Page 37 - TheGoldBug1936-37
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JUNIOR PROM JUNIOR PLAYS DINING HALL ALUMNI HALL MARCH 20 MARCH 19 Vol. 14, No.9 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. March 4, 1937 Imogene M. Ensor Stradivarius String Quartet I Junior Promenade Junior Dramatists Last Alumna of '76 I To Be Held Mar. 20 Make Local Debut Dies February 19 I In Science Hall Fr;day, March 19 New York Resident Was Member Of 1 Plans Nearly Completed For Annual !\Iiss Esther Smit.h Names Plays and First Graduating Class Casts For Alumni Hall • Gathering Says Prom Chairman Presentation WAS DONOR OF ENSOR ROOM BLUE MOON ORCHESTRA TO PLAY THREB SHORT PLAYS CHOSEN Tn the recreation room of Blanche Ward Hall, hangi'ng on the wall neal' the piano, is a picture of a young "Smart dance rhythms in the mod- On March 19 the Juniors will pre- woman of a half-century ago. 'Phis ern manner," a byword of only too sent three one-act plays in Alumni face young woman has a pleasant air I many of our popular orchestras, will Hall at 8.00 o'clock. Variety in both touched with an intangible of actually come into realization at the type and plot situation promises to great serenity. Her- mouth, too, is Junior Prom. The committee has lend unusual entertainment to this been fortunate in booking the Blue function which is an annual event on ~ie:s~~~l~i~:~th~~~ :~,!:t:~~ S~l!!;s:~~ Moon Orchestra of York, Pennsylvan- the Hill. The offerings have been se- thoughtful. Around her forehead are ia, for the occasion. lected and the chosen casts are under clustered a few little dark curls, She "Playing for the popular weekly the capable direction of Miss Esther is wearing a dark dress with a high Student Hop at the Valencia Ball Smith of the Speech Depm-tment. white lace collar, a breast pin, and a Room in that city, they have enjoyed lavaliere. Engraved upon a metal a wide popularity, and we feel that "A woman Of Character" Chosen plate under the picture is the inscrip- Living American Art I Debators Are Active the seniors and other guests will en- A l'Voma,n of Chnracter, by Estelle tion: joy the dance in large measure." Aubrey Brown is one of the plays to MRS, IMOGENEMITTEN ENSOR Thus did Jerry Balderson, Prom be given. Mary Lange is the woman Class of 1871 Oilens Third Exhibit As Season Commences chairman, greet the writer, when ask- of character who staunchly faces the Western Maryland College ed for a statement coneerning the monthly meeting of her book club This room was furnished by her, In Stu- while the town buzzes about her flir- Reproductions Now Showing Teams Remain Undefeated After I dance. He further stated that the Mrs. Imogene Mitten Ensor died on dent Parlor of Old Main Venture Intn Pennsylvania On possibility of continuing last year's tatious husband. How a noble woman Pi-lday, February 19, 1937, She was Debating Tour 1 innovation of having a Prom Queen meets this difficult and trying situa- exhibit by Livi:lg I the last surviving member of the first The group of twelve pictures se- __ has not as yet been determined. "Oth- tion makes a vivid and amusin-g play graduating class of Western 'Mary- lected, for the third Western Mar-yland College has an-. er than that our plans are in a pure- very human and humorous. The cast land College, There were seven mem- American Art, Inc., of New York City other undefeated team. This yeat ly embryonic stage," concluded Mr. includes the following: bers of the class. Among them were opened here on March 3 and simul- the debating team is enjoying an un- Balderson. Mrs. Adams-Dorothea F'ridingef-. the daughter of J. T. Ward, first taneously at 300 points throughout blemished record following two weeks' Other committee heads are: Or- Old Mrs. Adams-Elizabeth Erb, president of the college, and the wife the United States, strenuous activity. chestra, Eugene Cronin; programs, Mrs. Perkins-Dorothy Vinup, of T. H. Lewis, the second president, This showing is the third in the Alfred Goldberg, manager of the Frank Malone; refreshments, Kitty Mrs. Albl'ight-Marian Millender. Parks. Was Well-known Here series inaugurated 4 months ago men's team, and Frank Malone have Messenger; decorations, Charles Mrs, Lee-Marie Erwin. The Bride-Sue Western Maryland, at that time, which was