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JUNIOR PROM NO SOPHOMORE APRIL 23 EXAMS Z286 Vol. 15, No. 12 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. April 14, 1938 Dr. Jacob Kahn IJunior Speech Class To : Dr, Spicer Addresses Dr. Kathleen MunnTo Present One Act Plays! Seniors At Investiture CALEN9AH Speaks OnPersonality Comedies Of Widely Different Types April: Debate-Freshmen 12:40, Room 125 Graduates of 1938 Receive Caps Attend Sorbonne On vs. Ameri- 14 University, can InAssembly April}} To Be Presented Under The 16 22 Baseball with Johns Hopkins and Gowns At Service On Fellowship Award Direction Of Miss Smit.h April 6 Track meet with Washington Research Worker Of The Phipps On Friday, April 22, the Junior College, Hoffa Field, 2:30 Dr. Clyde A. Spicer, Professor of Martha Manahan, western Maryland Psychiatric Clinic Discusses "Mod- Speech Class will present the second 18 French Club 6:45, McDaniel Mathematics, delivered the address at Gradua~; To riu Office Of ern Concepts Of Personality" series of one-act plays. The plays se- Lounge th~ Investiture Service in Alumni Hall Assistant Registrar lected by Miss Smith are: Green 19 Piano Recital, Doris Haines. on, Wednesday morning, April 6, at Eyes /1'01n Romany, John Kirkpat- Smith Hall, 7:30 which service 125 members of the co~~~c:e~co~Vi~ah~hi;;sear;:yC~~~~~~: rick; Joint. Owners in Spain, Alice Baseball with Bloomsburg, class of 1938 were invested with their nO~~:;d ~::~~j!: ;:~~:r~dM~~;I:I~~ Clinic, spoke to the Western Mary- ~:~~~n; Pot Boiler, Alice Gersten- 20 ~~~~ ~\:1:,~~3~ 7:30 aC~d:m~chc:p ~~::n~;~~~~lent 0 f "A faculty and administj-at.ion changes :::i::'I~;:il ~StemblY on Monday All the plays are comedies, but each ~~ ~:~~~;'YP~~;~'8~~000Alumni Hall Mighty Fortress Is Our God", the ~:~:~h:~~~eb:i~Ogm:~:~~:~:eino~e~~e~~ The Phipps Clinic at Johns Hop- ~Iao:, ~~~:~~~~~:71~~nt~:~la~:et:~':! 23 Junior Prom ~~~~rsH:~~ f~;ltra~~~~~:d ~~t~i~II~ ber. Miss Marg'aret Herring of the :::t ~;i;~:s~~r:~. o~l"' o~a~~'s f~7:,~, place when a group of ladies, energet- 25 Debate-Freshmen vs. Gettys- offered the invocation. g.i.iv~~si~iee~f ~f:~'~I::d a:iI~s~~~~:~: cession of the "Modern Concepts of, :~ail~~e~;'~~:;!n~/~r g~:s~~:::~~n:~!~~ 26 ~~~~ic Recital, Smith Hall, Stresses Interest Professor+In the department of for- ~~~~~n;!~::' ~~i~~tr;~~:hi~:'y ~~d:~~ ler. The mixup becomes general. The 7:30 Sp~~c,~hesa~~UI;: ~~ehi:e~~o~~~ss,,,~o: ~~~~_~~~~uages during the next year, solution is reached only when "Wen- h ld' d I . ]"ttl If I ProaChed'Defines Superstition nie" proves that the only thing worse :iso~efo~: ~e::i~~ ~er~. \;~el~:n:O~~ To Study Fine Arts than a jealous woman is one who has During her leave of absence Dr. dr:;;':~;!~;s,h!~~~l~i~~t~~ ~:~i~~~~nothing to be jealous about. Western Maryland Will Ofli ~:~~n:~:::~th Cl~~\ b::;\n~::: :e~.~~. :u~~I~~~~h~tUd~v::d:~~ ~;;bo;ne t~~ f 1 I N R demons were supposed by the ancients Casts Announced eceive ew Post ce Ice III this field or that? Does this' . p.. . Y I t o. b th e con tr II" f actors,' ,ife. The cast: Josephine Larr, Dorothea field grve me an opportunit.y to use I wAm,m","ncanASSOCIatIOnof Universjty e Wth th d I 0 mg t f d -- all of my talents?' 'I'here IS a place hi~ conc:p,t:v:I~!~~na:d, ,.~~:n~r~;~a; hF,",i~,i~g!n',':y;,L~!':"':n'lfM",dll'onDd',",~"thEYmC"'ly-Combination Lock Boxes To Form In the wor-ld fOI you, find It Don't be Her appointment to the Dor- n 1l .. " ~ Nucleus For New Svstem To Be a mIsfit" othy Atkmson fellowshIp by the. ;,ear became ou~ ~uperstltlOn of today. Pl'escott, Anne Melvin; Fanny Mead-l Installed DurIng Summer 1n dlSCUSSlllgfutme voCatIOns, DI Amencan AssocmtJon of UnIversIty p~:~~m su:rer~~;~:l~al ~:~:~se~:~ !