Page 57 - TheGoldBug1937-38
P. 57
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PAGE THREE Cook Leads Team To 8-1 Terrors Place Second inW.M. League Win Over Loyola SIDELINES By LARRY STROW Invitation Golf Touroarnent Otto Greiner Takes Individual Honors Wit.h 144 While George Washington The new athletic policy announced by the Board of Trustees Wins Cup last week is not a sudden change, for Western Maryland has been headed for such a policy for the last two years. The gradual George Washington University took NEW INFIELD PLA VS WELL change might almost be set down in the form of an equation, The first place as Western Maryland administration decided to raise the academic standards of the nosed out the University of Mary- Pitching 9 strike outs and 4 hits. school. In so doing it was found necessary to eliminate some of land by two strokes for second hon- Carroll Cook led the Terrors to an the best football players and to close the gates to a ors in the western Maryland Invita- 8-1 victory yesterday over Loyola in good manv more who tried to come to Western tion Gulf Tourney held here last Sat- a Maryland Collegiate League game. Maryland.~ That meant that even the best coaching urday, Jo,IcQuillen scored in the second in- could not produce a team to match up with the best Hurd, Fleming, Betsch, and Ro- ning after walking and being driven in the East. Football costs money, and a losing chelle composed the Washington team. around by Ryan and Stropp. team loses at the gate on the next weekend. And in Their score of 648 was 28 shots bet- of the Tenors. whose ter than that Jack Ryan led off with a triple in the meant.ime, the boys on the-team are taking the aggregate score for the 36 holes was the fourth frame and Cook did the beating of their lives. There seem to be two ways 676. Brownell, Rea, Wade, and Mur- same in the 7th. Both scored. Bob to eliminate these beatings and the loss of money; representing Maryland, lost by Stropp got his eye on the ball and either play teams of lower caliber or permit men shots to the Green Team, with a made one triple and two doubles in 4 who can play the game to come to school, as many other institu- score of 678, to place third. trips to the plate. The new Western tions do. Maryland infield of Stropp, Edmond, This action falls in line with the general trend among other Greiner 3 Over Par Ryan, and Sturm played errorless ball Mcquillen, leading hitter colleges of the same size as Western Maryland. The big universi- The real hero of the day, however, and justified the recent shift. ties which the Terrors have been playing are generally in favor of was not on any 01 the leading teams, Bnbashane scored the Loyola run some sort of subsidizing for athletes. The small colleges are de- Otto Greiner, lone wolf from the Uni- sin- Tennis Team Takes Ly walking, stealing two bases, and em phasing football as a much too expensive and concentrated ac- ver-sity of Baltimore, played' his first going home on Duvall Rector's tivity. eighteen holes in 71, three over par, gle. The only extra base hit made by 5 Matches In A Row Western Maryland has lost prestige in the eyes of many and fought cross winds all afternoon Loyola was Power's triple in the last people who judge a school by its athletes. On the west coast of the on his second round to score a 73 inning. United States, the newspapers and sporting public for the last few for a total of 144. This was the best Hurtmen Defeat Two State Teams, years have given as much attention to Western Maryland as they score turned in by any individual in Western Maryland Summary Bucknell Breaks Winning Streak have to schools like Penn State, Dartmouth, and Colgate. The competition here this season, and with AB RHO 1 I quantity of requests by newspapers and private individuals for in- it he took first individual honor-s in A 5 2 2 0 In the last two weeks the Tenor formation about the Terrors, proves that Western Maryland is a the match. Fut-rell, of Loyola, was 4 1 1 2 0 netmen have triumphed in five out of big name out beyond the Rockies. That is a queer fact, but it has second with a score of 149. 3 1 1 0 six matches including two victories documentary proof in the letter files of the athletic office and verbal This Saturday the locals will play 3 1 0 I toward the state Ca- proof from visitors. No one can deny that the only reason several at the Woodholm Country Club in the 5 2 1 2 tawba on April 27 was team million people have heard of Western Maryland is that the school Mar-yland Intercollegiate Champion- 4 0 3 9 0 to feel the wrath of the racket wiel- This tournament will deter- a 0 0 0 2 del's when the visitors lost by a 6-3 had a good football team. the official ranking of every col- 3 0 0 1 0 On the other hand, the advantages of the new policy will legiate golf team in the state, and a concen- Cook, p. 1 1 0 1 Crossing over to the Eastern Shore accumulate, More students derive benefits from a less community large entry list is anticipated. program.c.