Page 36 - TheGoldBug1936-37
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. CALENDAR Seniors In Speech SUNDAY SCHOOL Design Students Win News In Brief II "Findi11U God on the Campus" Ribbons In Contest 4:00---6:00 P. M.-Phi , , Feb. 17- Alpha Mu To Present Recital FALSE OR TRUE? Supper in "Y" Room. ) L A good citizen will obey (Cont. from page 1, col. 2) The W. W. and the Black and Feb. 19- (Cont. from page 1, col. 3) all laws without ques- contestant Another winning also White, brother- and sister clubs, will 4:00 P. M.-Music Recital-Mc- give a scene from Oscar Wilde's "The tion. two prizes was John Simms, who won give a tea dance in McDaniel Hall Daniel Lounge. Importance of Being Earnest." Lounge next Saturday afternoon, Mr. Warman will close the program ) 2. Intelligence is more im- first place in Class III and second from two-thir-ty till five o'clock. Mem- 7:30-10:00 P. M.-"Y" Bazaar-c. with "The Unseen Host" by Percival portant than conscience place in Class II. A "gaugin pink" Girls'Gym. and green sash chiffon with magenta bers of these clubs and their guests Wilde. This is an unusual study of in a good citizen. was his winning entry for an evening are invited to be present. Feb. 20- the influence of war on the mind. ) 3. No one can be a pacifist dress, and a black velvet coat trim- The chaperons will be Miss Smith, 2:30 P. II1.-Tea Dance sponsored and be a good citizen. med in silver fox took the runner-up Mr. Raver, Major and Mrs. Me- by Black and White Frater- Third Recital Planned ) 4. No one can be a good position. nity and W. W. Club-Boys' Laughlin, and Dr. and Mrs. Wills. The third and concluding recital Lounge. will be held in Smith Hall, April 16. citizen and be a real Second prize in the first class was Feb. 26--- Those students of speech appearing in Christian. won by Elaine Fennell with her shoe The Delta held a party on Valen- 7:30 P. M.-Senior Speech Re- the group are Eloise Gunn, Janet designs, while a hat designed by Mar- tine's Day to celebrate their 14th cital-Smith Hall. Smith, Berniece Robbins, Madalyn \Vhat are your answers! tha \Vilmer was awarded the third birthday. After a short review of the March 1- Blades, Ruth Lunning , and Clinton prize. club history, the seniors entertained 3rd Art Exhibit-two weeks. Walker. Georgia Dixon took the third place the rest of the members at supper. Uarch 9- In these recitals the reader interprets in the Class II with a gray wool street The evening was finished by a for- 7:30 P. IlL-Music Recital- all of the characters in a one-act play "Y" Bazaar ToFeature dress combined with cornelian acces- mal initiation at which Helen Frey, sories. Louise Jameson, Jane Lankford, Ma. Smith Hall. or in a cutting from a standard length The second place in the tbird class play. The fascinating job of the in- rie Park, and Kathleen Souder were terpreter is the building of character Mother Goose People went to Elizabeth Hobbs for her black initiated. As part of the birthday concepts link by link into a chain of velvet evening dress, while the third celebr-ation the class of '35 sent the ing desires of Italy and Germany characterization. After he has forg- (Cont. from page 1, col. 4) award in this class was garnered by club a pair of silver candlesticks and Mary Edwards. side shows. a pickle fork. In addition the Novem- were pointed out and debated. cd the chain sequence of characters, planned for all-dancing, tellers; and a Judges for the contest were Mrs. At a previous meeting the present he skillfully weaves these chains into grab bags and fortune ber pledges presented a lounging officers were re-elected for the second a dramatic unity. This creative acuv- Hart, of Hochschild, Kohn and Co., chair to match the rest of the club line of edible goodies such as you'VI! and Mr. Hopper, a graduate of Mary- The officers are Beverley