Page 39 - TheGoldBug1936-37
P. 39
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PAGE THREE UVANNILEADSCOURTMEN INTRAMURAL TEAMS WIN ST. JOHN'S UPSETS TO WIN OVER SHO'MEN SNAPSHOTS TWO EVENTS FROM TERPS TERRORS IN FINALS WALTERLEE TAYLOR Terror Star Tallies 21 Points While Volley Ball And Basketball Tcams Johnnies Gain Revenge At Annapolis. Holding Zebrowski To Four Emerge Victors After Tumblers Uvanni Again Tops Scorers Eastern Intercollegiates Loom In Otling For Terrors Bow Displaying their best teamwork of Western lIlarylancl';; ring ream will engage in its final dual meet of. Uncorking a second half drive that the current season, Western Mary- A new feature of intramural ath- enabled them to overtake their oppo- land defeated Washington College, 30 the venr Saturday night. The opponent will be V'illannvn, and the bouts letics was introduced last week when nents, St. John's dribblers outlasted Wildcats in the Wildcat stronghold. to 26, on Tuesday, February 23, at the will take place and the Green and Gold boxers The will have their have mitts a good the leading intramural competitors a fighting Western Maryland team team this veal' full Armory. Saturday "nigl~t. John Jarosik, tough middleweight, and Tony Snln, of \Vestern Maryland engaged in a and defeated the visiting Green and A large crowd turned out to see light-hoavyweight, are the Philadelphians' two. best men. Fans who saw triplehcadai- with the University of Gold, 27 to 21, last Saturday night at Joe Uvanni the 'ren-ors' star center, the Villanova bouts at the Armory last year wil! remember these two. Maryland last Wednesday her-c. The Annapolis in a Maryland Collegiate prove himself to be one of the best events were tumbling, volleyball, and League game. centers in Maryland collegiate circles. At that time .Iarosik stopped Clint Walker, and basketball, of which the Terrors won The defeat was the fifth loop loss He not only scored nine field goals Silla fought a whirlwind battle with Tony Ortenzi, the latter two. for the Terrors and dropped them to and three fouls for a total of 21 receiving week a close decision after the three Eastern roun~ls. Intcrcol. Maryland ran away with the tum- fourth place. Washington College, Saturrli)~' One from points, but he held Washington's lcgiates will take pl:lCe at Syracuse. PC~lll State's bling exhibition, winning 72 to 28. by virtue of its exciting 37-36 win famed "Goop" Zebrowski to four powerhouse tenm will be defending the title it won Clad in natty uniforms the Ter-rapin over Loyola, eased in ahead of Bruce points. It was Uvanni's best show- six casily outclassed a mixed group Ferguson's men. St. John's rose to ing of the season. lust YClJr. 'l'he Nittuny Lions loom a potential win- of underclassmen led by Bill Klare second place, the highest it has been The game was slow in getting un- ner again, but thcy "'ill be hard pressed by n strong. and Buck Barkdoll. this year, and since its schedule is der way, both teams having difficulty Syracuse team end another potent aggregntion The Ten-ors turned right around still uncompleted, it may wrest the in scoring. The lead changed hands from 'l'hc \Vest Point. should and captured the volleyball contest runner-up rung from the Shc'men. finals continuously, and at the half the fill ish among those teams. Western Mary- a 15 to 12 count. Western Maryland has finished its Sho'men led 13-10. main event of the afternoon court schedule for the year. Both teams changed tactics at the WALTERLEE TAYJ,OR land, while certainly not of ehilmpiol!sllil1 timber,' Joe Uvanni, the mainstay of the start of the second half. Tom Kib- stands chance to finish in the money in the three Delta Pi Alpha eager's, newly-crown. Terrors, led the assault against the ler's team switched from a very effec- heavy weights. Of course. thrcc divisions are studded \\'ith tough ed champs' of the intramUI'al circuit, Johnnies by scoring 15 points to lead tIve five-man defense to a I'ather loose Illfln, but Walkel", Ortenzi, O'Lef~il' \rill not h;]\"e to fight all of aud the University of Maryland in- the point-getters, but close guarding man to man style of play. The Ter- them, and something may happen to gi\"c one of these mel) a place. tramural winners. The PI'eachers, ill the second half prevented the Wes- rors met this with a whirlwind of- Remininsces On The Current Basketball Campaign led by Carroll Maddox, won, 32 to 24 tern Maryland star from leading his The game was slow in the first half team to triumph. fC~~:s~~~:;~~~~;e~h:~e!~e a~:i~, but I sho\\:t;:~ l~a~;~~l~.dt 1~1~111~~il~~~el~~;~1il~eil~e~;~.~I~e:~ both teams displaying erratic ball Late ill the game the score was tied the Terrors put on a last mll1ute spurt II Il00rd season. \Vesterll l\farylllnd had some ]100r handling ana passing. But after the when Uvanni's charity toss brought that won the game. lin:e the Grccn lind Gold plilyed championship baiL Preachers they warmed into up in the second the visitors up even with the John- swept goals half, the nes. lead, and However, two last minute The summary: If)oked miSCl"e hue that lli],; characterized Western l\fal'yland temns in work and sharpshooting of the local Shawn and Lambros catapulted the Cce, f. . five years shOne only for the fir~t pnrt of thc ycar. AmI once it Anna]lolitans into victory. Edmond, f. 2 it disnppearcd completely. Western Maryland G Sherman, f. . As l"cgnrds the most. valunbl\l playcr ovcr the sea~on to thc Grcen T Drugash, f. Uvanni, c. 21 and Gold, we nominatc CnptClin John Tomichek, \\'ho~e stencl? plllY at Wallace, f. 16 Sherman, f. Stropp, g. 2 glH~!'d was 11 beneficial inflnenee to tlle remainder of the squad. In the Balish, c. 10 Edmond, f. Tomichek, g. second place IYC \\'ould nominnte ,Joe Uvanni, who bore most of the Barkdoll, g. 2 Coe, f . bm'den the last three wceks of the campaign. Joe reachcd his higll Wright, g. 2 lTvanni, c. 15 Totals 13 30 Jig-lIt Inst week in his splendid :;;howillg Hgain~t Zebrowsl,i Shreeve, g. 2 o Tomichek, g. 2 Washington Col. G T Consnlting the records of tllC othcl" five teams in the loop lind basing Stropp, g. Neubert, f. 1 2 ('alcnlntions in per£ormance~ fit the At:mory strongly, we would nom· Totals 14 32 Totals 21 Smith, f. o I lllClte for the most vnlnnble ])Iayer to his team oyer the ye
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