Page 44 - TheGoldBug1936-37
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. BASEBALL TEAM HAS RITCHIE MOVES FOR I CALENDAR guests. As favors, each guest carried 13 GAME SCHEDULE INTRAMURAL BASEBALL I March 19, Friday- News In Brief away a knight clad in silver armor, W. w? bearing of the a facsimile I Junior Speech Plays, Alumni I. shield. (Cont. from page 3, col. 4) Attempts To Introduce New Feature Hall, 8 P. M. The following freshmen were pres- -- first baseman; Stan Benjamin, short- I March 20, Saturday- At the regular meeting of the Art cnt: Connie Adams, Olive Roder, stop; Cliff Lathrop, third sacker; and In Fraternity Competition Junior-Senior Prom, Dining Hall. Club last Thursday night an illustrat- Peggy Stewart, Jane Konow, Nora Augie Roberts, outfielder. March 23, Tuesday- ed lecture on the "Development of the Robinson, Kitty Jockel, Dot Witherup, Holdovers include Fred Coe, lone A movement to introduce Inter-n-a- Stradivarius Quartet, Alumni Chair" was given by Sara belle Black- Helen Newman, Regina Fitzgerald, member of the catching department ternity baseball as a regular feature Hall, 8:15 P. M. well. The changes in the form and Jean Creager, Mary Ellen Creager, at present; George Skinner, Frank of the men's intramural program was March 25, Thursday- structure of chairs from the time of Carolyn Smith, Eleanor Gaither, Bet- Sadowski, and John Barkdoll, pitch- brought up at the last meeting of the Sunrise Service, Summer House the Egyptians to the present were de- ty Anderson, Jean Cairnes, Mary An- 5:30A. M. picted. na Brown, Letitia Bogan, Ruth Dy- ~~:~'l::~l c~i:07:fi~~:r~r::~ShLe~:~ intramural committee by "Dud" Tt-i-Beta, 7:30 P. M.. Room 22, gert, Margaret Kuhns, Lalia Seott, ~~~Pbell and Ken Adriance, outfield- ~~~:~ie, representative of the Gamma Science Hall. The new members of Delta Sigma Jean Lynn Scott, Patty Payne, Jean April 9, Friday- Kappa were entertained at a movie Lang. The search is on for another catch- The idea as originated by Ritchie Tri-Beta 4:00 P. M., Room 22, party on March 11. They saw "The er, three infielders, and an outfielder. and Bob Coe was to play one round Science Hall. Last of Mrs. Cheney," followed by The Y. W. C. A. will hold its usual In the inner works Drugash is the Curtis Institute of Music, Alum- brief refreshments at Griffins. Marie early morning Lenten services during only one of the three on hand sure of :;c::::~a!~h::Ul:e!~wa~n t::g~:.g~:~ I ni Hall, 8 P. M. La Forge was in charge of the party. Holy Week at 6:45 A. M. on Monday, lJ position. He will probably be used there would be no points awarded the AI)riJ 15, Thursday- Miss Wilsie Adkins has become the Tuesday, Wednesday, students will as a shortstop instead of second base various clubs for their showing in the Fourth Art Exhibit, for two new sponsor of the club. Mrs. George lead. On Thursday the Christian As- where he performed last year. sport. weeks. S. Wills, who was sponsor of the club sociations will meet with the Sunday The biggest gap to fill is Fowble's April 16. Friday- from the time of its formation in School at a sunrise service at 5:30 A. first base post. At present ther-e is As it now stands the idea would be Senior Speech Recital, Smith I!J23, remains as "mater ex-officio." M. in the Summer House. no suitable replacement on the hor- merely an experiment. There is no Hall, 7:30 P. M. Phi Alpha Mu celebrated its elev- izon. The need for outfielders will assurance that the clubs could get the cnth birthday at a dinner at Carroll Lecturer To Speak Here probably be solved by Glenn McQuil- baseball diamond when they needed COED VOLLEYBALL TEAMS ARB Inn on Saturday, March 13. Besides len and Bob Stropp, freshmen. it, because they might conflict with SELECTED Fred Coe certainly can not handle the workouts of the varsity. Much interest has been shown in the regular members, the following (Cont. from page 1, col. 2) all the catching duties alone. The alumnus were prcsent: Jerr-y Ewing, ciliation and has for sometime been team was hard hit when Mahclchic 1.11'. H. B. Speir, physical education the volleyball tournament this year Beth Br-yson, Evelyn Mather, Cather- its chairman and editor of its maga- failed to return to school this year. . instructor, is in favor of the idea and with a large number of gil'is compet- ine Stoner and Viva Engle. zine. In this work he became inti- The varsity catcher was not only the thinks it should be tried out if all the ing for first string positions. The On Tuesday, March 9, the W. W. mately acquainted with the radical best hitter On the team, but his pow- ~~:e1~:~: ,~::.~~st~:sn y~:l:r~':nn~:~' a:~ ~~;l ('~~~:ha7;)s. W~:1:~,1~?