Page 45 - TheGoldBug1937-38
P. 45
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PAGE THREE TERRORS 5th IN INTER-COLLEGIATES Captain Ortenzi In Close Bout Tennis Manager Ransone Wins Light-Heavyweight Crown TERROR TALK Announces Spring Tilts By FREDCOE Seventeen- Game S c h e d u I e Starts Cadet. Boxers Upset Dopesters To Win Team Award. Gain First Leg On April 11; Coach Hurt Begins Sun Trophy Army Wins Tide Training In Indoor Quarters Manager- Alex Trophy, IN SEMI·FINAI"S BY SElMER OLEAlR DEFEATED lowe)"~::::::::=:;;:=====:;- ship The Baltimore Sun Intercollegiate emblematic of the team champion- nounced an attractive Ransone has an- seventeen game in the Association, Boxing will have Eastern on April year. in competition at another least Rolling up points in the to remain Syracuse, who have for only one more leg to gain Both Penn tennis schedule beginning of Michigan. 11 with the University on the cup and State weights. the Army boxing squad won In addition to the contests already the annual Intercollegiate Tourna- before it is retired, will have to be content until next season to get carded, Manager- Ransone has matches ment last Saturday at Penn State. another shot at it. The strong Army ring team that pending with several other colleges Army, which had been considered as nosed out Penn State from the title by five points last and organizations including Catholic a sort of 'dark horse', received 23 Saturday displayed a well rounded and polished group U. and Elkridge Tennis Club. Maryland I points, while last year's tournament of mittmen. The cadet boxers emerged with three in- Coach Frank Hurt has been put- winner, Syracuse, made 18 and Penn dividual titles and scored points in every other class ting his squad through light work- State, 12. Western took with the exception of the 125-pound class. Army's to outs for the past ten days in the men's fifth place with Tony Ortenat fighting closest rival was Syracuse, who scored 18 points gym. According to word fr-om Coach his way to the 175 pound champion- gain the runner up position. Hurt, the tennis squad will continue ship to score the Terror's five points. to work out indoors until the weather Osteen, Bender, Andrews, Ortenal, CHA~lr ORTENZl Ortenzi 17S,Pound Champ is suitable to go onto the courts. The and Oleair were all entered but Tony Green and Gold tennis mentor has and Joe were the only ones to reach A great deal of credit should be handed Captain "Tony" Or- used this method of selecting his var- the semi-finals. In the heavyweight 16 Game Schedule tenzi for his brilliant performances at the Intercollegiates last sity squad for several years. Atten- semi-final, Oleair fought Seimer of week. The Terror leader has borne the brunt of the scoring for tion in recent sessions has been given Cornell and lost through a technical For Baseball Team the Green and Gold mittmen all season and his triumph over Dan- to selection of replacements for Bud knockout. Seimer went on to win the ielson of Yale last Saturday marked the highwater mark of his last Brown and John Murphy who gradu- unlimited title. Osteen forfeited his season ,as a r-ingman. The triumph at State College gave Ortenzi ated last June. Reds Solomon and Tcd fight to Lavandusky of Army who Green And Gold Nine Open Season a clean slate for the 1938 season. Ortenzi is one of the very few Bowen, both freshmen, have been im- won the title; Bender was defeated by With Roston Collcge Western Maryland fighters that have gone through a season with pressive in the early workouts and Hull of Army; and Miller of Yale de- NINE VETERANS RETURN an unblemished record plus an Intercollegiate crown. will be given a thorough testing be- feated Andrews. fore the season is spent. Terrors Have Strong Schedules Returning veterans who have re- Ortenzi Defeats Brown Head Coach Charlie Havens has an- The spring athletic schedules which have just been released ported are Captain John Elliott, Persh Tony Ortenzi won his first bout Fri- ~:.