Page 53 - TheGoldBug1937-38
P. 53
The Gold College, Westminstel;', Md. PAGE THREE Terrors Lose Opening Linksmen Tie Maryland Terrors WallopTowson Match To Veteran 3-3 In Opening Match SIDELINES By LARR¥ STROW In 5 Inning Game As But Drop Second 6-0 Albright Nelmen Strong U. of R. Team Led By Greiner CatingtonAllows6Hits is playing Maryland -- To Appear Saturday Field Western afternoon in the Terror's_ Washington College on Hoffa second league contest, this The Coach Hurt Predicts Successful De-[ __ local team is probably having a hard time slowing down from the Middi<:s Do Same To Western Mary- 'fense Of Crown Won Last Year The Western Maryland golf team field days that it or the opposing teams have been having so far to land 26-i2 On Preceding Wednesday -- played the University of Maryland to play with schools like Loyola and Washington who battle for one An experienced veteran Albright a three-three draw and lost six. to run decisions. The Terrors haven't had one ball game yet where Last Friday the Terror sluggers tennis team defeated the Terror nothing to the Philadelphia College one team didn't score at least ten runs. raised their batting averages at the racket wielders in the opening match of Osteopathy last week. Tomorrow, Lafayette's nine will play on Hoffa Field for the expense of the Towson Teachers in a of the current season by the score of Amung the strong delegation from second game of the week for the Terrors. A week ago Lafayette five inning rout that ended 21-1. The 7-2. The. Tenors were handicapped College Park was "Bill" Rea, former defeated Army by a 4 to 2 score behind ,the'nitting , Teachers did nut have much material by insufficient outdoor practice, and Distl"ict of Columbia Scholastic cham- of Sargent, Cavallo, and Kinne. SatuFaay, W'est to put on the mound to stop the hit- this lack was clearly displayed in pion. The Terrapins dropped the first Virginia will visit here after games ,vUh Mt. St. while, for the Terrors, "Doug" their playing. The Lions of Albright three points to Paul Burtis and Joe Mary's and Temple. Comment be that the . had en~ugh "dip" Oll the had. two months of outdoor playing Oleair, who played the one and two Green Terrors will-have a better chance to polish strike out SIX men. on cement courts and two matches poslttons for the Green Team. Wade, off the Mountaineers than the Lafayette boys. Drug ash Doubles under their belt already when the .of Maryland, succeeded in sinking e. Charlie Havens will take the squad over to Wash- The first inning showed how the , teams met. long putt on the seventeenth green to ington College for lthe second league game with the game was to go. Drugash opened Since several players were lost to beat Eckenrode after Bob Walters nine results out last year's Maryland Collegiate had lost his match at the fourteenth LARRYSTROW Shore will show next how Wednesday. Today's up with last with a double. Koegel flied out and Ad- Stropp and McQuillan walked. match the Terrors back League champions, several new men marker. year's league winners. i-iance hit a single and Cline drew a were under fire for the first .ttme. Lose To Osteopaths Ithaca College here on May 6, Penn State at State College on pass. Emil Edmund drove in two Coach Pr-ank B. Hurt was satisfied On Saturday the Pennsylvanians, the 7, and Loyola heJ'e on the 11; completes the diamond schedule runs and, after- Martin popped up to with the team's performance as a led by Don Ulrich, former Junior for the near future. Despite the high scores of the Villanova and the Catington drove Ed- whole, and predicted a successful de- Amateur Champion of Ohio, com- Navy games, the team is doing as well and better than expected. mond to Drugash, batting for fense of the crown won last year. The pletely subdued the locals. An unus- A good lead-off line-up with Drugash, Koegle, Stropp, and McQuil- the second time in the inning popped new regulars in the line-up are Har- ually high wind drove across the len has been found. 