-Iess for a two-day trip on April 29 and 30, trated athletic than 60/0 of the college The summary follows: 34 8 11 18 5 the squad downed both Delaware and can ever hope to get in a football game. The administration is academic higher standards Box score: Washington College. The 5-4 victory right in that a few football victories. are worth more to the Team Scores than college Loyola o 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0-1 over the Delaware leam was assured George Washington 648 W,l'II. o 1 0 1 0 0 4 2 x-8 only when Western Maryland won Western Maryland 676 two of the three double matches. The Triples-Ryan, Cook, Stropp, Pow- closeness of the match is indicated by Tennis T earn On Top University of Maryland 678 ers. Doubles-Stropp 2. Loyola We'll have to hand the laurels to the tennis team for a while, Loyola College 717 Battery-Flynn and Powers. Walks the fact that the Terrors dropped the Unnoticed, the netmen won five straight games last week and they Catholic University . 810 -Cook 3, Flynn 6, Strike outs- Individual Scores one or two up the Cook 9, Flynn 3. Sacrifice-c-Mar-tin. now have hopes of finishing Tomorrow schedule with only will visit the 144 Loyola most. College at the losses more Umpires-Miles and Drury. 149 campus and on Saturday the once defeated University of Delaware 158 team will come for a return match, 158 In the season so far, Captain John Elliott has won nine and 160 W. M. Defeats Ithaca lost three singles matches to lead the squad, Wort Belt is secorid four. toughest Persh Volkart has Nine In Sixth Frame with eight and team played and his record been meeting the accordingly. Delta Pi Alpha Wins suffered men on every has Coach Hurt was r-ight two weeks ago when he predicted that the team was going to win a lot of matches. First Softball Round DROP TWO TO SHOREMEN A 1"l'ivin.qat Bloomsburo Teachers' College, the Opening- up in the sixth inning with .John Elliott, Captain netmew found that the only place left to sleep was in Golf And Tennis Results Slow To Come In a 7-run spree, the Green Terrors de- the gi1'ls' dorm: The women had vacated the fi1'st feated Ithaca College on Hoffa Field first three singles, then Ransone, f1001' nnd some of the squad got their rest. in the first round last Friday 9-6. The New Yorkers Belt, and Solomon won and each team On the way back, the old Studebaker Cal' kind of of The final gnmea league gave the took one doubles match to tie the the softball did all their damage in the first three score. Prentiss and Wright were acted up on the team, The mishaps of the evening Preachers Club undisputed possession innings and were then held scoreless included 1'nnnin_qthl'ough a reti light, finding of the by Fran Smith for the rest of the forced to three full sets in order to drioer without his license by a Pennsylvania 1Jatl'ol- of the title. The games were much game. Catington started off for the win. man, run.ning out of gas in the middle of noiohere, tighter than the big scores indicate, home team but was relieved in the Defeat "'ashing-ton College and failing of the starter to start after the t(11Ik1vas No team is out of the running for the honors, and a round much second third frame after he had allowed two The third victory in 11 row was refilled: more hotly contested set of games is hits with nobody out. chalked up against Washington Col- expected. The Ithaca team made their four lege 5-2 in a weird match that was Baseball Schedule Easier runs in the first inning through an stopped by the rain. The score was The Preachers have won most of errol', three singles and a double by 4-1 and Wort Belt was within two The baseball team has absorbed several defeats, of which the t~eil'. gnmes through .the curve ball their catcher. The thr-illing sixth in- points of clinching the match when hardest to take were those administered by Bloomsburg, Washing- pitching- Of.John Tomichek .and some ning rally was star-ted off by Koegel rain started to fn]]. The ShOl'emell ton, and Penn State. Except for Georgetown, the team now faces pow~l'ful by Ortenai, Chur~h, with a single. showed fine sportsmanship in foTfeit- 7 games which will all be easier than those which have already ~obl~s~n, t~ndBBr~s~n. ~us~ S.l;~th A double by Sturm, :on errol', ing the match in return fOl' a fOlfeit been played, Why ~asn't the team, won more games? There are ;O~~l1~~.11:~on ~hea~lO~I~~sa:l~e:o~:labl: and a single by Smith of one of the doublcs making the final several answers, FIrst, they