Page 48 - TheGoldBug1937-38
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I~---------I PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. J GOt 1\ IIr II,STUDEN_T Don't be hesitant about offering any p assing In Re . CAMERAMEN! 1938 Aloha needs snapshots! The 'lII'II B" '""'PH OL'ATT>VleW or all of y.our shots to Joe Parker. ~PINION He'll gladly, .although them '" .... "v",,,, accept guarantee does not necessarily that that they'Jl get by our critical editor- The following 'opinions expressed ial staff. Joe must have them by "You all did see that on the Lupercal Official student newspaper of Western Maryland College, published on Thurs- by various members of the student Tuesday, April 19. I thrice presented him a. kingly day, semi-monthly during October, November, February, March, April, May, government, selected entirely at ran- crown and monthly during September, December, and January, by the students of dom, are here presented to the read- Western Maryland College, \Vestminster, Maryland. Entered as second-class ers of the Gold Bug. They come to Which he did thrice refuse; was this matter at the Westminster Post Office, under the Act of March 3, 1879. CAMPUS ambition?" you without comment save grateful SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $1.50 A YEAR The preceding quotation was the recognition to their authors for the LEADERS reaction of one newspaper columnist willingness with which the state- to the famous 12 :45 A. M. letter 1937 Member 1938 ments were presented. which was given to newspapermen by I'Issocioled G:lllee;ioIe Press Lewis Hyde Dooley: one of the President's secretaries. My position in regard to any honor Congress was discussing the Reorgan- system is that it, is fine if it will ization Bill. Opposition was tncreas- EDITORIAL STAFF I ing. The cry of "Dictator" was be- Editor-in-Chief FRANK COE SHERRARD, '39 work. However, T oppose the institu- Associate Edito)' . VERONICA KOMPANEK, '40 tion of such a system at Western ing heard. The letter was the Presi- Managing Editor. PAUL BURTIS, '40 Maryland as yet because the student l dent's answer. The general reaction Neioe Editm·. ALVIN NEWTON, '40 'was that affairs had indeed ap- Copy Edito)' RUTH MANSBERGER, '41 body is not ready for it. proached a critical point when Copy Reade1' CATHERINE COUNCELL, '41 n Proof Editor .. .................... . SUE PRICE, '40 William F. Thomas: President of. the United States must Proot Reade'I· ... . _ _.. _._.__.. .. __ TRAGO BRUST, '39 At present, any etudent opinion on deny dictatorial ambitions. Featllre Edifors ........... LAWRENCE FREENY, '39; KATHERINE KLIER, '40; There was one fallacy made by the MARGARET PACKWOOD, '40; GRACE MACVEAN, '39 the "yea" 01' "nay" of the honor sys- Sports Editors. __ .. LAWRENCE STROW, '39; MARY JANE HONEMAN, '39 tem is likely to be an opinion aroused columnist in using the quotation. He A8sistant Sports Editors ... MASON SONES, '40; HAROLD SOLOMON, '41 by the eilitorial on that subject which assumed that the Amer-ican people Condoning and advising I Typist . BETTY Lou BITTMAN, '41 Assistant Typist ...... ..... _.. _.. _.. _ ROBERT McKNIGHT appeared in a recent edition of the had offered the crown. No such thing Exchange Editor .. .. MlRIA~! EVERTS, '40 Gold Bug. ROBERTG. McKNIGHT had occurred. The rejection of the BUSINESS STAFF "stool pigeons" was a grievous errol', Supreme Court Reform proved that. Busines8 Manager ..__.... EMELINE NEWMAN, '39 but that point is immaterial. A high "The Playboy of the Western It has been made doubly so by the re- Adve1·tising Manager.. FRED PLUMMER, '40 sense of ethical values is a pre-requi- 'Vorld",-the man who has so many commital of the Reorganization Bill. Circulation Managers LESLIE STOKES, '40, RUTH FIELDS, '40 site to adulthood. A man who can't women he has to number them-e- There is need for reorganization of be trusted is valueless-s-and is not a Sal'S Mac, "I'm in a turmoil, I've departments. President Roosevelt can Cont'4ii~t~~ar~:ioE~S~~r~i,fl;~~; G~i~~~~g'T'~:~le~~I?~l;Fsi~~::l~t; ~~'~~~s,S~~~li man! changed my thinking radically in the Shelton Bowen, '39; Violet Younger, '41; Lilyan Bennett, '41; Willard achieve that reorganization by an in- Everett, '41; Arthur Bradley, '40. I favor the honor system because I last three months." Some people telligent approach to the problem, and would rather be flattered into fail' would say that "Mac" is merely a realization that his powers are lim- The Old Order Changes il~:~t ~~a!h;ri~~~:~1:1~~t:fit s~;:::~~ ~~:~i~i~l~~t ~:a~~~t~~! ~:v:~:~~ol::hi; ited, and the American An people want stay independent so. to them The primary purpose of a newspaper is to render to its read- one's distrust. is another flash of that rare power of legislative body still exists. At times ers the current news as quickly as possible without prejudice or philosophical self-analysis which is it does show ability and a modicum of bias. The newspaper is, therefore, a service organization dedi- Dorothy MacEwen: part of Robert G. McKnight's charac- good sense. We might add that there cated to the service of others. The small college newspaper is even In my oplnfon, I1n "honor system" tel'. still are men who can be "purchased" more altruistic than is the big metropolitan newspaper, because is much needed on the "Hili". Some Perhaps most likable of "Mac's" by expressions of the sentiment of • the authors of the former receive as