Page 45 - TheGoldBug1936-37
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MILITARY HALL SIX I'AGE DINING HALL GOLD HUG APRIL 24 EDITION Vol. 14, No. 11 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. April 15, 1937 April 24 Announced Selliors To Appear I· .:\NNOUNCElIIEN-T ,Seniorslnoested WithAcademic Costume; III Speech Recital I For Military Ball All students-upper classmen Prof. Hurt Gives Investiture Address 'lhird Series of Dramatic Headings and freshmen-who wish to be on Lifo Philosophy Necessary To Confront Turbulent Modern Times; Social, Al Shirley Secured To Supply Music: Clveu By Seniors Tuesday the reportorial staff of the Gold Political. Economic And Religious Aspects Should Ije Admission 82.50 A Couple In Smith Hall HI19 and all present reporters who Intelligently Understood wish to contin\le on the staff. arc The Annual 1....li1it~lry B'all of Wes- The final eenes of senior speech re- to leave their names in the tern Mar-yland College, g-iven by the nsked HIIY office (downstairs from "A rortress is our Go..., Gold Officers' Club of the Reserve Officers' the Iibrm-y ) before T'hursdny, A never failing .. April 22. dignit.y befitting the)1 officer's and faculty of Wee- tern College ushered into Alumni on Wednesday. April 7, l tru. The price or admission has been Curtis Voice Students I :l~~;.~::e":l~:h d!;'i~~~':~lin~/~~'~fe~~:' eet at $2.50 H couple. Frank B. Hurt to those men and wo- A hu-ge nttendnuce is expected. ment students who will soon leave this Any student may invite an outside To Give Recital Here campus to approach the problems guest nwalting them as citizens of the U. S. tee, Professor Hurt g-raduated from ber-t Dunstan. Mtss Edna Haddock. Soprano. And Washington and Lee Universttv and work un- h.ter' secured an M. A. degree from Elwood Hawkins. Barftune pursued having Afler Will Sing studies at the Umvci-stt.ies of Virginia m~~~ program, under S:~:CI:i~':::il~t~ Ii and NOI·th Carolina, he did work at of Miss Esther Smith, is as follows: A joint r-ecital will be presented by Johns Hopkins toward a Doctor's dc- "Good Medicine" by Arnold and I ~iss Edna Ha,dd.ock, ~opran~, and lIlr: gt'ee. In 1930 he became Assistant Burke, Bernice Robbins; "Followers" Elwood Hawkins, ?Hlltone, 11\Alumni Professor of Economics here and has also taught Political Science. to ~~l'I~~~~h!~O~;i~;lP~i:i~:r~~,~n;y ':~~ ~~~ll, F'tiday, April iuu., at 8:00 P Having- warned his friends of the in, Janet Smith; "Cyrano de Berger- Both singers are now studying at the confusion awaiting them, the ac" Curtis Institute of Music, Miss Had- opinions and turbulent of this year to continue her study with Changes In Curriculum forces to confronted, the speaker dock having been accepted_in January Through" by ur-ged, as his theme, the acquisition of Bll1.des. Mr. Emilio de Cogorza, and Mr. Haw- n philosophy of life. kins having been 1\ member of the Shown InNew Catalogue Life Philuscphv Necessary Department of the Inst.itute the fall of 1936. "It is important to you and those Debalers Invade Pa. The program to be at i\lan~ New Courses Scheduled in '37 whose lives you influence, to npprcueh of yOUI' work, and your life outside Western Maryland be divided Depar-tmental Offerings your work, with a theory of living. On Four Day Trip into seven sections. Three groups of Revised I do not think that you are prepared solos will be sung' b~' each and there will also bc one duet. The program now, or should bc, to set forth in a J)U~~:;':Gl~::~ \ includes some of the enjoyed sHtisfactory way a I)hilosophy of life; Debate Penn Stale. Susquehanna and but you ought to be thinbng about 1'I1nrch" will bc led by Lieutenant- opem al'ias and some of Colonel DUllstan. All the officers and Bucknell Universit~ ll\odern classical selections. in the its meaning so fnl' liS you can see their guests take part in t.his prome- lUI'. Hawkins will sing as his clos- \ I'ew courses bcen added, while !lnd state to yourselves whnt pies you vscnted by John "\Varman flnd Fl·,mk filled with a late snow, also ran into l'flte years, Amcrican Litei'atm'c be- rison, Mr. and !IIl·S. Charles W. Ha- Mnlone, argued the affirmfltive of the tl'ansportation difficulties at this en- ing offel'ed next year. Romantic and recognition of the relation of econ- veIlS, Lt. James Drapel' and guest, question-Resolved, That Congl'ess g-agement, a flat tire delaying theil Victorian Literature, formerly given 'omic values to othel' human values." DJ'. and 1\1J·s.C. A. Spicer, Professol should be empowered to enact legis- arrival. body received the pm- in alternate yenrs, are now offererl phy, "And the tinal test of your philoso- my and The student to gentlemen, ladies 111.C. Raver and guest. lation fixing minimum wages and ('ach yeal". A new coursc in the litcr- mnxilllum hours. American Univer- g-ram very enthusiastically, being es- ature of the twentieth century, 'In mind, is whether it is social nnd mor- ~it~' was repI'esented b~' 1\Iiss Get7. !:IE-eiallyinterested in the conduct of elective for seniors, will be offered r,.1. • T UJ'ge yOIl to further develop ANNOUNCElI1ENT r,r,d 1I[r. Stewart. As is customary, no the cross-examination. 'fhe questions f'nch year. Romantic and Victo1"ian such talents as you have and put them Literature al'e prerequisite for tlli'l tv honorable and courageous uses. All students desiting a posi- ~~::e,~.a:e~~:n~~I~~~.nted, and no decl- ~~ldla:~~l~:l~·Sfl:~'~Wth:c:~~i(~~~~;s.rOl1ndS ('OUl'se. Arg'umentation and Debating Cling steadfastly to yOUl' ideals. Seek tion as I'eporter on the Sports Staff The arguments were well presented is now a two-hom' coU!·se. A lIe\\' to serve and to help all of your fel- of the Gold BII{! are asked to leave The constructive speeches were by both sides. The questiolls by the ('ne-hoUl' coursc, Pmcticnl Debating:, 10Wmel\ whenevel' the occasion offel's their names with Frcd Coe, Sports made by 1Ifr. Malone and Mr. Stewart. C]'oss-examiners were well founded, i!
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