Page 49 - TheGoldBug1937-38
P. 49
The Gold Bug, Wutern Maryland College, Wutminstet. Md. PAGE THREE Western Maryland Batters Drop IIII Golfers Set For Big Season's Opener To Villanova . SIDELINES By LARRY STROW Year With 11 Matches ~====================~ Terrors Ra.lIy To Score Three Runs Burtis Arranging For Two Tourna- When Smith Hits Triple In Second. Rinehimer Succeeds Lathrop With two contests and a week of practice under its belt, the ments On Home Links Mart_in And Adriance Score Tenor baseball team faces its first league tilt Saturday against As Frosh Coach Next Year on Hoffa same and afternoon On the PREPARE FOR HOPKINS SAT. the Hopkins place Jays the track team Field: engage the Washington College at TERRORS HAVE EXPERIENCED the same will Ex-Coach To Play For Cleveland speedsters. TEAM Philadelphia, Apr. 12-The Green Rams Pro Football Team Terror baseball team made its debut As the season opens, Coach Havens is using a mixture of vet- The Western Maryland golf team, into the 1938 season here today by 0,·. Holloway recently am:ounced erans and newcomers which looks very capable on the diamond. in accordance with the schedule an- dropping a loosely played game I the apP.ointment of Chal"iie Rinehim- Havens has McQuillen and Stropp to bang out some nounced by Paul Burtis, captain- to Villanova, 20-3. et-, senior football man, to succeed hits and the three spark plugs, Edmond, Koegel and manager, will compete in nine dual Carroll Cook started on the mound Cliff Lathr-op as freshman coach and ~ Drugash in the infield from last year. But the meets and two intercollegiate tourna- for the Big Green but Coach Charlie assistant to Charlie Havens for next ~ L~ .. problem was to find an outfield combination. Out ments this year. The first match will Havens was forced to relieve him in year. to the pasture went Stropp from first and Koegel be played at home against the Alumni favor of Fr-ank Smith when he ran Rinehimer was a backfield player from short. Two newcomers, Geister and Sturm, on April 16. into difficulties in the first inning. The but a dislocated shoulder in his sopho- took over infield posts and together with Emil and The highlight of the season will be Wildcats scored three runs before more year hampered him in the rest ~ Dugie, make up the combination appearing in the the invitation tournament, sponsored Smith could stem their first attack. of his athletic career. At present he LARRY STROW first few games. by Western Maryland, to be held on In the second inning the locals ral- is out for- the catcher's post on the Five men tried out this season for the catcher's May 7. Four man teams will be en- lied momentarily when Smith hit a baseball team. Charlie knows his ath- job with Charlie Baer leading the parade. No pitchers capable of tered in medal play over thirty-six triple bringing Martin and Adr-iance letics and is one of the most liked throwing screwballs and with five years of experience showed lip. holes, and awards will be given for in from first a'nd third to score two n nd congenial of the senior players. Cook and Barkdoll will see service on the mound frequently, while both team and individual scores. In- runs. Marullo, the Villanova short- He is known as one of the best stu- Dorn and Smith give promise of developing. With a good pitching vita tions have been accepted by stop, making a wild throw to third on dents ill the Physical Education De- staff and some luck at the plate, Western Maryland bids fair to give George Washington University, Uni- the same play, allowed Smith to beat partment, and as an authority in Washington College a tussle for the championship. versity of Baltimore, Catholic Univer- the recovered ball to the plate, thus Comparntive Anatomy to the Juniors Coach Bob Owings of Hopkins will bring up a squad contain- sity, and the University of Maryland. accounting for the final Tenor score. and Senter-s. Lower classmen will re- ing eight veterans. Captain Hartke, shortstop, is top man, while Additional entries are expected from The