~n~~':e~ :\:~ee;OI~a~:s:~:~:~!c l~~~ Volkar-t, Alex Ransone, Wort Belt, clay night from Brown of Syracuse spring. will give the Terror athletes plenty of action during April and and Lump (Jack) Wright. May. Coach Havens' baseball squad will be facing their toughest The 1938 schedule follows ~:~.oc:;:ai~.e ~~CfS:~~;:;ytoS:;I~ll~~~; The opening game ~f the I~ngthy schedule in years. Starting with Boston College, one of the top- April 11 Michigan Home of Army forfeited to Ortenzi and then s~hedule- comes on Apr-il 13th w'th.the 14 Albright Home flight nines in the east, the Green and Gold base bailers will engage 23 Maryland Away ~,~on~i~~~'e';~:ni~;:~~~ed a decision ~1~eh~ag~:~t~~veB~I~~~lft~:l~~l~:t ~~~:~ in sixteen contests. Eight of these are scheduled for Hoffa Field, 26 Gettysburg Home Donato of Penn State and Mestrella I er_ful teams III the cO\:ntr)/ an~ ran.k giving followers of the national pastime something to look forward 27 Catawba Home of Syracuse were the only other men ::':~e~~IY CI'OSSand Villanova m this to. 29 Delaware Away Manager Alex Ransone of the tennis team has taken up the 30 Washington Away !~~~;:c::~·.ou~~:~~~e~s C;~~~i~n,:~~~ . Home and home games have been May 4 St. John's.. Away job where Bud Brown left off last year. The lengthy tennis sched- nerfn 1937, lost his title to Harrison ~;.~..a~~~dM~~~~~s~a~fo:l~~m':e~.:hi~lr;;~ 7 Bucknell Away ule which proved so popular a year ago will again be in effect this ofT~:mr~dividual placing's in order Maryland Collegiate League. oue. spring. Manager Ransone has arranged an attractive schedule 13 Loyola _ Home 14 Delaware Home were as follows: standing non-league contests are with which includes the University of Michigan, one of the higher rank- 17 Washington Home Villanova, Georg etown. Penn State, 115: Lavandusky, Army; Coo per, and Juniata. ing members of the Big Ten. This match with Michigan will mark 18 Hopkins Away Penn State; and Voight, Syra- Although the baseball season is still the opening of the tennis season here on the Hill. The seventeen 20 St. John's Home cuse. several weeks off the Terror baseball- remaining matches should provide last year's State Champs with 21 Baltimore Home 125: Goldbas, Cornell; Tam man y, ez-s will have a chance to start work 23 Gettysburg .. Away Syracuse; and Tupman, Penn before the spring holidays. Coach some keen opposition. 26 Loyola Away State. Havens will undoubtedly issue a call The Terror trackmen, under the guidance of Coach Bruce Fer- 135: Shanley, Army; Zuccaro, Syra- for the diamond candidates in the ncar guson, have already gotten away to an early start. The Fifth VOLLEY BALL LEAGUE cuse; and Hanna, Penn State. Regiment meet earlier in the month gave Ferguson a line on his 145: Maatrella, Syracuse; Hull, Ar- future. from last year include First Round Standings (Final) Veterans my; and Bachman, Penn State. "Reds" McQuillen, Hi Koegel, Joe material. Three dual meets, two of which will be run on Hoffa Won Lost Pct. 155: Donato, Penn State; York, Ar- Drugash, Marlowe Cline, Bob Stropp, Field, and the annual Mason-D'ixon meet comprise the schedule for Pl'eachel's my; and Miller, Yale. F,'ed Coe, Ed Edmond, Buck Bark· the Green and Gold cindermen. 3 0 1.000 165: Harrison, Army; Fink, Syra- doll, and Carroll Cook. Bachelors 2 1 .667 cuse; and Lessig, Penn State. The 1938 varsity baseball schedule Men's Athletics On Hoffa Field Gamma Betas 1 2 .333 175: Ortenzi, Westel'n Maryland; is as follows: Black and Whites 0 3 .000 Danielson, Yale; and Sternbcrg, April 13 Boston College ..._.......Home Announcement has been made by Head Coach Charlie Havens Second Round Standings Army. 15 Bloomsburg St. T. Home that from now on all men's sports will be located on Hoffa Field. Won Lost Pet. Unlimited: Seimer, COl'llell; Dluski, 16 Hopkins Home The old football practice field will be adjusted to take care of the Pl'eacheres 3 0 1.000 Syracuse; and Isbell, Army. 20 Villanova Away Terror soccer men and the old soccer field will be the center of the Bachelors 1 1 .500 The team scoring was as follows: 22 Towson Away Army 23, Syracuse 18, Penn State 12, 23 1'I1t.St. Mary's Away ~voou~~~:s ~~Wt~~~~:k ~~jSm~l:: b:~~~ll:dt~:n h~~~!i;Yt~;:~e~~~~m~nd ~7a:::~t~\~hites ~ ~ :~~~ COl'llell 10, Western Maryland 5, Yale 28 Washington. ..... Home 4, and Dartmouth O. This change means that the men's baseball diamond, formerly *May 4 Washington Away In Soccer Team Initiates 6 Ithica Home located on the soccer field, will now be shifted to Hoffa Field. 