Page 40 - TheGoldBug1936-37
P. 40
PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PASSING IN REVIEW News In Brief II Nursery School Opens I CALENDAR Living American Art (Cant. from page 2, col. 4) L______ In Management House I l\1archl- Art Exhibit-lasting for also believed that judges appointed by Opens Third Exhibit him would not be political henchmen two weeks. Delta. Si.gma Kappa held. its an- Visitors Are Welcome To Visit The II March 4- but would realize their responsibili- nual midwinter- rush party In the Y Children At Play 7:00 P. M.-Meeting of the Ar- ty and fulfill it honestly. Indeed, Mr. Third Group Of Prints Now On room on Friday, February 26. An gonauts-Y Room. Roosevelt would not control the new Display In Parlor old fashioned barn dance furnished Those interested in the Nursery March s.- member-s because he would not have the theme with a hay loft, hen's neat, School, sponsored by the Home Eco- Men's Debate-Penn State the power to remove a judge, but only (Cont. from page 1, col. 2) corn shocks and ears of corn to pre- nomics Department, looked forward home. the power of appointment. It is the economic aspect of the pro- March 8- posed plan that affects the public to Royalties from the sale of the ;;::::~~~:n ;:~::~~::~:l~~~~f~~~~:' ~:h~tsel:~t:~in;heM~~~d 3'De;e~~p!~~~ 12:00 P. M.-Aloha election by the greatest extent. "Will this plan prints are paid to the artists them- Juniors-c-Room After a series of square dances to the course will assist" Miss Avery in this March 9- 22. hinder economic recovery?" is the selves, regardless of the current own- jangling tunes of the "Townhall work. Music Recital-Smith Hall question in the minds of Johnny Q. ership of the original. This move- in art ment has excited great interest Boys", the guests were given favors One of the objectives of the school -7:30P.M. Public. In an interview concerning in the form of stuffed barnyard ani- is to help the children to get along 4:00-6.30 P. 1I1.-W. W. Rush the economic aspect of the Supreme circles throughout the world for it mals. Dinner followed. and the party with other children and to enjoy Party in the Y Room. Court legislation, Dr. Schempp stated represents a new and much needed ended with singing of old fashioned group play. On the other hand, girls March 11- that it was his belief that the pro- source of income for the artist. The songs and the Alma Mater. helping with the school will be learn- Women's Debate-Cedar posed law was economically unsound. legal right of artists to such royalties The guests of the club were Betty ing more about children and how to Crest- Smith Hall-7:30 He went on to say that because we has never- been clearly settled, but it Helm, Virginia Wooden, Shirley Gos- help them help themselves. P. M. are just emerging from an economic is expected that the Living American nell, Oarolyn Gompf, Micky Parks, The Nursery School will be held in March 13- crisis, it would be unwise to make Art plan is a long stride in the direc- Sue Price, Helen Twigg, Audrey Cof- the Management House, which has Sunday School Pat-ty-a-Me any laws that would impede the judi- tion of establishing this right. fren, Veronica Kompanek, Nora Rob- been transformed into an interesting Daniel Lounge-8:00-10:00 cial process. The plan only enlarges I as a I inson, Caroline Smith, Grace Scull. and attractive place for children. P. M the Court, making an unwieldy body The .grou~ of t~\'elv~ pictur~s in, Regina Fitzgerald, Pauline Nitsell, Thele IS also a loom furnished March 19_ which would not function as adc- I eluded III this showing IS the. t~'rd of Ellen Shipley, Katherine Barker, reception loom for parents The Jumoi Plays _ Alumni nuately as the present body of nine ,four such groups to be exhibited by Catherine Jockel, Elizabeth Craig, school has been equipped With new Hall-8 00 P M Although the bill has not yet been I Living American Art during the year. Peggy Stewart, Jane Konow, Olive tovs of ever-y description, including- a officiallv proposed III Congress, the 48 pictures are selected each year for -_ Roder, Connie Adams. car-ef'ullv chosen to SUIt the mental I STAFF HAS DINNER i :~en;~:I~I:~::eddel~~~tel~t t~:e~lar~d~: ~:~I~'~:I~c~:~'ali:: ae::I~~o:.~~~~n;: t~~: ~~~V~~ilsPlc~~I: ~~~~~~;e::o~:s b~~:~ A pledge dinner was held by Phi pi edict the trend of public cpmnm country. The Jury which selects these 'Alpha Mu club for its new pledge, and chronological ages of the ehil- (Cont from page 1, col 4) I However, If the packing of the COUlt pictures includes three well known Mary Clemson, on Thursday, Febru- oren The ages of those eru-olled are I journ to FOlds to see the play Vead should result III any r-adical change III artists, Louis Bouche, Alexander ary 25, in the "Y" room. from 8 months to 4 years Ther-e ale I End, though as It turned out not sig- the Constitution 01 OUI form of gov- Brook, Adolf Dohn, and Professor ;~n~I\~;e::ssll!nleglsteled fOI the be- ;;~J~~~e~h~v:~l:lno: :~: :U0~~s!~~a~a;~ ;;n~:e:t~f::!I~~I:P;~l~~1 ISR:~::ve~[.! Hughes Mea,l"llSof New York Univer- The members of International Rela- plan sity. tions club took part in an interesting Those wishing to visit nursery, the pit our pleasure bent crowd rQund table discussion of the propo- school are welcome. Visitors are: finallj' became settled. After talking ====== sed Supreme Court ruling. Next asked to sign up a day in adv:ance of about the faces, clothes, etc., etc., of H. E. REESE meeting will be Monday, March 8. the day they wish to because the fellow-watchers, the lights finally J. D. KATZ TAILOR ~~odn:~:;~ v~:.:t~:t d~~:~::t~h:;:~I~~I:~:~ I :~~t t~:t ~:~~i~iff\:~esntr~~~:~ c~~e~~~ QUALIlY CLEANING The Sunday School recognized last
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