power of the Wildcat bats then member him as refereeing most of the only two of their hurlers have had collegiate experience. Loyola College, Johns Hopkins, and proved too much for Smith and for preliminary basketball games this A nineteen game schedule is really quite an undertaking for Gettysburg within a few days. Charlie Cole, who relieved Smith in winter. Charlie hails from Nanticoke, any Terror team. Next Tuesday the ball players face Bloomsburg Intercollegiates Being Organized the seventh. They drove out seven- P,. Teachers here. They visit Navy on the 20th, Towson on the 22nd, Another tournament, to decide the teen more runs in the l'emaining sev- Cliff Lathrop together with Puffy and entertain West Virginia on the 26th. The boys are getting State Intercollegiate Championship, en innings. Forthman has signed a contract to into the "big leagues" with such teams as Boston College, West is under consideration for May 14. In spite of this set back, Coach Ha- play fo,' the Cleveland Rams Pro Virginia, and Lafayette on the schedule. Plans for this competition, the first of vena was optimistic concerning the Football team next fall. However, Athletic Facilities its kind ever to be held in Maryland, future of his team. He stressed the Lathrop says that he has not fully de- The opportunities are certainly open for everyone to get in are at present being pushed forward fact that unseasonable weather before cided his plans and may do something the spring sports program. That is, at least everyone can be with the sanction of the Maryland tcday's game had limited outdoor- else. placed on a schedule somewhere. For the tennis courts there are Golf Association. This would be a practice and was confident that, given Saying that he is ver-y glad to stay now lined up (1) an intramural tournament for both clubs and ver-y important addition to the May better playing conditions, it would on the Hill fOI' another year, Rine- classes, (2) nine home matches and daily practice for Coach Hurt's Day celebration, ~hich will be held soon be rounded into good playing himer hopes to help build some good racqueters, and (3) the physical education instruction program. on t?at date,. an~ If present plans are shape. He praised the work of Me- teams. The present graduating foot- For the golf course there are varsity matches here on eight curried out, It WIll be one of the rea- -_-- Quillen in center field and was pleas- ball men comprise the last class that days, a complete intramural tournament of clubs and classes, and ttu-e events of the progl:am. . ed with the effor-ts of two freshmen, was under the influence of Dick Har- the ordinary players like you and me. Obviously the facilities are The. Terror aggregatJ?ll, this sea- Sturm and Geister. low, personally. overcrowded but there is nothing to be done about the matter ex- son, WIll be composed mainly of veter- The Terrors will meet John's Hop- cept t? keep your temper and be courteous. I ans as only one man, Rowland ~rma- kins at home in their This is the first Gridders Run Drills As SIX years ago the college had a large cornfield where it now ~?st, \~as ~~t ~o ~e. ~e~m-t?y gl~d~;~ league first game on Saturday. it can It appears au 't~l IS, a~ oe game to be played on the new Hoffa Other Teams Stay Inside has a golf course half of which student well be proud. up golf now, that al- ~~n. ~mas are; e~:r' meln W~h varai y ex- 1 approximately of the body is taking Field diamond and the Green and Gold hopes to make this the occasiOll Freshmen Show Promise In Daily though the course _is particularly ov_ercrowded, except on match ~:-~:~c:~'e Ev:~:~: Jo~es er~ob a;:,~,: cf its first victory. \Vorkouts On Gridiron days. Bu.t the tenms courts-th.ere ~mllprobably be many a grouch Doc Sumner Bob Walte:'s and Neil West. Md. AB. R. H. P.O. A. ~v~~.~~~~~n~~~t~~;~m ~:;~~::3r~~~I~~~v:~reNfe~~~;tc~~~r;a~~lo~ Eckenrode, ~re expected tl:y out for Koegel,5s. . 