Page 38 - TheGoldBug1936-37
P. 38
PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. '" I Passing In Review 1/ Set 'Em Up ~ ~ r / By NAOMI ENFIELD \lei IIVarietY Sharing headline honors with the • sit-down strikers is the question of _j President Roosevelt's proposed re- With to the ODE TO THE ENGLISH form of the Supreme Court. For sev- present our the ears following-dirt, ground you we DEPARTMENT eral weeks people have been discuss- Official student newspaper of Western Maryland College, published on Thurs- know __ '. day, semi-monthly during October, November, February, March, April, May, Oh Brother, do your adverbs ache? ing the proposed leg-isf ation and the Flash! ! and monthly during September, December, and January, by the students of Is there pain in your left paragraph? probable results in our governmental From an excellent source we heal' Western Maryland College, \Vestminster, Maryland. Entered as second-class Courage, friend; an antidote will structure. Even college students have matter at the Westminster Post Office, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Be provided by the English staff. become aroused and serious consider- that wee Billy Graham is down to his ~ SUBSCRIPTIONPRICE $1.00 A YEAR ation has been given to the problem. very last vice. He's smoking! Does a comma bother you? Have you colon ills? The proposed packing of the Supreme We prophesy:- jQJ(, Member lOJ7 Just see Professor Hendrickson, Court should be studied from various That Mary Lou Rockwell is de- (::\ssocta!.9d-CorrefSiate Press Makosky, OJ' Prof. Wills. angles: the legal, political, moral and stined to make someone a good wife, economic. There is probably no ques- The basis of our decision is her abil- If a hyphen gets you down, tion of the legality of the proposal. It ity to darn imaginary socks in the EDITORIAL STAFF You need take no pills; does not provide for any permanent speech recital Friday night. Maybe Editor-in-Chi(Jf . . J. RALPH LAMBERT,JR., '37 Su~mon Mr, Hendrickson, judicial charge, but only gives Mr. that's what Charley Beer thinks. Associate Editors . EVELYN CROWN,'37, GEORGENEEDHAM, '37, Makosky, or Prof. Wills, Roosevelt the privilege of appointing BEVERLYHARRISON,'37 six new members to the Supreme Junior Associat(J Editors .. ...FRANK MALONE,'38, ALFREDGOLDBERG,'38 Do your participles dangle? Flash! Neios Editors . . SARABELLEBLACKWELL,'37, JAMES COLEMAN,'38 Will they have to be cut offski? Court. Senator Ashurst says, "The Our 1937 version of Don Juan is Copy Editor . ................ _. . ... JANET MACVEAN, '38 Well, Doctor 'VilIs will amputate, proposal does not tinker with the none other than the inimitable Ken Copy Readers . ............ MARY EMILY MATTHEWS,'37, TRAGOBRUST, '39, Assisted by Makosky. PAUL BURTIS, '40, EMELtINENEWMAN, '40 ~Oen~~\~u:~:~.i~ an;~~:; \~e~t~~i~~:gt~: Adriance. Watch out gil'ls! His pi'ty, P1'oof Editor .... ._............................ ... . SALLY PRICE, '3-7 Proof Readers......... . REBECCAKEITH, '39, AARON SCHAEFFER,'39 Oh, Sister, your infinitives-c- Supreme Court acting as it has in the ~~frh~::~s~~s~nse~~l~~r!~sgo(t~Ua\ t~s~ni~ Feature Editors.. ETHEL KING, '37, MADALYNBLADES,'37 If you should split 'em, please past." ~he's just lost her man). Such a Sports Editors WALTERLEE TAYI.OR,'37, ELEANORTAYLOR,'38 Let Doctor Wills repair the loss; The political aspects of packing the nize attitude, Kenneth!' Assistant Sports Editors_. LAWRENCESTROW,'39, MARY CLEMSON,'39 He'll also CI'OSS yourT's. FRED COE, '38 Court offer more . room for contro- Our advice is to just let Kay take Exchange Editor ._ JANE \VRITE, '37 Are your adjectives rheumatic, veray. Granted that the President is care of things since F'r-osty is' back . BUSINESS STAFF So that pain your grammar fills? I sincere. in. his belief that the Supreme' A certain Miss Creager seems pining Business Manager .. .. ROBERTA, KIEFER, '37 Have no dismay; get Hendrickson, Court IS III