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I SATURDA Y NIGHT TOMORROW NIGHT I SABER DRILL I SUNDAY SCHOOL AT THE BALL PARTY I I Z286 Vol. 15, No. 11 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. March 17, 1938 Officers Of Aloha Elected i CALENDAR Ijleatt- I ----------- i March 18, Friday- Aaron Schaeffer And Joseph Sunday School Party. McDaniel Seniors In Office Elect '38-'39 Staff Chosen By Junior Class To Lounge, 8:00 P. 1\1. Choose E. Newman, Business Mgr. Direct 1939 Year Book Debate, University of Baltimore, Kompanek Is Associate Editor 7:30 P. ill. .l\Iarch 19, Saturday-c. PRESENT STAFF RETIRES STAFF NOT SELECTED YET Military Ball. March 21,l'Ifonday- Frank Sherrard was elected editor- French Club, McDaniel Lounge, in-chief of the I!.l38-1939 Gold B11g at At a meeting of the' Junior Class, 6:45 p, 1\1. a meeting of the senior members of the held on Friday, March 11, Aaron March 22, Tuesday- staff on Thursday, Mar-ch 10. "Ste- Schaeffer, '39, was elected editor-in- Chemists' Club, Room R, 4 :05 vie" Newman was chosen to fill the chief of the 1939 Aloha. Joseph P. M. position of business manager. Olean- was chosen business manager March 24, 'I'hursday.L Veteran workers form a nucleus for at a meeting on Monday, March 4. Art Club. McDaniel Lounge, this staff. The several newcomers, As yet the only appointment to Mr. 6:45 P.!II, however, have high school journalistic Schacffers staff has been Emeline backgrounds and the group should Newman, '39, who is to serve as an FRANK Co" SHERRARD / prove an effective coordinated unit. assistant editor. Otherwise, no plans AARON SCHAEFF"R W.M.Cbapter To Be Host Former News Editor have been formulated as to the num- 1\1l'. Sher-rar-d, the new editor-in- ber and composition of the staff . Mr. At TriĀ·Beta Conference Debaters to Represent chief has been associated with the Olean- has not announced his assist- Spring Fashion Review Gold Bug since his arrival on the Hill. ants. of Four Clubs ApIi! 9 W.M. C. at State College Many written contributions have sup- Sponsored by Art Club plemented his work as News Editor To Assist '38 Aloha Edit.or this year. Journalism, however, is not Each Delegation To Be Resnonsib!c Convention Held March 18 And 19 In regard to the rest of his staff, Hochschild, Kohn & Co. Present his sole interest. At present he is Mr. Schaeffer says, "Naturally I have Second Fashion Sholl' aj W. jlf_ c: For- A Part Of An All Day To Climax Tour T'hruug h on a. week's tour as one of the repre- not held my position long enough to McDaniel Lounge. JlIarch 15 Quadripartih' Program Ccntral Pennsvlvanla sentatives of the Green and Gold de- warrant any selection of a staff; even -- I The Western Maryland chapter of bating team. Frank is Treasurer of a tentative one. I have several per- On Tuesday evening, March 15, With seven home debates within the French Club. He is a candidate sons of recognized ability in my mind, the Beta Beta Beta will be host to 'I'r-i eight days, Western Maryland deba- for graduation honors in English and however, and will make public their Hochschild, Kohn and Company of Beta units of Gettysburg of Gettys- ters reached the climax of the debate was recently elected to a fellowship names within a few weeks. For the Baltimore, presented its second review burg, American University of wash- season in the past two weeks. in the Argonaut Society. same reason, both 1'>11'. Oleate and I of spring fashions at Western Mary- ington, and Brothers' College of New Debates with Ursinus College and First women Business Manager feel that no contracts should be ser- land College. The review was held Jersey on April 9. Lebanon Valley College were held be- Miss Newman, who succeeds Jo- iously considered at the present in McDaniel Hall lounge under the Roland Watkins, president of the fore the Westminster Rotary and Ki- seph O:leair as business manager, is time." sponsorship of the Art Club. local chapter, has planned an all day wanis Clubs, and with American Uni- well known in the journalistic circles Twenty Western Maryland co-eds quadripartite program with one dele- Three year's experience on the staff modeled suits, dresses, coats, and all gation assuming responsibility for versity in chapel on March 7, Other on the Hill. For the past two years of the Gold Bug has equipped Mr. types of smart spring apparel from each part. teams debated a t home during this she has held the position of