0 0 T~e football squad was t~e only Stropp, If. o 0 Terror team not held in by the wcath- RECONDITIONING of the old ones. th~~:n~~~~i~~~h~~~lt~o;:iIOWS: Sturm,2b. 3 0 0 0 0 er and Charlie Havens had the boys Tennis Notes April: McQuillen, of. 3 0 0 7 0 out driving all last week. So far, the Coach Hurt's team was forced to call off the first two matches 16 Alumni Home Adriance, rf. 1 1 0 0 0 main training bill has been work on with Elkridge and Michigan because of the weather. Although 21 U. of Md.. __ Home Bills, rf. o 0 0 0 0 fundamentals such as blocking and the grounds force worked on the courts over the holidays, the week 23 Phila. ColI. of Osteopathy Home Geister, lb. 3 0 0 5 1 tackling on which a lot of emphasis is of rain nullified their efforts. , 30 U. of Baltimore... Home Edmunds,3b. o 0 0 1 always put at Western Maryland. The courtmen are ready with a good line-up led by Persh May: Baer, c. o 0 0 0 Monday night the boys had a black- Volkart, John Elliott, Alex Ransone, Wort Belt, Wilbur Prentiss, 6 Catholic University Home Cook, p. o 0 0 1 1 board session and this week has seen and Harold Wright. Mr. Hurt predicts a successful season during 7 Western Maryland Martin,c. 2 1 1 2 4 some scrimmaging on the field. Due which the team should win over half their matches. Lack of out- Invitation Championships Home Smith, p. 2 1 1 4 1 to the number of the athletic teams side work will hold the boys down at first. The courtmen tackle 13 U. of Baltimore Away Kline,3b. 1 0 0 0 1 working out, the gridders have been Albright out back today. Then they have a nine day lay-off until 14 Md. Intercollegiate forced to take the leftovers and they the tough Maryland match on April 23. Gettysburg and Catawba Championships Tentative Total 24 3 2 24 12 have been using the stretch of ground visit the home courts on April 26 and 27 respectively. 19 U. of Md.: Away Villanova AB. R. H. P.O. A. behind the stadium and near the 20 Catholic University Away Crowley,2b. 5 5 3 0 3 sp~::c~ou~:~ens divides his time be- Trac~~~~le;O::y trackmen meet stiff competition this Saturday 21 George Washington U... Home Mel'Ullo,ss. Stoviac, rf. ~ : ~ 2 tween the football and baseball from Washington College. The weather put a crimp in the train- Garback, c. 2 0 squads. Lathrop and Rinehimer fire ing of every team on the Hill but the runners are at the greatest Trackmen Open Season With Bond, lb. 2 4 8 0 ~e~~i~~tohit~eo~:l":~t;~~;; ~~~ ~:~~~ ~:~~~~a~~~fe~: o;~~e hc~~~e~~\ i~~i~ i~o~h~~c~d. T3fb~:~~~;; \~fl~ \Vannamacker, d. 5 Washington On Saturday Scheftic, If. 1 3 ~ ~ ing plans fOj' the next season. undoubtedly run away with some event, but Bender, Klare, and Pash,3b. 1 0 ve~~~::;no~o~ f;~'c:;~~~sa~s !~:~:~~~~z~:;~~~ ~V~l~~~~~~~~g~~~~\~hoerd~y~oi~a~~es~~~~~nt~~~;ie~~~ To Be First Of Three Dual Meets Schelle, p. Rice,rf. 2 6 1 1 12 3 of senior and junior veterans on the capture third place when possible. After Saturday the thinclads Eight Veterans In Field Howlett,3b. 0 1 line will constitute the best combina- will have until May 4, the Hopkins meet, to round into shape. • Vigilante, c. 1 0 0 tlOn m the state Sevelal fleshmen Baseball and Lacrosse The Gleen Tellol hackmen, under o 1 0 0 3 backs ale bemg tIled out and may Down at College Palk, the University baseball team has been I the coachIng of Bluce FelgUSon, Will Totals 124~/~ Gl~82~ 20 ;~:\~~a~o ~:: ~o~b~~~ ~rec~:~t !:!It I ~~r~~lf~a\fIF~ ~~d f~~s~f;~~;n dae~~ar:e V~~r;i~~~,g;:.h~~dS1a;~: ~l:::!,~h~h~V;ls:tl~:~~nm~:!I:~eths:::!_ Innings West. Md. 030000000- 3 season's captam but WIll Jllobably do gent play for the TeIrapms, and the team has shown ample pltch- son Oll Hoffa FIeld, Satulday, Apnl Villanova 3 5 3 4 0 0 3 2 x-20 so m the neal futUie ~~~d at~~s ~~t!~~~ powel Western Maryland does not play Mary- ::eet;,h:~ :~~,~~~~: ~~:t ;:a!~~e~;xuoa~ Another sport that has the College Park and BaltImore fans c~n~7nce meet, whIch compl"lse the u BASEBALL SCHEDULE INTERFRATERNITY SOFT ~~a;~I~:aI~r l~h~hfa:{dthI~~I~~e::sm~n ayt~~o~~ee S~l~n~m~~~e fi~fJ~ scTehe~Ieell and Gold cmdermen have BALL SCHEDULE April: f
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