furniture. semester. president; Sarabelle Black- ity calls for an entirely different tech- , never imagined, fancy sandwiches, land Insti_tu_t._. _ cake, pies, apples Harrison, inc from that employed in acting in ' candy, doughnuts, The club held a social on Saturday well, vice-president; and George Need- it play and in many ways represents on a stick, and ther-e might even be afternon at which cocoa and sand- ham, secretary-treasurer. i a higher form of art. pink lemonade. PHOTO EXHIBITS wiches were served. (Cont. from page 1, col. 5) At a recent meeting the officers of The next meeting will be held on Everyone is invited-faculty and with cameras destined for their last . . the first semester were relected for Monday, February 22, at which time ~ and. ~altllllOre. The subject students. 'Tis hoped thore'Il be as "snap". Nowell ward, Grand Prize many guests as the "old woman who the subject will be the proposed re- , Easton the rest of the year. They are: Winner for his entry "The Dreamer," President-Margaret Hoshall. form of the Supreme Court. I' was "Christian Ambassadors to lived in the shoe" had children. But used moderate equipment and grubbed Vice-President-Mary Alice Wigley. ::~l::veO: b:h~e~~O~~~';ro~~e S~;~~:l~ 'tis also promised-no spankings, just his young model from the baseball Secretary-Hazel Gomp. On January 20th the W. W. Club chaplain of Episcopal students at the )~o~: :~a~.~~· Come on down and get game being played across the street. Treasurer-Mildred Wheatley. met and elected the following officers University of Pennsylvania. Announcement will be made in The Chaplain-Sarah Adkins. for the second semester: President, Every year the Y. W. C. A. and Y. 8m/day Sun regarding the 1937 con- Alumni Secretary-Elizabeth Har- Sue Smith; vice-president, Jane Cork- M. C. A. sponsor a bazaar. Last year, test. Every amateur snapshooter- has rison. ran; secretary, Gwen Heeman ; trees- Mildred Wheatley, Charlotte Cop- the affair was built around the theme an equal chance, whether- young 01' urer, Eloise Chipman; sergeant-at- page and Helen Boughton attended of a Mardi Gras, and was quite sue- old in experience. Of the thirty-eight arms, Marjorie McKenney; sunshine the Tri-State Area's annual confer- ceeeful. Dancing as a feature, was Officers for Phi Alpha Mu, elect- states which entered last year only ed February 2, were: Arline Hud- messenger, Dorothy Vroome; inter- ence. They left February 6th at 3.00 introduced at that time and proved to three were from the East. be so very popular that it will be rea- sorority council, Parvis Robinson and P. M. on a boat bound for Old Point son, president; Dorothy Vinup, vice- Martha Yocum. Comfort. They got to their destlna- tured again Friday evening. A pro- president; Georgie Dixon, secre- H. E. REESE tary; Ann Stevenson, treasurer; tion Sunday afternoon and went to gram will be offered for your enter- TAILOR Anne Brinsfield, alumnae secretary; Professor Hendrickson is planning Hampton College where they were tainment, along with many other CLEANING Doris Phillips, sergeant-at-arms; in- to show moving picture slides of word ~~~sb;tt::~i:;r~:!.: ~e~~!;i~e:: S;e~~ ~~;ess:~v~a~~e _y_O~~~:o~~~nc1Uding PRESSING REPAIRING ter-club council representative, Mar- 94 East l'IIain Street garet Smith; intra-court council, Ann ~e~~I~a~~n~v~~n:~~~y~~d 2~h~;:~:~~ ens and Fleming. SUITS MADE TO MEASURE Stevenson and Evelyn Crown. Feb. 24 and 25 at 4.15. In order to ----- Sailing on a moonlight cruise, the accommodate everyone and make it Death ,- Phi Alpha's entertained the follow- possible for all who are interested to Lowry Beauty ing at their annual February rush see these slides he has arranged to Death must be like that, I think- party Wednesday, February 17: show them two days. All those stu- A November gray sky Shop Peggy Stewart, Jane Karow, Olive dents who would like to see these And bare horizon; St~~~A!.!