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GOt STUDENT GOVERNMENT STUDENT GOVERNMENT NOMINATIONS NEXT ELECTIONS MONDAY MONDAY IHAY!l Z286 Vol. 15, No. 13 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE. WESTMINSTER. MD. April 28, 1938 Doris Phillips Selected MusicDepartmentGioes i Charles Ehrhardt Will I Seminary To Hold College Orchestra Cunduct County Orchestra Final Evening Recital To ReignAsMayQueen Program Includes Folk. OJH'Ta And He". 55th Commencement In Annual Spring Preach To J. P. Lambertson AtCelebration May 14 Concert Of Composers College Students And Faculty To Alumni Sermon In Westminster Concert,May 6 Music By A Variety Church Protestant In High School Concert Methodist Assist In Smith Hall on Tuesday evening, The fifty-fifth commencement of the Classes Will Be Suspended While Difficult Program Will Be Played. Student Body Participates In April 26, at 7:30 the Music Depart- Westminster Theological Seminary John Carnochan To Be Soloist, Play Day Program ment presented its formal spring re- will be held in the Methodist Prot- Philip Royer To Conduct. cital. Students in voice, piano, and estant Church, 'Westminster, Mary- violin performed in this second and land, on Sunday, 3. The exer- Doris Phillips has been elected to western College presents reig-n as Queen of the annual May final evening recital to be given this cises will be open to its student in their 8th an- The graduation will beg-in Day celebration on Saturday, May 14 year by the entire department, Sunday, May 1, at 10:45 A. M. with nual spring concert on Friday, May 6. Other members of the May Court The program included folk, oper-a They will ploy in Alumni Hall at 8 music sermon delivered by a number elected by the classes are as follows: nnd concert One feature of the pro- of the baccalaureate Fci-lines, president by of P. M. Charles Edward composers. Senior Duchess-Helen Leatherwood gram was a group of three duets sung the seminary and a member of the Senior Attendants - Carolyn Smith by Katherine Klier, soprano, and class of 1896, The Rev, John Paul and Ellen Hancock. Mary Robb, mezzo: both are students Lambertson, a member- of the class of Junior Duchess-Louise Jameson. under Professor de Long. CHARLES R. EHRHARDT 1928 and the pastor of the Sher-nden PROF. Junior Attendants - Jane Lankford The accompanists for the voice and I Methodist Protestant Church, Pitts- PHILIP and Georgia Price. violin soloists were Rebecca Keith Charlas R. Ehrhardt, '38, a member I ~~~!~;i ~:~I:l~~llv~l~~' will at 8~~~ ROYER Sophomore Duchess-Grace Brannock and Mrs. de Long. of this year-s student conducting' I P. M. Smith. The program was as follows: class, will conduct the Carroll County Quartet To Sing Sophomore Attendants _ Cather-ine "Fantasia" in D minor, Mozart, by Symphony Concert to be held in the "Phases of Life Observed a Law- Jockel and Pauline Nitzel. Elizabeth "Idyll", Sebelius, and new 'Westminster High School audi- yer" is the topic to be by F. For-ty-five students will play in the on Tuesday, Freshman Duchess-Betty Vi-come. "The Cat Jo Huffman; Mouse", Copland, torium Mr. Ehrhardt, May 17, at 8:15 Murray Benson, Attorney at Law of orchestra, which is conducted by Phil- Del by Betty Mio "0 Fr-eshman Attendants-Kathleen Coc Amato Ben", Donandy, and "Tell Me, P. I'lL who is a member Baltimore, Maryland, on Monday, ip Royer of the Music Department. of the Vesper Choir, Men's Glee Club, and Ann Dexter. May 2, at 8:00 P. !If. in the seminar-y The number of students composing Oh Blue, Blue Sky", Giannini, by Dor- orchestra, and band, is well known in chapel. this yeat-s orchestra far surpasses Varied Program Planncd is Haines; "Romance" in F majot-, western l\1~rylan.d music circles. In the seminary on 