their sole reward the satis- codes or ethics that would blot out many likable traits, is his rare (very the people. Let us also add that there faction growing out of their philanthropic service, whereas the I cheating, stealing, 1and the breaking rare) humor and good nature. Me- are men who can be purchased by a latter yields remunerative benefits ~o its publishers. The new staff of rules would make an honor system Knight always has a word for it-no new post office, bridge, or an addition- of the Gold Bug, therefore, pays tribute to the old staff because the The enforcement would depend large- matter what it is. al grant of W.P.A. money. latter served the student body of Western Maryland and many ly upon the cooperation of the student But wit and good humor are not other readers for a year with no reward save the knowledge of body. I am heartily in favor of an always sufficient to make a campus their service. honor system but doubt its success. I leader. "Mac's" duties as Dean Government Spending The members of the new Gold Bug staff further recognize admit it is needed and I feel it would Schofield's "right-hand man" entitle Governor Earle of Pennsylvania President the among others one signal accomplishment of its predecessors. The be a problem of influencing everyone him to a position of respect on the has recently advised spent by the gov- that retired editor came into his office a year ago to find a small, poorly to "pay his penny for his ware". A campus. As Managing Editor of the $9,000,000,000 organized, and inexperienced staff. This situation was created by problem which would depend largely Gold Bllg, he was a great typist and ernment would bring the country out the fact that in past years the Gold BuO had been published by a upon the studen~fody ~ol' its sucpcss the lif,,! of the party. As Circulation of the depression (we mean our lat- few capable seniors who on graduation left little or no staff. Mr. -An Honor System, I say. ' Manager of the Awha, he is expecting est, not the ]929 vintage). Why be.a piker about it, Governor? We suggest it~~~=~~,~~:r~~n~iJl~;\~;i~~;~~~a;tl~~~e~;l~~~~~~. tOT~~~~r~~ Malcolm Kullmar: I ~~e~l~st: 1~~ilofhi~:lOl':~t~:~l' c;::~~ $45,000,000,000. Of course ours is a retiring, he left a large experienced group of young journalists I am most emphatically opposed to they had to have someone as Presi- selfish motive. We feel that if our figure -is used, our chances of getting who had become thoroughly acquainted with their new duties, an honor system a~ Western Mary- dent of the Chemistry Club! The R. some of the money would be five times through a long apprenticeship under the old staff. Aside from the land such as suggested by a recent O. 1'. C. claims some of his time also. as great. We fail to appreciate that ~el~~~tsst:~i~~at~!~ ~~~v r~~~~r e~~:o~\~a~~b~~~ ~i~aspue~ce;:~~~aW~ ~~!!Ol~~! i;ac~hetl1~f'llda~~.~~t Id~:to~; mo~~I'~OaUps~~;et~l:Un~h,A~~~:~~vd;hO~ five times nothing still leaves noth- conceded to be superior to that of any previous year at \Vestern "cheating" docs go on in our classes, field and the ex-Gold Bug staff. ing. Maryland. but of the two evils I prefer the The new staff, however, feels that there are yet many im- cheating to the "stool-pigeoning" T From the statements received I World Affairs provements to be made in the Gold Bug. It has made several minor think such an honor system would think that campus opinion could be Meanwhile the ,'est of the world is changes in its first issue, which it believes will improve its publica- Cl·eate. It may be that we as college fairly judged, and on the basis of such in a normal state of affairs. The tion. It feels that these changes, omissions and innovations, need 1\ judgment the advisability of estab- Japanese are still playing in China's no justification, but in answer to a "letter to the editor" it will ;~~den:; a~';Of::S:~'~' P01~::!rt~:~!~~ lishing an honor system could be de- backyard. China wants them to use gladly explain its motives in making them. I would rather see'a faculty of police- termined their own yard. Both will need con- men than a student body of tale-bear- siderable doses of castor oil when Your Opinion Margaret Rurroughs: they are finished. They play the The retired Gold Bug staff re-awakened in its final publication Our establishing an honor system game too roughly. a vital issue which has been dormant at Western Maryland for sev- Rebecca Keit.h: on this campus would plunge us head By the time the Spanish are finish- eral years. The incumbent staff does not intend to let the Western Dl" Kahn pointed out last Monday first into a state that we are not ed with their little game of "hide-and- Maryland student government resume its torpor concerning this in chapel that little things have a ready for. The attitude of the stu- seek", they will discover that they issue until a definite decision has been reached and expressed con- more lasting effect on individuals dent toward meeting personally such have been "it" all the time. The rough cerning it. The issue-is the Western Maryland student body than we sometimes realize. It seems definite demands as are, necessary for boys from across the tracks, Hitler capable of supporting an honor system? to me that a person who cheats, re- the success of an honor system has and Mussolini, will soon put an end The editorial, which appeared in the last issue of the Gold gardless of the reason he gives