junior as- Schaeffer with valuable knowledge in Hochschild, Kohn and Company. A discussion of student projects per-iod were those from Bucknell Uni- sociate editor, and this year has con- the preparation of the annual. More will open the conference at 10 o'clock- versity, Juniata College, lind 'Waynes- centrated much of her journalistic ac- experience will be gained in assisting Comments By Graduate with a delegate from American Uni- burg College. Last Thursday, a par- tivity on the year book. "Stevie" is Mr. Coleman, editor of the 1938 Aloha, Mr. John Simms, former president versity as chairman. The home club liamentary session was held with a vice-president of the photography . during the final weeks of the publi- of the Art Club and a graduate of last will be represented by Paul Brengle, team from Penn State College. club. Education students know her as cation. year, now with the Hochschild, Kohn who will speak on his graduate work Dean Isanogle's right hand woman. window display department, again in the research for an insecticide non- To Attend Convention The position as associate editor will Former Gold Bug Manager served as a commentator upon the poisonous to honey bees. His work be filled by Veronica Kompanek. She My, Oleair, the new business man- styles. is a part of an extensive project un- The question debated and discussed has been a staff member for LJ1epast ager, has occupied a prominent posi- The climax of the evening was the der the direction of Dr. Bertholf, as- was the N.L,R.B. question, and except two years. Some of her efforts this tion on the Hill since his freshman bridal procession. The bride, Miss sisted by the Western Ma-yland biolo- f~l' the par-lia mentat-y session, the Or- year have been directed toward the year. In addition to playing football Kitty Jockel, was attended by two gy department and the U. S. Depart- egon Plan of debate was used. '38 A loha. Besides giving time to de- for the Terror eleven, Joe was one Lridesmaids, Miss Mary Clemson and ment of Agricultrue. This week, Frank Sherrard and Al- bating, "Ronnie" has managed to of Western Maryland's representa- Miss Georgia Price. Between two and four o'clock fred Goldberg will represent the \Y. .maintnin her high scholastic standing tives in the Eastern Intercollegiate Prizes Awarded there will be a round table discussion ]\'1. C. debate association at the annual Staff Named Boxing Tournament at Penn State, presided over by a representative of Penn State Debate Convention which The completion of this issue marks In with fashion held during the past week-end. He is show, connection awarded the prizes of Brothers' College. will be held March 18 and 19 at State the retirement from active work of the store an honor student and has debated for Following an afternoon tea the del- College, Pennsylvania. Theil' attend- the senior staff members. Future is- the college in the past year. He takes $10.00, $5.00, and $2.50 in credit for egations will visit the Western Mar-y- ance at this convention will climax a sues of the college paper will be pub- an active part in the performance of the three best of the sixteen poster-s laud arboretum under the direction of tcur through central Pennsylvania lished by the newly-elected staff the speech department and is a mem- made by Art Club members to ad- Roland Watkins. which is completely listed below: ber of the Gamma Beta Chi Fraterni- vertise the show. The judges were A dinner at 6:15 with Gettysburg which included debates with Lebanon Editor-in-Chief, Frank Sherrard, '39. ty. During the past year he held the Miss Florence McHale and Mr. Simms. furnishing the toastmaster, will con- Valley, Susquehanna Un i v e r sit y, Associate Editot-, Veronica Kompanek, position of business manage)' of the (Continued on Page 1, CoL 1) clude the events of the conference. (Continued in following Column) '40. Gold Bug, and he has worked with !