Page 59 - TheGoldBug1937-38
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GOt FAREWELL SENIORS WELCOME ALUMNI Z286 Vol. 15, Nu.15 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. May 26,1938 PLAYERS WILL PRESENT Following an illness of several DR.SNAVELYTO SPEAK AT "PRIDE AND PREJUDICE" dice. President Emeritus of Elder- SIXTY-EIGHTH ANNUAL months, Dr. Hugh Latimer the Theological AS FINAL PRODUCTION westminster on Thursday, May Semi- GRADUATION EXERCISES nary, died at his home in west- minster 12, 1933. Western Maryland College Malone And Taylor Will Take Lead TAKE LEAD ROLES is grieved at the passing of this Members Of Outstanding Graduating Roles In Sentimental Comedy able and hig hly-esteemed leader of Class To Receive Awards In To Open Final Activities the Methodist Protestant Church, Various Fields who had been a member of the Pride and P;'ejlldice, a sentimental Board of Trustees of the college Commencement exercises for the comedy ill three acts, will be present- I since 1898. graduating class of 1938 will be held ed by the College Players on Friday, on Monday, June G, in Alumni Hall at f June 3, in Alumni Hall at 8:00 P. M. 10:00 A. M. The address will be giv- i The play, written by Helen Jerome, en by Dr. Guy Everett Snavely, is a dramatization of Jane Auston's College OfficesTo President of Birmingham Southern College, and an internationally known DOLLY TAYLDR Be Transferred From educator. annual This will be the sixty-eighth FRANK MALONE career for a woman was mat- commencement at western Maryland and an unmarried daughter .------.----- Present Positions College. The first class, consisting of then. the plight I • a social failut'e and liabilitytoI FACULTY TO BE CHANGED COLONEL HARRISON seven members, was graduated in her family. Imagine 1871. The exact number of the class :~,:t"::~,.,~~;d~~;:t~.:"': ;::e~ BY RECENT APPOINTMENT Offices Of President, Registrar. T'reus- urer And Dean Of College To Lydia, and Elizabeth OF FOUR NEW MEMBERS Be Moved To Carroll Inn An English Comedy __ Mrs. Bennet is the but likable Dr. James P. Earp Will Join The The college administration offices, mother; Mr. Bennet is patient and Faculty To Instruct New Courses :~~l:~:,ini)_.:~~:~.e~~t~~:I~::~n~fR~~~ Honor Graduates J:a:;~l't~~:, inl:;::e~;:i~.~·f:l~~~:I~l'h~:~ In Psychology And Sociology College \\111 be transferred from _- ThiS year those graduating with '.I'ilder him .. Jane Bennet easily falls A number of faculty changes have their present positions to Carroll Inn I Col HaGrnsoli Pla,nV'hV'"r,UllldAProgdramhoners ale Department of English, Immediately after the close of school For raduates 0 I tten ( , ~:i~~~~r, \~~:~ ;i~~;~/e\~e,h~~\~:~::~ ~::~ l;;;~~~~e~ t~o:·fO~~;I~Ofs::o~:~~~~ The first flOOIof Call 011 Inn IS now College F'iuals !:~~~f C;:::c~,llel~lc~e~ze'J~:::::~ i is too easily persuaded by his snob- meuts of new teachers in place of :;~: l~::~:al~::y s~et~:~att:de :~;S~~! western Ma-,y-Ion-d-glad\lates frnm ~::;,lt~:;~i~~l::to;r ~~f::!n~~~~~ ~':;~efl;~e~:~i!~;~ ~:l~~~tl:h:i~l~heE~~:~~ ~~~::~~~~e~~~elle,aVing,and of one ad- , new ones occupied befor-e the nil over the country will come back Allie Mae Moxley, Eleanor R Tal' of summer school on June \ to the nm, some foi the first, time In 101 ~::~ht~~~ c~;p~~::~esa~at~~I~~i~~a::~ ult~rt~a::~hP~!