attended by more than a just returned from a highly success- Hae!'; and publicity, Sue Irwin, Mrs. Marr-ington-Cr-osa _ Vil:ginla was definitely not a co-educational million people in 300 cities in 46 ful invasion of eastern Pennsylvania. Faculty patrons and patronesses Cooper, school. It was a college for young states, thus constituting the most am- I They met Drexel Institute in Phila- will include Dr. and Mrs. Fred G. Mrs. Cline-Mary Louise Rockwell. men and young women. The central bi~ious ventUl:e e.ver. und~rtaken ~Ol"l delphia on Tuesday night, February Holloway, Major and Mrs. Severna S. Mrs. Lange-Louise Shipley, portion of the Main Building (the widespread distr-ibution In Amer-ica I 23, winning an audience decision, MacLaughlin, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. part around Smith Hall Tower) was for works of fine art. By means of Jour-neying to Allentown on the wanner, Mr. and Mrs, John D. l'Ifa_ "The Grill" Is Mystery Play all of the present Western Maryland ~~:e C~!~~~YI~:d:l:rs:~~c~:(iI1~~:1~:~:I~ 24th they \\'ere entertained by Muhl- kcsky, Mr. and Mrs. Charles W, Ha- The Grill, by George Woodruff plant then standing. paintings. The process is uniquely enberg College, where the debate was vens, and 1\11'. and Mrs. Cat-los C, Johnston is a mystery play, Its plot The students are all acquainted Crawford. incor-porates corrupt politics. Under with the name of Mrs, Ensor. The faithful in. every detail of line and. :t ~~~~~~;~~iQl:a~:p~ves~r~I'i~~:l'~~I:~~ The junior class wishes to an- Covel' of friendship District Attorney girls know of her because she fur- ~~~o~e:;~o~: ~~~~~~~d by experts as : a very close decision the next night, nounce that the dance is open this Trent and the Commissioner of Police nished the recreation room ill Blanche I basing the edge on one question which year to all classes, Scphcmcres, jun- are enemies fOI' Tr-ent is sincerely Ward Hall-the room with the couch- A novel feature of this show is the swung the balance. fighting political graft, When the es, the comfortable, upholstered mats on the pr-ints. Where the first Ursinus College was debated on iors and seniors only, however, can Commissioner puts Trent in a tight chairs, the piano, the radio, and the two groups were mounted and matted Friday afternoon in another non-de- invite non-campus guests. hole hc exposes his own hand while attractive lamps. And then, last fall, with cardboard, this group is resplen- cision alTair. This was the debate in Those that are inviting people from Trent cleverly and dramatically re- Dr, Holloway told how he and Mrs. dent in a special cloth binding. In- which the Western Maryland team home should give the names of their verses the situation. The several Holloway visited her at her home, 160 stead of every pictur-e having the considered it had the most unques- guests to either Hazel Gom])f 01' characters are: (Conet. page 3, col. same colol' mat, the colors of the new tionable edge. James Coleman at the earliest oppor- Maid-Louise Shaeffer. mats have been picked for each pic- Maryland Western upheld the tUl'e. firmative of the minimum wage-maxi- af- tunity, Baumgardner. Attorney Trent-Kenneth District Living Glee Club, Students Art The report from is that American mum hour held question only in all debates. Seniors of Gold Rug Alice TI'en't-Elizabeth Harrison. Ma- cloth the in New York Police the conventional Drexel Commissioner--Frank binding is the result of much experi- Will Give Recitals mentation Art Jury and artists in an ~tyle, the others speaking and Goldberg Attend Staff Dinner lone. Pinero's "Pla).goers" Selected style being Oregon of the Living on the part with Malone American afternoon, II effort to find a way to present COI01' cross-examining in each case, -- Wing Pinero, by Arthur Playgoers, Girls Will Sing Tn Monday Assembly; reproduction~, which would bring On the same Frida)' . a 'Group Also Goes To Theatre To See English playwright, completes the Recital Scheduled For March 2 out the full tone and quality of the '\Vestern Maryland negative team R I I' Of "D d E d" series. This satirical comedy is sim- picture, be durable and inexpensive, cOllsisting of Charles Ehrhardt and epn'sen ,a~ ea n the Next Monday and Tuesday will be suitable for hanging, and