Page 52 - TheGoldBug1937-38
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PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. 1··------------------, co 1\ II,. II, _AC_TIV_ITI_ES_ of body. the Gold B"U Is the official voice i~·lCh· In OPINION STUDENT DESIRED I r- Th, 'lII'I- student Maryland Western .. '. . 1 . The staff attempts to express EDITORIAL f the feelings of the student body in its' editor-ial columna. In ao doing. it con I Chatter "Be not the first to lay the old aside, only hope to speak for a major-ity of . J Official student newspaper of western Maryland College, published on Thurs- Nor yet the last by whom the new is the students. At the same time, the its I . day, semi-monthly during October, November, February, March, April, May, hied." staff cannot hope to say all that and monthly during September, December, and January, by the students of The Western Maryland student Western Maryland College, westminster, Maryland. Entered as second-class body recently rendered a negative de- ~·ea~ers would have it say, ~o.r.would The Gett.ysbutgian compfaTns of matter at the Westminster Post Office, under the Act of March 3, 1879. cision 011 the regulation of extra-cur- It to accept. the responsl~lhty for I the sign "Gettysburg College, 'No SUBSCRIPTIONPRICE $1.50 A YEAR ~aYlllg all that tts readers nught have I Parking". They should .be like west- ricular activities. Perhaps they It say. Ther:fore, the Gold B11g an- ern Maryland. Get a back campus. should reconsider the matter; per- ncunces that Its columns are open to From the same paper ,;;;._-quote, 1937 Member 1938 haps if they don't, the faculty will. receive letters "to the editor" on any I "Except Yn the big dance week-ends, I'lisoda!ed CoUeeia!e Press A trend is difficult to resist. The and of any nature that its what is there for a fellow to do with Dickinson faculty saw fit to regulate might desire to write. 'I his date in Gettysburg. Oh, go to a the extra-curriculum, and Western The staff recommends that all le.t- show, or take a walk." Most unusual. EDITORIAL STAFF Maryland is not so fa·r from Carlisle. Edit(w-in_Chief FRANKCOESHERRARD,'39 Carlisle, Pa.-{ACP) - Dickinson ~:~~~~t. ~:~~:~s o~:;tu::~;:r~~o~:\~~ 1,i\ut C~~; Associate Editor. VERONICAKOMPANEK,'40 College has made participation in ex- lIfanagfng Edito)' __. PAUL BURTIS,'40 proprlet~es of sp~ech .. All letters will I haven't heard any complaints. Will News Editor .- ALVIN NEWTON,'40 tra-curricular activities a requi~e- ~~n~~bll~~~:l~s,~\~hno~I~:a~:~~~~he~n- ! ~:~~~:; Copy Editor RUTH MANSBERGER,'41 ment for graduation. send information to the poor Copy Reader . . CATHERINECOUNCELL,'41 In a report by a special committee Letters "to the editor" should be 1 p·I·oof Edit01' .. .. ....SUE PRICE, '40 which established this new rule for inserted under the doer of the Gold The Cleveland Indians are leading Proof Reade·t.. . _ __.__.TRAGOBRUST, '39 Feature Editors LAWRENCEFREENY,'39; KATHERINEKr.lER, '40; students in this liberal arts college, ~:!fea~~;~rel;0~a~:t~~f~~:I;he6 d:te :~ I ~:e ~~1~~iC~'~.i~:~~ue\~teth~n~;e :~: MARGARETPACKWOOD,'40; GRACEMACVEAN,'39 the faculty assumed complete regula- Spo~·ts Editors. LAWRENCESTROW,'39; MARYJANE HONEMAN,'39 tion of all student activities. which they are t~ be published. I cares. \Ve also know that they won't Assistant Sports Edito)·s. MASONSONES,'40; HAROLDSOLOMON,'41 President Pred Pierce Corson said: _~ __ ~ , be for ~ong. TY/I1'sts BETTYLou BITTMAN,'41; ELLENEEDMOND,'41 "The report is the result of a long If the casting director for the com- BUSINESS STAFF Business IIfallager .__.. ......................... EMELJNENE;WMAN,'39 and careful study in which a large e AMP U S Ii ~~m~a~~ti~eP:~~o;::a~;~e~f ~~ea:;:~~; Advertising Manager . ..................................FRED PLUMMER,'40 number of students participated. It LEA D E R S Cit·ettlation Managers . LESLIESTOKES,'40; RUTH FIELDS,'40 is based on the belief that extra-cur- I having trouble finding a suitable per- ricular activities should be a part of son for the role of Dopey, the student Reporters contributing to this issue: Mary Clemson, '39; Willianl Shockley, body will gladly give aid. It will be !40; James Merritt, '40. the student's development and should not take any time which belongs to worth a quarter, we think. (\Ve mean other phases of student's develop- the performance). Gale's Trio Howard rendition On The Table ment." "Honeysuckle Rose" was lousy. Major of The committee, it was said, has at- In the last issue of the Gold Bug, the editor stated that he tempted to do two things: first, to re- Bowes missed a bet when he passed would not permit the matter of a Western Maryland honor system strict the over-assertive student; and them by. to recede into the background until the student body had expressed secondly, to compel the inactive stu- Roosevelt before the D. A. R. con- a definite opinion on it. In the same issue there were published dent to participate in outside activi- vention: "And now, the text is this: several views on the subject held by certain Western Maryland ties. Remember always that you and I are students. In the time which has intervened between that issue and The maximum of activities in descended from