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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. Semi-Final Debates Held W. M. Chapler Is Host Employment Bureau Set Up Over Station WCBMApril 13 ToT ri-Beta Conference In Office Of Dean Of Men, Ollub.a, uu~ g,nrtrtir.a Debaters To Take Four - Day Trip . ( On Saturday, April 9 Program For Vocat.ional Guidance Through West Virginia Consisting Of Lectures And Dis- And Pennsylvania cussions To Be Given By Experts FACULTY CLUR Y.M. C.A. Programs Consisted Of Reports, Re- After debating the semi-final round search Projects, Discussions The college has set up in the office Raymond S. Hyson, Superintendent The Y. M. C. A. elected its ufficei-s ill of the Maryland Intercollegiate tour- and Addresses of the Dean of Men a permanent Em- of Schools of Carroll County, will the fil'st regular meeting after the nament over WCBM .on April 13, the ployment Bureau having ror its two- speak before the Faculty Club, which Spring Recess. The following men Green and Gold debaters will make 0 On Saturday, April 9, 1938, Western fold purpose vocational guidance and will hold its monthly meeting April were elected in the meeting: Charles four-day trip to Morgantown, 'V. Va., Maryland College was host to the occupational placement. The bureau 21 in McDaniel Lounge. He will de- wallace, president; Raymond Reder Washington, Pa., Pittsburgh, and first four-chapter Tri Beta Confer- will be in contact with business firms liver an address on the subject of ick, vice-president; Shelton Bowen, Waynesburg. If they win the radio ence that has been held for the in the state so that graduatimr stu- "The Education of Youth in Mary- secretary; William Beatty, treasurer. debate,. the team will have one more branches of this organization in the dents may be given etuploymcr.t land." Mr. Wallace has selected a cabinet debate on its schedule. If not, the trip northeastern section of the country. A program of vocational guidance as follows: Rober-t, I II g ram pro- will conclude the most extensive Thc foul' chapters of American Uni- will be presented consisting of lec- gram; Marbury Linton, conference; schedule ever undertaken by a 'Ves- vereity, Drew University, Gettysburg tures and discussions by experts in ARGONAUTS Frank Sherrard, membership; Harper tern Maryland team. College, and Western Maryland Col- their line of work, followed by con- The annual election of the Argo- LeCompte, hall chairman: Paul Cum- The team has completed twenty-five lege were represented by fory-five ferences with Dean FI·ee. nauts, the honorary scholastic society mings, social service; James Shreeve, debates and has definitely scheduled members. Lectures Given on the campus, was held April 7. The .social ; John Schauer, publicity. six more. These debates have been The morning session was devoted Two business men have already results were as follows: President, A Communion Service will be held held before high school, college, civic to reports of research projects in spoken to the senior class. On March Gwendolyn ~eemann; Vice-president, I :~g~aci~~;~a~:~~nf~~~~t~7t~a~n~~~~~ club, and radio audiences. They have progress by teachers and students 25, a representative of Investors Syn- Joseph Dleair; Secretary, Kathryn i a -Sunrise Service at 5:30 on Easter dealt with the questions, n-om each of the chapters. This was dicate talked to the men. Besides giv- Foltz, and Treasurer, Anne Steven- ! morning. The student body is in- Resolved: That the NLRB should be immediately followed by the inspec- ing the opportunity for several men empowered to enforce arbitration of tion of our biological laboratories, to enter the business, the lecture ac- At the same meeting the date for vited to attend both of these. all industrial disputes, and, Resolved: After a luncheon in the College Grill, quainted all with a sound saving plan. the annual banquet was set as IIIay That the Congress should be empow- the-afternoon session began. In the An agent of the Northwestern !....Iutual 20. The committees were appointed Y. W. C. A. "ered to enact legislation fixing mini- round table discussion of thc aims, ac- Insurance Company, Harold W. Gard- to take charge of the affair. Those On Wednesday, March '16, in the .mum .wages and maximum hours. tivities and problems of the various ner, gave an illustrated talk to the uppcinted were General Chairman, regular- meetmg, the election was held Thirty-Two Debates chapters, all took active part. Many seniors on Apt-il .12. Mr. Gardner! Gwendolyn Heemann ; Speaker, Jo i b.y the Y W C. A Be.sid:s. the elec- also conducted aptitude tests for the I seph Orcntr and Alexander Ransone; tion of the president, Vir-g-inia Karow, dO;:~th:a!