'I'uesdav, that of previous and makes the Thi I t f th 1 Beethoven, by Henry Roindollar; May 3, at 10:00 A. M. Board of organization a orchestra. brati~~ y:~;; abea:~e t~:r m:nnel~ ~; e:: ~~i:~~~~a;~an ~~ir~::; ,,:~;~~:~:!o~~; Among ~:~:s ::l~:r:o~~:: will be Governors will hold their annual Difficult Progr-am play day. Classes will be suspended Petrarca" No. 123, Lisat, Anna Stev- I played is a sonata in D for vio- m~~~:~. activities will culminate with The program is the most preten- for the day and activi~~\;~i1~'~I:~~l enson; "A Golden Sun", Freebey, and I ;;;;. and piano by famous the commencement exercises at 8:00 tious ever attempted, containing six difficult selections. The concert comes b Play day ath- ;;~~~:w':~~~t~l~~;~e\~ 6 ~~~:;:~~~~: :~~~s:n ~:;~Pf~l~~~U~fana-Zueca, one of P !If., Tuesday, May 3, in the West- as a climax to a successful season of let i c tourna pin, by Merle Rebel't; "Polonaise" in C Lov:e Life". This minster Methodist PI'otestant Chtl\"ch, the orchestra, which has already ap- ~~~~tsinwi~rc~ sharp minor, Chopin, by Elizabeth selection of the soloists for the even- ~~eel~d~l~e~~etoR~~~ ~ peared under student conductors eal'- Poffenberger; "Connais-tu Ie Pays" i~lg,. !\fis.s Hazel ,.Be~!l:d, '41, pial,;Clis"''intendent of the liel~ in the yenr. 1 In memOl""y of Robert Ingram, ~;:.' bgaO~~n~;~: . (fi'om jIHg11.oll.),Thomas, and "Every=- aria Professol:-'Philip"-RoYe"!·, ~;linist. orchestra will feature Tsehaikowsky's, the ~ Kiss is a Song", !I1assenet, by Caro- Besides the above-mentioned l'epre- !~~'VO~I:~~:;~~ line Smith; "Grecting", Mendelssohn, sentatives, a number of othel' Wes. lIfa1"e/w S.lwve. This piece has a very difficult trumpet part in it, and was ReI) I' e senta- :!h;~'o:~~ ~;:'I,:I~at~~e'~o~~~;~~~~:'~ !~rdn ~~~~:!~n:f c:~~egf:~:~t::c I:l:l:l~~~~: being handled by "Bob", who. waS the first trumpet player of the orchestra. DORIS PlIILLIPS ~~:.~: ~~e!!;;'I~ ~~~~:1"i~~~;{I~;~~~I~e~~;I;.yS~I~~b~n, by will assist in the concert. It is one of Tschaikowsky's most bril- School, Salis This concel't is open to the public liant short pieces, bury State Teache]'s College, Notre nne! there will be no admission charge. The unfinished Symphony, Schu- Dame College, and Tow[lon State bert's most famolls piece, will be play- per Teachers College wi I] attend the cele Former Ambassador toSpeak Kemp. Lee ed by the orchestra fo!" the first time. bration as guests of the Women's This piece has only two movements. Athletic Association and will compete At Democratic Rally, May 5 Eisteddfod To Be Held instead of the usual four, yet is real- in the tournaments, ""ok;n,;dg, Lnng WnJ Add,"" In Alumni Hall Friday Maryland Math Teachers ly complete in itself. faculty The games will not be played in the are All invited to members and students concert, attend this spirit of varsity competition; any I\larYI::~i:;~;e;;~sll Clubs Stu:;~!:lsF~:mpa~~~;i~!t:~~I~:c~igh To Convene at W.M.C.,May 7 The students of high schools in Car- girl, whether she is skilled or not, And Instrumental Fete 1'011 County have been invited, and will may enter the tournaments, Instructors 'Vill Meet For Discussion occupy a special' section of the audi- Following the tournnlllents, those Former American Ambnssadol' to Carroll County high schools will Of Pradical Applications torium. nthletes participating will be enter- italy, Breckinridge Long, will spcak hold theil' annual Eisteddfod in Alum- Of Mathemat.ics Program Announced tl'.ined llt an outdoor luncheon at the at the annual Spring Rnlly of the ni Hall on FJ"iday, April 29, at 7:30 The pl'ogram is as follows: pavilion. United DemocJ'lltic 'Vomen's Clubs of F. M. On Saturday, May 7, at 3 P. M., the 1. Overture to Rosmnunde, Schubert which will be held