for not matUl'ed enough to support so to the game. Being in a playful Bug, made clear the need of an honor system at Western Maryland. cheating, harms himself, and, there- drastic a measure. It is evident that mood and having tasted a lollypop, It referred to dishonesty in its various forms as they manifest fore, T consider this problem of dis- the student should be brought to the they might want to play some more, themselves on the Hill. The need for some remedial action to deal honest;,' a very vital one. The ques- realization that something must be That would be very, very bad. with this recognized evil is generally acknowledged by the student tion is, "\Vill an honor system solve but to establish a definite honol' The French are the ones that really body as well as by the faculty and administration. our problems?" hel'e now would be the same are enjoying life. Every afternoon Student body, facult~T, and administration of Western Mary- Personally, I approve of honor sys- as expecting a flowcr to bloom with- they go out and whack each other land College, and of every other college which does not have a suc- tems, but T do not think that Western out its having its roots first placed in across the head or the rump; they go cessful honor system, envy either secretly or overtly, the name of Mar:l,land College is ready for the in- the ground. on strike when the government Washington and Lee because of its successful honor system. The itiation of such a system. The success threatens to do something; for some- college with an honor system has something of which to be proud; or failure 'of any honor code lies in Rill Hau[: thing in the lighter vein they sing the I do not think that the honor sys- the college without an honor system lacks something. the hands of the students, and unless tem should be in this school bec!luse "Tnternationale". They have serious The presence of an honor system shows that a sense of honor its establishment is supported by a this school is too small. I would not trouble, too. Monsieur Blum wanted exists on the campus. More important, it shows that the student large majority, it will fail. think of telling on my friends if I to be dictator._ Imagine! body is composed of individuals who not only know what is right, I therefore suggest that the lead- caught them in the act of cheating. The Englishman is won·ied. Cham- but who are ready to support what is right. el'S of OUI'"honor system" movement This should b_eleft up to the person bel'lain is pla;,'ing "eeny-meeny-miny- "I know that cheating is wrong. I will never under any cir- make clear to the student body what because T believe it is a personal mat- mo" with Benito. 'Ve don't know who cumstances cheat. But I will never report on a fellow student. I, code they propose, what it would te1', and should be up to the students therefore, am opposed to an honor system." This is the attitude mean to each person, and how it themselves if they allow others to is winning. 'Ve are willing to give which many students have adopted toward an honor system. The would work. The program should be copy from them. odds on Benito. He has played the above statement is typical of the bright student who does not have definitely stated, and discussion game before. to cheat, but whose scruples would not interfere if expediency should be encouTaged. Eleanor Perry: The big "ja" man from Berlin had called for dishonesty. To know right from wrong is merely the Then, after several weeks, a ques- I think an honor system is a grand his mustache singed recently. He de- difference between a moron and one of normal intelligence. The tionnaire could be issued to each stu- idea, but it seems to me that before cided that German minorities needed above statement is no credit to any college student. dent during a Monday morning chap- ycn could make it work at Western protection in Brazil. Being a great If Western Maryland is sufficiently mature to support an el, urging everyone to be perfectly Maryl!lnd, you'd need the help and co- statesman, he dispatched a note. honor system, the Student Councils, the present ones in coopera- fl'ank in his answers to these three operation of all of the students and President Vargas received it, read it, tion with the ones which will soon be elected, will present one be- questions (no signatures would he teachers. It is an ideal situation and and relegated it to the wastepaper fore the close of the present semester for acceptance, revision, or asked for): would take a long time to get it going basket. He had one of his ministers rejection. The system would begin to function with the opening of Do you think that an honor system college next fall. should be established on our campus? ::c~t t~e~~;t S:~~~dab~ut:: :~~'~::~ tell the populace that there were no The Gold Bng invites the student body, the faculty, the ad- Do you think it would bc successful an honor system established. On the German ~i.norities in Brazil. ~ll ministration, and all of its other readers to express their opinions if initiated? other hand, the sooner it is started, were Brazlhans. Del' Fuehrer felt m- in the Gold Bug conceming a Western Maryland College honor sys- Would you be willing to do yom ~~~s~o:~e; ~!t':i:!r~en~~n~ling smooth- i :~~:::~'ed~e did the natural thing. He tem. This may be done through letters "to the editor". part in making the system work 1
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