haven t scored eno~gh nms. , hitting. Brooks is on the mound for all in 7th allowed two more scol'e 5-2 official. S_econdly, the ~eam lacks a real top notch pItcher an.d the m-I the BhlCk alld Whites. The Gamma Terror runs to come over to Jlut Brother met brother when the Ter- field has been makm.g errors. A~ the plate" the Hoffa Field gang Bets have had a little trouble in get- the game on ice. The Western Mal'Y- rors visited St, John's and made the has really been bangmg out the hIts, McQUIllen, Dl'ugash, Koegel, ting a steady man to pitch and All- land infield played a good brand of record foul' in fI row by fI 7-2 score. Stur~, and Edm?nd are all hitti_ng ~wer ,300. ~nd th~ pitchers!!! gil'e, Graham, and Banks have all had ball and only made two en-Drs in the Ed Volkart, of St. John's defeated Charlie Hav~ns legularly us~s hiS pltr;hers for pIllch hItters, Bark- :< try at it. A good many fielding 1'1'- g:ame. his brother Pershing in three hard doll and Smith have each hit two tl'lples. Sturm, Drugash, and rors have occurred on all teams. Cook Unable To Hold Penn State sets to highlight the match. The only Mcquillen are tied with two homers apiece. The standing fOl' the first round is On the following day the Havens- other Terror to lose was Hal Wright, Right now a shift is in order in the infield, Jack Ryan is back as follows: men journeyed to Penn State to re- who lost a heartbreaking three-set after his illness and may be able to play this week. At the begin. Won ceive a 16-3 licking, Carroll Cook struggle to Warburton. ning of the season he showed ability both at the plate and on the Preachers 3 opened on the mound and had a good The team t.ook over Bloomsburg second sack. Cocky Bills, the little man who makes all the chatter bail game with no hits until the third Teachers in a return match on May around t.hird base, has been doing a fine job in the field but has not inning, Then a single and a couple 6, 7-2. On the next day the squad done so well at the plate. Joe Dl'ugash has done the opposite from of errors caught Cook ofTbalance and journeyed over to Bucknell and the Bills, Joe is holding up his batting, but not his fielding average. There are no results from t.he golf five runs came in, Barkdoll relieved winning streak was snflpped by the Drugash may go out to left field, Emil Edmond may come back at and tennis tournaments although Cook in the next inning after a cou- conquerors of Albright and Temple- second, Ryan might play short, Sturm may go to third, or Koegel seeded teams fl'Om eflch club are play- ple of eITOl'S and passed balls un- 7-2. Bucknell took all six singles al- may come in from the pasture. ing, The tournamellt was a little nerved the starter. though Rflnsone and Solomon were Saturday the nine will visit the Mounts at Emmitsburg; on slow in starting find Barney Spiel' has Drugash scored the Terror's first extended to three sets each. The Wednesday, May 18, Georgetown; and on May 20, Loyola, Charlie urged that all matches be played off run in the opening inning as a result Hurtmen won the first and second Havens has just arranged a game for May 21 wit.h Dickinson Semi- as soon as possible. The individuals of being driven around the bases by doubles. nary at Carlisle. from each club are playing off the McQuillen ann Sturm. Sturm led Tomorrow Loyola College will play matches at their own convenience and off in the fourth inning with II homer here and Satllrday Delaware will ar- The tennis team seems to have the option on this failures to l'eport results have pre- and McQuillen knocked one in the rive for a j'etul'n match week's hUntQ1', The squad was having a ha'l'd battle vented an;.' standing from being made sixth with nobody on base. with Washington College last week. WQ1'thy Wort up. Belt was playing (L strenuous match on the thi1'd Team Drops Two To Shoremen the end of the fourth inning. How- conrt. No one could tell what his SC01'e'was without The two Washington College games ever, the Shol'emen made eight runs following the game play by play, M1', Hurt, wanting were tough to drop as they counted in the next thl'ee innings to end the to see how his tearn stood in the match, called aC1'OSS ANNOUNCEMENT toward the league standing. Dorn did same with a 9-3 score. the courts to Belt, "How are 1JOU,M1', Belt." WQ1,thy mound duty in the first two games on On May 4, the Washington team TV 01·t picked 1tp the next ball, stopped the play (! Intramural Track Meet April 28. The Terrors started off well took the Havensmen over 11-3 on thE' ' m.inute, and called back, "[,.m, all right, how aTe 11011, Thursday, May 19 and the seO]'ewas 3-1 in their favor at Shoremen's groun~s. professoT."
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