need of reform, the pres- I for- you anyway. AdVertising Manager .... JOSE?H OLEAIR, '39 Makosky, or "Doc" Wills. ent proposal seems to be for political I For further advice just see Uncle Assistant Advertisit1g ManQger _ NAOMI CROWN, '37 l purposes. It provides no future I Ralph. Circulation Manag(Jrs... . JOHN CULLER,'37, ARLINE HUDSON, '37 ccoeeeuo» in your sentence? President with 1\1r. Roosevelt's privi- FRANK BROWN, '37 members. new appointing lege Assistant Cil"culation lIfana,geJ"s ... "\VILLlH1 COLEMAN,'38, HILDA BITTLE, '38 Your theme suffers with a spasm? I'There of is nothing to prevent all fifteen Scoop- Paging Monk Camp- If it's remedies you want, Taxi, mister? REPORTERS See 'Hendrickson ; he has 'em. Reporters contributing to this issue: Bob Coe, '37; Paul Ritchie, '37; Bob members frum becoming arch-con- bell! Paging Monk Campbell! One Elder-dice, '38; Pershing Volkart, '38; Fred Ooe, '38; Lawrence_Strow, '39; They are literary doctors; servauves when they are over sev- blonde in black sports roadster. Hmm. Sue Price, '40; P. Lanasa, '39; Alvin Newton, 40; Naomi Enfield, '37; enty. The only long range effect Mar-y Jane Honemann, '39; Helenrfsoughton, '37; R. F. Thomas, '37. They are men of varied skills. would be to enlarge the Court. Strip- Armouncing-c, Makosky'l1 help you punctuate; I ped of its u-immtngs, the bill seems Picnics, every night, 9 till 10, sum- Worthy opinion; Model management; Correct neW$. So will Hendrickson, or Wills. to be merely a means of attaining a mer house lunch room. (Sort of rush- Surgery in grammar temporary political end; of putting ing the season Thomas?) Isn't done with knives and drills; enough New Dealers on the bench to Some Student Viewpoints Your cliches can be extracted prevent anti-New Deal decisions, Lost- Painlessly by Doctor Wills. Morally considered, the bill is One boy friend-----:posscssion of Polly Suppose that you were given carte blanche to change or correct any merely a question of right or wrong. L~ng. Last seen In the company of in+table conditions prevalent 011 the Hill, what would you advise! -R. F. THOMAS. Representative Pettingill of South I LIbby Poffenberger. 'Phis question has been asked of nine students sincere in their wish to Bend writes, "A packed jury, a . O.K. you can cut that. It looks as make the campus a more pleasant place to live. 'l'hey are aware that they don't know all of the ramifications Of the things which irk them, WONDER packed Court, and a stacked deck of Ilf Polly has found a Newman now, cards are on the same moral plane. I wonder how the sun can shine .._- . but here are the suggestions which they feel are worthy of consideration: As though the world were right. It is more than a good man Secon~ Scoop-c- 1. The Pood: Is there anything that can be done about the din· 1 thought all right forever gone should or a bad man should LOUIe Lassahn, famed ladies man ing hall? Couldn't tile eollege secure a chef whose cookillg would serve When my lover left last night. have." There reason to believe that at Western Maryland really has it to refute the general opinion that no f()od is quite so hopeless as that packing the Court would give 1\11'. and plus. He even has some young served on college campuses 7 It's !lot ea~y to prepnre home·cooked food I wonder how the birds can sing Roosevelt too much power, but it is ladies calling for him at his Balti- in large quantities, but hotels and restaurants do it. Why shouldn't 'Y. A merry note in flight. (Cont. page 4, col. 4) more residence after 10 P. M. M. C. have a for excellent mcal$1 I thought all music left this world 2. The Sindont Govermne1lt: Tn my experience the present so- When my lover left last night. Found called 'stndellt' government set-up is a jo],e, botll to the members of the I wonder how the moon can give A gentleman about school who re- college and to the members of the student goverl1ment bOBrels t.hemselves. Its usual silvery light. I ceives letters headed, "Deal'est Cup- The few conscientious representatives are ridiculed ,md tIle rules which I thought all light forever ,dimmed CAMPUS cake." Sounds sort of funny, Bull! do c...'l:istare system,dieally e\'acled or openly brokcn by even the best stu- When my lover left last night. LEADERS dents. Furthermore, certain CBIllpUS elements seem to regard the boards Flash! KNOCK 'EM DOWN Flash! as imtl'uments thru \\'hieh to perpetnllte their 'dirty work.' I wonder how the stars can still 3. 