convenient Fred Tyrell debated LebanOll Valley ilat' to the "Hands Across present Sea" of- sketch of Noel Coward's days of musical performance at \Vest- for filing away in shelves 01' cabinet College on the same question in the "Heigh ho, and away we go"-off plays ern Maryland College, as a library of pictures, I Westminster High School auditorium for a night in the big city! The Gold fering, TOl1fte at 8.30. British Both middle the set Bug staff Wednesday deliberately jibe out last wi~f~~:::;'Sth~~r ti~~ti~ir~~p~ll~:nc~l~~ i (Cont, page 4, col. 5) before the school assembly. night to treat itself to urban pleas- class through unique and highly Here we meet laughable the assembly, Monday morning. at 10 I ===================== IsuI'es. Three carloads of students, the kindly situations. couple who have English o·dock. Und". th' d;",tion d p"o·1 Aloha Casts Precedents to Winds ~~:II~~!~: t~uer:~a~;r~~\~~i~:I~e,M;;~ fessol' Alfred DeLong, they wlll pre- • ']'iving in time for dinner. decided to bestow of on their servants the opportunity the attending ::.n::d ';;i~'~~O~:;~f01",;" "m;·d,,, I With Unique Chapel Entertainment Ushered into the private Tel'l'ace theatre. When the exceedingly deco- ---,- Room of the Stafford Hotel, "our The program will include: Come, gang" was treated to an excelleat re- rous employees condescend, they pro- To Selli~r By Elevating Juniors Thou, 0 Come! by J. Sebastiall Bach; Staff Makes Innovation Contests For Aloha Are Announced Rank; Popularity past, such as has not been partaken voke a condition that is diverting and From the realm of S01(ls departed of for a long time, The only thing gives both Mastel' and Mistress cause (Ol-p/wns) by Christoph W. Gluck; An innovation in the usual Monday letic pl'owess and dancing ability. The Jacking was soft music, but after to repent the folly of their suggestion, ll'eep you no mQr!>, sad founta,ines by morning chapel pl'ogram occurred results of these ballots will not be re- floantically scaring up a radio, the The roles al'e played as below: John Dowland; Whither 1'1ometh my last Monday when the assembly was vealed until the publication of the difficulties of making it respond were Master-Ralph Lambert. sweetheart? by John Bartlet; These turned over to the ,41oha staff, year book, when faces will appear in too much for the head waiter, but delights if thOlt ca,nst give (L'Alle_ Alost amusing incident of the 1ll01'n- the Aloha's "Hall of Fame," music would have been superfluous in Mistress-Dolly Taylor. 91'0) by George Fried, Handel; the ing was the taking of a picture of the An important announcement con- such a merry company, Cook-Charlotte Cook. Kitchen following selections from Liebesliedor student body. As usual, the senior : of ~:: r~i:;~\.~~: ,~:~ct:ma~~O~~dt~:e:!~~ Maid-Anna Kenney. by Johannes Brahms: Upon my section was full of vacancies. Afte!' ~~:~:I.lg ::e an s:~~~~t:na~o:~::~r~::~ Parlor Maid-Helen Leatherwood. fingOI'S glowing, The Nightingale, The much argument some of the junior ment to all contestants, pictures may , que~ers, for. afte]' th~ meal each m.ade House Maid--Janet McVean. spiteful neighbors and F'rom yon hills. men wei'e finally beguiled into posing be turned in Ulltil noon on Saturday, ; a dive and m a semI-stupor, occaSlOn- Useful Maid-Berniece Robbins, the tm"rents speeds; and these exam- as pseudo-seniol's. With the senior Mal'ch 6, All entries are to be de- , ed by an over-abundance of food, at- The summer day pIes of folk music: 0, the bom~y fisher I section filled, the picture was taken. posited in the Gold Bug box under the ~:~':'~~~n~o cal'l'y on a desultory con- Odd Man-Robert Shoemaker. had1JaSsed away; Ballots for material for the feature Sir Arthur is the author of Trel- lady; Aye mankin, Of and the Opel~ing section of the Aloha were distributed i~;·c:i~~e~:~t~h~i:~~te;~D'~~;lt r~~:f~!' When some animation returned to awney of t.he Wells, an English com- Chol'lts from "The Gondoliers," for the choice of seniors best known his f-tloha free", says Editor Need- the group a move was made to ad- erl~', and Sec011d lIfrs, Tanqueray, (Cont. page 4, col. 1) for their ver~atility, popularity, ath- ham. (Cont. page 4, col. 3) both being four-act plays.
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