immigrants and revo- this one, practically all of the Gold Bng readers have expressed which a student is allowed to partici- MILDREDWHEATLSY lutionists". Comes the revolution! their opinions on a Western Maryland honor system. pate is figured in terms of hours, and Miss Wheatley - western Merv- That sounds like red propaganda to The opinions expressed in the April 14 edition of the Gold Bug the minimum participation allowed a and those which have been expressed since then have, in general, student is figured in terms of value ~annd:fl~:~:~!d E:;~~~::~:.;:~~vsw~:~ i uSQuoted verbatim from St. John's resolved into two categories. Some students were diametrically points. opposed to the institution of an honor system at Western Mary- The committee recommends that :~v~h;~~sdt:~ speaks it-speaks oth- I CO~:.~i~:~ Jones, instructor in Eng- Jand because they did not feel that the student body would support the student with an A average for A power in the student govern- . Hsh at the University of Texas, got it. They realized that whole-hearted support on the part of every- the last semester of the preceding ment, Mildred is noted for hei- pun- : even with some of the "bright" boys one would be necessary for its success; they were right in coming ye~r. should be allowed unlimited gent, pithy remarks at meetings. in his class. Before Dr. Jones came out boldly against the institution of an honor system at Western pn_Vlleges, that the B student be re- Perhaps her greatest fame has come to class, one of the students wrote on Maryland at the present time or in the near futUre. stncted to 1,000 hours, the C student to her through her most important the board, "Dr. Jones will not meet Th d· . ··t·· f d th' d· to 750 hours, and the D student to activity-being Tony's chaperone. As . classes Wednesday." By the time he ate inst~t~~~~~ 0~~~n~~.i~e~1~~~~1! ?~,~~~~n;t ~~~~ern ~I!~!raen~~ I ~~~1~:~~I~S~rs~!S;heitu~~~:.e£~!::dcl~~:~ such she protects him from preda- had arrived, another student had ap- The students hoI.dmg t~IS second opmlOn "',,:re wrong fo! at lea~t I es earn at least 100 value oints dur- tory, designing females. She is also plied the eraser, to leave, "Dr. Jones two reasons. First, this group was confuslllg cause With effec"L. . th p Tony's right-hand woman on the will not meet his lasses \Vednesday." An hon.o?"system do~s not create a hiqh sen~e of hono)' in.a student lll~re:h~l:~r. in the interests of their Aloha business staff. Not to be outdone, Dr. Jones eTased body .. ~ts p1'esence ~s m.erely a mamfestatwn of the eXIstence of b t . t~· t II k The Sunday School and the Y. W. one more letter. that high sense of honor. e~:lu~~~e~I:~:next~·a~~u~;i:u~:~~·~c~~~ C. A. have felt hel· guiding hand The University of Wichita educa- Secondly, an honor system of any kind would have to be ex- ities beyond physical education. They from time to time--and it's a steady tion class recently discovered that the ecuted by student councils in which both the faculty and the stu- maJ' be permitted to take part only hand. Her personal conduct and ac- average collegian sleeps 56 hours ev- dent body had confidence. At the present time, neither the faculty with the approval of the Board of tions are guided by a true sense of ery week. Room 19, Owings Hall, nor the student body has confidence in the student councils. This Deacons. values. I has an occupant who sne!i!rs at an in- Jack of confidence was well displayed when a committee composed - _ In common with several members significant amol!-nt like that. of Western Maryland instructors and students recently recom- REPORTERS WANTED of the faculty she claims Virginia as "We adapt ourselves to ~he medi- mended to the faculty that they adopt and execute certain regula- her home state and her southern ac- ocre. \Ve spoil lllany fine bl"icklayers tions governing certain student elections. If the student councils A new staff ]·ecently took over the cent does not belie hel' claim. Her: and plumbers by subjecting them to a have any jurisdiction, this function of governing student elections publication of the Gold Bug. At the generosity and hospitable nature are i college education," says the Rev. Ra- would come under it. Therefore, it would be foolish to undertake same time many senior staff members in keeping with the old Virginia tra- r phael C. McCarthy, president of Mar- an honor system in a college in which student government is in and reporters terminated four years dition. (Editor's note: Don't let us . quette University. No comment. such an embryonic stage. of active service on the Gold BNg. The ~~;"n, Mildred. This is true, isn't; Co~~:::n:t::;~~', :aOyUs~\~:p~o~:e~vt:~~ The Gold Bug therefore feels that a definite opinion has been new staff was formed of veteran un- to have more tests-if we had more Mildred is also a lady of athletic· expressed by the student body against a Western Maryland honor derclass staff members and reporters. ability-at least she is k~own for her I of them, the mono!ony. of the instrue- system, at least for the present and the near future. It, therefore, Thus, the lIst of experienced report- athletic ability. tor's lectures would he broken because lays the matte)- "on the table" until such time as it or some person ers was depleted both by approach- or group of persons wishes to take it up. ing graduation and by transfer to From the above description 'twould ~ with the tests to give you your grade, other positions on the paper. seem that our Mildred is a v~rv par- you don't have to pay sueh close at- I The Gold Bug therefore takes this agon of female virtue. \Ve ~in't a tention in class". Now he's got some- thing there. I opportunity to invite all students of sa~'in' yes and we ain't a sayin' no-- We certainly do not intend to be lower classes who are in- Student Council Elections the three in newspaper reporting to but don't misunderstand Ils.