Page 46 - TheGoldBug1937-38
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. arlo.. , •• (!fluh.. an~ l>.cttli.. t~.,:.",To Th, ";'0' I • THIS C!? ~.::.~' ~~. ~~ RL D I CHEMISTS' CLUB of "Worship", with Mr. and Mrs. J. There has been so much centro- Providence, R. I.~(ACP)~Special acceptable college work, although The Chemists' Club held its regular P. McKeither in charge. Next week ver-sy recently over certain situations I examinations to show Brown Univer- handicapped by rudimentary reading, biweekly meeting- in Room R, Lewis there will be a joint meeting.with the in the present set-up of the library I sity seniors just what in~ellect.ual re- is a glowing testimonial to their gen- Hall, at 4:05 P. M. on March 8. The Y.W.C.A. At the first meeting after that we are here attempting to make sources they have to use In facing the er-a! intelligence." student speaker, Eugene Cronin, gave spring vacation, the election of offi- a proposal that would satisfy both the world outside college gates will be a review of the Chemical Industry- eel'S for the new year will be held. students and the library authorities. given next month when the university that you are all nicely settled financially, intellectually and histor- All members are especially urged to tries a unique experiment with "com- you!" dormitory room and have ically. attend this meeting. Just What Are The Rules Governing prehensi ve inventory" tests. been attending classes for at least much of Mr. Cronin, who credited appearing I I The Library? In broad terms, the tests will at- five months this school year, we are his material to an article SUNDAY SCHOOL The main defect under the present giving you a gentle jolt from an edu in Fortune, told the group of the his- The Sunday School Party will be system is that when a student enters ~~:~,t t:~ay~el~a~~l~~.;~:~atw~:~d;::; eating easterner that maybe it's all ~ ~~~l";:fog~~:e~h f~~'~~: ~~::~~~~Ip!~~~ ~:!~c~\~l~~~n~~~I~~nge on Friday, ~~:tl~:a\:flt:S:~p:e:~~h~~~t:i~~:!~~~ have known-what they have retain- Wll;J:I~!n~~e~l1ege'S president is the on six primary materials-Coal, Salt, With Bob Cairnes in charge of the some sacred precedent which may ::u~;e~.'?~:es~v~i~~~~e fI~~,~~.l;:;~~~.;~jolter, and here's the jolt: "Don't as- Li;:i~tonflir.Sugl~~~i~vaJ~l"'paa~~,A:}~he ~~~~.t~~lmt~net~~:or~~~o:l::~l=l~ttt:e~ ~0~~1~!~~a~;:v~:~e n~l~O:::ev~e~~::!~ plained. sumeifth~~o~O~~~';) . ~!e t~S :;;~:~~ ~;:;;~~:~vlen~~~~?tri; ;~il~:~P\!h~o~:~:! ;~:~eon:f S~~~I!;:i:e \:ifloob~ti~:~te~.:~ ~~,:~~th~~ ::e;~t t: ~:~~ncdanel~t~r:~~ ha~:e l:e:~~e~illf~~~~SU::t;:~:r~~~I~~~~ ~:~~'le~ey\:~:~;::~::~:Yb:h:~:~esa~~, :~ i~~::'bc~~n~~~i!:w ~~~:~!t:va~ilied al'~~~i~a~~n~a~~~~'~~~y;ssued to all ~:h;~~ ~:~'s~;:~. whims of the person ;~~v~~~:Ul:~dc:~~Oan~tse::y~~~yo~~i:~ intellectual experience." ::den~~:.~:;~ ~~:~u:ntd ~~iOt~v~_~~~:'::!el1)~~en:~.:r~oOfbeth~o~~~.~~tY~ue~;s~We want to see the end of ARBT- campus. But before this gets you down in the dumps too fa)', we'd like to intro- of its assets, although hundreds of since they won the contest for' class ;l~~.:s~n~~~:~o ~tN~e:yI~~~Si~~~t State College, Pa. (ACP)-Joe Col- duce to the University of Wash- companies make it up. It sells acids, ,competition. We close with the emphatic request lege reads like an Bcyear-cld third- Dr. E. R. Guthrie, who's alkalies, ammonia, and diphenylpar-a- I Through the posters, made by me~l- that the library will please consider grader, and at least one college pro- been doing research on the "Big Ap- phenylenediamine-and if you don't i ~cr~ 0: th~ Sunday School, a cordial these two proposals: fessor is doing something about it. ple"-of all things! Sez he: see what you want, ask for it.". I invitn tion is extended to all. 1. Draw up and POST in a promi- Dr. Emmett A. Betts of Pennsyl- "The popularity of the Big Apple M~I~~ p~;,g~:7 ~~:nt~~n~~~~c::e!~n: I SIGl\lA SI~l\IA TAU SOR?RITY ,nent p:ace ALL rules governi~g the vania State College has conducted ex- in America indicates a redblooded three-reel movie on "Abrasives". The followlllg freshmen gn'ls were borrowlllg of books from the hbrary. haustive researches which proves his race above all, and it is probable that guests of the Sigma Sigma Tau sor-I Thus the SURPRISE ELEMENT point, and he is now treating 31 stu- such a dance could not have originat- ~O:eSm~l~::~:~ia~~~el;n~~t:~·e:!e~t~e~:~ crity annual midwinter rush p(lrty in that usually accompanies these func- dents in his "reading clinic". ed in allJ' other nation which is con- all meetings of the group. ~~:ll~Ol;~la;:ha l~,a i~n ir~~:~\~l a~:);~ tiO;.S,;~~ibt~~·e;;~~:~~~nswill not im- ' ab:'I~t~::o~: c~;I~:enh~~~het~~ir~e;~:~! sid~:e~h:;~I:ZC:::'ve a logical cxcuse PHI ALPHA l\IU Lounge: