Page 56 - TheGoldBug1937-38
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PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. GOt ~c:; I CAMPUS I What Is The Best il -------- STRAW LAST L_E_A__ D_E__R_S~ Way To Get A by seam sort of bizness becus we kan't LEONARDC. GRAHAM Penny Or Two A Day You can sea that we are knew at this spell rite. the Butt important too Official s~udent newspaper of Western Maryland College, published on Thurs- From Three thing is four yew too get the drift ~~~' ~~~~i1i;nJ~~fn~u~~~lel~~~~~eBe~~b~;~e:~:j~~~a:;y, l\~;r~~~ ~r:j~nf:a:f (sno drifts bye the whey becus this is r western Maryland College, westminster, Maryland. Entered as second-class Thousand Lovers Of going to.? bee a clean dirt kolum). matter at the Westminster Post Office, under the Act of March 3, 1879. The boss tole us that if we wannet SUBSCRIPTIONPRICE $1.50 A YEAR w. M. C.? a dirt kolum, we wood have to write N~~i~~;iAJ~;;;il:i~"~ s:;~i~~~i;~. it OUI'self's, sow we wannet won, sow Collet~ Publish4rs RefJ"'""lali~e 1937 Member 1938 For the best, the most we writ won, and hear it is. This is 42.0 M"OI50N AVE. NEW YORK. N.Y. I'hsociated COlle6iate Press workable plan to accomp- wear- we start too sling the stuff, butt CK,eA<'O • "OSTON S~N FA~NCI5eo '-Os "'NG~LES PORTLAND _ SUTTLK lish this feasable plan to- it's awl in fun so don't take us the ward the same object, the rcng whey. EDITORIAL STAFF writer will give a worth- Say?,; have yew sene that gigglo, Editor-in-Ckief FRANKCOE SHERRARD,'39 ELIZABETHBYERSERB .Men·itt??? Hee is beeing seen with\ Associatfi Edit01' VERONICAKOMPANEK,'40 while prize to any student, Managing EditOl' . . PAUL BURTIS,'40 alumnus, 01' faculty mem- diffrunt people in diffrunt places on I News Editol' . . ALVINNEWTON,'40 An excellent rebuttal to the argu- ber (chance to get even for campus and off. First it's Lu and Copy Editor .. . RUTH MANSBERGER,'41 ment that scholarship and extra-cur- that nine grand). Let's ap- now it's Lo. We think hee dropped Lu Copy Reader CATHERINECOUNCELL,'41 ricular activities don't mix, .Betty Proof Editor SUE PRICE, '40 ply brains, the kind of becus she could tell time, but Lo---? Proof Reader TRAGOBRUST, '39 has shown that not only do they mix, things a college is supposed she doesn't kno when it's ten o'clok. F'·c Ed!tors... .. LAWRENCEFREENY,'39; KATHERINEKLlER, '40; but that they can result in a mighty to be full of, to solve this An whut deww yew think of "slim", :MARGARETPACKWOOD,'40; GRACEMACVEAN,'89 choice concoction. No one can dispute Sport8 Editors .. LAWRENCESTROW,'39; MARYJANE HONEMAN,'39 her scholarship. ABa perennial Dean's problem. Send your plan, "Hitler" Rhineheirner-?'? If yew hear A88istant S1J01·tS Editore MASONSONES,'40; HAROLDSOLOMON,'41 penny a day, two cents, lot- him say "Honey" too mary Jane, it's Typists ..... BETTyLou BITTMAN,'41; ELLENEEmWND, '41 Lister and member of the Argonauts, tery, or whatsoever, to Col. reelv just her knicknama, or is it??? BUSINESS STAFF she will graduate high among the I Harrison. He will forward An now the poet's kornel'_ Bveineee Manage'T ..... EMELINENEWMAN,'39 leaders of her class. it to the donor. Baseball seeaou has begun, Advertising Manager. FRED PLUMMER,'40 Cil'culation Managers... LESLIESTOKES,'40, RUTH FJELDS,'40 soBc~~;: ~: ~h~a~O:I~~~e:t~db~~e~~:~! ' ''=========='1 They hit the ball an then Reporters contr-ibuti'ng to this issue: Helen Willard, Bill Adolph, Grace Smith, so much time on the Hill has com- Directly above, you see reprinted They run Marberry Linton, Jeanette Brannock. Rite bak where they started from. pletely obliterated this handicap. Her an advertisement which first ap- time has been divided between reared in the March 19 issue of the