'l'he Book-store: I believe if there is going to be a book-store in Twinkle clear and bright. GEORGENEEDHAM Boys campused! Papel' blockade to operation on tIle campus there should be a reasonable assuranee that this I thought no brightness could remain "The Dear Little Thing"-pudgy stop senior goats. Faithful sheep book-store will be open at more frequent. intervals. There has been con- When my lover left last night. figure, impossible hair-a quizzical penned. Predict-blockade will be siderable comment on the fact tlHlt tIle store has no definite time \\'hell I wonder how the world goes on, lift of tile eyebrows-wOlTied look it is to be open, and if tllCre is, it hBs 110t been made known to the stu- Still the same touch and sight. and vacant eye. de.nt body. I thought the world had ceased to be Needham-the etemal dilettante- Say it with fto\yers but the Malone to BladeS-Absence, 4. Conformily: 'Vhy must. the students in OUI' eollege be nlways When my lover left last llight, ideas, ideas, and still more screwy heart grows fonder. made to feel thnt they must squeezc, \\'llrp, and bend their personalitie~ -MARY JANE HONEMANN. ideas-balloons, balloony. Initiates to 'fit into' an ullcompromising sct of established cnstoms and trndi- things and, leaving others to nuture J,ions1 \Ve m'e made to feel that. \\-e must suppress natllraI"impnlses alld them, passes on to new fields-will What Kompanek and Hansen? natural personalily de,'elopmcnt to meet with the appronll of the die- SLEEP VS. DUTY probably end life as an elevator start- No! ditto and Gompf?? ditto and MOI'itz??? No!! tators of 0111'moral and social life who 110W exist upon our cnmpus in Sleep is o'ertaking me-- We give up! the guise of older students, I,ind friends, ilClvisers, and those deal' souls Which will win out? Essentially the poseur-pseudo-in- illtereMed in the "problems of YOllngrpeople." Wil! sleep or duty be tellectual,----espouses Gel' tie Stein, What! 5. Mid-V1:ctorial1: :Mid-Victorianism! Yea, ycrily T say unto yon. Winner of this bout? secularism, behaviorism, Shavianism, We thought that Charlie Reinheim_ 'it's getting under my skill. It's the attitude abOllt too lIIany things on the Hay diet, Stakanovism, and any er specialized in cleaning and press- the Hill. 'Ve've becn lect.lllwl for years 011 0111'attitndr., hut nobody Tl'Y as I may to write, other crack-pot "ism" 01' schism. ing, but it seems as if the messenger dares defy those \\-110 advocHte tllesc out-llloded standards and tell them Still my eyes dose. Slinger extraordinary of verhiage- business takes up most of his time t.hat times ll1lye clllmged in the past hundred ~'ears. The frequently sus· I'm trying hard to fight, prospcctive pedant--over indulges in picious attitude shown to\\'ards the girls in particular is ellough to driye Yet off I doze. alliteration. them to unwanted extremes. Time's swiftly ticking past- Esthete pal' excellance----likes 'Vag- News in brief_ 6. The Library: When I lake a hook out of the lib"al)' T spend nCI', Tchaikovsky, Debussy, Chopin, Ethel Barnes is taking excellent' some time recording its title, author. au(l dnte on a card, but T have no The fight is 'most done. tempered with a little Bach and care of Alvie Newton, These words will be my last- n,cord ill the book itself to remind me \\'hen it is due. If the book i~ rc· For sleep has won. Brahms-ttlinks Anthot1y Advel'8e Lippold spends all her spare time turned overdue, I ha,'e to pay a fine, and if the fine is not pilirl promptly -MARY JANE HONEMANN. the best novel yet written-prefers listening to radio bJ'oadcasts-solu- I'm fined again, 'rhis is unfair! 