Ellene Ed m 0 n d, Bet t y provise any regulations and fines oth- of pubJic schools have been .found now for saying your collegiantics are On Friday evening, March 11, the Vroome, Ruth Reese, Mary Stan' er than those appearing in the posted among college students," Dr. Betts just a part of a program to determine Phi Alpha Mu sorority had its fif- Gehr, Tane T(lkahashi, Betty Brown, list. said. "The fact that they are doing how dates should be secured. teenth bil-thday party at Windsor Inn. Mary Jane Toomey, Fran Dillaway, Sincerely, Miss Robb and the following alumni Kakki Coe, Anne Dexter, Judy Col- joined the club members in the cele- linson, Elise Weidersum, Jane Shank, l D. KATZ I1111 JOHN EVERHART bration: Misses Jane Murphy, Evelyn Virginia Wigley, Jeannette Wigley, Dx. i III I I II and Naomi C)'own, Elizabeth BemB- Marjorie Cassey, Eileen Trott, Doris Smith & Reifsnider TRY OUR NEW THE COLLEGE BARBER AND BOBBER CEMENTED WORK ler, Margaret Kohler, Katherine Ston- Lubkin, Anna Grace Small, Lilyan Special Rates to Students AT THE FORKS JI er, and Evelyn Mather. Bennett, Doris Hoagland, Mal-jorie Westminster, Md. Each member gave a present to the DeFord, Ruth l\Iansberger, Dorothy club. McEwan, Ellen Logan, Ruth Green- LUMBER, BUILDING SUPPLIES ~~~~~ field, Betty Armstrong, Mildred Hard- Y.M.C.A. ing, Alice Vollmer, and Jane Copper- The regular weekly meeting of the thwaite. AND COAL Y.M.C.A. on Wednesday, March 16, Other guests included Miss Kath- SASH, DOORS, BLINDS AND was focused a)'ound the central theme ieen 1\100re, Miss Esther Smith, and PATRONIZE THE GRILL Mrs. Francis Thomas. GENERAL MILL WORK ADVERTISE IN THE GOLD BUG ISNOOPINGSI H. E. REESE TAILOR WESTERN MARYLAND AND CLEANING "Plunko" Oleair, 'tis reported, is PRESSING Coffee Shop expected to have as his assistant REPAIRING GO TO THE MILITARY BALL 94 East Main Street business manager for the coming SUITS MADE TO MEASURE year, an earnest young lady, Peggy AND RESTAURANT Scarborough, by name. • IF YOU CAN GET $2.50 SODA Yea, verily, and how the mighty Have Your Films Developed have fallen!! No longer do the SANDWICHES mighty football men of Western LUNCH author I Maryland monopolize the fair sex and Finished DINNERS (banal term, isn't it?? or is it?!) • Some enterprising young at might write an article on the "Decline J. F. MOORE, Manager JOIN THE AT CROWD and Fall of the Football Hero at "Good Food-And How!" 'Western Maryland College". The College Grill 'Never Closed BEARD'S Mr. Sidney H. WagheJstein (correct spelling???) , '39, of Baltimore, Mary- BRING YOUR DATES ALONG land, is figuring in a famous double AND play combination-Irwin-to- Yocum-to- Irwin -also--- Yocum-to-Irwin-to- Yoc- ENJOY THE FUN cum. Get it?? What Is The Best DANCING SANDWICHES Mr. Lawrence Strow and Miss Margaret Quarles, Forest Park High Way To Get A SOFT DRINKS School, '35 and '36 respectively, of Baltimore, spent a quiet afternoon at Penny Or Two A Day Beard's Restaurant home on Sunday, March la-washing I dishes, we hear. On March 12, this WESTMINSTER, MD. happy, home-loving couple spent a From Three COMPLIMENTS quiet evening at Lock Raven-substi- tuting fishing for pitching. It's still Thousand Lovers Of OF a big catch either way. Mr. William "Red" Bender, of foot- CA.RROLL THEATRE ball and boxing fame, has been releas- W. M. C.? ed for home consumption. All appli- "Westminster's Finest" cants are asked to apply in person. THE For the best, the most "Kitty" Joekel must have made a workable plan to accomp- WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY final coup d'a,mom', since she and lish this purpose, or for "Reck" plan to man the artillery at any other feasable plan to- AND SATURDAY the Military Ball. Yep-it fits again ward the same pbject, the -"all's fair in love or war". writer wil! give a worth- Opera House MARCH 23-26 while prize to any student, By special request-Mary Clemson alumnus, or faculty mem- seems to be confining her social ac- ber (chance to get even for WESTMINSTER, MD. "SNOW WHITE tivities to realms outside of the W. that nine grand). Let's ap- M. C, campus. A deb in the true ply brains, the kind of sense of the word. things a col!ege is supposed AND THE Well-I've tried to bear up ulltil to be ful! of, to solve this the end-but now grief overtakes me problem. -?end your plan, as I realize that I must bid you all penny a day, two cents, lot- farewell. So---until some other ambi-I tery, or whatsoever, to Col. SEVEN DWARFS" this I tious soul who does not value his head Harrison. He will forward designs to take upon himself it to the donor. task-the Snooper I e a v e s you. "Get the Carroll Habit" ",A.intcha gJad???" , 6=========-,'
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