wh~~tni~ve~~:ledc:m~~;e?b~~ !;::: t~~ Sing, Brother, Sinq art work and dramatics. Preai- , Gold B1!g. Although few realized its Spring, with its perennial softening of industriousness and dent of the-Art Club, she has been I significance at the time of its first anser too. They just pick out or pick return to the great outdoors, has come and is fast leaving the chiefly responsible for making it one 1 publication, the above advertisement ~:at~:~:h~~.e~~~l~V~;t~ue: ;~:\:~~:~: campus. But something that should be a large part of spring and of college life is seemingly disappearing. One no longer hears much ~~eth~i;;l.oreT~~p~~:~i~~gas~::~iO':~i:~ I ~~:ta::;~e~~e fis~~:;~~a;o~~~l;i~~e::~~ Ann walk rite up to the gurl Ann ask her for a date, but others kneed performed to standing room only, was paign. of the merry art of song and harmony that used to be a source of enjoyment to both participants and listeners during the evenings under her supervision. She would The Gold Btlg advertiser that made a little coaching from Freddie Coe at Western Maryland. rather paint than eat. Some of her the above offer had the right idea. He who fixed the hole teem rite up on the art work will be displayed tonight at third floor of Mc.ljanlel. Hcwevah, to that western knew Marylanders Seniors and Juniors will remember that in days of yore it was a usual thing for groups of considerable size to gather around the the Art Exhibit. didn't have any money, so he decided ~:~:~na~~t::il:lSdi:~~r~~:~:~u~:~~~i~; steps of Smith Hall to be led by a member of the music department She has been associated with the to make use of what they did have the hill; not awl baseball players are in singing many of the old favorites with their easy sense of pure speech department for four years, (or. perhaps he thought they had)- goodlooking. In fact won of them was fun. And, there were the even more infamous gatherings at the and few of us will forget her por- m-ains (???n soo ugly that hee scared Frannie Dil- Mourner's Bench or in front of the Grill after ten at which every- trayal of Mayme l\Iixtes, the slangy, I Of course that ad appeared about loway sooo bad that she had hyster- thing that came into mind was attempted. These song-fests used tough, box-office girl in "Ladies of the two months ago, but all the smoke ics. Lettuce get off this subject of to fill the front windows of McDaniel Hall with listeners full of Jury," which, incidentally, utterly you've been smelling on the hill dur- baseball before we go crazee two. appreciation and suggestions. In comparison to that, we have had only a scant two or three accidental merry sings at the Bench :~~ie~sh~::a~:t~c n~~~~~. O:tth~re:;~: ~nr~e~~~'sla::g::~o n~~:th~e~~~~;t ~:~: Hear is sumthing bran new in the this entire spring. bay play. bee~ thinking, and only now have ;::Yin~~ ne~;s'k~~;t:;n! ~~;;r~:i~:r Full credit is due, of course, to the excellent work of the for- Her duties as alumnae secretary of th~l~ ~lans! begun to take form-and Hear it is-this kolum is turning over mal musical organizations of the College. The Girls' Glee Club Sigma Sigma Tau Sorority.and her w a orm. t a new pagea.14* Actchilly I mean and the Choir have done splendid WOrK with their style of music. steady dates with another member of "'V~don't ~a_y.we've found the right) cause i~stea.d of starting roomers thi~ The Men's Glee Club, gathering forty-five enthusiasts for their i ~ttl;lll~~: g~;;gs!~pst:~a~i:;' ~~::~~! Aloha picture, waned away to extinction because it followed ~i~;ecl~~~ea~;~~:~~s~ cal~t~!u~7 :~sJ~ I :~~~~l~~et~a~;~~~n~t!~5~ZIOa~lc:~:~ai~ ~either the course of pure music nor pure fun, in spite of the genu- nice adjective might describe her, she the fund) IS at the present time. ' and start stopping them. me efforts of a few who were actively interested. But all this is may be briefly summed up as "intelli- What we say is that Western Mary- i Rong roome!' no. I.