'Duge' has led off with a hit in three of the to the infield to retire the side, but old Bell Wright, Harold Solomon, and course, frequently changing its direc- four games which he opened so far. The squad can hit well and five runs had been scored. In the Wilbur Prentiss. tion, and this factor had a heavy ef- has an average of .301, but the pitching staff is still the chief source fifth inning, eighteen 'I'errora stepped Meet Big-League Team feet upon both teams. The long drives of worry. Carroll Cook hopes to work the soreness out of his arm lip to the plate to make twelve runs In the second match of the season, of the invaders soon made themselves this week while Barkdoll, Catington, Cole, and Smith practice and so delayed the game that the the Terror netmen engaged one of the felt, however, and Otean-, Eckenrode, grooving the ball so as to cut down on the number of free passes coaches agreed to call it at the end of "big-league" tennis teams of the and 'Walters were beaten by the time to first. 1.*,einning. country. The University of Michi- they reached the fifteenth green. Says the Champ, "Aww, come on, ctouue, 1JUt Eruil Edmond with a double and gan Wolverines on an eastern tour, Burtis forced Ulrich to the seven- me in-never felt better in my Ute." two singles out of three times at bat, stopped off enroutc, to defeat West- teenth, but there his putting failed, So the Eagle pnt Willoughby in and the Champ led the batting, closely followed by ern Maryland 8-1. Although the and Ulrich clinched the sole remain- held the U. S. Navy to five runs and six hits in McQuillen with two doubles and a score may nut indicate it, the match I ing point for the visitors. innings. In his sophomore ueor, it was "hit 'em single out of five official times at the was a ding-dong battle throughout Match With Haverford duck" WiUoughlJy in the boxing 1'il1g. Now "tnsow plate. The second stringers, with and thrilled the large crowd that This week two teams will make 'em and duck" Willoughby has one of the lowest Dorn pitching, played the last in- turned out to witness it. Captain their initial ~ppearance on the West- earned. 1'un nVe?'ages 'on the squad.. AUa.-wa.y Win! ning. ./ Elliot defeated Cohen of Michigan for ern Maryland course. Haverford Trackmen Train For Hopkins Navy Blasts Pitchers the ollly Terror point. Tn defeating College is scheduled for today and Next Wednesday the Western Maryland trackmen play host to On the preceding Wednesday, four Cohen, Elliut maintained his unde- the University of Baltimore is due to Johns Hopkins. After several weeks of training the boys should of the Terror pitchers wcre shelled feated record for the season. arrive on Saturday afternoon. The be able to take more than one event and perhaps win the meet. by 2,j hits as the Naval Academy The Elkridge Tennis Club was the Haverford team is at present an un- With football practice suspended last week, Bruce Ferguson had baseball team defeated Western victim of Western Maryland's first known quantity, the match today be- some time to help get the team into shape. On the eleventh, the l\Jaryland 26 to ]2. Cook started on tennis triumph of the season, going I ing its first attempt of the season, Catholic University Cardinals will receive the Terrors with a team the 'mound but was replaced in the down under the score of 7~2. The but the Baltimore club has been that will probably clean up in the field events, but be weak on the second