~~I:~I~ j1~~~tS::i~~~~ bookstore also Will be moved rrom ItS veers, on Saturday, June 4, to pat-ti- The graduating- class has effected fusing. to marry 1'111'. Collins, the suit- gy Dr Earp graduated from the present position crpate III a prcgrnm that Will Include I many impor-tant, changes III student \ 01' her father has chosen. Lydia, the I University of Pennsylvania and re- m:v~~ ~;Ot~: ~~~ ..v~:~~~b~s!~en~:t , ~!~~!~Cte~ents and the annual Alumlll f:s~~~n~~;~~a~~!~llizatlOns, and ;~~":::l:::::~~t~:~!~::.~~~~:::~~~;:::~:!.~~f:;:+~:l~i::~:~~~~:1;~~::~::!.~E,:~:;:~~i:~E:;~:}\::~:;;::~::~:~;:,dt:::~~~ :~t::i~::7i~:~:: . ,-;::~~ ... ,...... pride of Darcy and the prejudice of lege, Carlisle, Pennsylvania. 'more accessible the 6000 volumes ni will register at McDanicl Lounge, :l~;~beth provide the comedy of the ap~~jn~:~ll!~I~e:~h ~:!;:~~o~~ ~l~ce~e~~ which are now stored in the basement and they are urged to register imme- quet are some of the initial undertak- The costumes to be used in the play the place of Dr. Jenkin's, who has re- of the building. diately upon arrival. Special ~'egis- ings of this class. college I will be authentic for the period and signed. Dr. 'Ridingtoll is a gl'aduate \;O~~st:~,: l~:~~ b:u~;;~t:~ ath;~triot~~ :\~'~~i~:;~~~~~e~~r reunions of c asses Awards To Be Made will enhance the Georgian atmos- of Princeton University and holds his . Th For golfers, the nine-hole Announcements of winner of scho- phere. degree of Ph.D. from the University ~:~dl~~dl~;. ~~I~~~Vayaendl'o~i:sse~~~~ course will be opened at 11:00 A. M. la.stic achievement. and othel' awards ed~~e :r~~~O~!~~h~a~r~~:l~::t~ ;:~:~~ :: ;;;7n~~v:i~i~os~~~~~!r~~: ~\~O~~~n:~tary very likely will be used as one and remain open throughout the day. Wlll be made durmg the com~en,ce- a~l,..• H'II. R"yn"o."d R"d~,.l~k .• "1,.". the American School for Classical departmental rcading room, while the , Alumni are cordially invited to usc m~nt program. Stude.nts. filllshmg Ol ~<". • «." v " .. ~ 11 ~ remainder of the floor will serve as a I' the course so that they too Illay share with gJ"ades,of A and B In elght~ per- ~~~;:,t'Ch~~:~t~~e~o!\i~~!~:~tteL~~~ ~:;:~~s :otm;sth~:\~:~:~.~; 1\~~::y~i:~ second de_pal·tm~ntal reading room. the "special pride" of Western Mary- c:.:~uo:te~h~::~=e~::~2::I;e ~~~u~~ cas, Janet MacVean; Jane Bcnnet, from the Williamsport Dickinson The hbranans WI]] spend a large part land. i wi d· h f Helen Leatherwood; Elizabeth Ben- Seminary. of the summer organizing the floor I The baseball game and tcnnis a e, ac.cor lllg to t e pe~:centage 0 net, Dolly Taylor; Lydia Bennet, Ma- Dr. Shroyer To Teach In College for its new use next falL I matches will be held in the early a1- ~~ese ll~lk~. T~e Bates PII~; anddt~e y rie Park; Mr. Dm'cy, Frank Malone; Dr. Montgomery J. Shroyer, of the The college authorities are now ternoon, with both alumni and stu- .ar eWls pl"lze are go me as "'". B'ngl"y. "'".I"oln, K"llrn~'"', "',. Westminster Theological Seminary, seeking a position on the campus: dents participating. Year after year gIVen to the best all-round man and " , , " " " ~
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