~:~::~ly:~~~~eeet~; ~;~~:r~il1:~~~~~::~ A fOl\Vald step towalds the solutIOn Splcel asked, "Do you have a genu- ~~:m:~lJw~:t:~;o~:c~~e o~n~ra~~~s2: f speaker. .. Williams; Madame Khaa,'vice, Mary of the much talked about Post Officc I ~~:I~o?mPr~l~:~t~~:\:s~v~~t;~ut~~;u~! the fifteenth and eally sIxteenth cen- ve~~~~;a~l:inJ:~:~~:gex~~~nb::;~e~:~ Ja~:i:to~~s~:~e~~ Spain is the story ~~~I~I::~~\~:a~~I::::~:xS;~~~!mV~; do But, If you do not find an mtel- ~~:~~:ll; ~:;;I:~d~~~~:::I~amt9:~ ment. Over a penod of bme, students of four women in an old-ladies' the College Pal k Post Office was pUl- e~t m YOUIWOlk change to somethmg to replace Mrs Taylm who le~lgned of the question have collected and home. Miss Dyer has just been as- chased WIth the thought of formmg a e se In spIte of lack of trammg, If at that time. ' ~Iassified data .regarding. human ~e- ~igned a new room-mate, Mrs. Blair, nucleus around which the new Post rou are interested in yO\l\' work, you Miss Herring is a graduate of the mgs and behaVIOr. Resulb~g theol"l~s and their personalities immediately Office may be built. The boxes arc are almost sure of success." University of"Maryland where she has have ranged from those whIch explam conflict. To make living together at of the combination lock variety.and Training Important taught in both the regular and sum- human·~ersonality by the contours of all possible, they draw a chalkline there are approximately two hundred How to measure success WIIS one mer school sessions. In June she will the bram or face to the structUl'c of down the center of th~ room and each and thirty of. thf'lll. Also acquired of Dr. Spicer's Inost important points,. receiVe-her Ph.D. 'from the University the glands. lives religiously on her side of the with the boxes was a thirty-four foot "I am sure all of you wish to be suc- of Pennsylvania, where she now holds Emphasizes Understanding line. frontage including mail slots, busi- cessful. How can ,ve measure suc- f. fellowship. Before teaching at the "Today, 'how are we to ilecide what The cast: Mrs. Mitchell, Louella I:ess windows, an~ frame work. The ccss? Can we measure it by our a;;- University of Mal'yland, Miss Herring is 'pei'sonality?" In answer ·to this '"lead; Mrs. Fullerton, Marie Park; size of the acquisition will take up too nual income? Some people do. Prob- taught in the Hyattsville High School. question Dr. Kahn said, Miss Dyer, Nellie Williams; M,'s. much space to be used in the present ably a better yardstick would be our While teaching at the University of "Rating scales and tests are mere- Blair, Barbara Ann Fogelsanger. Post Office, and a removal from its use f u I n e s s to society. Training, Maryland summer school several ~~e~~::::~~~::,:~i:~d::1 ;:::!a~e~i~~e; Pot Boiler On Program ~:;~s:~~e~~~~~o~lat~e~s I;~~~n:~.sirable ~~:lel~;ef~lil~eecst:dfOI:e:::hti~d:Vi;;::~.i,~ ~~~:n a:;~n~~eH~~~:n~~1chths~e'~~~ Psychiatry today deals with the'indi- Pot Boiler is perhaps the most pop- For mallY years the present postal In conclusion, Dr. Spicer told the directed since its founding. vidual person in relationship with oth- ular short play in America. It has equipment has been inadequate to group, "Society expects young edu- er people at a specific time, at II cer- been pronounced by various critics "a meet the needs of the students and cated men and women to exhibit