inning by "Charlie" Cole. Terror netmen shuwed the results of ton ted as_ .one of the strongest col- cinders. Barkdoll followed Cole in the fourth a week o~ intensive. practice in their legiate teams in the East. They have Of note on the Hopkins team is Driscoll, a rather consistent and was in turn replaced by "Champ" play and It was noticeable that many as their number'one man Otto Grei- .winner in the mile a'nd two mile events, while Bob Sharrets'stands Willoughby in the last two iJmings. sputs had been smoothed out. ner, who held the l'IIarylalld Scholas- out in the discus and .shot put. The Jays have a number of hurdle Westem Marylalld sent J1 men to Green and Guld aggregation lost tic crown last year and recently men who will find no event in their class when they visit West. the phite in the eighth inning and .only one singles and one doubles placed second in the Middle Atlantic minster. ~cured 5 runs. In the last inning one match. Amateur Tournament. This match Records of the Middy plaJ'ers threw the ball Wester~e~~~"y~~:m~:~I~ged up its will be of primary importance be- After watching the Terror trackmen go down before the three ~:~i~na~~m~:;ghe~~l;troPP' and Mc- second win .of the season by taking cause the winner will become a heavy man Washington College team, the writer wondered just how the Buck Barkdoll knocked the lungest over Bloomsburg· Teachers College ~:;eo:eal:~Pi~hnes~~asr~l:l:do~n~~~~ul~~~- events witnessed on Hoffa Field compared with the championship hit for the TerrOl'S, a triple in the ~:::tbt:r:::,~~~~:~,~~~~'~~!O~,~~~~'1938SOCCERSCHEDULE ~~~·;t~~1n~:f~t~a~~~?:~!~!:~o:::I:esh~V':S:ob:h:::ea:Oi: i;~::~~:~:£I:itt~n;:~i~:;;~Y:~~~O:~:~: are some far He scored under a long fifth frame. and Investigation records. This was doubl~' shows scores close some to the tune of 7-2. :~eet:i~g W~llM~hr~:se:;ll th~a~~Ub!: Oct. 5 Towson 'reachel's, home. wanted to be on the A. A. U. list of .track and field champs. George Mann and "Navy Bill" In- matches after taking four of the six 7 Salisbury Teachers, home. ~~~ ~~::: f;~h: ~~;coa~fe:·il~~c~~~~~~~'2~~~~·3. ::.~~:l i~ot~~v~~to~o~~:'\:~~~s,h~~;:: :~~~I~~~ut;eed~~.:e~iC~~l~y.G;!10~:~q~~~ 14 F:~::::n and Marshall, 440 yds., "Ben" Eastman, 46.4 sec., March 26, H.l32. Coach Max Bishop sent his secund Prentiss, the newcomers to the team, 15 Penn State, away. 880 yds., Elroy Robinson, 1 min. 49.6 sec., July 11, 1937. string into the game in the seventh hit their stride, and increased the 18 Blue Ridge, away. 1 mile, G. Cunningham, 4 min. 6.7 sec., June ]6, 1934. inning but kept the same pitcher, team's chances fur defending the ten- 21 Virginia U., away. it~~I.eS~~to~:t~;!~k ~~irn~n~~,s~~'f:e~b5 ~;~~:s:~une 30, 1934. Niles, in the whole game. nis diadem. 22 Bucknell, away. Discus, Kenneth Carpenter, 173 feet, June 20, 1936. Win League Game Allie Ritzenberg, the Middle Atlan- 28 Gettysburg, home. Broad jump, Jesse Owens, 26 feet 8lj~ inches, May 25,1935. On April 16, in the second game of tic Champion, led the University of Nov.5 West Chester, away. High Jump, David Albritton, 6 feet 9%. inches, July 12, 1936. the season, the team took over the Man"land Terrapins, Southern Con- !l Army, away. Pole Vault, E. Meadows, 14 feet 11 inches, May 29, 19;B7. Hopkins Jays in a league contest, 10 fel'ence championship contenders, to 12 ,Johns Hopkins, away. One interestIng thing is that so many of the records have been to 5. "Charlic" Cole, who replaced a 7-2 win over the Green and Gold 18 Maryland U., home. I put up to a new high within the last five or six years. The record Catillgton in the second inning, won TT':':":"~.