~~i:~~ o:yd;~:~il~s: ~:l~:e:~' su~~e~~i:~61:~::i:a~;. the discussion insur~llce. ?usiness. and granted pri- ~ Invitations, Mary Jane Fogelsanger, I the following ?fficers. were chosen: Malone, Sherrard, and Ehrhardt, there was a tea which was followed by vate interviews to intereated students. Frank Sherrard, and Aaron Schaef- I Mary Robb, vice-preSIdent; Audrey 'fhey hav;- been assisted by Mr. a talk by Dr. Unger, who also showed The pOSSIbility of entering this work. fer; Deco;;}BO'ns, Kathryn Foltz, I Coffren, secretary; Blanche Scott Oleair and Misses Kompanek and pictUres of wild animals in Australia. was opened to several men. I Anne Stevenson, and Jeanne Lang. treasurer. The Presi.dent has also ap- Taylor. Professol' Makosky, of the The conference was concluded by a Censlls Taken pointed the following chairmen of 'English department, has been the dinner at which Dr. C. E. McClung, The placement part of the program -- committees: Helen Armacost, Ssocial coach and advisor of the team. professor of Zoology at the Universi- necessitates a census of all students. FRENCH CLUB Service; Jean CaIrnes, Program; Debates have been held with the ty of Pennsylvania, gave an address The census shows student needs, voca- Grace Scull, sales committee; Mary other teams of the Penn State De- in which he emphasized the fact that tional objectives, scholarship, capaci- The French Club meets Monday, Anna Brown, social; Maltha Yocum, baters League and with such extra- courses should be taught, not for the ties, and activities. These records April 18 at 6:45 in McDaniel Hall publicity; Mildl'ed Melvin, librarian; will be permanent and will be filed in Lounge to elect officers. A special Betty Brown, Hall chairman. ~~:~~~an~~p:~~n~m::ic~~ 3~iV~;'Si;;: !:i:t~~ifi~u~~~Od~he training in the the office of the Dean of Men. Thus, program consists of sound motion W. M. C. has also entered the MarY-I a complete l'ecOl'd can be obtained by pictures on Pal'is sent by the French DELTA SIGMA KAPPA land Intercollegiate Debate Touma- RETIRED EDITOR RELAXES firms needing employees, This cen- Line of Washington. The entire fac- Delta Sigma Kappa held an infor- ment, sponsored by radio station sus \\.'ill contain two groups of s.tu_lulty and student body al'e cordially WCBM, and now is in the semi-final ::~lt~:e;r:~lP~:~:'~~~'~d:a~I:I:;:~;~t~ invited. ;a~, s~~~~r ~~ the club room on Tues- round of that competition. If the team is victorious in that debate, cxpenence for ])ermanent jobs; sec- i ---- - they will adva,nce to the finals, ond, graduates 'j~ntillg permanent which will bring their total to thirty- occupation, MEN! two debates for the season. Opera House Frosh Team Active The Junior Prom FOI' the second time in its history, III· l D. KATZ Means Flowers Western Maryland has sponsored a TRY OUR NEW • nd WESTMINSTER, MD • freshman debate team. This team, CEMENTED WORK Flowers Mean too, has had a larger schedule than its Special Rafes t? Students de- predecessor, consisting of eight college I ~~~~ Dutterer's bates with high school and The Opera House ~reshlllan teams. Of the four remain- Smith & Reifsnider lllg freshman debates, three will be See "REDS" Bender Still Leads In at home. Members of the freshman Westminster, Md. Room 24 Outstanding Hits squad are: Miss Willard, and Messrs. ! Owings Hall Fleagle, Mansh, and Everett. They I LUMBER, BUILDING SUPPLIES have been coached by Miss r.facDow- !'Ifr. Alfred Goldberg, who is also a AND COAL S. N. DUTfERER, Florist ell of the speech department. debater, was snapped in this rare APRIL 14, 15, 16, 18, 19 The remaining debates are: fOI'ensic pose. His opponent is Miss SASH, DOORS, BLINDS AND 110 Pennsylvania Ave, JEANETTE MacDONALD Varsity Laura Breeden. GENERAL MILL WORK April 13. WCBM NELSON EDDY 19 American University Away H. E. REESE 19 University of W. Virginia Away WESTERN MARYLAND 20 Washington and Jefferson Away CLEANING TAILOR 21 Carnegie Tech ... PRESSIN.G "Girl Of The 22 Waynesburg REPAIRING Coffee Shop 94 East Main Street SUITS MADE TO MEASURE Golden West" AND RESTAURANT • Phone 304 SODA APRIL 21, 22, 23 Gloria Beauty Parlor SANDWICHES CONSTANCE BENNETT We specialize in LUNCH DINNERS PERMANENT WAVING • BRIAN AHEARN Wet Finger Waving Z5c Have Your Films Developed J. F. MOORE, Manager Marcelling Facials-Manicuring Campus Creepers "Good Food-And How!" "Merrily We Live" and Finis.hed 82 WEST MAIN STREET Never Closed WESTMINSTER, MD. " WALK ON CUSHIONS The College Grill SEE • Thick, resilient, crepe. CARROLL THEATRE Peck Slaysman rubber bottoms literally Their "Westminster's Finest" pave your path with pillows. lively, sure_footed tread will FOR support a faster pace in your MONDAY-TUESDAY sports and sportswear pro· APRIL 18-19 THURSDAY-FRIDAY Your Flowers gram. Bob Burns-Jack Oakie APRIL 21-22 White Nappy Shagbuck Bette Davis Henry Fonda FOR or Brown Calfskin Kenny -in- Baker -in- )Easter See These Genuine Freeman "Radio City Revels" "JEZEBEL" ANNOUNCEMENT Campus Creepers to the Students of W. M. C. AND WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20 SATURDAY, APRIL 23 We are pleased to announce Frank McHugh Lew Ayres Louise Campbell that we have received a full The Junior Prom Cora Witherspoon assortment of college jewelry. -in- Bracelets, Keys, Vanities, Only the Best Flowers sold at "Scandal Street" Cigarette Cases, the most reasonable prices The Coffman· Fisher Co. "He Couldn't Say No" Lockets and Crosses. All with W_ M. Seal From 75c up WESTMINSTER, MD. Reasonable Pri(('s "Get the Carroll Habit"
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