com- Alumnae Appointed tain place, and for II definite reason." swell show", "a riot" faculty who use the mail and there lllon sense and good judgment. Noth- To fill the vacancy l'esulting from Emotions are involved in this per- The cast: Thomas Pinickles Seed, has been much agitation for a more ing will takc the place of these." the death of Miss Louise Fisher, sonality behavior as well as a per~ the author, Joseph Oleair; Hal'old satisfactory system of handling. Miss Martha Manahan, who graduat- son's background, his present situa- Wouldley, the novice, James Menitt; While the installation of the improved ed fl'om Western Maryland in 1923, tion, and his future hopes. In con- Mr, Ivory, the father, Raymond Rod- facilities will not take place dUl"ing Howard Gale's Orchestra has been appointed Assistant Regis- cluding his talk, Dr. Kahn emphasized erick; Miss Ivory, the heroine, Gwen- the remainder of this yea!", it is hoped trar. that, "We must understand these dolyn Heeman; Mr. Inkwell, the vil- that a proper place will be found dur- To Play At Junior Prom Miss Manahan will resign her pres- things and learn to make people com- lain, Kenneth Baumgartner; Mr. Rul- ing the summer and that the remain- ent position as Home Demonstration forrnble. We must listen to them for er, the hero, Donald Humphries; Mrs, ing classes will have acccss to the im- On Saturday, April 23 Agent of Howard County, Maryland, they have a right to express them- Pencil, the vampire, Mary ClemSOll. proved system. to accept this administrative position. selves," Tcn Piece Nat.ional Broadcasting For several years after graduating Orchestra To Feature from Westem Maryland, Miss Mana- Economics Home Sophomore Comprehensives ' Western Maryland Choir To Give Girl Vocalist han taught High School. She had at Hampstead Gale's Howard N. B. C. orchestra Banned By Faculty Action Concert In Baltimore April 24 will be the attraction offered at the majored in Home Economics at Wes- became a She later Maryland. tern 1938 Junior Prom, which will be held 'member of the staff of the Baltimore Use Of 'Comprehensive Examinat.ions Professor Alfred de Long To Direct Program Consisting of Old Hebrew, in Science Hall on Saturday, April 23. Dairy Council, from which she trans- On Sharp Decrease. Time, Cost, Russian Jewish Songs And Anthems Written By 16th Centur~' The committee in charge, composed felTed to her present position in How- Effort Not Justified Church Music Composers In Series Of Sunday Concerts of Alex Ransone, 'William Bender, ard County. -~-- Hollingsworth Barkdoll, and Vil'ginia The Sophomore Comprehensive Ex- On Sunday, April 24, at 4:00 P. M" To God OR HIgh, Bach. Karow, assel·ts that this band has won aminations, which have previously the Western Maryland College Choir, Lo)"d, t.o Thee ].V e Lasso. the approval of all its recent patrons. Ernest R. Bryan To Give been given to all students at the close under the direction of Pl'ofessor Al- How Excellent Thy and Al- It was so well received in the Her- of their second college .ycar, will no fred de Long, will fOl"the second time leluia, Handel. shey Ball Room in Hershey, Pennsyl Address In Assembly longer be administered to Western present a program in the series of J1 hVl"am., Ahvl"am, Yiddish Folk vania, that it received the only l'e- M~ryland CQIJege.students. This in- Sunday afternoon concerts at the Song. quest for a return engagement issued "Youth In Europe" To Be Topic Of formation was made known when Maryland Casualty Auditorium at The SUR Goes DOll.!ll,Jewish Melo- by