~~!reI Rhoder-, Connie Adams, Emmeline slides are cordially invited. A painful weight Adjoining Post Office Newman, Helen Newman, Kathryn On the eye and heart, Phone 395 BANK NIGHT Jockel, Jean Lynn Scott, Ruth Dai- Officers of Gamma Beta Chi, second And yet a certain stabbing joy I gart, Dorothy Lee Brannock, Grace semester: President, Frank L. Brown, Of being able to see Matinee 2.30 Scull, Helen Twigg, Katherine Bark- Jr.; vice-president, Robert Coe; secre- God in it. PERMANENT WAVE 125-Good Reasons to be er, Virginia Claggett, Norma Nicode- t.ary, Robert Kiefer; vice-secretary, L. M. PACKWOOD,'40. SPECIALIST Present-125 mus, Dorothy Brown, Elizabeth Craig George Spiegel; treasurer, John Reif- DOUBLE FEATURE and Charlotte Bogan. snidcr; vice-treasurer, Ed. Waters; Mary Astor In chaplain, Joe Oleail'; sel'geant-at- J. D. KATZ "The Lady From Nowhere" Names of junior candidates who arms, John \Varman. QUALITY were on the honor roll the first semes- Jean Muir, Warren Hull ill ter and eligible for membership were An informal smoker was held Tues- SHOE REPAIRING STUDENTS voted on by the Senior Argonauts at day, February 4, in the Gamma Beta Special Rates to Students "FUGITIVE IN THE SKY" a special meeting Thursday, Febru- Chi club room, in honor of the out- ary 11. Those juniors who received going officers. SATURDAY, FEB. 20 bids to become members were: Miss Regina Fitzgerald, mascot of Foe Matinee 2:30 Charles Bael', Alfred Goldberg, the Gamma Bets, was given an hon- JOHN EVERHART I Clarence E. Mulford's Sprigg Harwood, Paul Nelson, Anne orary membership to the fraternity. THE COLLEGE BARBER MAGAZINES Hop.Along·Casidy Story Chew, Alice Johnson, Janet McVean, She was formally initiated February AND BOBBER "TRAIL DUST" Allie Mae Moxley, Eleanor Taylor, 14. AT THE FORKS NEWSPAPER SERVICE Eileen Henze, Martha Wilmer. CANDY With William Boyd and At the next meeting on Thursday, Dorothy Vinup and Ann Maxwell Jimmy Ellison March 4, in the "Y" room, the names attended the Tri-Diocesan College ICE CREAM MON.,-TUES., FEB. 22_23 of junior transfer students will be Conference at the Pro-Cathedral in FOUNTAIN SERVICE voted on. Lora Outten, who is now Baltimore from Feb. 5th to 7th, 1937. 'l'he "D 0 DSWO RTH" working for his Master's degree, will Two delegates came from each of the Drug Store CIGARETTES With Walter Huston, Mary report on the research work he did fourteen colleges represented. The for Astor, Paul Lucas and last summer at Solomon's Island. dioceses present were Washington, I Drop into Ruth Chatterton Plans will be discussed for the annual College Students banquet. WED.,-THUR., FEB. 24·25 Macken~ie's HERSHEY'S "THE GAY DESPERADO" A discussion of two current articles occupied the attention of I. R. c. at Men! DRUG STORE With pino Nino and Martini, Ida Lu· Leo Carrillo its last meeting. "Hitler Looks East- ward", by A. C. Wolfe in the Atl4ntic Next to StfiLc 'l'hentre Manthly for February was reviewed by Ann Chew, followed by a discus- The Junior Prom sion of the expansionist policies of Germany by the club. Means Flowers WESTERN MARYLAND "Always An Appealing Menu" Janet MacVean gave the contribu- tion of Mr. Crotch in his article and Coffee Shop "Whither Mussolini." The conflict- BEARD'S RESTAURANT Flowers Mean Dutterer's AND RESTAURANT John W. Beard, Proprietor • Quality and Service See "Reds" Bender or "Peck" SODA Catering To -AT- Siaysman SANDWICHES PRIVATE PARTIES BANQUETS - CARD PARTIES LUNCH Room 24 LOWEST PRICES DINNERS OWINGS HALL • 17-19 East Main Street PRIVATE DINING ROOMS J." F. MOORE, Griffin's Goodie Shop S. N. Dutterer. Florist "Good Food-And Manager Phone 427 SECOND FLOOR How!"_ Opposite State Theatre 110 Pennsylvania Avenue Never Closed BILLIARDS AND BOWLING IN REAR
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