========!":::::::;::::::;::::::;::::::;::::::;::::::;::::::;::::::;:::::::: time for the mile is only 56 seconds faster than that run here, but the game by giving only 6 hits and ~ ---- --- that 56 second is the result of a life of training by Glenn Cllnning- fOUl' free passes. Hopkins opened up h R d d d d ' in the first inning with fOUl' runs re- BA::IN: AVERAGES E! am. ecorN~'t-i'~~COtli~es's~~cC1~~~1:d~1~f::~e?' on the left, suiting from errors and walks, but H. Pct. Rbi. Games P.O. A. 3' The boote1's au going to tt'avel fa;1·the1· than the Edmond .444 1 4 4 21 football team. next fall. The g1'id team gets a t1'ip then the '1'e\"l'ors settled down to hold McQuillen 22 .109 5 18 3 to Providence, a t?'ip to East Orange, and one to La- lhem for the rest of the game. Westem Maryland picked up one Kuegle 23 .391 5 11 5 t1'obe, Pa., but the soccerites have th1'ee Pennsyl- run ill the first inning and three in Drugash 18 .333 7 11 1 I vania trips, one to lVest Point, nl1d one to ·111:1·g1:nia. the fOllrth as a result of "Joe" Dru- Cline 15 .333 Harvey will1'eally have to make his old bus 1·OU..He- I gash's hQmel·. "Bill" Sturm connect- .333 and his cigar are almost 1lumbet· Ol1eWestern Mary- Martin ... .••.•.•.•.••.••..•..•••.••..•••••••••12 12 .333 . ed in the seventh inning for another Sturm Stropp 23 260 26 land fans, for they see 11earl1} every game that.a. four base hit. McQuillen led the team T81Tor ten1n 1)lays alOall f1'om home. And 1'ighf Adriance 14 142 here is something that the playe1's will p1'ObablY1'e- with a triple, a double and a single. Baer .:>., . .000 'tnembe1' as long as they knolO how to play basebaU Johns Hopkins was unable to get a.ny Ryan . .500 01'80CC81·. It is how Ha1'vey ca.n take his blue omni- e}.:tra base hits. .000 LQse To Teachers Bills ...........•..•••..•.•.•....•..•••....•.....•.. .000 bus at full c1'uising speed over a one-way bridge at In playing Bloomsburg Teachers L""," . the same time a ten-ton t1'uck is coming the othe?' last week, Smith and Barkdull were .000 Geister ...•.•••..••.•••.••••......•........ way. It's ma1'velous! unable to stop the Pennsylvania Wallace. .000 .000 o Hard Part Over For Netmen hitters who won the game 12 to 6. Coo ...••.••....••.••.••••.••..•••.•••••...••.. .000 Although only a small portion of the tennis schedule has been Western Maryland made 13 hits but Cook . Cule .. .200 completed the toughest teams have been met. Forced to play the the Teachers' 14 were bunched in the Catington .. .400 strong teams of Michigan, Maryland and Albright with hardly any first three innings. 2 1.000 o actual outdoor play, the Terrors showed up as well as could be The box scure of the Towson and Smith ......•.•..•......•...................•............•••...... Navy games follow: Barkdoll .333 o expected. F,'om now on victories shoutd come easier and more frequently. Harold Wright and Harold Solomon have won. singles Towson 0 0 1 0 0-1 182 52 56 .307 berths, while Wright and Prentiss have developed into a good Western Md. 5 2 2 012-21 doubles combination. Batteries: Cox, Cooke, and Cernak, PITCHING RECORDS This week-end the netmen are making a two day swing on the pitchers; LanensteiJ), c.; Catington, Won Lost Hits RB. Runs S.O. Innings Eastern Shore, playing the University of Delaware tomorrow and Dorn and Martin. 1 o 4 Washington College on Saturday. Coach Hurt plan1'! to stay over- Navy 0 6 4 6 5 0 1 4 ,,-26 13 11 night at Newark, Delaware. West. Md. 000011253-12 17 16 6 Reports from last 'week's go~f match have it Batteries: Niles and Adair; Cook, Barkdoll 20 16 10 that Qleai1' has ea1'ned (t name that 1'hymes with Cole, 'Barkdull, and 'Willoughby, Srcit{l c'" _ _8 _;~~__ 1_2 -~- Willoughby's. It's "dub 'em and cus~:: Qlea!}·. _ I pitchers; Baer, c.
   48   49   50   51   52   53   54   55   56   57   58