that group last season; and it will Discussion Monday, April 18 Dean Schofield officially made the an- 40th Street and Keswick Road, in Bal- dy, come hel'e dil'ectly from the GoVel"ll- nouncement at the faculty meeting on 'timore, Hallduw., Praise Yc the L(YT"d, or's Ball in Hal"l"isbUl'g,where it will On April 18, Mr. Ernest R. Bryan, Monday night. . The choir appeared once before in Lewandowski. play by appointment of Pennsylva- vice-chairman of the Allied Youth Or- The decision was made after a can- this series in the spring'of 1936, when nia's Governor Earle. It is a tcn- ganization, will address the student vass had been made to determine fac- it presented Handel's "The Creator' Lo, My Shephc·rd's Hand Divine, piece band and features a girl vocal- body at the regular Monday morning ulty opinion on the subject of the with guest soloists. This year the Haydn. ist, assembly. Mr. Bryan will speak on tests, choir will give a concert of sacred M01-n11!g Hymn, Herschels. The sponsors of the prom will be: the subject, "Youth in Europe", with Dean Schofield explains that there anthems, all of which have been sung Tm-n Thee Again, Atwood. President alld Mrs. F. G. Holloway, particular emphasis on the problems are two main reasons why the tests at various Vesper Services during the Anthem of PraisF, Dvorak. Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Free, Miss Ber- confronting youth in Germany at the have been discontinq.ed. The first rea- year, tha Adkins, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles present time. Having recently re- son is that the results of the exami- Included on the program will be old Tho!t Light. of Life, Tchesnokov. Havens. turned from an extended tour of many nations are not put to sufficient use to Hebrew and Russian Jewish songs, as 'triumph Thanksgiving, Rachmani- This year f"eshmen and sopho- European countries, the speaker is justify the time, effort, and the cost well as anthems by church music com- noff. mores, as well as upperclassmen, are qualified to discuss this subject, required, posers from the sixteenth century to The Day of J1fdgment, Arkhangel- invited to attend, and any members In addition to his work with the Secondly, the use of the particular the present time, sky. of the student body may bring a Allied Youth Organization, Mr. Bry- examination that has been given at Solos in two of the selections will Admission to the concel·t will be guest. The guest list will close on an devotes a great deal of time to Western Maryland, is now on a sharp be sung by Louise Jameson and Gladys fl'ee to the general public. Friends of Thursday, April 21, and all students writing. In recognition of his ability decrease. At one time the examina- Coppage. Hazel Beard is accompanist I {he cOlleg,e are invited to attend, who plan to attend are requested by as an author and lecturer, he was list- tion was used in many schools all over for the choir. . The program presented in Balti- the committee to see Alex Ransone or ed in a recent edition of "Young Men the country, but now it is adminis- The program is as follows:; , more WIll be repeated latel" m the Marjorie McKenney before that date. of America". At pl'esent, Mr. Bryan tered in only a small number of col- All People That 011.Earth Do' Well, I Spring in Salisbury, in Washington, The price of admission, payable at is preparing an article for the Na- leges, I Tallis. f I and at the college, the door,will be $2.50. tiollal Geographic lIfa(lu.zine.
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