-She's outdone by the Baltimore EVM!blg all right-Mildred! all l"ight.-Who's terested Announcement has been marIe that student government elec- appear in the Gold B1I.g office tonight \Vho's Mildred-She's the campus Sm!, so here goes. tions will be held next week. If you have not done so already, it at 6:45. No experience is necessary. leader we've been - writing about. "Let us first make sure that the is high time that you began campaigning for your roommate, or New reporters will find their duties Who'd a thunk it! But it is Mildred! President's program is enacted as one of the shining lights in your fraternity or sorority, or-well, no more novel to them than do the it stands. It is o. fine beginni11g. almost any of your friends could fill the bill. Ideally, however, new staff members. FRENCH CLUR Let's pass it, nlld then go on fro·m your candidate should be one of your best friends. Then he The French Cluh met on Monday, there." The Dail~' Worker. (Com- won't mind "fixing it up" for you when you commit some minor April 18, to hold their annual election l1l\mist) April.16, 1938. were: presi- The results (If officers. infraction in the rules. While the favor might compromise his po- CALENDAR dent. Kathryn Foltz; vice-president, sition, he really won't mind, since he's one of your best friends. Ailene Williams; secretal·y, Kathel"ine Harold 'Gray has us worried for the Those of you who consider yourselves possible nominees for April: Klier; treaSllre]', Thelma Weaver. present. Everything has been going the offices about to be disposed of by Oul" campus electorate-- 29 Meeting of Board of Trl1stees At this meeting, Mr. Berry, a ]'ep- too smoothly for Orphan Annie. A "make hay while the sun shines." Set forth your views on the Eisteddfod, Alumni Hall, 7:30 resentative of the French Line at sma~h-up is due somewhere. To be inefficiencies of the present and past councils. In your "bull ses- Baseball, Lafayette. Washington who gavc a speech illus- frank, we kind of miss Gudge, the old sions" let your friends know how you'd conduct the office. Inform May: trated by sound motion pictures, made buzzard. them of what's going on in other schools. Yom friends can't help 2 \v.A.A., room 22, Science Hall, a contribution of pamphlets and mag- Spring is in the air. Ask anybody. but see that you're a bright young fellow who's really going places. 6.45 azines to the French Club's literary Looking through the paper we find To show their good faith they'll even vote for you. It's a cinch! 3 Elizabeth Poffenberger, ])iano collection. marriage licenses being issued. That's recital, Smith Hall, 7:30 Start boosting yourself. " nothing new, but what struck us were 4 Track, Johns Hopkins . PHI ALPHA MU . I the ages of. the applicants; 26 and 23, Milk bottles are tossed through the halls of the men's dormi- 5 Party for sophomol·es, l\IcDan- Phi Alpha Mu held a club supper tories. Some of our coeds draw official wrath for missing the cur- iel Hall Lounge, 7:30 tIle Phi Alpha Mu club room Tuesday, III 37 and 27'; .5Q al"\d.51; 3S_and 38; 32 few by a few minutes. Others openly thumb their- way to Balti- Argonauts and 27. What has happened to young more. Young h-ees on the front campus are snapped off. The 6 Orchestra concert, Alumni Hall, May 19, at 5:30 o'clock. The new love? members of the club prepared the sup- Gold Bug tries to sell. an honor system. The deans caution against 8:00 per for the other club girls. improper dress. Wire by the yard protects the lawns. Ballot INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS Golf, Catholic U. boxes are stuffed. Baseball, Ithaca College TRI BETA CLUB Why Student Government? The sagacious Bard of Avon once 7 Golf Tournament Dr. Woodhead, forme,' h?ad of the The International Relations Club opined that "a rose by any other name would smell as sweet." 9 International Relations Club, I Biology Department of W. 1\1. C., ad- met on Monday, April 25, to elect the There's a negative analogy in our pl-esent set-up. Perhaps in fu- 6.45 : dressed the Tri-Beta on Friday, April officers for the year 1938-39. Gwen ture years, the student governing bodies on this campus will stand: 10 Music recital, Smith Hall 4:15 22 at 4:00. His subject po:n·tained to Heemann was elected president; Jo- on their feet. If you so desired you could form a solid foundation: 12-13 Art Exhibit human parasitism and was illustrated: seph Oleair, vice-president; Mary for those feet. Petty campus politics won't do it, however. I '-- -----' by slides. I Clcmson, secrctary-trcasurer. -,
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