'rhe dale on which the book is dllc Tion.rh~'ming verse, but wl"ites dog- Hon? Duke bl'oadcasts frequently. should bc stamped in each book when it is taken from the library. It gerel in weaker moments-has own "Brother" Hoffa breaks out of his would be a great convenienee. ideas about art, rarely coincident I shell and takes Anna McKluckie 7. Irrespo11sibilify 011d l?ldiffere?we: The most dishenrtelling COIl- REVERIE with other peoples-very catholic places. dition at 'Y. M. C. is not material; it is 11question of morale. 'Ve refer The forest is a giant organ tastes, in fact to the point of being Jean. Lynn Scott seems to think he's In God's great cathedral. to the appallingly preyalellt attitudes of irresponsibility and in· Its melodies rise forever to the sky- no taste at all. all WrIght. difference. \Ye have more than Ollr slJare of comment, tonys and cap- vaulted ceiling. Fascinated by footlights and spot- Miss Scarborough has just about tious critics ever eager to bcdew campus activities with their intellectual And drop, to echo among the gray lights-likes to manipulate them on settled down to spending all her time insecticide but this bromocide squad is nevel' on hand when there is walls. the Hill, but sit on the pit side of with Jones. work to be doue. ' them in the theatre. Skeen dates at least five at one time Our stalwarts "oealize vociferously Ilbout OUl' system of educational The wind plays the big bass llotes Although at heart a rank conserva- when he really does step out. force-feeding Bnd gag, IJBrdonahly if inelegantly, over the moral pap That come from the tall pine-pipes; tive and form-worshipper, affects to Fagan is playing sailor again-he's we are called upon to swallow. But life must go OU, Imd have they just The gurgling brook is the golden harp despise conventions----does occasional- really piloting by the Helm lately. rcason to squeal when t.heir OWI.1deficiencies ha\'e to be forcibly made Running apl'eggios among the stones. ly say shocking things with great Wallace is again breaking things lllatter-of·factness, up. This time it's the Sherman-Gib- ~~~t ~~:;i~!~~Ual~!~·~S'~~l~~:l~~i~:,.!\l~d~~~e~~;at~l~~i~ a~~~~~l~~:~tem, bni The birds are the tiny grace notes Always the unknown quantity-al- son duo. 8. The Honor System: T might be hopelessly idealistic but I That;:l1s~l~oe~~yt~:i1JI:Cy trees, ways the naive soul, although ire- Trial combination - Oleair and would like to see the honor system in force on the Hill. If student opin- And the gray owl's flute plays a quently attempting the sophisticated Moore at the Y bazaar. ion could just be trained to appreciate the v/llues of square shooting I'm mournful note -always a scant half-jump ahead of Page the movies-"Bob Taylor" In- the zero hour-always belittin', even gram as little Miss Muffet. What sure i.eae~~~;~~~fsi~r~cl~;ti~;::':iPsI;.yf;l~~t~:;li~;i~ating lIt this stBge of the At the close of each golden day, him.self in this poisonality picture. I eyes! What hair! What legs?! game to endure forced chapel attendance OIl ~ullday evellings. Added The forest is a great organ Plans to enlighten the youtb of the -- fuel t.o the fire is that vitriolic check beside an absent student's name. Built by time and the ages; nahon, but will probably be enlight- Sports editor please note Unless religion is \'oluntm'i!y assimilated it \\'il! have little meBlling, but The forest is a great organ ened-mistreats his room·mate. All that Reds McQuillen got out of students should realize that an anti.chapel strike is NOT the wa~r to I And God is the organ-master. "Say, you know I think it would be that fight at army was a kick. He ~orrect the problem. -NAOMI ENFIELD, a good idea__ (Cont. page 3, col. 1)
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