~::m~h~: ..:~ sorority opened its freshman rushing and communist group in China and has helped to meet and interpret er-ful throwing arm and his mere ~;~~onB~[h gt;~~n~il:g"::~'o~~:~~~ \~:l~~ their presence in the game made the Ter- tempt to incorporate it into the intra- Senior "A"-Hoshall, lit.; Wigley, program and their criticism of Chris- rors playa different brand of ball. mural program next year on a larger 1\LA.; LaForge, 1\1.;COl.·kran,J.; Mur- present, in costume, to carry out the tianity. scale. . . . ! PhJ~~·~rcr~~~~·I;l~~lthc.~I. Cooper, royal theme. The entertainment con- At the present time Mr. Wu is The schedule is as follows; chairman of the National Commission The other three Ira ter-nities have I 1\LV.; Armstrong, H.; Taylor, E.; :~~:!n~! ::l:~:~~!ie~:l~ve~~o::~::nt~e~! on "The Faith and Mission of the April 6-Georgetown, away April 16-George Washington, away ~;e;al~~~::a:~e~h~~thha~hee ~~~a~ ::; ~~~:!fde~'~I~ilmer, 1\1.; Mor-ris, T.; to entertain the royal party and the Chinese Student Christinn Movement. April 19-Loyola, away" Apr-il 2I-Juniata, home reaction either way. .SOPhomore".A"_\VCiShaal"A';l\1C_I~ April 24---Catholic U., away Kenny, IIi.; TImmons, C.; Yohn, T.; April 30-George Washington, home Hcnemarm, M.J.; Heeman, G.; Myers, I CASSELL'S May I-Catholic U., home SUNDAY SCHOOL L.; Berwager, J. May 5-Mt. St. Mary's, away'" Freshman "A" - Witherup, D.; May S-Washington Coll., away'" "Finding God on the Campus" Hi-own, D.; Scarborough, 1\1.; Fcrtig, May 12-Penn State, a way What is an Adequate Religion? K.; Gompf, C.; Barnes, E.; Scott, I;!.; .... .... .. I Carrol1 County's LEADING Field, R. May IS-Loyola, home's and MOST RELIABLE Jew. Religion is helpful 1. May 19-Gaithersburg H. S., home in directing one's spiritual not only elers for nearly half century. life, but May 20-Washington Col., home'" in inspiring one's attitude toward J. D. KATZ cE~ff;eMASh;~ May 26-lIH. St. Mary's, home'" others. "'Denotes League contests. QUALITY EXPERT WATCH- 2. Religion is faith in a Being SHOE REPAIRING CLOCK- higher than human authority. Special Rates to Students I 3. Religion is a belief inspired • WALKER PLACES HIGH by the Bible and the teachings of AND RESTAURAN!P JEWELRY- IN INfERCOLLEGIATES Christ. SODA .nd 4. Religion is the faith of a body of believers who constitute a Hershey Ice Cream SANDWICHES OPTICAL REPAIRING (Cont. from page 3, col. 5) church. LUNCH Syracuse's triumph gave her a 15c Per Pint DINNERS fourth leg on the Baltimore Sun Tro- • J.WILLIAM HULL, Prop. phy and assured another year of ~om- POPULAR SUNDAES and petition for the emblem. The Orange SODAS ]. F. MOORE, Manager standard bearers are tied with Penn ~u:hStore Complete Line of Magazines "Good Food-And How!" 51 E. Main Street four Trophy, while five are needed to with- I Dn for and Newspapers Never Closed WESTMINSTER, MD. State, each having legs on the draw it from competition. In addition, the Syracuse team pre- College Students As near as your phone vented Penn State f1'om duplicating a CaH 3969·W and we wiU feat which only they themselves have Macken:i\ie's Deliver "Always An Appealing Menu" e\'er done-the winning of three con- secutive team crowns. DRUG STORE Hershey's ConfeclionelY Next to Stflte 'l'hcatl'e 58Y:! West Main St. BEARD'S RESTAURANT H. E. REESE TAILOR John W. Beard, Proprietor CLEANING PRESSING REPAIRING STATE THEATRE Catering To 94 East !\fain Street I Easter WESTMINSTER, MD. PRIVATE PARTIES BANQUETS - CARD PARTIES SUITS ]\fADE TO i\lEASURE FRI., MARCH 19 17-19 East Main Street PRIVATE DINING ROOMS BANK NIGHT Easter Cards Candy 25 Good Present 25 To Be Phone 427 SECOND FLOOR Reasons AND ","IND YOUR OWN BUSINESS" BILLIARDS AND BOWLING IN REAR Charles Alice Brady Ruggles, CANDIES • "THE BELOVED VAGABOND" Chevalier Maurice P.G.CoffmanCo. SAT., MARCH 20 Send brother or Double Feature TIMES BUILDING "SING ME A LOVE SONG" Don't Fail To Visit GRIFFIN'S! Phone 401 Easter Novelty. Jas. Melton, Patricia E!!is "ALIAS JOHN LAW" Send father and mother a Bob Steele The Largest and Best Assortment of Cartoon-News box of Whitman's. Skilled B MON., TUES., Easter Novelties and Eggs MARCH 22-23 IN TOWN Shooting Company Don't forget your girl "STOLEN HOLIDAY" JOHNSTON'S, GOBELIN'S, VIRGINIA DARE AND Kay Francis friend. Good Shorts 49 E. Main Street WED.,-THUR., HOMEMADE EGGS. NAME ON FREE. • MARCH 24-25 CHOCOLATE BASKETS AND EGGS, FILLED WITH Upstairs 4 SKILL SHOTS FOR IOc ' "God's Country And The Woman" VIRGINIA DARE CANDY. 75c TO $2.00. k All in Technicolor Roberts Cash Prizes Awarded Bonsac S A Gcorge Brent, Beverly each the Griffin's Goodie Shoppe man and a woman, Come In and Try Your Luck! bo" of ,h,i, lumb" "mp', loving in .'1.1 SODA Opposite State Theatre LIGHT LUNCH Woods, thc big North CANDY II C. E. Greenholtz, Mgr. II each other, yet circumstances "Th, Coll,geShop" 11,==",=i",=h,:Om=o:~'=s~ho',~,::,n=,m,,=,," Our Cigarettes Are Still 2 For 25c
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