7 Penn nine has encountered the Terror RiOemen Lose 11 Loyola State . Away the past to practice on the old field as well as playing their difficulty in Daily Practice Sessicns Terror considerable Home scheduled trying __ To Frederick Shooters 13 Fl'ostbUl'g Home games. The former diamond was inadequate in many wRys-both I Effort Is Being Made To Build Up 18 Georgetown Away 20 Loyola ........ Away from the players standpoint as well as the spectators. Now that Team Depleted By Graduation Catington And Armacost Shoot High 25 Mt. St. Mary's Homc it has been shifted to Hoffa Field Coach Havens will have favor- For '38-'39 Season Scores For Western Maryland. 30 Juniata ......Away able gRme conditions Rnd will not have to worry about seating . In an attempt to seek I'eplacements Paxton Lcads Frederick + League game. space for the student body and other spectators. In the past few 101' the large number of soccermen years several spectators have been injure? by foul balls .. This WRS ~~I~~~:~:l~~:~~::~l~:~~h~o~;;~~nl:~~ The Green Terror Rifle team bowed lo the Frederick Rifle Club on the CLASS VOLLEY BALL due to the fact that there were no seatlllg accomodatlOns, hence ular practice sessions for the past two home range last Saturday night by a spectators sat where they pleasE:d. The grandstand on Hoffa Field weeks. score of 1284 to 1338. First Round Standings (Final) should be the solution to this problem. An innovation in the spring soccel Paxton, of the Frederick team, Won Lost Pct. sessions this year has been the intl'o- walked off with the honors for the Seniors 3 0 1.000 Rifle Team H:l.s Good Season duction of coaches f"om Professor H. SCOI'e,with 275 points. Juniors 667 Armacost and Catington were high Sophomol'cs 2 .333 The Western Maryland rille team, under the able direction of !'enS~:i~:~ b:~~C~!~~t1~~~;s~he ~~.::~ point shooters fo), the college team. Freshmen o 3 .000 Sergeant Lavin, has compiled an ex~ellent record this year, and tice sessions and have proved to be of The scores: deserves a lot of credit for the calibel' of work they have displayed. great assistance to the soccer squad Westcrn Maryland Second Round Standings Only recently they gave the University of Maryland rifle team, rec- in the daily work-outs. Armacost 97 92 82 271 Won Lost Pct. ognized as one of the outstanding aggregations in the east, a ter- N;::~~t ~~~~::e~~:~a~~~~th::l;' ~:~ Catington ........ 100 87 70 257 Seniors 1 0 1.000 Fitzgerald 97 88 70 255 Juniors 1 0 1.000 rific match before bowing to them. The] 321 score which Coach Elderdice, Tony Ortenzi, Marlowe Watkins 190 87 65 252 Sophomores .000 Lavin's boys posted was good enough to defeat every other team Cline, Harry Balish, Al Lesh, Jack Beck 96 86 67 249 Freshmen .000 which they have faced this year. As it was, the Old Liners could Lytton, and John Tomichck have all only average 2112 points per position better than the Terrol' rifle- assisted in the spring training. Total . 1284 men. This fine exhibition of marksmanship is outstanding in that 10'~i~~s~.!~~ ~~:l~i;u;~~::c:,heB~:~ Frederick TRACK SCHEDULE the Western Maryland team used th,'ee men who were competing Barkdoll, Sam Galbreath, Hyde Doo- Paxton .. 97 88 90 275 in their first season. Charley Fitzgerald, a first y'ear man, was ley, Otis Bradley, John Tomlinson, Cashour 97 93 80 270 April 16 Washington Home high point man of the meet with a score of 88. Lenny Bee, Harry Lowery, Joe Willis, Kinsey,A .. 98 91 80 269 May 4 Johns Hopkins Home Ward 100 93 70 263 May 11 Catholic U Away The squad this season, although one of the smallest in years, Tu~ Appl~garth, J?uke \vinds~r, Ru~s Newman 98 89 74 261 May 14 Mason-Dixon meet has some .brilliant .riflemen who. will develop rapidly a~d give ~~:~~: J~~~ ~~l~~~s:ns~~~hnE~:~gd~~~ Total. 1338 1 at Homewood ! Coach LaVin somethmg to work With when the next campaign rolls I Jack Tholllp~on, Frank Da}" and Red~ Hobert, around.
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