-Sprigg Har- beside the point. There are many of us who love to sing, but haven't the ability to participate in these higher singing activities. gently attractive." ~:~:~rsa:(;·e w~~~k~~~s;e~:ut~::Yl:a~~~ ~~e~n:o Bh~~~eff~\~: ~~~!I~'~~~~::~ We can only express ourselves in the rather mysterious beauty that _ ers begin to think-well, we can't say viewed the unsuspecting bride not-to- results when a large number of equally poor voices are blended and what will happen because its just be mixed with enthusiasm and salted with human and barbershop sentiment. HONOR IN COLLEGE ~:i:~'(~~e~.e,~t;:t ~::~::~. But we! ~ong roomer no. 2.-Donald Ducky May we ask for two things? We should like to see the music To the editor: So far Mr. William F. Malone has ! ::~dt~:t~no~i:::l~;. He~~nat~sre~;1ml~~~ departm.ent renew their assembly programs. And, although we have not the inducement of the friendly key, we hope the men of \Vhether it be an Honor System for presented the ~ost workable plan to Bunky, it's nice work, we mean nice the student body will take to gathering in off moments to try again ~~~l~I-I~Oo~:~~:~,I'~e:~aa~lt~~:a~'~n~~~:~ pr~~~~~':~~d~e~~~:s S;.l ~:.~~~~~'ays I having money, if yew can get it. their vocal chords. A nd So, On !:::;iL~::t~:~;i~a;;u~~;:l,l;~~i~a)~;i~~i::';~~~:~;~~:~';:;~;:E~:::;:~~~:i:~~~::~:;~::~::!'~:::~::l!::;h::: ern ~:~';'I~'~~s~:d~it~h_~~~s~1~~~~~t~~~i~0:~~ofnasCt~·~rti% ~~~~ Th~J'e should be, among the stu- the desired sum is to put 'pay sta-! The necks big thing that we have of recent times toward the building of a greater Western Maryland. dents on each side of the campus, one lions' in all the dormitories and tUl'll- in the whey of knews is reely a con- The faculty show was presented primarily to raise funds for the who is a cheat, a sneak, a liar, a stiles back-campus." I Ieshun, but it is that startling that building campaign which is a step in the direction of the much thief, a bigot, in short a mucker' so Of course you may like better the we mussed insert it hear for every- t~lked of greater Western Maryland. Therefore, the administra- that YOU may associate deal '~ith idea of taking the hundred grand, or won two reed. Will~' Willoughby was tlOn and faculty made their move not entirely unconsciously, be- trade 'with, Ii~'e with, m;d develop; thereabouts, that's in the campaign oV€,I·herdto remark that he didn't no cause they had in mind the improvement of the college. But what- knowledge of such a character, and treasury and stal·ting a lobby in Con- wh~' but gurls wooden go out with ever money was raised for the building fund was incidental to the. such means as may be necessary to gress. Penn State and U. of M. seem him after dark. Of course we must what I real value of the faculty show. The show should have done much compete with him or her in every-day to do pretty well down there. give him credit for trying, and even to break dov.m the seemingly insurmountable barriers between in- life. Because, that is exactly Or there's the lottery idea. But after at least sevcn NO'S he is still structor and student at Western Maryland-and the weakening of ~'ou will contact when you try to ap- maybe you don't know about the lot- trying. THIS KOLUM extends its these barriers affords a far greater gain to the college than a new ply the high principles that have gov- tery idea. Well, under this plan every best and worst wishes to this man dorm~i~J~~~U~f p~oe~~~~'~ Maryland saw unmistakably last Tues- ::;;:~eY~~:~: t:.~::u~:~:lea;·:t {l~uj;O~~ ~~~~ong:~~oh~~n~!