Page 58 - TheGoldBug1937-38
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. NEW ELECTION REGULATIONS ~- I TRI BETA A PENNY OR TWO A DAY In the first week in February a I Business and pleasure WIll be com- SPORTS FLASH Club N bined at a prcruc of the Beta Beta (Continued from Page 2, Col. 4) May 11, t938 ~ve:t~:~iO:~Sa~v;:I~o~:::oem~~~~:S!le~~ Beta club on May 20 'They will leave for every penny that W. I\f, C. got Tennis: tive positions on the campus. Those at 4 00 P M and go to a place suita- fr-om a lover (a \V. M. C. lover-un- Western 1. Maryland and 8. Catholic Wright U. Prentiss present were James F. Coleman, ORITY I blc ror swimnung Part of then time der-st.and ? or must we say a lover of forfeited last doubles for only SIGMA SIGMA TAU SOR I WIll be spent eutmg after winch they W. M. C.), the post office department C. U. point. ~::~IO:Jki~S~P~:~~' F~::.n l\~~'~o~:::~ SI~~a T;:I:S~:~~~~:;\e~'d ~~: ~~~;a~ ~:~~ ~~I~~c:I\~slne!\s meeting f01 elec would get three pennies. If you think Track: man and Miss Coppage brought up wander Ball HIke The hike was III I\IcKnight's incidental idea is crazy- Western Maryland 30. Cathol_ic U.78. W.I\I. firsts: Rouse III mile, Klare in 2 mile. Bender ::~t:~at~~:i:f l~:~!~Se ;:.ce:U:;:S~i:e~ ~~: f~~n~l~! :1~:al~~~~lh~~~ \:~~c:db=~;;I~UD~part_ :~~a!::~~~::~:~~~~::~;~~~~~. ;n:~ in broad jump, and Andrews I in high jump. !~a:urSt~~ee~~:~i~~t~~'~s:: o~S:~:I~,~e:~ ~::I;~neHO~~~;i~iP~:d a~~iv~g p::~~~ ::::in~notf ~i~eI~~~:',~~:~~a~::et~o~:: responsible for McKnight's ideas ent system where more than one im- hunt after which a picnic supper was Economics Association on Saturday, wherever they may be found (not ex- STROW AND QUARLES TAKE ~~~rotah'"'Jd'bnyd""d'i"Vn"d-U'~Jn~u"n"di~ng,_.Offi ", served. April 30, at State Teachers College, ~~u~~:ge!7t:;': ~Oo:~l.B)t~g'8 columns or OFFICES IN SUNDAY SCHOOL , ... ., '" " "''' '-"" Th The freshman git-ls who attended Towson. The representatives were result of this meeting was a formal were: Betty Vroome, Virginia Wig- Miss Brown, Miss Carrison, Mrs. If it would take as long to put that (Continued from Page 1, Col. 2) communication to the Faculty Com- ley, Jeannette Wigley, Betty Brown, Schofield, Charlotte Coppage, Ellen lottery plan over as it did to explain School programs next year. Greater mittee on Student Activities request- Mary Jane Toomey, Kathleen Coe, Logan, and Anna Lee Long. it we'd better drop it. But it's a good cooperation between the Sunday :~;:~:l~ t:: 1;~aette;a~~II:~ud~eO~~)m~t~~:Frances Dillaway, Jean Shank, Alice DELTA SIGl\lA KAPPA ~~:a~::~~i:~t;\:~~'asoc~::l~:~:;;:i~~~ School and the "Y" organizations is compiled a list of campus leaders and ~:li,~~e~;~~n~o!;:;'t~~~:;c~o~'a~n~).~\:~~ an~e~~Vi:igp:~t)~~~P~fah;I~:t ~~~~:~ McDaniel and Blanche Ward recap- an~~:el~~~::,~ for the past semester: potential leaders, and from these Ruth Greenfield, Ellene Trott, Evelyn the "old Delta" entertained the "baby tion rooms. That idea could have Lamar Cooper, president; Charles ;::;:.:~el~~~:~~~:'Ofo~~~~~~lss2e2s.Ht~~~~;: ~~:~l' B~:~l~' ;~i;:n R~:~n;~ill~~~::' ~o~:t~;:~,:'\~~ d~:71:~v~:; ~~~~~~:v~~~~~~~al~:on~O:' 1~~s~!n~:~PI~~:':se;shi'~ ~aae~e~~,e-~~::_i:~;stid~~;~~:I~\V~~~:~~ ~tl:~:~~'s 1~n~p;c~:~u~t~m:~;!~~~:r;fw:: ~:~~in~~es:jil~~~S l\~e~~f~~n~IaJ~~~:;: ~:~~r~lil~~::~~~:.'SEighth Wife" at the ~~:U~da~~i;;~:~I.h:;K~~~;~i~:t~~n s~: I g~::;logsete~l~O~laj~;~:::~:'~~!