at Wes- Maryland, At two o'clock there will be a var- tern Maryland College, on Mny 5. The Eisteddfod is a musical fete in Mathematics Section of the Maryland 2. Unfinished Symphony, Schubert sity tennis match. Western Maryland The Women's Democratic Club of which students .from all of the Cm'- State Tencher's Association will hold 3. A Clarinet Concertino, 'Vcber will be (The soloist in the number its anllual Hall meeting in McDaniel will meet the University of Delaware 1"011County high schools ·participate. Can'oll County is the hostess club. The program is both vocal and instru- on 'Vcstern Maryland campus. John Cal'llochan, first clarinetist Queen To He Crowned I\1rs. Chlll'les O. Clemson, president of mental and formerl~' was a competi- The chairman of this organiz[ltion of the orchestra.) Mal'~'land this club and also Centl'al At three o'clock the celebration will chairman, has made alTangements for tive affair. A- vote was taken among i~ Miss Agnes Herbert of Clifton Pm'k 4. L'Al'lesienne Suite, No.1, Bizet JuniOl" High School in Baltimore. The 1. Prelude or not reach its climax with the procession the convention. l\11"s.Mary H. Duval, the telichers to decide whether be con- secretal'Y is Miss Louise Tipton, an 2. Minuet plan should the competitive of the May Court and the crowning of chairman of the state group, has in- tinued. It was decided that the dif- alumna of ,V. 1\1. and tcacher 3. Adagietto the Queen by President Fred G. Hol- vited all state committees to be pres- fcn!llces in the sizes of the vadous in Franklin High at Reistel's- 4. Carillon loway. These ceremonies will not be ent. About 500 women fl'om all parts hig"h scllools '~Iade competition unfair. town. 5. Cossack Dance, Moussorgsky held on Hoffa Field as has been done of the state are expected to attend. Thi" yeai' onl~r one full orchestra, Dr. Spicer To Speak G. Marche Slave, Tschaikow~ky 'n the past, but will take place in the Siring Quartet To Play that from Manchester High School, The pm'pose of the mceting 0utdoor theatre near the Harvey The rally will begin at noon with a will tHke pHI·t. is a of the practical appli- Stone MemoriaC This year, the -May reception in McDllniel Hall Lounge, cations of mathematics. Although no New Members Initiated Day play will be the story of Cinder- followed by a Ilmcheon in the college F. M. Renson To Speak definite schedule has been announced, ella, which has been rewritten fo\" dining hall at one. During the inter- Westminstel' High School will pre- several spenkers have been secul'ed, Into Membershipof T. K. A. Y dramatization by Anne Chew, '38. missions of the luncheon, music will sent a male qU:ll"iet, a boy's chorus, one of whom will be a representative Supper will be served out100rs at be provided by the college string quar- 11 girl's chorus, alld a mixed chorus. of the Glenn L. Martin Co. He will !lIalonc, Goldberg and Miss Kompanek 5:30 P. M. I tet, and a guest soloist. Mr. Long Several selections will be played by address the organization on "Mathe- To Attend Conference will speak at the luncheon. matics in the Construction of Air- Saturday evening, the May Day ac u combined county orchest.ra consist- planes." Another topic to be dis- At a special meeting of the Tau tivities will close with the annunl ing of select members from each high cussed is "!lfathematics in 11Nm'se's Kappa Alpha Debate Fraternity last Pan-Hellenic Dance. The dance this school. The numbers will be of a pa- Life." The educational director of the night, Veronica Kompanek, ',,"0, and year will featUre Ted Tyler's Orches- h'iotic type in commemo]'ation of the May Company is to address the group Frank Sherrard, '39, were initiated tra, which h
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