~ete:uat p::n: ~oa~l~~ ~~O~l:sth(~et:~'~~~~~~hu~~::\:~a:!::~ day that college presidents and professors arc human beings. The;)-T open social and financial competition which is placed in a hat. If a person age, he has nerve, he has everything saw their instructors blossom forth with some sparkling wit and after college. contributes fifty cents, there would be but what it takes too get a date-up they saw them tell some of the jokes that caused men to commit The lawyer, 01' banker, 01' I'eal- fift~· ballots in the hat with his !lame here. suicide in the 1849 gold rush. The President in introduction to one tor, or business success, who takes an OJIeach of them. Then when the de- My, my how the sprig tibe does part of the program quoted from somewhere that he who suffel's hour to tell you in a Commencement siren mark is reached and you have brig oud the handkercheis and speak- most is the most liberal giver. He thereupon undertook to torture Address, what you should do, and about 15,000,000 names in the barrel ing of spring (wo got rid of our cold his spectators until they would gladly have given theil' collar-but- what you should be; could do mOl'e in or in Alumni Hall or in whatever It IIllredy) how it (the springtime we tons to the campaiagn fund to see the President snap out of a per- ten minutcs, were he to tell y~\l would take to hold them, somebody mean) d.oes apllr the backward or formance which would rank high in all-time boredom. But the WHAT he had to do at the beginning would draw a ballot, and the new should I say bashful wons too the President did snap out of it and Alumni Hall's capacity audience to win the success which he now en- dorm would bear the name which ap- four. There's Pershing, for an ex- soon rocked again with laughter. joys. pea red on the ballot. Of course, the ampul, who turns pink all aroun the Whic~h~~~f~ltin:~~k p~~o t~~ii~,~vhl;~kcoN;;s e~~~i~~n~~~s~~st~r:::; There was never a greater need for ~~:-lI~~:~hbtU:,ea~~~;da~~O\~~~~;~V:~Ch~~~~~~,U:n~ ;!~v fl~~~~:~e:t ~:,!a~:~n~~ tripped the light fantastic toe and showed their pupils that age had ~I~:i~t!::/:e;l':;!!~\~:;~nio:'h:~:le:~: name?---every girl at W. M. C. wants Hee has taken his "love" games away neith:''l~~~~~~~et~:~fee~nt~Sa~~ :r~~fe~n;e;~:~~ ~;~,~~~~sdm~eans to tell graduates tlJe exact difference ~~on7te~u!;~::d;e~~~'s o:tilih:~ ~\~~~l ~~se:::;~s BC:~~ ~~.o~;~: t~:: bigger and better buildings. There are a lot of thi~gs which are ~:!:~:~est:~ ~ho;:::std~~:~C~e:;s,t:~~ field house and the library that could Persh, don't lettuce be the caws of ~~~ie~sd~~Ps~~rdt ;:e~~j~d~n~:tte;, t~:~l~ the associates with whom they must ~:ne:alii~l'a~.I;it:r :~~:th~;use~sea~~ ;~~:I~U!O~~!t~:!Oa:eo~;~I::::I-maYbe have improved this year and there is no reason to believe that they ~~:;I~;~~:i;Pl~:e~.O;I~i:t\t~~;et~~~t~:; offset Skopopolvitchski. For details Then there's that handsome Bob ~~~c~~~ CZ;tt~~_~~I;~i~~I:~'~ct~!~~:\~c~eoll~esJ!~J~~~::~d:r:~~a~~~~ course needed in modern colleges if ~~.:~~~~:t~~~~et:.s ~~:aid~~~l ~~~d:~~ I"'" . ~:apll~,e~~u~VhOtha'tW'ha,'o,~'"'!"VO'''Uo'omtahn' its graduates are to succeed in keep- as desirable to the improvement of the college. And last Tuesday ing up with the Jones's. tally R. Gordon McKnight has volun- hater. Hee to has gotten himself a ~!~~;t/h;a~f;~lihe b~r::~a[o~e~eW:r bs~~~:~tf~~~'t~nre~~~!~ns~ and Keep all the honor and decency you teered that Jim Farley and C. Ray- queen; but Kakie is not wun two set- It was a great show, ~np pecuniary gains were not its greatest can while. in college. ~~:ll~u~~:;~:r~: :~~l~ ~~~~ ~:::u:! : ~~~e~O\;:c~Vi!~::;a;i:r;o;o~~~ec:~~; benefit to the college. CALEBO'CONNOR,'98. (Continued on Page 4" C.ol. 4) I as Wilbur is aroun . ..,".
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