~'~::,u::~ formed to discuss the problem. FOUl' Cassy, Ellen Logan, Dorothy Mac- could get some work done. None of Helen Armacost, executive councilol'S meetings .were held. One subcommit- Ewan, Ellene Edmond. FRENCH CLUB the eheap guys that pester her would ';;;::::;;::::;::::::::~::::::::::::::::;;;:::;;;;;:::~ tee of students studied extra-curricu- The French Club will hold its final ever pa~' a cover charge. But it didn't I iT" lar offices during the last three years. Y. W. C. A. meeting of the year Monday, May 16. come from Volkart 01' Coe (those J. D. KATZ A second sub-committee studied elec- On Wednesday, May 14th, at a spe- This will be the first meeting of the I names sound good together) and TRY OUR NEW tion procedures, By gencral opinion cia! Mother's Day program, the Y. W. club under its new officers and it is they're probably reading it fol' the CEMENTED WORK and vote it was finally decided that C. A. had as its guests of honor Mrs. hoped that some new members will be first time. Special Rates to Students the best approach to the problem was Clyde Spicer, !III'S.. E. Bryfln Jenkins, present. Members of the club will I want to know any details ; I";;~:;;;;;;;:;:;:;;::;:;;::;:;;::;:;;:;;::~ "cover charge" idea or any I -,; by regulating election procedures. A Mrs. D, W. Hendl'lckson, Ml's. L. C. furnish the. entertainment for the of the other campaign ideas, the Gold I, number of resolutions govel'ning Little, Mrs. Lloyd Bertholf, and Mrs. I evening. H. E. R EESE election procedures was presented by Samuel B. Schofield. Hele:~ Armacost Bll{J will try to put you in touch with' TAILOR the sub-committee and adopted by a gave a short .talk on The Ideal OTHEIt SCHOOL TO TAKE the proper authorities. If you have CLEANING Special Committee. Mothel'" and 1\lIldl'ed Wheatley spo~; PART IN PLAY DAYan idea of YOUI'own about "what is!' PRESSING REPAIRING Upon recommendation by th<.>Spe- un "'\Vhat My l\fothel' Mean.s,to ,~Ie,' the best way to get a penny 01' two a I 94. East Main Street cial committee, they were then acrcl'l:- ~~:::ra."RObb sang Schubelt R A\e (Continued from Page 1, Coil) day from three thousand lovers of W I SUITS M "'DE TO MEASURE Bug will do its part I I "d'~ll~~'At:t~v~:::lt)~~:ll;~~~~~go:fS:I~: ARGONAUTS ~:~~~: ~\~;~~;,r, E. Culligan, 1\1.! ~']l~~;i~~eitG:~: facult~>{\follday, May 2, they werc The Argonauts will hold their an- For the first time in a numbel' ~f; (Editor's note): Any superfluous I OFFICIAL ! words, I adopted as a ~art of t~e. ~'egulations : nual banquet on l\1a~' 26. 6:00 P_ 111 years, the. play Will. be presented 111 ! punctuation or llnnecessary for extra-curncular. a~tlvItles. I at Charles Carroll Hotel. Those wh~ the amphItheatre neal' the Harvey phrases or remarks in the above ex~ WESTERN t-1ARYLAND The report as onglllally presented are invited include all members of Stone Memorial paVIlion. 'The entire I position were probably put in by the COLLEGE by the sub-committee and finally the faculty, SOpholllol'es eligible to ]\fay Day celebration is sponsored by ~opy editor. Copy editors are just a RING adopted by the faculty is as follows: join the society next alumni and the Women's Student Government un- I d-- lluisance anyway, especially Report Of T:r:/;,ti;~~~s Committee ~;~Il,~~~~e:fwi~~Cthe The men ioet~el~:p~:;e~nal direction of Char- W~;it:~'~:'I::S:S:!~~~d: ~ Pittsb::~~ $23.50 Re~;:ss o~ndT~~ud::~-~~~e:~~::t On :~v~t:~ha;fg~::tsl.O\\~~ the 111ect~:i~abr~ ha~:i~::~n::;e~&~ldt~hi:tuCl!