\Ir. Managing Editor, Paul Burtis, '40. Ortenzi in the business affairs of this Copy Editor, Ruth Mansberger, '41. year's Aloha. Editorial Proof Editor, Sue Price, '40. Underclassmen on Staff News Editor, Alvin Newton, '40. Although staff members and other Feature Editors, Lawrence Freeny, details have been left for considera- On Tuesday, March 8, a meeting was held in the reception room of Blanche Ward Hall to discuss '39; Grace MaeVean, '39; Margaret Klier, '40. Packwood, '40; Katherine j,ion at a later date, Mr. Schaeffer the extra-curricular problem at Western Maryland. At this meeting, which was attended by both Sports Editors,. Lawrence Strow, '39; wishes to state that much the same faculty and student representatives, the question was discussed in all it" possible aspects-no defi- Jlolicy that is being carried out by the nite action was taken. Mary Jane Honeman, '39, present staff will be followed by him. Since that meeting, a petition has been circulated by certain members of the student body. The Business Manager, Emeline Newman, One of the main features of this plan '39. is the placing of underclassmen with petition, ostensibly, is in opposition to limiting the number of offices a student may hold. Actually it Advertising Manager, Fred Plummer, ability on the staff of thc book. seems to be another standpat petition-"Everything is all right; no need to change things." This '40. has been the attitude of the proponents of the status qno since time immemorial. Circuilltion Managers, Leslie Stokes, The actual fact of the matter seems to be that, as yet, nothing has been done about the extra- '40; Ruth Fields, '40. curricular activities problem. The whole problem is still under consideration. And yet, a petition ART CLUB PUESENTS FASHION is circulated which has as its chief purpose, admitted or not, the forestalling of any concrete ap~ SHOW proach to the problem. EXTENSIVE DEBATE TOUI{ The purpose of Western Maryland College is to educate and train for leadership. While they are MADE (Continued from Page 1, CoL 2) ~~~~S!x~:R:~:i~\~O~~~~e~~:~~~S't~~t~c~~r~:icc~~~~~1n~O~}ett~~fe:;~aii~r~f:t~~~ta~~ a ~~l~si~~l:~t~e ~~~ (Continued from preceding Column) Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, tent, the college is achieving its aim of education. The leadership problem, on the other hand, does Bucknell University and Juniata Col- Hochschild, Kohn opened a "College not show the same satisfactory result as the education problem does. lege. Shop" in the Y. W. C. A. room in l\Ic- The leading "petitioners" claim that under any system of exh'a-cul'ricular activities regulation, Radio Debate Scheduled Daniel Hall to display and sell their the natural leaders always come to the fore. It should hardly be necessary to state that there are On Wednesday, MIll'clt 23, Western new spring college styles. many students with latent leadership qualities who have never had the opportunity to display their Maryland will uphold the negative The models, chosen from represen- abilities. Furthermore, it seems fairly logical to believe that since many of the campus leaders are side of the N.L.R.B. qucstiollJ in a ra- tatives from each class, the soro]'ities, leading students, the lightening of the burden on them may raise their scholastic standards. dio debate with Johns Hopkins Uni- and the Art Club, were: Lilyan Ben- It is not merely by having the student body pass on some llew regulation that such a change versity over station WCBM at 7:30 nett, Kathleen Coe, Mary Starr Gehr, could be effectively brought about. It involves a change in the thinking of the student body. More P. 111. This debate will be in the first Alice VoImar, Dorothy MacEwen, students mllst become aware of the importance of the many offices on the campus. Students indict round of a tournament sponsored by Louise Jameson, Georgia Price, Caro- themselves when they admit that only fifty per cent of the students attend a meeting for the election station WCBM to determine the Mary- Iyn Smith, Marguerite Kuhns, Georgie of important officers. The students must become conscious of the fact that campus leaders represent laJ1d intercollegiate debate champion- Dixon, Doris Phillips, Ann Brinsfield, them, and that it is to their advantage to have a wider choice and to be more discriminating in their ship. Other colleges competing in the Dorothy Vinup, Mary Clemson, Ellen choice. tournament are University of Mary- Hancock, Kitty Jockel, Jane Konow, This problem is not to be solved merely by the action of one group, by action of the administra- land, Goucher College, Notre Dame Martha Yocum, Betty Erb, and Mir- tion, by the action of any "petitionel's"-it is one which directly affects every memoel: of th~ ~tll- College, Washington College, Univer- iam Guyton. I dent body and can no longer be treated by an attitude of indifference. sity or S(l.ltimore, ~nd Loyola College.
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