local papers and our windows for the dates ~~~=N~'=V"=C='0="=d==~I.&I:I============~
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