~~~a~~~ it appears in the Gold. Bug does not If you prefer the burrowed Elections tel' the dinner, those associates of the faculty members of Maryland hig11 mean "doggoned". shank Sy::;r~~\h~h:le~~~~~~ ;~et~~.::;~s~~: ~~~i:l~~~;:'~li~:~~on~a:~iIIp~:s~~it;:~~ , schools. ~~~~~~~~~~ $20.50 A. Insufficient attendance at meet- as Fellows into the Aragonauts. ings. RHART i Have Your Films Developed B. Lack of interest and serious- \V. A. A. Place Your Order ness. On lIIonday, May 2, the W. A. A. 'I E BARBER l : NOW C. Lack of parliamentary proeed- f'lections were held ill the Y. W. C. A. OBBER II . and Finished room. The following girls were elect-I AT THE FORKS II II D. Insufficient notice concerning ed to office: President, Marjorie Mc- ~~~~~~~~~~~ Bonsack Bros. E. ~:~!~,o:~~aller details too numer- I !::~neY~ec~~:r~:·esi;~~!, L~~~~~a:~;'~ fr ous to mention. Trcasurer, Carolyn Timmons; hockey Phone 304 The College Grill 22 W_ Main Street Be it therefore resolved: manager, Carolyn Gompf; basketball Gloria Beauly Parlor WESTIVIINSTER, MD. A. That meetings for nominations manager, Blanche Scott; volley ball and elections cannot be conduct- manager, Virginia Wigley; baseball We specialize in ed until a quorum is present, manager, Ellen Edmond; hiking man- PERMANENT WAVING said quorum to consist of 75% ager, Ruth Field; and tennis mana- Wet Finger Waving 25c of students in full and regular ger, Jeannette Wigley. Marcelling JOIN THE CROWD standing. After the elections, the new officel's Facials--Manicuring AT B. That announcements of all were installed. 82 WEST MAIN STREET meetings for nominations and BEARD'S elections must be made at least WESTMINSTER, MD. one week previous to holding Smith & Reifsnider such a meeting. BRING YOUR DATES ALONG . C. That classes should hold meet- Wcstminster, Md. I AND ings fOI' nominatiOllS of Officers during thc second Monday morn- LUMBER, BUILDING SUPPLIES Opera House I ENJOY THE FUN E. Th,' Ii", of ,t,d,," I GENERAL ~I WORK AND i WESTMINSTER, MD. ' Beard's Restaurant ing chapel periods of the year; DANCING COAL AND elections to take place as usual SANDWICHES on the succeeding Wednesday. SASH, DOORS, BLINDS SOFT DRINKS D. That both Student Governments ination and elcction l'espectively I' should advise the classes to hold MILL separate meetings for the nOlll- 12, 13, 14 MAY MD. WESTMIN~TER, Repre- Government of Student G ~ BARRYMORE sentatives. W. C. FIELDS i, f,lI ,nd EDNA :~g~~a~hseta:ad~negt~~~:l~sb~!~:~ ~ Study LIONEL MAY OLIVER 11 - -in- for mee~ings for nominations SPEEDS.C.RIPT .Ii CARROLL THEATRE and electIOns are posted. . == "David Copperfield" F. That all meetings should be con- In ~ 1 ducted in accordance with par- Goldey College ~ MAY 19, 20, 21 "WESTMINSTER'S HOUSE OF COMFORT" liamentary procedure. Summer Session LAUREL and HARDY THURSDAY, MAY 12th SATURDAY, MAY 14th WESTERN MARYLA~ A New ~gJti~1gof Brief -in- GARY COOPER PAUL MUNI and DAVIS BETTE ltee Shop I : ~::::::~~:,: ~~ /JSwiss Miss/J "The Adventures -in- Co III • EaSIer to Read "Bordertown" MAY 26, 27, 28, and 30 of Marco Polo" AND RESTAURANT • Costs Less ~ DEANNA DURBIN EIGHT WEEKS MONDAY-TUESDAY SODA" JUNE 28 to AUGUST 19 HERBERT MARSHALL FRIDAY, MAY 13th WEDNESDAY, Bl:rr:;t~l~~ ~oi:tm~ui~l'rin1~= VICTOR MOORE MAY 16--17-18 SANDWICHES "Mad About Music" BING CROSBY t LUNC:;INNERS ;:~::;{Jra!:d bc~~~c:aC;:~i-,;:l!j ~ "This Marriage BEATRICE LILIE COMING SOON! • Manager I G(;'LDEY COLLEGE ~ ~ "Vivacious Lady" Business" "Dr. Rhythm" t J. F. MOORE, "Good:'::~-;;~:~dHow!" i ..............-4 G I................J .. "Three Comrades" "Get The Carroll Habit Of Comfort" De aware Wilmington,
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